Woman in Tunisia reportedly pregnant with 12 babies

Octomom Nadya Suleman picks her kids up from school and makes a deal with a photographer
If this story is true, it’s incredibly disturbing. A woman in Tunisia is said to be pregnant with a whopping 12 babies, 6 girls and 6 boys, after fertility treatment. It’s thought that the pregnancy is the result of ovary stimulation drugs, not implantation, due to the incredible carelessness that would be involved if a doctor implanted someone with that number of embryos. 3D sonograms can determine fetal gender at around 16 weeks of gestation, so I guess we can assume she’s at least four months along, although that’s pure speculation on my part. The Daily Mail quotes some experts who say that the chances of even one baby surviving in this circumstance are just 1%. Only one set of octuplets has ever survived, those born to media-hungry Nadya Suleman (above, obviously) in January of this year. The only other known set of octuplets, the Chukwu octuplets, were born in 1998, with the smallest passing away two weeks after birth. In this sad case, it looks like none of the babies might survive because the mother has decided to try and have all dozen of them.

A teacher is pregnant with a record-breaking 12 babies, it has been claimed.

The unnamed Tunisian woman, who is in her 30s, is reportedly expecting six boys and six girls.

She is said to have turned to fertility treatment after suffering two miscarriages in two years.

But British fertility experts said that although it was possible to conceive 12 babies, such a pregnancy was fraught with risk.

There was less than a one in 100 chance of even a single baby surviving, said one.

But the woman claims to be in good health.

‘All I want to do is be able to hug my babies and show them all my love,’ she told hospital workers in the town of Gafsa, about 250 miles south of the capital Tunis.

‘This is an absolute miracle, and we all feel blessed after struggling so hard to have children.’

Her husband, named only as Marwan, who teaches at the same school in Tunisia, told the Assabah newspaper: ‘In the beginning, we thought that my wife would give birth to twins, but more foetuses were discovered.

‘Our joy was increased with the growing number. The medical team told us that my wife would give birth naturally.’

But British experts said that a natural birth would be impossible and warned that the strain of carrying 12 babies could lead to labour at 20 weeks – just halfway through pregnancy.

It is unclear what stage the pregnancy is at, but ultrasound scans can work out a baby’s sex only after about 16 weeks, so it is likely she is already nearing the critical stage.

Peter Bowen-Simpkins, a fellow of Britain’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said: ‘It is certainly possible to carry 12 babies but not for long.

‘The problem is the capacity of the uterus.

‘This woman is going to be enormous by 20 weeks. And when the uterus goes into labour there is nothing you can do about it.

‘The youngest that babies have survived is at 22 to 23 weeks. They need very intensive nursing and the majority have permanent neurological damage.

‘You’d need a very good intensive paediatric unit to cope with this. We couldn’t do it in this country, we don’t have a unit with 12 intensive care cots.

‘I don’t like to dampen her enthusiasm but the chances are she will deliver at 20 weeks.

‘I wouldn’t even give her a one in 100 chance of even one surviving. It’s frightening.’

In California in January of this year, a single mother of six defied doctors’ predictions when she gave birth to another eight healthy babies.

The six boys and two girls were born to Nadya Suleman, dubbed Octomom, through IVF treatment.

Others have not been so lucky. A 23-year-old Greek Cypriot who became pregnant with a then record 11 babies in 1996 had to abort nine to save the lives of two.

In the same year a British woman, Mandy Allwood, 32, became pregnant with octuplets after taking fertility drugs.

She ignored medical advice to abort some and lost all after they were born at just 22 weeks.

Fertility doctors say it is unlikely that an IVF doctor would have agreed to implant the Tunisian woman with 12 embryos.

Instead, the bumper pregnancy is likely to be the result of fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries.

[From The Daily Mail]

This is insane and it seems statistically impossible to me that someone could both get pregnant with this number of embryos and that they could all survive. I’m not a doctor and don’t know enough about this field, though. I’m picturing some nefarious doctor in the background rubbing his hands together and cackling that it all went according to plan. This brings up all sorts of ethical issues, and I think we can all agree that it’s just sick and wrong for someone to try and cram that many fetuses into one woman. If it was deliberate, the doctor needs to be brought up on charges. If it wasn’t deliberate, they need to figure out exactly how this occurred so that it never happens again. I’m still hoping it’s some kind of hoax, though, or that someone is getting the details wrong.

Thanks to Oxa for the tip!

Pregnant Woman on Scale

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23 Responses to “Woman in Tunisia reportedly pregnant with 12 babies”

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  1. barneslr says:

    This ignorant woman is going to allow all 12 of her babies to die? How evil is that? Surely it has been explained to her ad nauseum that she should sacrifice some so that the others may live. The human body is not made to give birth to huge numbers of multiples like that.

    So, she is a temporary celebrity now because she is pregnant with 12. It sounds like in just a couple of weeks she’ll be mourning all 12 of their deaths. Such a shameful, needless thing to happen.

