Gisele talks babies, her ‘big husband’ & being an ‘adoptive mother’

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Last week, People Magazine got the honor of officially declaring Gisele Bundchen pregnant. The general consensus is that when People says it (and I’m paraphrasing Jaybird), it’s like the People editors are holding the pregnancy test in their hands. People’s sources even gave a vague due date, saying that Gisele would give birth sometime“early next year”. In this week’s new Life & Style magazine, however, they’re claiming that Gisele’s baby is due in December. December 14th, to be exact. Suffice to say, when Life & Style prints something, it’s like the editor is just jotting down bullsh-t in the toilet.

Gisele sat down for an television and web interview with Brazil’s Fantastico. You can see the interview here, but you’ll need a translator. But there are two bonuses – first, Gisele’s voice is quite nice when she’s speaking in her mother tongue – while her English is very good, her voice is different (and annoying) when she’s speaking English. She sounds a lot better on Fantastico. Secondly, her face has started to fill out, and she actually looks adorable with rosy pregnancy cheeks.

People has a translation of some of the highlights from the interview. Gisele talks mostly about how she is “crazy about children” (I believe that) and how she’s totally head-over-heels in love with Tom (those are the hormones talking). She calls Tom her “big husband” which could just be a weird translation. Another weird translation – I think – is when she refers to herself as baby John Moynahan’s “adoptive mother”. Um… no, Gisele, you are his step-mom, not his adoptive mother. Bridget might end up cutting this girl:

Pregnant with her first child, supermodel Gisele Bundchen is focusing on family and home life these days.

“I am crazy about children … I am an adoptive mother … I’ve already had this experience for two years,” she says in a recent TV interview with Brazil’s Fantastico, of her relationship with husband Tom Brady’s 21-month-old son John Brady, whose mother is actress Bridget Moynahan.

Bündchen also raves about getting hitched this past Spring. “I think I’ve met the right person, my partner, my companion,” she says. “I already knew that we would get married a year and a half before we got married. We felt it. The heart spoke louder.”

When the heart speaks, priorities change, she adds. “Before … I had to go out, had to work. Now I think about it twice, three times, four times. So I only do the things that I really want to do,” Bündchen says. “I prefer to stay at home. The big husband wins. Because of this relationship, what is most important to me is the family. Now I am creating my other family.”

And, in addition to preparing for her new baby, she wants to prepare … dinner. Says Bündchen, who turns 29 in July, “I am Cancer. I want to stay at home, cooking, relaxing. You have to follow the heart.”

[From People]

Gisele usually plucks my last nerve, but I find myself hoping she stays safe and stays happy with Tom. That was her plan all along – all of these celebrity women become more popular when they get knocked up. The moms amongst us feel sorry for what she’s going through during her pregnancy, and the child-free amongst us have a great time seeing all of the weight she gains. I have a feeling that Gisele is going to have a Heidi Klum-type pregnancy… meaning, Gisele is just going to look prettier pregnant. Because that’s just how the cookie crumbles.

Gisele Bundchen is shown in Sao Paulo, Brazil at fashion week on 6/15/09. Credit:

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22 Responses to “Gisele talks babies, her ‘big husband’ & being an ‘adoptive mother’”

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  1. rarahrarah says:

    my gosh, falling down?

  2. Cidee says:

    WHEN will this chick shut up about her stepson??? She clearly does it to p*ss off Bridget. It makes it hard for me to be happy for her. Why can’t she just stepmother quietly? If I was Bridget I’d beat her down (figuratively, of course, in her present state).

  3. happymom says:

    I don’t get the Gisele hate. I still don’t get what the big deal is with her loving her stepson-why this is so horrific. And let’s cut her some slack here-English is NOT her first language-so if she called him her “adoptive son”-whatever.

  4. geronimo says:

    Poor Gisele. Can’t say right for saying wrong. Not allowed to be happy with her husband, not allowed to fall in love with his kid, oh no, all self-serving and all about her having a supposed dig at his ex. 🙄
    I think she’s gorgeous and will look even more gorgeous pregnant.

  5. vanesa says:

    I don’t think anyone is saying Gisele can’t be happy with her husband and stepson.

    What a lot of people are saying is that her public remarks and the words she uses (e.g. 100% mine, adoptive mother, etc.) about John are highly insensitive to John’s mother, Bridget.

    After the Vanity Fair article Gisele should know that, yet she keeps blabbing.

