Amy Winehouse was so wasted in Norway cops used her as a learning tool


Yesterday Celebitchy reported that Amy Winehouse was arrested for pot possession in Norway. Turns out, the Scandinavian countries have absolutely no tolerance for the drug… and I have to say that – given that fact – it’d probably be a good idea for someone like Amy Winehouse to stay 100 miles away from all of them at all times. Just a thought. Amy was so out of it that the cops refused to interview her for several hours after the arrest. She was finally interviewed around 11pm, and then forced to stay in her jail cell overnight until she sobered up.

A source said: “They are very strict about drug taking in Norway. With her past record they thought there was more than just a couple of spliffs [I think this is British lingo for a joint]. When she opened the hotel room door it was obvious she was wasted. She was mumbling and no one could understand her. “Amy and Blake were put in separate cells but Amy couldn’t be interviewed straight away because she was totally incoherent.

“She was co-operative and even let an officer in training look in her eyes so he could recognize how a person high on drugs looks.” After a sleepless night Amy was released at 7am on paying a £240 fine. Blake and his mate were also fined and let out. The source said: “Amy asked the police to call her a cab. But they told her she should walk because the hotel was only around the corner so she made the walk of shame back. I don’t think she realized it was actually the hotel that shopped her.”

Amy recovered from her ordeal by ordering champagne in the hotel spa ahead of her gig in the city last night. She is due to return home next week to kick off her first UK tour since her overdose. Last night cops said she was free to leave Norway. Prosecutor Lars Lohte said: “That is the end of the matter.”

[From the Sun]

No one can really be surprised that when Amy Winehouse does even “soft” drugs she goes all out. I could joke that I’m impressed she was so wasted that she actually became a teaching device, but I’m not really shocked enough to care. Really, considering it was Amy Winehouse, the cops should have given her a medal for just doing pot. Something like the “Thanks for not shooting crack in your eyeball” award. Do they have those? They should have one commissioned just for Amy, and keep in on hand in case it happens again. At least she sobered up and then drank some champagne to calm her nerves.


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