Nancy Pelosi on Trump: We’re going to be talking about the 25th Amendment

President Trump arrives to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda after testing positive for coronavirus

It’s the crazy season, I know. But I’m going to need some of you to dial down the conspiracy spinning about how Donald Trump is clearly faking everything and how Ivanka Trump is going to be installed as the new VP and blah blah blah. None of that is going to happen. Here is one thing that might happen: Donald Trump’s physical health or mental capabilities might deteriorate so rapidly that we will have, as a country, a very real conversation about the 25th Amendment. This conversation will likely not go anywhere unless the Republican Congressional caucus pushes the issue, and since that f–kface turtle Mitch McConnell is nominally “in charge,” the conversation will hit a dead end. Again, we’re just game-theorizing about what would happen if Trump was found waddling around Pennsylvania Avenue naked and ranting about Hillary Clinton-shaped cheeseburgers. If Trump dies, then it’s a different story, clearly.

If Republicans were even half as “patriotic” as they claim to be, they would have already told Trump that he needs to invoke the 25th Amendment himself. He should have invoked it a week ago, last Friday, when his condition was so bad that his doctors sent him to Walter Reed. Mike Pence should have called in the cabinet and they should have made Trump sign the invocation. But since this is an ego trip for Trump, of course none of that happened. Trump is currently high on drugs and roid-raging, plus he’s providing more original video content on a daily basis, all of which is utterly unhinged:

I mean, this is yet another exhibit for the Why The 25th Amendment Exists pile. And yes, I do think it was a green screen, but Buzzfeed experts (?) say it was actually filmed outside. Hm. Is Trump just coming in to work, maskless, to shoot weird videos with no script? Is he making up these speeches as he goes along? Is he even conscious in a legal sense?

So, obviously, Nancy Pelosi is going to force Republicans to talk about the 25th Amendment.

Good. She should be talking about 25. It’s not that Pelosi actually thinks she can bully Trump into invoking, or bully Pence into calling a Cabinet meeting. She’s doing this to put pressure on the White House, the GOP Congressional caucus and Republican donors too. She’s also talking about it because, oh right, it’s her DUTY. As Speaker of the House, the second in line in the continuity of government, she has a constitutional duty to say that 25 must be invoked.


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Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Getty, Avalon Red.

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63 Responses to “Nancy Pelosi on Trump: We’re going to be talking about the 25th Amendment”

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  1. Snuffles says:

    Trump is absolutely going off the rails and looks like hell no matter how much make up they slap on him or how far away to place the camera.

    And now Pence abruptly canceled his schedule and is returning to DC. So he either had COVID or it’s about the 25th Amendment discussions and he’s about to be sworn in.

    • heygingersnaps says:

      Typhoid dump would never let that happen. No way is he going to relinquish his position.
      I’m curious as to what’s going on with typhoid pence though, he looked poorly during the debate.

      • Snuffles says:

        They can do it without his permission if they think he is mentally incapacitated.

      • heygingersnaps says:

        I know they can, but typhoid dump would never go down willingly. I think he’s the type who rather burn everything than lose the presidency.

      • Christine says:

        I don’t think he’d do it willingly either. It’s scary how much power he seems to have. It’s like everyone in his administration is afraid to stand up to him.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      I think Pence is sick. he looked terrible at the debate and I’m wondering if he’s exhibiting symptoms to the point that he can’t hide it and he knows SOMEONE is going to leak to the press.

      hence, run home to Dear Leader.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Yeah I think he has COVID but like his master isn’t telling – neither of them are going to do more debates/town halls.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        I have my doubts about debates, too, but 45 wants to do a rally this Saturday in FLA, where they are now allowing FULL CAPACITY crowds at stadiums and arenas (???!!!).

        dude couldn’t even make it through a phone interview with Hannity without coughing repeatedly, and even choking at one point. how’s he going to talk (and stand!) for his usual 2 hour shout-fest?

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Trump has lost what little faculties he ever had, and should be removed from office. He was signing blank papers in the hospital. BLANK! How is that NOT a security risk? All someone needs to do is write something above his signature and it will look like a presidential proclamation. The White House need to l account for what happened to those papers, even if it’s just to assure the public that they were torn up right after the photos were taken.

  2. Merricat says:

    Mitch McConnell is as responsible for this cesspool as Trump. I hope that knowledge burns like acid in his beady brain.

    • H says:

      It doesn’t. Moscow Mitch is a millionaire through his wife. What does he care about us peons (citizens). His own daughters don’t speak to him. That tells you a lot.

  3. lobstah says:

    Can we just get ONE day off? Just one.

    Seeing where Hillary was in the polls 4 years ago has me all shook up over this election. He can’t win. For the good of humanity, he just can’t. But then I worry…what if he does?

    • notpretentious says:

      I’m with you lobstah, just one day! Please.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      I liked the statement I saw on Twitter can’t remember by whom: go to sleep like the polls are accurate, wake up like they aren’t. In other words, find some solace in them, but keep fighting like heck and don’t take anything for granted.

