Here are some photos from last night’s New York premiere of Mary Queen of Scots. Saoirse Ronan plays Mary, and Margot Robbie plays the ageing Queen Elizabeth I. The more I hear about this film, the more I think Margot was miscast and they should have gotten someone older to play QEI, but whatever. Apparently, Margot and Saoirse got along very well during filming, and they posed together quite happily at the premiere.
Saoirse wore an interesting Gucci dress to the premiere – this has a lot going on, from ruffled shenanigans on the shoulder and collar, to the writing on the skirt, to the bejeweled heart (??) at her waist. All in all, I think this is very overworked and could have used some editing. But I actually don’t hate it? Saoirse is so beautiful, you have to really try to make her look terrible, and Gucci didn’t try hard enough.
Margot Robbie wore Chanel, like she’s been wearing throughout this promotional tour. I actually forgot that she was named a Chanel ambassador this year, and that she’s doing print ads for the fashion house. So…Chanel is giving Margot some of their best looks. This gown isn’t terrible, but the high halter neck isn’t youthful, and all in all, this could have been a lot better.
Also at the premiere: Joe Alwyn and his neck beard. Ugh!! If Joe *has* to have a scraggly beard, can Taylor Swift somehow convince him to shave that mess on his neck??
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Huge no on both of their dresses, but Saoirse’s is much worse as that think on her waist looks like a parasite trying to burrow its way into her body. And the neck beard, yuck. Is there anyone who finds that attractive? Let’s hope it is for a role and will go away soon.
I actually don’t mind Saoirse’s dress but Margot’s makes her look really wide and shapeless and I’m sure that she’s not.
TAILORING both dresses would’ve def not hurt. But Margot is her generation’s Julianne Moore in the so-much-less-is-so much-more dept of constant red carpets offenders (like she needs to lose the smock overlay, the I, Tonya throwback underneath fits better).
I actually really like Saoirse’s dress. I feel like the collar is an homage to the Elizabethan style. I like it for the premier of this film.
As do I.
I like it too.
same here and I love the intricate anatomical heart pin on her dress.
That’s what I thought—what’s that giant bug at her waist? Get it off!
Hideous, hideous dresses, but Saoirse is just so beautiful. I envy her face. Very classically beautiful in some ways, very jolie-laide in other ways, and head-turning in every way.
Margot’s dress makes her look so short and wide. Girls, both of you need a dress change like… now.
Saoirse is gorgeous, just stunningly beautiful
I think if Saoirse’s dress just lost the ruffles on top I’d be into it. I love the color on her.
Can’t wait to see her Queen Mary. I could never get into Mary Queen of Scots as a historical heroine, but maybe Saoirse can change my mind.
The title of this should have been Beautiful Women, Fugly Dresses. It’s like they both shut their eyes while a stylist was dressing them and didn’t know how bad it was until they hit the red carpet. By then, too late.
And can anybody tell me how to pronounce Saorise?
Here is her monologue about just that! I think it sounds like Sure-sa
I thought it was more like Sir-sha, but I might be wrong. She really is stunning, and a very talented actress. Margot as well.
Don’t care for either dress.
Saoirse is so stunning!
Due to the sheer skirt over the mini dress MR looks boxy and squat – wtf – there are some nice elements to the dress tho…
SR’s dress is such a blah color on her and I’m not a fan of ruffles in most situations. I like the sorta 1940s style …
I love the idea of these two being friends!
Why do I like this dress? I think it’s ridiculous, honestly – but she genuinely looks cute! She really is an incredibly pretty person.
I like Saoirse’s dress except for the pleated peplum, the draping in the skirt could go to the waist and look so much better. Loving the beaded heart!
The draping in Margo’s dress just looks so misshapen over the mini dress lining. The shoulders are cool though.
Saoirse’s boyfriend, Jack Lowden, was there too. He plays her husband in the movie.
I think she’s actually dating his younger brother, not him
She’s definitely dating Jack and not the brother. Just google “Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden dating”. She apparently travels around the world to be with him on sets, they went on a private guided tour in Derry and they have been spotted on dates together multiple times. They even have matching claddagh rings. I’m surprised that gossip sites haven’t picked up on this yet as it’s pretty easy to find out just from a simple google search. I think they look really cute together.
I agree that Saoirse is beautiful but that dress is tragic, it makes her look bad (and it takes a lot to do it).
Taylor’s male doppelganger always looks like he’s sucking on a lemon.
Saoirse looks lovely even with that odd dress but Margot looks so old and shapeless. They always give Margot the worst dresses that aren’t properly fitted for her sexy figure.