“Donald Trump called George Conway a ‘stone cold loser’ today” links

President Donald J. Trump Remarks on Border Security

Donald Trump keeps tweeting about George Conway, Kellyanne Conway’s husband. This psychodrama is boring AF. [Towleroad]
I looove this dress on Lupita Nyong’o. Adore it. [Go Fug Yourself]
Deplorables love & support fascist dictator Donald Trump, we been knew. [Pajiba]
Here’s this week’s Dlisted Podcast. [Dlisted]
Pete Davidson & Kate Beckinsale got pap’d together again. [LaineyGossip]
Peppa Pig is sexist! [Jezebel]
Couples confirmed for 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After. [Starcasm]
Lala Kent finally admits that she’s an alcoholic. [Reality Tea]
Fashion from the premiere of The Dirt. [Red Carpet Fashion Awards]

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50 Responses to ““Donald Trump called George Conway a ‘stone cold loser’ today” links”

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  1. Jenns says:

    I’m not buying this good cop/bad cop BS with the Conways at all.

    And of course, journalists are still acting like this kind of crap is a big deal and worth writing about. We’re so screw for the 2020 election. The media has not learned it’s lesson.

    • Louisa says:

      You’re 100% right. I’ve almost come to terms with the fact that nothing is going to happen to him or his family and he will most likely win 2020. I’ve been in a serious depression lately and I do think a lot of it is because I’ve given up hope of all this righting itself. I was holding out for the Mueller report, but it’s too late now. No one will care when it finally is released. If it ever is. Republicans will just cover it up.
      He will win 2020 through whatever means necessary. There is no way the GOP is going to give up power now. We will become a dictatorship and when he dies, Jr or Ivanka becomes president…..

      And as for this Conway bs, who actually believes that this is not just a distraction they are all in on?

      • Sue Denim says:

        I know Louisa, sorry you’re struggling, I am too… Am trying not to dwell too much on it all, and am doing my best to keep busy w activities that nourish and inspire me, and maybe in their own small way make a difference. I know that’s a privilege and I feel guilty about that too, but I think we have to find ways to stay strong, else they win… Podcasts like 10% Happier and anything with John Mulaney have helped too… Anyway, take care, just wanted to say that…

    • Veronica S. says:

      It literally makes me sick to my stomach to think about 2020, especially considering the same fight for a democracy is going down everywhere else – India, France, UK, etc. The world is changing too rapidly for some people, and they’re lashing out like angry children wanting somebody to tell them they’ll make it better.

    • Betsy says:

      The media is making money hand over fist. It’s corporate owned and largely a monopoly even if we get the illusion of choice. Anyone else remember Air America? It was steadily increasing its listeners and then its corporate owner cut it off at the knees. Cheri Jacobus’s twitter is pretty clear that this faux feud from melted in the microwave Barbie and her husband moldy cheese is just to give them a veneer of trustability when the trump dust settles.

      Someone on twitter floated the genius idea of non profits funding real journalism and I think that is an amazing idea.

      • Tanya says:

        There are already lots of non-profit news organizations. They’re called public radio (NPR, American Public Media, PRX, etc and hundreds of local public radio stations) and public TV (PBS and hundreds of local TV stations.) There are also lots of non-profit print and digital news organizations (here’s a great list https://inn.org/members/)

        I’ve worked in public radio for decades and would encourage you to check it out if you’re not already familiar with it!

  2. CariBean says:

    I’m pretty sure the three of them (George, KellyAnne and tRump) are all in bed together.

    • Darla says:

      Right? If she doesn’t quit today, they definitely are. This is the trump reality show. This is as real as his beating up Vince McMahon in the WWE.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I don’t think so. KellyAnne was a part of the Ted Cruz campaign during the primaries and said horrible things about Trump, only to turn around and join his campaign when he won the primary. I think she will say anything on behalf of the person that pays her. I think her husband is ultimately fine with this, even if he doesn’t like Trump.

    • Tanguerita says:

      I am pretty sure she is the one who is writing his tweets about her husband. KellyAnne is on Mercers’ payroll, she is a cynical bitch who doesn’t care whose ass to climb into as long as she gets paid.

  3. Darkladi says:

    Trump is petty fat orange b*tch with tiny hooves. No wonder your kids are garbage people

  4. mycomment says:

    if Conway is so disgusted by dotard’s constant lies and grotesque behavior; how does he account for his wife’s deliberate lies and misdirection she does daily? hell, she’s even been banned from a couple of MSNBC shows due to her lying that the hosts have called her out on.

    count me among those who side-eye the Conway hoohaw. afaic, they’re playing both sides to ensure someone comes out of this wretched time with the ability to pull down a paycheck. although they’re already Richie rich, dotard’s reign has busted open that it’s never enough for these gluttonous pigs.
    and I fully expect Kellyanne to sign up as advisor to despots around the world, that due to her white house stint, she’s meeting up close and personal; making those all important connections.

