Perez Hilton issues long non-apology, argues w/ John Mayer on Twitter

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Perez Hilton has issued a long block of text that is supposed to resemble an apology but reads like yet another histrionic justification for hurling a gay slur at Will.I.Am outside a Toronto club on Sunday. Perez initially put out an 11 minute long overemotional video in which he defended his use of the anti-gay “f” word, and expressed shock and outrage that he got punched in the eye after spitting the slur at Will. He admitted that he was trying to provoke the guy but said that violence is never the answer. Will.I.Am did not punch Perez, and Perez alleges that it was the manager of the Black Eyed Peas, Polo Molina, who had the honor. Video of the incident shows that there were plenty of surprised witnesses to Perez’s hate-filled verbal attack and that any number of people could have retaliated.

After Perez admitted using the “f” word, with the excuse that he wanted to say the most offensive thing possible to Will, calling him a “thug,” the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, GLAAD, issued a call for Perez to apologize. They said that the “f” word is incredibly dehumanizing and inflammatory, and they don’t want this high profile incident to make the word seem acceptable.

Perez then got all indignant again and refused to apologize, saying that he was a victim and GLAAD should be apologizing to him instead of victimizing him further for calling him out on his hateful behavior.

Now Perez is backtracking just a little while still playing the poor victim card. The gist of this very long message is that Perez is probably a little bit sorry, although he never uses the words “sorry,” “I apologize,” or “I was wrong.” He still wants us to pity him for getting a beat down. It’s amazing he’s capable of writing this much considering how a few super rude juvenile lines of text usually suffice for stories on his site:

“Words can hurt. I know that very well, from both sides of the fence. The other night in Toronto, after feeling physically threatened by a verbally abusive Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas, I chose the most hurtful word I know to hurl at him. I was in an out-of-the ordinary situaton and used a word that I would not utter under normal circumstances. My intention – however misguided it may have been – was to stand up for myself and tell this belligerent man that I had enough of his badgering and was not going to continue to let him berate and intimidate me. I wanted to hurt him with the word I chose, not anyone else. Unfortunately, the one who got hurt was me and, subsequently, a lot of other people. I wish none of it had happened. I can’t take it back. I did what I thought was best at the moment to stand up for myself in a non-violent yet still assertive way. Clearly, I am not homophobic. Also, I am not nor have I ever claimed to be a spokesperson for the gay community. I am just speaking for myself, a gay man. One who is labeled “flamboyant” in the media. An American that is not granted equal rights under the law. I will continue to speak out for equality and I will continue to say things that upset both gay people and straight people. Who I am as a person and what I do for a living are two separate things. I’ve come to terms with all my incongruities and am proud of who I am and what I do. In closing, words can hurt. But words should not provoke someone to violence. Stripped away from the mask of Perez Hilton, I have been extremely bothered by the public reaction to my assault. Violence should never be condoned with such statements as “It’s Karma” or “I don’t believe in violence but….”. In fact, several television and radio shows over the past couple of days echoed the sentiment “He had it coming”. Would they have said the same thing if I was a woman? Would I have “deserved it” if I had been stabbed? Or shot? Or killed? I was attacked from behind without warning and repeatedly punched in the head in a cold, disgusting and unnecessarily violent manner by Polo Molina, the road manager for the Black Eyed Peas, who I did not even speak with that evening. I did not share any words with him and his assault on me was completely unprovoked. I feel like everything happens for a reason and I leave this traumatic experience as a person with more compassion. Specifically, there was an instance last year when actor Jesse Metcalfe was attacked outside of a Hollywood nightclub by a fellow entertainer. I did not condone the violence, but I did make light of that situation. I regret that. Sincerely. There are many ways to deal with disagreements, both good and bad, but violence is never the answer. Never. I now know that first-hand. It should not be condoned, promoted or accepted. No one “deserves” to be the victim of violence. No one “has it coming.” NO ONE. And victims should not be ridiculed. I look forward to marching for equality in Washington, D.C. this October. And I look forward to standing up for my rights in a Toronto courtroom shortly, as I fully intend to seek every lawful remedy against the man that attacked me.”