  2. Lys says:

    Hurry SATAN-gelina! Maybe you can buy some…

  3. Diane says:

    Another good example of lack of accountability by physicians.

  4. DD says:

    I think their should be some kind of waiver that if a woman ends up pregnant with over a certain amount of babies from these fertility treatments. she should be made to reduce the embryos. it’s stupid and a selfish risk.

  5. wow says:


  6. Jazz says:

    Octomom must be fuming with jealousy.

  7. Amy says:

    If the woman is so deadset on keeping all twelve, knowing the risks to her life and her children then in the event of a death of one or all of those children she should be held criminally liable. If your that stupid perhaps the courts some step in.

  8. Firestarter says:

    This is beyond sick! Surely the woman knows that it will be impossible to carry 12 babies and them all be healthy and normal? What kind of doctor allows this nonsense to continue?

  9. Risa says:

    Given, I have never been pregnant-but its my understanding that those babies are being fed and sustained by the umbilical cords attached to the mother… I can’t imagine a female body being able to physically handle sustaining the lives of 12 babies while still managing to keep her own health in good standing!!! Imagine the weight on her back and legs, and the stretch marks!! I know there miracles and exceptions to natural laws… but this just seems impossible!

  10. girl says:

    Forcing someone to abort is wrong too. Choice, remember? People shouldn’t have that many babies transferred to begin with or if they have an insane number of ripe ovariam follicles (where each egg comes from) they should scrap the cycle (and start over again in a few months).

    Just stimulating a woman to produce that many eggs that are mature enough to be fertilized is a risk to her health. Nevermind being pregnant with that many babies. That doctor clearly did not have woman or her children’s best interest at heart.

  11. Sassy says:

    I really think it should be illegal to have that many babies at one shot. And she started the fertility treatments cause she had 2 miscarriages? hello, do you know that you’ll be mourning the death of at least SOME of those babies? so you just made history repeat itself, you selfish idiot.

  12. dee says:


  13. the original kate says:

    humans aren’t meant to have litters.

  14. Mairead says:

    Some of you people are terrifying – forced abortions?

    Fascism is dead – long live fascism!!!

  15. hatsumomo says:

    Lys: you’re crude and off topic. Idiot.

    She turned to fertility drugs after she has two miscarriages? And this woman fully expects these babies to make it full term and deliver them naturally?!?! Is this woman really that delusional? As insane as Suleman? I do believe in God and have faith that miracles can happen and thing do go well when the odds are against you, but this is pushing it. Srsly.

    You know what would be a really good idea? Psycological evaulation before physical health clearance for the procedure. Cause latly it seems only the loony women are having mass babies in a competition for most ‘fame’. Twats.

    And, Dammit, If she wanted kids so bad, what about the ones already here? For adoption? No one give me that bullshit on how having your own baby is different. Its not, I’ve seen it myself with my man and his mother.

  16. Annie says:

    Since when did people become dogs? We have singles, twins or triplets, NOT A LITTER.

    Ahh. People’s selfishness know no bounds.

    I definitely support Choice, but oh man, it doesn’t mean I have to agree with it, or think she’s making a smart choice.

  17. Anastasia says:

    Yeah, I’m with girl. Instead of forcing people to selectively reduce how about NOT DOING THE THINGS THAT LEAD TO MORE THAN FIVE FETUSES in the first place?

    How about THAT?

    Because I think that’s a stellar idea. If she was undergoing ovarian stimulation, she would have had to be hospitalized just from the effects of having that many ripe follicles (many women have been for fewer than that, including the Gosselin grifter woman).

    Then any ethical doctor would say do NOT try to conceive in this cycle! Sit it out!

    Maybe they should just keep them in the hospital while they’re that hyper-fertile so couples will stop IGNORING the doctor’s orders to sit out that cycle because there will be too many.

    If you can’t selectively reduce because of moral issues, then DON’T have sex when you have hyperstimulated ovaries like that.

    If you can’t support a dozen kids without selling them out on a TV show, then DON’T ignore your doctor’s advice.

  18. Anastasia says:

    hatsumomo: I know, right? I had nine miscarriages and two ectopic pregnancies and still I wouldn’t agree to the hyperstimulation of the ovaries thing because I knew what it could lead to and we could support one more child or even two (we already had our daughter) but NOT more than that.

    And we couldn’t afford IVF so that wasn’t an option.

    We decided to do the mature thing and be thankful for what we had–one beautiful child–and move on with our lives and raise our daughter.

  19. maritza says:

    Poor babies, they have no chance at all of surviving.

  20. Magsy says:

    What kind of condition is her hoo-ha gonna be in after 12? May as well hang a sign outside it afterwards “Closed for Remodeling.” And don’t someone correct me and say she’s having a c-section, duh, tryng for laughs here….

  21. yae says:

    Unfortunantly, the fetuses would probably fair better in death. Imagine the horrific birth defects and learning disabilities they are sure to endure if they even survive this frankenstein experiment.
    “I don’t want 1 or 2 healthy babies. I’d rather have TWELVE disabled children instead” This should be child abuse.