  4. FancyPants says:

    I dunno, that video still seems fake to me. For him to be that far away from the White House, wouldn’t he have been seen by somebody outside? Who had to drive him all the way out there? So many questions… I’m cautiously waiting to see what Speaker Pelosi has to say today. I hope she isn’t going to outright demand that somebody invoke the 25th (not that it shouldn’t be done!) because I think that’s really risky with some undecided voters this close to the election. I would like to see her open up a bipartisan discussion about what is happening right now with the President and very probably the Vice President both infected with a deadly virus, and what will happen if they are simultaneously incapacitated. Question: Aren’t a lot of Trump’s Cabinet unconfirmed? Can “acting” members of the Cabinet even vote for the 25th? I remember somebody saying during the impeachment proceedings that Trump was leaving people unconfirmed on purpose for that very reason, but I don’t know if that is truly how it works or not.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      it’s totally a green screen. and he still looks like sh*t.

      and I think (and hope!) Pelosi is smart enough to frame this as “a discussion” about if the 25th is necessary, and not try to ram something through. if it’s a discussion, they and the public and the media can “discuss” it leading up to the election and keep it in the news and in people’s minds. in a “hey, we’re just talking here…!” kind of way. I mean, I agree he should be removed but I don’t want the alleged undecideds or waverers to move back to the R column because of this.

      • Sojaschnitzel says:

        It definitely looks like a green screen. That would be some really really unusual light on his hair and clothes if it really were outside.
        I had to watch it with the sound off. I will not subject myself to his BS.

      • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

        She can’t “ram” anything through, as it needs the majority of the cabinet and the VP to vote for it, and they will NEVER turn on Herr Traitor Twitler.

        Under Section 4 of the amendment:

        The amendment says “the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide” must make a “written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

        It’s unlikely that Pence and a majority of Trump’s cabinet would strip him of power ahead of the Nov. 3 election.

        Congress has not passed a law describing an alternate entity authorized to make that decision….yet. THIS is what Nancy is proposing today.

      • Regina Falangie says:

        Yes! That’s my feeling too. The GOP doesn’t care about anything other than power. But let’s keep his obvious breakdown in the news! Trump is beyond awful and has to go!!!! Vote him out!!

    • Vava says:

      His hands looked larger than usual.

  5. souperkay says:

    It was filmed outside. They used a wide angle lens (think fisheye skateboarding lens but smaller prob 24mm) that causes his hands to look larger than his body because the lens is closer to him and then his hands closer to the lens than his body. They chose a small aperture at most f4 which causes the background to go soft and limits what’s crisply in focus, making it look like he was unconnected to the background. This is exacerbated by the depth of the background, there’s a lot of space behind him, making the soft focus background look fake.

    The dead giveaway that it was done outside is the shadows on his chins. They are correct for mid-morning-noon direct overhead sunlight as well as the color temperature as it matches for sunlight.

    • Sojaschnitzel says:

      Hey don’t take the fun away from us 😀
      Jk. Thanks for the interesting explanation! It very much seemed like a very bad photoshop job to me, but video is a different kind of magic indeed…

    • ChillyWilly says:

      His “chins” 😂

  6. Maree says:

    The fact too, that even if this was filmed with a green screen, his hair and makeup is (however poorly) done. Meaning his hair and makeup team have been forced to work with a covid positive.

    I’m an Aussie so obvs can’t vote in the US election but am crossing my fingers that Trump doesn’t stay. Surely he cannot, I just can’t even fathom what 4 more years of this madness will do to not just the US, but to the world. #votehimout

  7. Snuffles says:


    They can physically remove him if necessary. Just sedate the MF. Tell him he’s getting another steroid hit.

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      Somebody hit him with blow dart because that’s the only way they’d be able to tranquilize him.

      • Sandy Eggo says:

        A blow dart! Ok now I have Dr Pepper all over my keyboard!! A blow dart is a perfect idea!!

  8. Darla says:

    I’m terrified every day and will be until Jan 20th, when I do believe Joe Biden will be sworn in. But it’s going to be a dark and rocky trip. A hundred miles of bad road on an icy night for sure.

    • Sojaschnitzel says:

      An apt description of what lies ahead. But at the end of the trip you get hot cocoa and a warm bathtub so look forward to that 🙂

    • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

      To me, the SCARIEST TIME will be btwn Nov. 3 – Jan 20. THIS will be the “burn it down” time for Traitor Trump and Moscow Mitch. I worry how we’re going to get through *this* time frame.

      • H says:

        If we can flip the Senate to a Blue majority, I think they will try and burn the country down before they leave. Mitch won’t give a sh*t as he’s got his wife’s money to keep him happy until he croaks, but some of the others? Yeah, those people won’t go peacefully.

  9. Lizzie says:

    I hope this commission can at least subpoena cheetos doctors and hospital medical records so they have the truth about his health, treatment and medications. We haven’t seen him live since Monday. Americans deserve this information.

  10. Ann says:

    I read that Buzzfeed article about the greenscreen thing and their assessment is so flimsy. I’m 99% sure it was a greenscreen, and if it was I’m 110% sure they did something to make his hands look bigger.

