Katherine Heigl’s co-workers think she’s a “spoiled brat”

Bashing Katherine Heigl has become everybody’s favorite game over the past month. While Heigl’s antics had previously been here and there, every three months or so, she seems to have annoyed and disgusted a rather large and important consistency all at once – the media and her co-workers, all of whom seem utterly revolted with her behavior. First, Katherine decided to complain about her first day back on set at Grey’s Anatomy while appearing on The Late Show with David Letterman. It turned out, she was the one to cause the 17-hour work day. Then, Newsweek did a piece called “Why is Katherine Heigl so annoying?” in which the word “shrew” was used more than a few times. After that, it got worse. Both Seth Rogan and Judd Apatow busted Katherine’s annoying chops in interviews last week, all because of her previous statements about their “sexism”.

After all of that, this little piece seems rather innocuous. It appears that after Katherine’s whines to David Letterman, her Grey’s costars, producers and crew are giving her the silent treatment. They think she’s a “spoiled brat”:

Katherine Heigl is getting the silent treatment on the set of “Grey’s Anatomy”. After [she] bemoaned her workload on “The Late Show With David Letterman”, the star found herself frozen out by her co-workers.

Describing her first day back to work on the hit drama after doing a movie, Katherine whined: “I’m going to keep saying this because I hope it embarrasses them – a 17 hour day – which I think is cruel and mean!”

But the public bellyaching didn’t sit well with her co-workers – especially since SHE was partly to blame for the long hours! “Producers allowed her time to promote her movie, The Ugly Truth, which meant they had a rough first day back to work.”

“They had to catch up on the work that was missed while Katherine was doing the movie promotion. And the thanks they got was Katherine intentionally trying to embarrass them on national television,” a set insider told the Enquirer.

“To make her happy, the rest of the crew and cast had to work overtime – and they’re fighting mad that Katherine had the nerve to gripe about her long hours!”

“At least during breaks she can rest in her trailer. But some crew members work straight through. The cast and crew are taking it out on her by giving her the silent treatment.”

“Katherine used to be the set sweetheart, but now many of us think of her as the spoiled brat who thinks she’s too good to be on the show.”

[From the National Enquirer, print edition, August 17 2009]

While I have no doubt that Katherine is a piece of work (and then some), I really wonder why the Grey’s producers didn’t get rid of her when they had the chance. Wasn’t this upcoming season the time and place when they could of figured out a way to get her out of her contract? Last year, when Katherine was acting snotty about working on Grey’s, I theorized that the producers were trying to teach her a lesson by making her honor her contract and forcing her into crappy storylines. If that is what the producers were doing, I think the damage has been done. At some point it becomes less about teaching her a lesson and more about keeping your sanity by ditching this diva.

Katherine Heigl is shown out for lunch with her mom, Nancy, on 8/6/09. Credit: Fame Pictures

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22 Responses to “Katherine Heigl’s co-workers think she’s a “spoiled brat””

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  1. docalion says:

    I like Katherine Heigl but I think, yes, she’s kinda bratty, based on her interviews. I just hope she realizes this soon coz I think she has a good career ahead of her. She needs to straighten up before her chance slip by.

  2. Eileen Yover says:

    She was my favorite on Greys’, and now she irritates the crap out of me. I’d love to see how execs in the real world handle an employee talking smack about thier company while on tv! But actors and actresses have them by the balls and they can’t do crap about it.
    They need to give Izze Syphilis or Herpes to really embarrass her on the show! She’s too thick to be overly impacted by the silent treatment!

  3. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Do to her character what they do in the soaps when they aren’t dying of a brain tumor or cancer etc. Have them kidnapped and tormented by the psycho du-jour for two or more episodes.

  4. Who Gives A Sh*t says:

    I think this is worth repeating:

    …I just wonder if Shonda Rhimes was part of the “good-ol’-boy-network” of Hollywood if Miss Heigl would be so critical & loose-lipped about her employer. Perhaps her “blondness” makes her resent feeling subservient to Shonda’s “blackness” as an employee. IMHO, what Ms. Heigl needs is a good, old-fashioned blackballing. Hopefully, she’ll soon prattle her way into one.

  5. lisa says:

    I wonder if keeping her on the show was a form of punishment. She will not be able to take as many Film roles while the show is filming. Maybe they are trying to hit her in her pockets.. But hey..she has a hit movie and I am sure more offers are coming in. When her contract is up she is gone and will make more money then any of the other cast members.. Yep sometimes things are not fair.. But that’s showbiz.

  6. Firestarter says:

    She is spoiled and her 15 minutes are hopefully going to be up fairly soon.