    • Lory says:

      I agree with your post just not the first part. Strictly speaking a spouse doesn’t have to account for the behaviour of their partner. That’s all on the person acting that way. In this case he can hate Trump while his wife does Trump’s bidding. They’re individuals who make their own decisions. That said, this is, like you said, probably just for show. Playing both sides so they always have a source of income.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    Not playing the Conway’s game but am pointing out the misogyny in using a woman’s name as an emasculating insult to her husband. Numerous people in Trump and GOP circles have used that in the last two days, including GOP spokeswoman Ronna McDaniel. Apparently, they want us all to believe that a man is less than a man if his wife has a more powerful job.

    • Erinn says:

      That bugs me SO much. There’s so much garbage like that from regular people and public figures as well.

      My husband would LOVE if my job was more powerful than his haha. He’s already said many times he’d love for me to win the lottery so he can be a stay at home cat/dog dad. None of his self esteem is tied in to having a higher paying job than I do. He just likes that he has the extra money to spend on mountain bike stuff. And I will never understand how that’s something that’s so important to some couples. If he made less money than I did, I wouldn’t care. But there’s always that kind of hit thrown against men when their wives are outspoken, or more educated, or higher earners. Chrissy Tiegen had to call people out recently for the amount of times Jon is asked by people (interviewers included) how he ‘handles’ her.

      • Kitten says:

        The dynamic of my BF and I is much the same, except *I’m* the higher earner and *I* want to be the stay-at-home cat parent lol.

        Agree with everything LP said about he inherent sexism. I saw so many idiots on Twitter asking why that’s misogynistic. So done wasting time trying to explain anything to ignorant deplorables. Not like they want the answer anyway.

    • Himmiefan says:

      Exactly, like Mr. wife’s name is a bad thing.

  6. Charlotte says:

    I don’t believe any of this. They are all con artists.

  7. Eve says:

    You guys should start bracing yourselves for 2020.

    He is going to be reelected.

    • me says:

      If he was able to win the first time, he’ll have ZERO problem winning again. Racist a$$holes love him even more now…and some of their racist kids are old enough to vote now too !

      • Diana says:

        I know this is a possibility but we have to be remain focused and vigilant about getting him out.

      • Shadenfruede says:

        It’s painful to watch her spin the orange furer’s inappropriate comments towards her own family. Showing empathy for a psychopath is its own ceeepy pathology.

    • vava says:

      I doubt he’ll be re-elected. Those who were apathetic last time will come out and cast votes to remove the PT Barnum from the Oval Office.

    • anon says:

      You seem like one of the many desperation mongers running around trying to normalize this situation and create voter apathy… so many of these comments around, and for what purpose? People have to keep engaged and informed and fight, never giving up. Comments like this are so disingenuous that they make my teeth hurt.

      • Eve says:

        @ Anon:

        In case you’re replying to me:

        1) No, I’m not a desperation monger trying to create voter apathy. I based my comment according to the most recent polls showed on CNN;

        2) https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/907582?section=newsfront&keywords=donald-trump-approval-rating&year=2019&month=03&date=18&id=907582&oref=www.google.com)

        Not to mention his staggering 76% approval among republicans;

        3) I was born and live in Brazil. The president (whose name I refuse to say) here is WORSE than Trump (and more idiotic, too). The man is an imbecile who worships your president;

        4) Even though it became pointless to vote against this a**hole (the Brazilian one) I still voted against him in both turns of our recent elections);

        5) Believe it or not, you guys over there are still in a better situation than us here in Brazil.

      • Eve says:

        @ Anon:

        “Comments like this are so disingenuous that they make my teeth hurt.”

        If there’s one thing I’m definitely NOT being is insincere. I take offense at the way you generalized my comment and, by extension, myself.

    • Keaton says:

      He will if the Dems attack one another more than they do Trump and the GOP.
      Especially if the media plays along.

      • Kcat says:

        Yes. I have Bernie bros in the younger members of my family, and they’re so far up Bernie’s ass I want to throttle them. If Bernie is the nom, fine. I’ll campaign for him and vote for him and do whatever I need to do. But I will vote for literally ABT. I don’t think they feel the same. Whining on about dems not being progressive enough and the Green New Deal (which I support environmental reform, but don’t want to roll in healthcare for all, etc.)

        We have one job in 2020. Get rid of Trump.