    Gisele and Tom profess to be private people, yet all Gisele does is run off her diarrhea mouth about her private life. Don’t try and claim you are a private person and at the same time do an interview like Vanity Fair! What a freakin’ hypocrite!

    She’s not above stretching the truth to try and make herself look better.

    For example, she really hasn’t been in John’s life for 2 years. The kids is yet 2 years old (close but still not 2), and she never even saw him during the first several months of his life.

  6. Laura says:

    Well, hes a football player – she’s tall, but he’s huge, big bone, tough – and i hate him!…as a football player (boo New England).

    I like her and all, but i just don’t understand, she was the $1 supermodel in the world — but shes kinda ugly…she has great hair, banging body and all, not hating, but i just don’t get it.

    I also think, we’re just so big on labels. Yeah, she’s a step-mom, but i think to her, and other foreign countries, they dont get too technical…although she should prolly learn the how we do if she doesnt want people hating on her for that.

  7. Bliss says:

    She will be such a pretty mommy! I bet she’ll snap right back into shape!

  8. DD says:

    Love that she thinks she’s the adoptive mother… haha

  9. Ursula says:

    She does look rosier. She will be a beautiful momma, what she said is not adoptive mom, it losely translates as that, it generally means someone in parental position.

    People should take a chill pill. She is doing her best and has not stolen little John and refused to give her to his mother. Kudos to her for not giving in to all the bullying and stopping to talk about him. She is in his life and she loves him. Jada Pinkett recently said she sees herself in her step son Trey, no one is throwing stones at her yet.

  10. Iggles says:

    Ugh, this airheaded chick is annoying. I don’t think she and Tom will last. If a man treats his ex horribly, he will eventually dog you too!

  11. jennifer aniston says:

    i never saw her appeal

  12. Patricia says:

    I find Gisele amazing. She s so down to earth. About being an “adoptive mother” the presenter translated it wrong when he talked about her as a stepmom , according to him “adoptive mother” in portuguese. i didnt see her babbling about him once this comment was also done by the presenter.

  13. RobN says:

    It’s clearly a translation error, but why talk publicly about the kid at all? Brady keeps his mouth shut and his life private, why can’t she manage to do it? Perhaps the relationship with Bridget would be a lot happier if her kid didn’t get dragged into the media all the time to show what a nice person Gisele is.

  14. Oenix says:

    ALL I am going to say is that in my own culture is it quite alrigh to speak of the love you have for your step-children without it being interpreted as STEPPING on their mother’s toes. An emotionally intelligent and secure mother not only appreciates it but sometimes even encourages the bond. No mother. Most certainly, no child has ever benefitted from having an evil step-mom…. so if Gisele genuinely loves Bridget’s little munchkin. Good for Bridget. Even BETTER for the little guy. Everyone else – stay out fo it and back off Gisele.

  15. Ana says:

    Meh, I think it’s just weird translation.

  16. princess pee says:

    I haven’t watched the interview… but I’d venture a guess that she talks about lil’ John AT ALL because the interviewers ask. I honestly don’t feel as if she “runs her mouth off” all the time. She gets interviewed, but it’s not like she’s John Mayer holding court with the paps and making asinine statements every day. In fact, in pap videos she pretty much ignores them while they yell nasty things at her. If she refused to comment on the baby in an interview, you know we’d hear a lot of bitching from the Bridget-fans that she is cold and unloving and obviously doesn’t care about the little boy.
    I work with live translators a lot in my job, and the fact of the matter is that it’s not a perfect science.

  17. dovesgate says:

    I’m guessing it’s a weird translation too. In any language, there are turns of phrase that don’t translate properly into another language. The interview transcribed above sounds awkward so she probably used the phrase closest to “stepson” in that language. I bet the natives got it, its the person translating who doesn’t get it.

  18. BlueSkies says:

    After the last screw up, I believe she knows what she is saying. It’s a passive-aggressive dig at that Brigdet girl. The proof is that she got pregnant so soon after marrying Tom. She can’t stand the fact that Bridget has a permanent link to Tom and gave him a son. It’s killing Gisele and that’s why she lays it on too thick about loving the stepson. It’s human nature and this dumb butterfaced model is trying to put on a different front on how she really feels. She isn’t fooling anyone who has a brain. Her comments are made to piss off Bridget while looking like the secure, loving ‘2nd wife’. She freaked out and married Tom after Leo replaced her as a beard with Bar Rafeali, who landed SI cover also. Gisele is in a competition with everyone because deep down she knows she’s no beauty and is really insecure about it. Her choice of wedding dress says a lot. This is what happens when you make a name for yourself on a fluke, you have to keep convincing yourself and everyone else.