[From Perez Hilton]

I love how he says “in closing” in the exact middle of his super long rant. This is the guy who called for Isaiah Washington to be fired for using that same f word and who has outed several celebrities who would have prefered to keep their orientation secret. The minute the table is slightly turned he freaks out and acts like the whole world is against him. He got a black eye. Of course violence is never the answer and he should take the perpetrator to court, but you can’t just get all mean and scream obscenities at someone and then get shocked when someone punches you for it.

John Mayer has been arguing with Perez through Twitter, telling him to stop being a drama queen, basically:

“From the heart,” Mayer writes to Perez, “what you experienced these last 24 hrs is a profound lack of control. You can’t blog the world, my friend.”

The argument consisted of over a dozen saucy back-and-forth posts. Perez tirelessly defends his honor while Mayer suggests better ways Perez could have handled the situation with Will.I.Am, going as far as to cite rules of the Israeli martial art, Krav Maga.

Here’s a taste:

Mayer: Perez Hilton’s video statement is so long that by the end of it his cut healed.

Perez: That’s real funny! Ha ha! And I’m sure you also think I “deserved” to get hit!

Mayer: I also want to train you in an old martial art called “Never Call A Black Dude a F**got Jitsu.”

Perez: Dude, I get it. I GET IT. But it’s not f**king funny to me. Karma would be me losing my site and going bankrupt or what have u.

And as if the whole world coming down on the sassy blogger weren’t enough, Mayer tops off his beef by calling Perez a “dumb sh*t.”

[From TMZ]

I don’t really believe in karma. (I brought this up in a story about David Carradine.) I believe more in consequences. It’s not karma when someone gets punched for getting up in someone’s face – it’s common sense. Perez obviously needs some. Yes he is a victim in his way, but he lacks the ability to see that verbal abuse can also be painful and cruel – or maybe he just doesn’t care unless he’s on the receiving end.

Perez is shown at a Prop 8 rally on 5/26/09. Credit:

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57 Responses to “Perez Hilton issues long non-apology, argues w/ John Mayer on Twitter”

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  1. photo jojo says:

    So… NO H8… except for the people Perez CHOOSES to hate. I get it now. One time, when my kids were 4 & 6, I heard my older one teasing her younger brother and him telling her repeatedly to stop. She kept on, he kept telling her to stop. Finally he said “Stop or I will punch you”. And she kept on… followed by her brother punching her. When she came crying to me I asked her if she was warned she was about to get punched. She said “Yeah” and I said “Well, next time you might wanna listen!” Perez, take a hint: you talk enough smack, sooner or later someone is gonna throw a punch.

  2. Persistent Cat says:

    What a jack-ass. Seriously, if I’m screaming insults at someone, I’m expecting a fight. He got in a fight in a bar, end of story. Blah blah violence is not the answer blah blah. He provoked it, he got hit.

    Funny he used such a hateful word in Toronto. Gay marriage is legal in Ontario.

  3. Liz says:

    john mayer ROCKS!

  4. Cece says:

    He’s an idiot. I feel like punching him right now.

  5. KAR says:

    PEREZ its appears its ok to say horrible things about people….pick apart everyone elses lives…but as soon as someone challenges you…you cant take it! I used to be a super fan of you make me sick! you are a mean, bitter, pathetic excuse of a human being.

    I myself am glad someone let you have it…its about time!

    Get off the internet…you stink it up with you immature take on people that actually have lives!!!

    Isnt your office in a cafe??? Pathetic!!!

    Go away…the internet will not miss you..

  6. vale says:

    He really believes that what he said was “non-violent yet assertive”. What I gathered from the video and the things written, William asked him to stop writing about his band, which is legit when all the dude does is spit vile and go as far as calling Fergie ugly a tranny and what else you will. The “fucking fa–ot” insult back was the hurl of a weak man, it was in no way assertive. He knew what he was doing. When you say something to intentionally hurt or piss off someone, you KNOW there’s a good chance it’ll turn physical. He took the lowest road possible.
    Also, if you read his twitter shitstorm against Mark Ronson , who also asked him not write about him or his family, you’ll see how weak he is. Whether the words are written or said.

