Jennifer Aniston has been a long-time Democrat and Democratic donor. I don’t believe – but I could be wrong – that Aniston is anything like an elite Dem fundraiser or super-donor, but I have never doubted her liberal politics, even if she chooses to not wear her politics on her sleeve. Aniston also joined Instagram in the past year, and she’s taken to it quite well – she’s amassed more than 35 million followers, and she’s good at curating her feed with a combination of social-messaging and work promotion and lighter stuff, like fashion and puppies. So I’m not surprised that she found a way to use Instagram to talk about voting, and I think her message is kind of perfect for her?
#IVOTED for @joebiden and @kamalaharris. I dropped my ballot off, and I did it early. I voted for them because right now this country is more divided than ever. Right now, a few men in power are deciding what women can and can’t do with their own bodies. Our current President has decided that racism is a non-issue. He has repeatedly and publicly ignored science… too many people have died.
I urge you to really consider who is going to be most affected by this election if we stay on the track we’re on right now… your daughters, the LGBTQ+ community, our Black brothers and sisters, the elderly with health conditions, and your future kids and grandkids (who will be tasked with saving a planet that our leadership refuses to believe is hurting). ⠀
This whole thing isn’t about one candidate or one single issue, it’s about the future of this country and of the world. Vote for equal human rights, for love, and for decency. ❤️
PS – It’s not funny to vote for Kanye. I don’t know how else to say it. Please be responsible
“It’s not funny to vote for Kanye. I don’t know how else to say it.” I’ll say it another way, Jen: anyone who votes for Kanye West is reprehensible and stupid. It’s not just “throwing your vote away.” You are actively choosing to vote for a profoundly mentally ill man who is being used as a campaign-fraud prop by the Trump administration. You’re pathetic if you vote for Kanye. As for everything else she says, I agree 100%. I appreciate the fact that public figures like Jennifer are simply saying who they’re voting for and why.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Instagram.
Something tells me Kanye wont come for Jennifer but his twitter fingers were very quick to respond to Issa Rae.
Interesting isn’t it? It’s also interesting that when David Letterman asked Kim who she’s voting for she refused to answer !
I grew up thinking “secret ballot” meant you can never, ever tell anybody who you voted for… My mother was quietly voting Democrat while her husband’s family was rabidly Republican, but I didn’t find out until I was much older.
I would say she was canceling out her husband’s vote, as many quiet wives have traditionally done, but I don’t recall him ever being at all interested in politics (he wasn’t around much, though) and I doubt that he bothered to vote.
The thing is Kim was pretty vocal about voting for Obama and Hilary. I think we all know why she won’t say who she is voting for this time.
I forgot about Kanye….
I didn’t. I read an article about how he will get thousands of votes. One of his supporters said they’re voting for him because “he couldn’t be worse than Trump”. F anyone who votes for Kanye. Any vote for him is a direct vote for Trump.
Kanye and his primary enabler Kim are literally ready to doom the poor of this country because they want MORE attention.
I’m convinced that Kanye, Ice Cube and all the rest of those idiot rappers are bought and paid for GOP operatives and only looking out for themselves.
I wonder what price their soul that they’d take money for that.
Scott Baio, James Woods, Kid Rock – I just think they’re every bit as stupid and self interested as one would guess.
For real. The fact that she supports both narcissists (Trump and Kanye) is the primary reason I dislike her. If Kanye were my husband (shudder), I’d say hell no are you pulling attention and possible votes away from Biden just to feed your own ego!
She should divorce that moron asap. I would, anyway.
Excellent message, and great use of her huge social media platform.
Completely agree.
Go Jen!
(And I’m no big fan of her’s.)
I can’t understand anyone throwing a vote away and voting for Kanye or any other third party candidate. It’s asinine. It’s just like that idiot Maryland governor writing in Ronald Reagan’s name for President. Republicans always want Dems to vote for them but aren’t willing to vote Democratic especially when it matters most.
Fitting, though, since Reagan is another Republican president who allowed a deadly disease to run rampant through the population without a care because it was predominantly affecting a minority group (AIDS, homosexuals). Until, you know. It very much became everyone’s problem. 🙄
(Notice how well we’ve managed to erase that from people’s historical memory!)
My favorite celebrity instagrams right now are, Jen’s, Momoa’s, Viola Davis’ and Winston Duke’s.
This is the first and only time I’ve ever gotten behind her voice. I can honestly say, “Go Jen!”
Same, I’m not a fan but I appreciate her on this.
Can yall delete this? I didn’t mean to post.
In California, Kanye isn’t even on the ticket as President. He’s on the ticket as VP! The guy that IS on the ticket as President didn’t even know Kanye was going to be his VP “running” mate until the ballot came out! LOL!
Yeah I saw that on my ballot. My first thought was “ugh he really is on here that trump lackey”. Second thought was “who tf is Rocky?”
I wish that the others on there who aren’t from the two major parties would realize that this isn’t the year to be messing around. This isn’t the ideal election cycle for “the protest vote”.
I thought that was really odd, running as VP and I’ve never heard of the guy he is running under.
Very well said. The CA thing with Kanye on the VP ticket is hilarious
Good for her, but she’s gone too far with her face. She looks like Kermit the Frog now.
It’s hard to argue with anything she says in her post. And I would have serious issues with anyone who could argue with it.
Also, i’m so jealous of the I Voted sticker! I know it’s not the point of voting, but I have sticker envy every election because they don’t have them where I live.
You can actually vote for Kanye?? Like, that’s not a hoax?
I was going to say: Why is an unstable man with an untreated mental illness and no political experience even on the ballot, but then I remembered who is president at the moment so …
He’s on the ballot in California. He’s someone’s Vice President pick lol
You can technically vote for anyone in an election. That’s what the write-in section is for. It’s just that not listing a candidate is more likely to keep people from impulsively protest voting.
Jen’s IG is a masterclass in getting it just right. She leaves long gaps between posting and doesn’t create excessive intimacy with her everyday life if that makes any sense. There’s a clear boundary and she’s strategic about how she uses it. Also, she gets an incredible number of showbiz A-list commenters. The woman seems to know everyone.
What made me nervous about her post were the comments, many MAGAs. Please tell me these are bots and not real!
She’s absolutely right.