  19. adamantia claus says:

    This girl is just wicked stupid. Only a ninny would keep, “adorably” misspeaking her intentions and level of involvement with somone else’s child. The way she presents herself in the media towards her husbands love child you’d think she and Lurch Brady were having to take in the child from a crackmom. Its weird, like she’s adopting an orphan like Madonna.
    Models. If she keeps doing this, I’m gonna volunteer to HOLD HER for Bridget so she can slap her child’s name outta this idiot’s mouff.
    If Brady was ANY kind of man he’d put a stop to her little comments in the press. And as I posted before, didnt he POINTEDLY say in the Vanity Fair article that he HAD MORE THAN ENOUGH ON HIS PLATE childwise and DID NOT WANT ANOTHER CHILD? Then the following month they’re expecting? Even allowing for the months between interview and publication that’s quite the flipflop.
    Models. Jocks. Egads.
    Shame on us for even talking about this nonsense. I’m going to look at CNN.

  20. Magsy says:

    Can’t stand either one of them. They both know they’re good-looking. Neither sems to have much of a personality either. God help me, I think I actually prefer Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson. At
    least they act more down to earth.

  21. Mimi says:

    GhostGirl @ 06/26/2009 at 4:43 am

    Z- There is a gossip flying around saying that you’re pregnant. Are you pregnant?
    G- Gossip is poison. Did you know that?
    Z- Now are you married.
    G- I’ve found the right person for me, my partner and my mate.
    Z- After two years of dating.
    G- One year and a half before the wedding I already knew I’d end up marrying him, we already knew the marriage was in our way.
    Z- How? Why?
    G- We feel it was the right thing, we talked about it.
    Z- So you decided to follow your heart?
    G- Yes. The heart always talks louder.
    Z- Imagine this, you’re at your home enjoying home’s life and then you have to work. You do it or will stay at home?
    G- Depends on the work. Years ago I did everything, I did go to work anytime and anywhere. Now I think twice sometimes many more before coming with a decision. Today I do what I really want. If I don’t like something, I stay at home.
    Z- So your husband wins?
    G- Yes, he wins.
    Z- The marriage changed you in more ways.
    G- I always think family is the most important thing always, even before the relationship. Now I’m building my own family. Before my family was my parents and my sisters, they still are tremendously important to me and they’re my life.
    Z- It was great you touched in the issue. Do you like children?
    G- I always loved children. Children are pure and sweet. You’ve to see my niece, she’s the princess of Bundchen’s castle.
    Z- Do you want to have children?
    G- I think things should happen naturally, there’s no hurry. The first big already thing happened, I’ve found my partner. Now I think is better we enjoy our lives, keep on discovering and learning more about each other. Life is rolling and we should just keep the rhythm, growing and developing.
    Z- We insist on the issue of maternity.
    G- I’m a stepmom. I think I have some experience on the issue, I got from these last two years.
    Z- And this experience is already preparing Gisele to be a mother someday. When you become a mother, you’ll think less about work
    G- I already do it. I don’t think about myself or anything less important when John is with me. I don’t work and I don’t answer phone calls. Nothing gets me.
    Z- You’ll be a overprotective mother?
    G- I only can pity my children. My poor child.

  22. Tied Up says:

    OK, I really believe, Gisele is just happy about her new hubby! But we as women know that being his wife probably wasn’t enough with this love triangle. So even though she has Tom I think she wanted to seal the deal and ONE UP BRIDGET ONCE N FOR ALL, BY GETTING PREGNANT. We know men enjoy their time with their wives, n Catholic or no not, Tom wanted to beat that up just a little while longer B4 being ignored by the absolutely gorgeous little baby, that SUPER HOT MODEL Gisele will give birth to. She will create her own drama with Tom bcause she should have really bonded and concentrated on building that marrial SOLID FOUNDATION b4 adding a more complicated situation. Once the excitment of the goes away the real work begins. BE HONEST MEN, U WOULD WANT 2 ENJOY UR WIFE 4 A LITTLE WHILE B4 SHARING her body mind n soul. Bridget have ur cronies stand back n laugh every now n then. Tom has alraedy said ONE IS ENUF! but now they can’t drop the baby at ur house n jeyset to Brazil or wherever they go, LMAO!!!