  7. Letty says:

    I think in the close-gay-douche bag-Mayer should shut up and stay out of it. Mayer is mad he got stone cold busted in a lie about making out with Perez. In the closet Mayer will use any body to get media attention. The next time John Gayer insult a women he should get punched.
    I wonder why John Gayer follow Perez’s tale so much. I think John got a serious thing for Perez.

  8. KAR says:

    PEREZ you give gays around the world a bad name!

  9. K-MAC says:

    I love John Mayer! Good for him for telling Perez he is an idiot (in so many words)….and Will.I.AM schooled Perez…Perez needs to learn to keep his big, fat mouth shut. He does not get to use the f** word for himself and yet scream for people to be fired or issue an apology when another uses it…abuse is abuse and Perez needs to learn that verbal is just as bad. He got punch because he is a moron and you do not get to call people names without them responding how they see fit….PEREZ YOU GOT HIT BECAUSE YOU PROVOKED A FIGHT! No one feels sorry for you. Stop crying. Suck it up and take some responsibility.

  10. truth-SF says:

    Perez, the saying should be more like: unprovoked violence is not the answer.
    You getting sucker punched seems to be the best response for your crazy tirades.

  11. elusive says:

    Ha! In a Toronto court room….Not likely. If his full lenght rant is still up, even he said the police had better things do do then deal with perez getting slapped a little. I can’t believe someone hadn’t done it sooner.

  12. ash says:

    Wow, I haven’t liked Mayer lately, but this is quite funny.

  13. Samantha says:

    He is playing up the “victim” card and its truly disgusting. I don’t see what he typed as an apology, but more as a “FEEL SORRY FOR ME!” rant. He did not call him an f– to calm the storm so to speak. He yelled it at him after the argument was pretty much over, because he didn’t want it to end. Of course I am sure he never expected to get punched in the face…so maybe he learned a valuble lesson. Talk crap and eventually someone is going to catch you with a flying fist of fury.

  14. Kim says:

    Mayer the media whore is at it again. Thi had what to do with JM????? What about all the horrible coments JM said about Jessica Simpson, what about saying “He only date stupid girls.” Mayer is not much better. Pink should have gave JM a black eye so every one could see it.
    JM is just as digusting as his f-ck partner Perez. JM is always trying to ride some ones back up the ladder.

  15. Mrs.Darcy says:

    I think this guy gets whatever he deserves, and I’m a total gossip hound. I used to visit his site but haven’t been back and never will ever since he posted picks of Marcia Cross getting medicine for her chemotherapy undergoing husband and made fun of him for being constipated – as most chemo patients are. The guy is a cretinous slug without a soul as far as I’m concerned and deserves no one’s sympathy for any of the atrocities he perpetrates.

  16. bagladey says:

    Pez Hilton is a punk-ass bitch and got what he had coming. I’ve even stopped hatin’ on John Mayer for the moment.

  17. Ursula says:

    Where do we join the Will. I. AM club. Perez, I know you hate this but …ahem, you should have seen this coming…

    I believe in Karma and Perez got his just-deserts let him enjoy being hated and ridiculed. Now that the shoe is turned, let him know what feels like for the whole world to turn against you. Michael K at dlisted is comic without being evil and vindictive. Perez is scum of the earth. I hope he visits all sites and see what the whole world thinks about him. Hopefully he will get too depressed and go away.

  18. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    I’m over this. We need to move on. Far too much time has been wasted on late talking about people named ‘Hilton’.

  19. geronimo says:

    What a pile of self-serving, steaming shite. 🙄

  20. Wench. says:

    Aw, Mayer. Kudos!