  8. Christin says:

    This reality show is too predictable. They are amping up the back and forth to distract from something else.

  9. Jennifer Price says:

    They are all in bed together, this is a game to them. All will either come out in jail or much richer. What will it be?

  10. Mary says:

    Donald Trump is so verbally abusive. It’s just awful.

  11. Rapunzel says:

    I am starting to feel like Trump has worn everyone down too far. We may never recover. I fear Nov. 2020 if he wins and if he doesn’t.

  12. Yoyo says:

    Kellyanne isn’t gearing up for a divorce, and George wants one, but he want Kellyanne to pull the plug.
    Every time George attacks trump, the next day Kellyanne goes on TV and tell Whoopers.

  13. Pandy says:

    I think they are playing good food/bad cop for future government jobs as well. Anyway they all need to be flushed. Too many turds in the toilet! (Gross my apologies)

  14. Amy Tennant says:

    A little disappointed with the Dirt premiere fashion. Anyone else hoping for more leather and MAJOR hairspray?

  15. Nancy says:

    His continuous attacks on the deceased John McCain I think pretty much sums up his muddled mind. He is a bloated old man but is still a bully and it’s easy to spew your hatred when your target victim is dead and his wife and children have to carry the burden. I hate him like I’ve never disliked anyone before and hopefully after. He is a sociopathic narcissist and like @Eve says above, he will probably will be reelected. What does this say about our country.

    • Christin says:

      I went to pick up a quick lunch today, and two young guys in line behind me were asked what kind of cheese they wanted on their sandwiches. Both decided on American, which the sandwich assembler called “T” (Orange’s last name) cheese. Both guys chuckled and one replied how it was really good cheese then. So you had three supporters right there.

      Just another counter away was elderly man who was talking about how Orange is disparaging McCain. He thinks Orange is losing his mind.

      So that is a 10-minute glimpse of a red area of the country. I really wanted to ask those age 20-something young guys how their lives are any better now, especially when they have an ever higher price to pay than those of us middle-aged or elderly. I don’t get it.

      • Kitten says:

        We’re headed for a recession–all the markers are there–and those chumps either don’t see it coming or don’t care, because “owning the libs” is all that matters. What a sorry of state of affairs this country has become SMDH.

      • Nancy says:

        Christin, I want to ask anyone who agrees with this man, what is your reason. I posted a pix of a dog with an orange wig & suit and tie saying “I will build a dog park and the cats will pay for it…on my FB page. It was funny as hell and my friends all ❤ it for the most part. But there was definitely silence from some. One woman posted a pic of Caitlyn Jenner and said why do all trump haters love “him” look at those big feet. My head was spinning. Maybe this is all too personal, but what is going on? I can’t wrap my head around how anyone could possibly think anything positive about this POS. I generally am not this aggressive and respect people’s opinions, but him, never. P.S. I unfriended that person I referred to, too many not really friends on FB.

      • Christin says:

        I’m puzzled as well. At one point, I thought I’d figured out sort of a stereotype if you will, but that theory is now out the window. I’ve been surprised at times by the people who think this is a great situation. It has to be brainwashing / lack of critical thinking.

      • Nancy says:

        I have new babies @Christin, so I’m never anywhere when ppl are posting. Look at the state of our World, it’s a disaster and he’s watching tv and arguing with a dead man. How can anyone say this is normal behavior. The Christians support a man who left two wives for a younger, sexier (ick) version. He fantasizes about his own daughter FFS. Oh well, I’ll leave it at that. I will never understand people. Ever

      • Christin says:

        @Nancy – Congrats on your new twin babies! What a sweet diversion from the baffling state of our world.

      • Eve says:

        @ Nancy:

        Congratulations on your babies! I hope you’re getting some (much deserving) sleep.

        💐 💐

  16. Kitten says:

    OMG Lupita’s outfit is AMAZING. She almost always nails it but holy hell she looks incredible there. I love her hair like that too. Goddess!

    • Fluffy Princess says:

      Lupita always has the MOST bestest outfits for Red carpet and public appearances. Her style is FIRE! Honestly, I think Lupita, Constance Wu, Gemma Chan and Tilda Swinton have the best and most interesting clothes! I heart them all!

    • Veronica S. says:

      Yeah, she’s got a great eye for fashion. She’s just so beautiful, and she has that really rich, deep skin color that makes bright colors really pop on her in a way it may not on somebody fairer. I always love seeing what she wears on the red carpet.

  17. SM says:

    Whenever I see pics of Kate and Pete I am thinking I would prefer the smell of my pet’s poop that Pete. Sorry he looks like he smells and he is not an animal.

  18. Trillion says:

    #bebest, Donald.