  11. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Well my vote was mailed this week. I hope votes come in early for counting and that honorable people handle them. I know some are being trashed, whether through voter mistakes or criminal activities, but the country needs to have an early handle throughout this process.

    They can talk about the 25th all they want. Congress has allowed this thing to mock democracy for four f@cking years. They’re completely useless unless they’re dismantling progress and global patnerships.

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      I mailed mine in the other day. Does your state have a ballot tracker? I checked mine and they know I mailed it back and they’ll email me when its received and accepted. Early voting in my state starts 10/15 so if it is rejected I can go early vote.

  12. Torids says:

    As a European it all seems really confusing.

    • Torids says:

      Usually I’m just here to check celeb fashion. But this has been bothering me, because the USA has a lot of influence.

  13. Veronica S. says:

    If Trump gets knocked out, then Pence is next in line. These people are so f*cking stupid about how their own government runs that they can’t even conspiracy right.

    • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

      UNLESS Pence himself is so sick he can’t.

      Then it passes to Speaker to become (Temp) “Acting Pres.” until which time/IF either recovers.

  14. diffraction says:

    That video is 100% fake. If you watch the trees moving in the back top right, you can see them “jump.” It’s a video loop that repeats every 4-5 seconds.

  15. AppleTartin says:

    Trump was completely unhinged on his Hannity interview last night. So bad that Hannity was trying to cover his ass where he could. Trump can’t stand the thought of losing and being shunned by the country being the latest one term POTUS.

    I do feel if it is a landslide win POTUS will conceded to Biden. Trump is a lot of things. But I just can’t see him going nuclear to stay in Power. He just likes to play President. He really just wants to go back to Mar a Largo and bang porn stars again.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      “He really just wants to go back to Mar a Largo and bang porn stars again.”

      yes, but that’s not what’s going to happen if he leaves office. he’s facing charges and lawsuits. he’s much more likely to end up in jail than Mar-a-lago.

      • shanaynay says:

        Oh let’s hope he ends up in a prison cell with his family and all his cronies. That’s where they all belongs

    • Jess says:

      I came to post about that phone call, he was coughing and clearing his throat a lot, and I think he muted himself at one point. He’s a damn mess.

  16. Christin says:

    I don’t understand why 25A is being brought up after all the ineptness, inciting, etc., that has already happened. Is it to have a game plan for after November 3?

    The last 12 days made me think the tide is truly turning. Tax story, with more to come, they said. Then the debate. Followed by ongoing super-spreader coverage. Leaks galore. Then the VP debate.

    I’m really puzzled as to the timing, when things are looking positive for a change in power.

  17. Milkweed says:

    Did you hear Mitch McConnell has been taking the virus seriously and hasn’t been to the White House in months because they aren’t? I kept waiting for news that he caught it, but nope, the mean turtle is keeping himself safe.

    • chicken tetrazzini! says:

      Which means he knows what his party is doing in helping to spread the virus among the American populous. The man is pure selfish evil

      • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

        He is trying to keep himself AND as many senators as he can safe so as to push through The Handmaiden ASAP. Then he won’t care who goes down. But for now, he’s running scared.

        ETA: I just saw Bill Kristol post this on Twitter:
        “”In a conference call with a group of lobbyists, McConnell vented that the party’s Senate candidates are being financially overwhelmed because of small-dollar contributions to ActBlue, the online liberal fund-raising hub.”
        Poor Mitch. Poor lobbyists.”

    • ChillyWilly says:

      Mitch is a vile, rancid pile of pus but he ain’t stupid. I’m not shocked he’s been steering clear of Typhoid Trump and his super spreader staff.
      Also, wasn’t Reagan in full blown dementia at the end of his presidency? Nobody removed him from office and they aren’t going to remove Trump either.

    • Lipreng says:

      Apparently Mitch has concerns for his health due to complications from having Polio as a child.

  18. MissMarierose says:

    So much of this is unnecessary. If McConnell had gotten Senate Republicans to remove Trump after he was impeached, we’d have Pence as president now.
    He’s still be horrible as a president, certainly. But this circus would be gone and the GOP would still be getting their judges through, which is all they want anyway.
    The fact that they kept Trump in office makes me wonder what was so wrong with Pence that they’d rather keep going with this dumpster fire.

    • H says:

      They wanted the Supreme Court to be conservative for the next 30 years. Mitch got his wish, now he doesn’t give a sh*t. He could lose his election and he’d still have done his “job.”

    • MsIam says:

      Well my theory has always been that Turnip is not the only one that the Russians have dirt on. They have master hackers, they can find out anything. Plus they had that lady spy who was involved with the NRA, I’m sure she was a conduit for info.

  19. Suz says:

    “They” call her Crazy Nancy? “They” is just you, Don. Do you even know that you’re you anymore?

  20. Mia says:

    All I have to say is that when I read his tweet about “Crazy Nancy is the one who should be under observation. They don’t call her Crazy for nothing!”, I thought, “”They” is you, b*tch.”