    This bit annoyed the heck outta’ me:

    “Specifically, there was an instance last year when actor Jesse Metcalfe was attacked outside of a Hollywood nightclub by a fellow entertainer. I did not condone the violence, but I did make light of that situation. I regret that. Sincerely.”

    Urgh, lying cretin. Just a whingey little baby that can dish it out but cries to Twitter when it’s given back.

  21. Miss Wanderlust says:

    This is why i switched to Celebitchy more than two years ago, the lack of intelligence by PH and his fans/readers and his big hypocrisy will be his downfall in the end !
    Can’t stand him after the way he reacted when Britney had her breakdown and her(small)children where involved, now he has one of his own and he expects that the whole world feels sorry for him ?

    He is also stupid enough to mention he mokked Jessy Metcalfe last year when the same thing happened…everybody forgot about that incident or didn’t even know he did that to JM…how stupid can you be Mario ???
    He probably has a guilty conscience…as far as a narcist can have one ? The more he talks the more he digs his own grave ? Just go away PH

    As i said yesterday i’m not a big fan of mister Mayer but now i(almost)get him.
    I hope that the BEP albumsales go trough the roof after this incident !
    Perez Hilton…Delusional with a capital D !!!

  22. Tia C says:

    Perez needs to face the fact that he has singlehandedly made a total and complete A$$ of himself. I’m truly surprised he doesn’t get punched more often.

  23. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    Does anyone else find it totally ridiculous that Perez called Will.I.Am a “thug”? Or that he even thinks of him as a thug?

    Why, Perez? Because he’s black? Please. Will.I.Am is about as far from a thug as you can get. Perez is spouting some racist assumptions, in addition to self-hating homophobic insults.

  24. Sauronsarmy says:

    “Would they have said the same thing if I was a woman?”

    I can not believe he had the BALLS to say something like this. Oh yeah, really convenient that NOW you thinking about women?

  25. Miss Wanderlust says:

    Being assertive has nothing to do with insulting or provoking somebody but speaking your mind in a intelligent and calm way is….he is too stupid to know the difference !!!
    After the Isaiah Washington & Miss California incident and the way he reacted to that i’m suprised he really thought he can get away with his behaviour ?
    If he didn’t want drama in his life he should have reacted different or sought counselling privately ? Crazy is as crazy does.

    Kuddos…Lizzie for the Thug comment, i am black and not every black person is a thug !!! Maybe the NAACP should ask for an apology also….just to freak him out, HIGH SCHOOL IS OVER DUDE !

  26. RB says:

    This guy is such a non-talented nobody, why is anyone giving him the time of day anymore?

    Hilton – He wishes.

  27. Lizzard says:

    OMG! There is no possible way that Perez Hilton wrote that himself. If you ever read anything on his site; his use of grammar is elementary at best and he spells every other word wrong. That “apology” has words I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even know the meaning of if he took up a Webster’s dictionary and studied it for a year.

    He’s always the first to point out what awful role models certain people are. Like it or not he is the face of the gay community. His actions/words and his continued effort to out people and to change the political views of many have proven that. As sick and twisted as it is, I’m sure there are people out there who think of him as some sort of role model.

    The whole incident is one that could have easily been avoided. All Will was trying to do was to get Perez to treat his band and friends with some common respect. How can that get out of hand? Perez is a whiny little B* of a man-girl. His black eye is a total joke too. I’ve gotten worse bruises from bumping into a coffee table or a wall (I’m sorta clumsy) and I’ve gotten far worse than any of that by being accidentaly hit in the face at a concert.

    I guess I can see where he’s going with the no one deserves to be violated in a violent matter. However, every action has a reaction. Obviously he was saying the things he was saying to get some kind of response back and don’t tell me he didn’t think there would be retaliation from a party involved.

    I think Perez’s 15 are finally up now, can he go away?

  28. RB says:

    His real name:Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr.
    In this biography it says that Paris Hilton is the source for his nickname Perez Hilton.

  29. wow says:

    “I don’t believe in karma. I believe in consequences. It’s not karma when someone gets punched for getting up in someone’s face – it’s common sense.”