  7. yeng says:

    don’t get me wrong. i don’t like heigl and she is a B*TCH. but newsweek did a piece on why she’s annoying?? hehe. that’s pretty funny.

  8. Victoria says:

    I think she’s already trashed her own career with her mouth. She is not that good of an actress. Her little star is fading and Im sure that will be everyone elses fault but her own.

  9. ToddRH says:

    I think she’s more important than she really is. Loved her in “Knocked Up” and after that she had the fork in the road and took the wrong one in thinking she was becoming the next Meg Ryan.

    AND, she apparently smokes like a chimney!

  10. Lizzard says:

    I actually like her. I’ve liked her since she did “My Father the Hero”. Yes she says things without thinking them thorugh but how many of can say we haven’t done the same. She should just learn to not say certain things out loud and in public or national television.

    I’m a bit confused though. The shooting of her first day took 17 hours and she complained about it on Letterman when she was promoting the movie, how long before hand had they shot the 17 hour day? It seems a bit off to me timewise.

    She was really promoting the movie during the week it was released and wasn’t the first day of filming before that? Why would they need to work 17 hours around her schedule if she wasn’t promoting it yet? I’m not really buying that it was all her fault. At the same time though she shouldn’t have even mentioned it being cruel punishment.

    I guess we’ll see, maybe she is in a coma or something. She mentioned something about that I thought in which case, why would they need to shoot around her?

  11. Miss Bitch says:

    Wasn’t this upcoming season the time and place when they could of figured out a way to get her out of her contract?

    The correct phrasing is “could have”

  12. Maritza says:

    Yeah, they should themselves a favor and get rid of her. She’ll regret it later when her movies flop and the offers stop coming.

  13. Ro says:


    I think that with alot of these actors they start promoting a film by pretaping a lot of the sit down interviews weeks in advance. I heard one actor say that those interviews we see on et and other entertainment shows could have been taped weeks before we actually see them so that would explain the timing.

  14. Colleen O"Neal says:

    Ummmm, they kept Katherine because she brings in the viewers, because she can act, even with crappy story lines, she makes it watchable. So she has a little attitude because she’s been working ALOT…is their some resentment over her success?

  15. SolitaryAngel says:

    The most telling evidence of her character comes from the body language in these pictures, you guys—look how she walks; ahead of her mother, not looking at her or talking to her.

    If that was MY mother, I’d be right beside her, making sure she didn’t lose her footing and we’d be talking. The Whiner acts like she’d rather be on Mars than with her mom.

  16. I took Katie’s pictures (above) when she met with her mom for lunch during a break from filming Grey’s Anatomy yesterday (Thursday, Aug. 6).
    I’ve been covering her since she was a virtual unknown, 2 years ago. Katie’s been really nice and down-to-earth.
    People who hate her will even hate her more because she likes to speak her mind and will not keep quiet to please these haters. Remember, she’s a Sagittarian and, like me, we don’t care who you are—if you’re wrong I will say it whether I’m on national TV or not. Go for it Katie!!!!

  17. moo says:

    they are just NOW figuring out what everyone else in the entire free world knows??? wow…

  18. Who Gives A Sh*t says:

    @John L. Shinn III: So, who died and left her God?!?!? She “pretends” for a living, for chrissakes. Her uneducated, I’m-so-importy “opinions” should be relegated to her diary!

  19. Jacq says:

    Hey, Hagel, you know who else works 17 hour days? REAL DOCTORS!!! Cruel and unusual my butt, she gets a nice payday off of that show and it was the springboard for where she is now. Heaven forbid that she’d have to sing for her supper! She should look around at people in America who have lost everything they’ve ever worked for and just be greatful that someone is still willing to put up with her.

  20. Magsy says:

    This chick always gets bad press. There must be something to it.

  21. Liv says:

    Ugh. She IS annoying. How she gets ANYBODY to sit through her horrendous shows…like the one with a million dresses where she wipes bride’s butts at their weddings, or the new one about being (gasp!) put out–yet secretly attracted to–gerard butler’s antics, is beyond me. I know some of you will attack me with the age-old line: “you’re just jealous”, but I really think she gets more credit than she’s worth when it comes to her job. I have to agree with Kate Hudson by saying, “Who’s Katherine Heigl, again?”

  22. Uh... says:

    What kind of idiot complains about a 17-hr workday when the resulting paycheck is $millions$? I don’t get it. We’re in the middle of a recession, and she’s whining like a french poodle at the manicure table. She should be ashamed of herself. She’s predictable, average-looking, and has the acting ability of lunch-meat! Why should America pity you? You have the looks and talent to be a janitor at my college! Get over yourself!