Michelle Obama adds new cities to her book tour: ‘I couldn’t be more excited’


I’m not a big autobiography reader but I put Michelle Obama’s Becoming on my Christmas list. And I am not alone. The response to Michelle’s new book has been so overwhelming, she’s doubling the number of book events for 2019 to make sure everyone who wants to see her on this book tour will. And it’s not only those who get to see her who are thrilled, according to the former FLOTUS, she’s just as excited.

Not only is Michelle Obama continuing her book tour after attending former President George H.W. Bush’s funeral last week, she’s adding new cities to the lineup!

“I couldn’t be more excited to visit even more cities across the country and around the world,” the former first lady, 54, said in an exclusive statement to PEOPLE about the additions to the final leg of her book tour, Becoming: An Intimate Conversation with Michelle Obama.

“I’ve been so humbled by the response to the tour thus far and the overwhelming interest we’ve received from so many communities we weren’t able to visit this year,” she continued. “That’s why I’m thrilled that we’re able to expand our conversations to these new settings and wider audiences. I can’t wait to continue the discussions that have been so meaningful for me and, I hope, for so many others.”

[From People]

I’m sure Michelle’s book will be on the best seller list for a while. I don’t doubt that it’s well written with interesting stories and insight. Plus I think so many of us want to feel some connection to the Obamas. You invite book characters into your life and people want the Obamas in their lives right now. This news is amazing because so many people will get to meet Michelle, if even just for an hour. I think getting out and meeting folks is what she thrives on too. She loves the public. And we love her.

The link has more the information but the second half has been expanded to include 21 events – 11 in North America and six in Europe. You can check dates and get tickets here. If anyone has the chance to see her, please let us know about it.

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14 Responses to “Michelle Obama adds new cities to her book tour: ‘I couldn’t be more excited’”

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  1. Louise Anne says:

    The book is fantastic. It reads like a novel, she’s an excellent story teller – there’s a great sense of pace and structure. It’s also a fascinating insight into Barack. Michelle was obviously brilliant and highly intelligent and ambitious – yet a lot of that was almost…subsumed by Barack. Not in a bad way, necessarily, he sounds like a wonderful person but but he’s also depicted as almost an otherworldly type of being, something who was destined to be a game changer, to be a star. There’s so much love and kindness and respect between the two, but I’m not sure how easy it is to be married to a ‘Great Man’, especially when you have children and hopes and dreams of your own.I hope I’m explaining myself well here… interested to hear what other people who’ve read Becoming think.

  2. Tania says:

    I started reading the book and will finish it over Christmas break. I saw she’s going to be in my old hometown of Vancouver so I signed up to get notifications on that date so I can send my Mom, who loves Barack and Michelle as much as she loves Elvis.

  3. cannibell says:

    She’s coming to where I live – I got an email yesterday from Ticketmaster.

    “We expect high demand for tickets to see BECOMING: An Intimate Conversation with Michelle Obama.”

    Toward that end, they’re offering a sort of pre-sale lottery in an effort to keep bots and scalpers from buying up tickets, not entirely successful as I’m already seeing tickets ranging in price from $421 in the balcony to $915 in the orchestra. (“Okay. I can see Michelle Obama…or I can pay my mortgage….”)

    “On the evening of Thursday, December 13, you’ll receive an email confirming whether you’ve been verified and whether you’ve also been selected to participate in the presale…(which)
    begins on Friday, December 14 @ 10AM local time. See local event listing for ticket limit.”

    If I get the magic email, I’ll let you all know. (I’ll probably buy the maximum and let go of what I don’t use at face value. I can only think of about 200 other people in my immediate circle and a whole bunch of my CB pals who would come with me!)

  4. TaniaOG says:

    Omg omg omg omg omg!!!!

  5. Annika says:

    Yay for me!!!!!

  6. Kcat says:

    Ugh, why no Chicago! Guess I’m going up to Milwaukee.

  7. Chaine says:

    She’s not coming anywhere near where I live, I would have to drive at least six hours 🙁

  8. lamaga says:

    What is happening with the italics?

  9. a reader says:

    OMG!! So glad you posted this!! She’s coming to my metro area next week and I am buying tickets *right now*. And my gosh… they booked her into a sports arena that seats over 20,000 people. That’s incredible.

  10. TN says:

    Saw her last night in Detroit! A must-see for sure! She is forever FLOTUS.

  11. Anastasia says:

    Dallas is completely sold out, dammit!

  12. Mo’ Comments Mo’ Problems says:

    Ticketmaster is not letting me see the price for these tickets! 😔

  13. Bluthfan says:

    Would love to see her in person but I can’t afford those ticket prices. Definitely plan on reading this during Christmas vacation.

    I didn’t realize how successful this book was. She has sold over 2mm copies so far for context that is better than Hillary’s total book sales from 3 books. And Hillary’s book sales were unheard of for a former FLOTUS. So it is truly amazing to see sales as high as Michelle’s.