    Okay? That pretty much says it all right there and wraps it up in a pretty big bow with the “common sense” part.

    And if Perez was indeed a girl and talked smack like that using the same wording and having the same history of being vile, then yes – she would have it coming too. Like I said before, not everyone is sane enough to just walk away. You can’t just pop off on anyone because some people are LOOKING for a fight. I can’t tell my annoying coworker what I truly think of her because there would be consequences.

    Perez picked the wrong Pea to mess with. They roll deep.

  30. ER says:

    Why is Mayer in this? Sounds like Douche bag Mayer’s is trying to climb out of his douche hole. He and Perez are just a like. That’s right Mayer get your pr team on this so you can jump in some body else business to come out smelling like a rose. Jennifer Aniston’s got another movie premeire may be you can play fake boytoy again.

  31. @wow says:

    By your statement, I wonder when the charges against Chris Brown will be dropped. When will Rush Limbaugh get punched because if you hit him charges will be pressed and there will be a trial. So let me know because I’m going to go punch Rush. Then the closes gay person that pushing for gay rights. My point is there is no end to who deserve a punch. So nobody should get punched. Freedom of speech. This is America.

  32. Neelyo says:

    I hope this hits him where it really hurts, his pocketbook.

    I am tempted to visit his website, find out who the advertisers are and write them to get off of his site.

  33. Shane says:

    This guy is EXACTLY like a schoolyard bully. He tosses insults around, pumps up his own psyche, but when someone stands up to him and pops him in the nose he runs crying to the hall monitor.

  34. Jazz says:

    I stopped going to his site ages ago, it was just too nasty. I get my snark from dlisted.

  35. MARKY MARK says:

    Poor Perez (Mario, whatever)–Wake up and realize that NO ONE is with you in this.
    At some point we all come to realize that our actions cause reactions. & I don’t think that this judge is going to be impressed with your twitter rant and verbal diarrhea on your website.


  36. Annie says:

    ROFL. Wow. I actually like John Mayer more after that.

    Why is Perez Hilton even worthy of a mention on other blogs? I mean really…

  37. CMW says:

    Perez is such a twat.

  38. wow says:

    Freedom of speech comes comes with consequences. Just because you have a right to say it doesn’t mean you won’t get your ass kicked. That’s how it is. Slurs like that should not be tolerated. Expecially from a guy who is all pro-gay when it gives him publicity but then uses the same derogatory slur in trying to rile up someone.

    In other words, don’t bring it if you can’t back it. Perez gets no sympathy from me. At all. We’re not in the 1800’s. It’s 2009. You don’t know what people’s mental make-up is. If you have a dispute and its getting heated then BE MATURE and WALK AWAY. He chose to mouth off and is now suffering the consequences. Period. The End.

    @Neelyo – I am soooo LOVING your idea. Let’s do that!

  39. irl says:

    what a pussy!
    he should take a deep breath and calm down – then get over it.
    he carry’s on like he got seriously hurt when he didn’t.
    so he got punched for running his fat mouth.
    that’s life on the playground.
    he is so over reacting – but I know, attention whores do that.

  40. Tazina says:

    And yet his website pulls in millions of people every day. He’s getting rich from it. But still it’s a nice thing to think back on, those few punches he got in the head.

  41. dubdub2000 says:

    whine, whine, whine

    Not to make light of Prop 8, but as I love how californians get to vote on everything I want to introduce a Prop 0 the point of which would be for Perez Hilton to be banned from gaydom forever as , as Kar said, he gives gays around the world a very bad name.


  42. v says:

    Perez Hilton IS a Black Eyed P-(iece of shit)

  43. CeeJay says:

    The slur was a true insight into how this guy really feels about his own lifestyle. He is not “out and proud”. He is “out” for the purpose of making money and latching onto popular causes.

    He is the worst kind of leech and the gay community knows it. If truth were to be told GlAAD wants NOTHING to do with this guy. He is an embarrassment to us and our goals.

