“Stormy Daniels has to pay Donald Trump’s $300K legal fees” links

Duke and Duchess os Sussex arrive in New Zealand!

Stormy Daniels has been ordered to pay Donald Trump’s legal fees, at a cost of $300K. Time for a new lawyer, Stormy. [Jezebel]
Madame Tussauds debuted their wax figures of Prince Harry & Duchess Meg and the figures are absolutely ghastly. [OMG Blog]
No one looked good at the Welcome to Marwen premiere. [Go Fug Yourself]
Adam Rippon tried to show Samantha Bee how to skate. [Towleroad]
Bristol Palin complains about how MTV is portraying her. [Dlisted]
Taylor Swift has been undercover-supporting Joe Alwyn. [LaineyGossip]
What does Dolly Parton’s “Jolene” sound like slowed down? Amazing. [Pajiba]
I never knew that Lisa Vanderpump has a daughter named Pandora. [Reality Tea]
Gigi Hadid tried & failed to make “orange” happen. [Red Carpet Fashion Awards]

Duke and Duchess os Sussex arrive in New Zealand!

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14 Responses to ““Stormy Daniels has to pay Donald Trump’s $300K legal fees” links”

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  1. Nicegirl says:

    “Whoever said orange was the new pink is seriously disturbed.”

    • Mel M says:

      Thank you lol!

    • Raina says:

      Orange is the new turd.

      I’m elated that Cohen got his, but it’s far from enough and he’d better not JUST be a scapegoat. He lost “everything” (relative term)…but let him continue to NEVER stop revealing what he knows.
      I don’t care that it took his being indicted to speak out; I will take my early Holiday gift in any wrapping paper.
      This is going to be a domino effect in some way, ideally.
      I’ll say this; a few friends believe Cohen is being sacrificed, that many GOP will be, to distract us by forcing us to look one way when the real evil is happening the other way.
      Look, I get it, but I disagree in some ways: I believe this is the beginning of the end, perhaps a veerrry long trajectory toward the end, but the ending of our mass collective consciousness putting up with it anymore.
      I believe we are elevating, growing, taking back the years of power force fed to us by those we thought we could trust.
      I will be there for this, body and/or spirit, and applaude the bravery it took for “Us” to get there, to help “wake” others.
      Whatever the conclusion to this administration, I sense things have changed, been altered, dialogues, open. You can’t undo the truth of self realization.
      Yes, history often repeats.
      Yes, I don’t quite believe in anything being a part of an ending or beginning as life is circular.
      But, I do believe in the inevitable process of an individual spirit sensing it is time to move forward against the tyrant(s).
      All those who fall, ultimately rise again; Wiser, more Skilled, generationally enhanced via knowlege, progressive.
      Remember: The truth is NOT hidden, the denier of it is…and the latter will always be revealed.

  2. runcmc says:

    OMG those wax figures are horrific!!

    • me says:

      I saw that on TV yesterday. Those aren’t actually “wax figures”. Those are HUMANS wearing silicone masks. It’s really disturbing to see it in video form ! I think it was on Access Hollywood but not sure.

  3. anniefannie says:

    It was my understanding that Avenetti filed this suit against Stormy’s wishes so I’m going to guess he’ll be on the hook

  4. Beach Dreams says:

    Gigi doesn’t have the presence to pull off that outfit. The color washes her out too.

  5. Enough S Enough says:

    Things to remember:

    1) Donald’s lawyers wanted her to pay over $800K — so this is less than half of that

    2) Donald owes her money that far exceeds $300 K

    3) It will be appealed and appealed

    But I always found her lawyer to be a showboat and I’m glad his ship has sailed.

  6. JRenee says:

    The wax figures are terrible

  7. Murphy says:

    I wish she could stiff him the way that he has done to so many others

  8. PeggingOut says:

    I truly don’t even understand what her lawsuit is about beyond the fact it is a means to an end —eg, further monetizing her notoriety far beyond the amount she made a deal over ($160k). She made a deal …..and I really couldn’t care any less about her and Trump and sex. Yes, I get the campaign finance Implications, but that doesn’t involve her wallet.

    As far as her jackass lawyer, he has screwed her more than Trump ever did. He is scum. Just like trump, In fact, Trump and Avenatti have much in common.

    Oh but I do care very very much about Trump and his russian ties, the collusion, etc, HUGELY.

    • Original T.C. says:

      She got played by her original lawyer and Cohen. Through her lawyer, Trump and Cohen forced her into taking the money without her knowing the full picture. If that hadn’t happened and she spoke up about pussygrabbing gate, we may never have had a President Trump. She deserved her day in court IMO. Not have nothing but her deal being exposed, got Cohen and also now has Trump in the hook legally when he is no longer President.

      I think the Muller Russian gate will be good to smear his history but it’s not going to be legally binding, it will be a political judgement and the GOP Senators won’t impeach him. NY state will make sure he wears the orange jumpsuit.

  9. Svea says:

    If she started a Go Fund Me, I’d contribute. I admire her.