    A relative of mine who has also long been involved in GLAAD efforts, and is a well-respected gay advocate in Key West, tells me that no one in his circle appreciates what Perez stands for. It is not enough that he uses the cop out that he is one person as “Perez” and another as private citizen
    Mario Lavandeira.

    He verbally attacked with the same slur that has gotten A list actors fired from well-paid acting jobs. He is a hypocrite.

    His latest “statement” offers no apology to anyone including GLAAD or the people we represent. His agenda has been exposed and it will be remembered for a long, long time to come.

    My understanding is that he has been asked by GLAAD not to attend the rally in Washington D.C. in October and that he is peeing in his pants because he has a ton of self-promoting media interviews planned around the event. He has used GLAAD for the last time.

    I’d walk with Isaiah Washington hand in hand any time over Mario Lavendeira. At least Isiah took the time to look into his motives for using the slur and then followed it up with a sincere apology for his misguided anger.

  44. Gigohead says:

    June 24th, 2009 at 10:07 am

    Glad Mario’s getting it where it hurts! His own peeps is turning on him. Rightfully so. Perez outs gay celebrities like it’s duty to do so. It’s like McCarthy all over again. Leave people in peace.

    I was also appalled that he went ahead and published gay sex photos of Milk’s screenwriter (I forgot him name). Come on! Protect your own people, not put them to shame and spectacle for homophobes. I thought it was so tragic that Perez didn’t show some restraint and help lessen the embarrassment of this man.

  45. ziggybutterfly says:

    Every time you visit Perez Hilton’s website, it is buzzed up and he makes more advertising dollars. Stop visiting his site, his income dries up. I stopped reading him long ago, celebitchy and D listed now.

  46. notso says:

    Me = quietly waiting the in the “5 Tickets to Punch Mario” line at the fair.

    I want to win the biggest stuffed animal possible!

  47. notso says:

    Amen Ziggy. It seems there are many of us who read these two sites instead. Hooray!

  48. BJ says:

    I also want to know what John Mayer had to do with this. John didn’t have any reservation when he was making out with Perez while Perez did the same thing on his site. Mayer is also a douche bag looking for attention again as always. Perez and John are both douche.

  49. yasmin says:

    Calling someone the F word is NOT ASSERTIVE. It is confrontational, aggressive, provokative… Not even slightly assertive.

    “I chose the most hurtful word I know to hurl at him” — So fag is the most hurtful word you know? This is why I don’t think Perez is gay at all. Plus, the way he outs other celebs, as a gay man he should understand that its totally private and personal thing… but he doesn’t get it. So, I’m not convinced he is gay.

  50. yasmin says:

    “Would they have said the same thing if I was a woman?”


  51. MiuMiu says:

    i fell head over heals in love with Mayer on this.

    he may be a `douche` but Mayer is smart -the kind of smart that takes hollywood for a ride, and allows hollywood to reveal its shallowness.

    GO MAYER!!

  52. Thhbbb! says:

    I do not read Perez’s blog and am not a fan but still think it unprofessional for a band manager (is he in jr high?) to think it appropriate to slug a twat over “mean words”, boo-fkn-hoo, grow up.

    But Perez has made enemies, so peoples are thrilled.

  53. gg says:

    He’s a total Charlatan.

  54. hello... says:

    good one v: Perez Hilton IS a Black Eyed P-(iece of shit)

    Is it ok if i punch the sh!t out of Fox News (Hannity) now?????

  55. BlueSkies says:

    His core problem is vagina and breast envy. Most gay men sport this disease. Typical of gay guy bloggers, they obsess on either older or unattractive woman to make themselves feel better.

    Any attractive woman has had a close gay guy friend, most likely but has also suffered the wrath of envious, not-so-hot looking gay guys. They’re worse that beat looking woman. Nasty!

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  57. Just started getting into Krav and it seems to be awesome so far. Hopefully I can learn to eventually kick some criminal butt if I get in a jam.