Chris Brown pisses off the almighty Oprah

Oprah Winfrey
Chris Brown told Larry King in an interview that aired on Wednesday that he didn’t think his career was over at all after his brutal attack on Rihanna and that “I just need to prove to people I can be a role model.” Chris didn’t offer us much indication that he was up to the task. He was vague and full of excuses about what happened, refusing to get into the details and focusing on his own feelings about the incident instead of the terrible pain he inflicted on the woman he claimed he still loved. He also blamed the media for their coverage of his horrific attack, saying it was “blow out of proportion” and “spun out of control.”

Chris may have been partially right that he would have been able to continue on with his career. After all, many of you pointed out that R. Kelly still has a career despite the disgusting things he’s done. Unfortunately for little pissant woman-beater Chris, he managed to bad mouth the woman who helped elect a President and has the power to shut down entire cities. Chris talks smack about billionaire media mogul Oprah in the upcoming issue of People Magazine, and that means he’s truly “over” according to sources quoted by MSNBC’s The Scoop:

In the new issue of People magazine, Chris Brown says he felt like Oprah Winfrey’s show about domestic violence, which was dedicated to “all the Rihannas of the world,” and aired after he assaulted ex-girlfriend Rihanna, was a “slap in the face.”

“I commend Oprah on being like, ‘This is a problem,’ but it was a slap in my face,” Brown told People. “I did a lot of stuff for her, like going to Africa and performing for her school. She could’ve been more helpful, like, ‘OK, I’m going to help both of these people out.’”

Brown might come to regret speaking out on the issue. “He’s done,” said one well-placed source with direct connections to some of Brown’s endorsement opportunities. “Whatever goodwill he had, he’s totally ruined it by saying that. What was he thinking? And who the hell goes up against Oprah? It just shows he doesn’t think. No one is going to want him as the face of their brand.”

Brown’s rep didn’t return a call for comment. Winfrey had this to say about Brown’s quotes to People: “Oprah is very appreciative that Chris Brown performed at her school, but she takes domestic abuse very seriously. She hopes he gets the counseling he needs.”

I love Oprah’s brief but effective response. It’s also ripe that woman-beater Chris compares Oprah’s coverage on domestic violence to a “slap in the face,” as if that’s the worst metaphor he can come up with.

Radar Online has a response to Brown’s Larry King interview from a domestic violence organization. They basically shoot down all his stupid claims, like how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Rihanna. Choosing violence over another response is a deliberate act, they explain, and it’s no excuse to say that you witnessed domestic abuse at home. That doesn’t mean you have to repeat that cycle and beat people you supposedly love:

While Chris Brown may have aired his regrets and apologies during his interview with Larry King which aired Wednesday night, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence have a few things to say about his statements. The group’s executive editor Rita Smith spoke with with their reactions to his comments.

On Brown saying he could see himself spending the rest of his life with Rihanna: “I’m sure he could. That would be devastating for her. I’m sure he can. My reaction to that is that he can’t possibly love her if he hurts her. Those two things do not happen in the same context. If he loves her he would never, ever hurt her…”

On Brown blaming his childhood: “Part of it is because he did not have a very good role model when he was growing up. He had a really poor role model. But he can choose not to replicate that behavior. Using violence is a choice. It¹s not like something took hold of him and threw him up against Rihanna. He made that choice, he used his fist. That¹s a very aggressive behavior. And it worried me that he got to that level as quickly as he did, it did not take long for it to escalate to that point. So I think that it would be a good thing if Rihanna did not reconnect with him because he¹s got a lot of work to do before he is a good partner.”

[From Radar Online]

Given the fact that Brown has had over six months to come up with some kind of contrite response, I found it kind of amazing that his first interview was as bad as it was. He had plenty of time to practice looking guilty and sad, and instead he seemed downright defiant and unwilling to admit what he’d done – even to himself. Maybe it’s not that surprising that someone who would resort to that level of brutality is unable to conjure up the small amount of regret needed for a convincing apology. Everyone is seeing Chris for the stupid, cruel person that he is and there are no excuses for him now.

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41 Responses to “Chris Brown pisses off the almighty Oprah”

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  1. Ex Back says:

    My momma taught me three things:

    #1: Treat women with respect.
    #2: Say you’re sorry
    #3: Do whatever Oprah says

    Oh stupid Chris Brown – Momma not happy!

  2. Kaboom says:

    He’s spinning more rope than he’ll ever need to hang himself with.

  3. gracie says:

    Chris better watch out. The Mighty O will put a contract out on him.

    He is so wrong, stupid, clueless and just plain dumb. He can’t even imagine how to just say I’M SORRY I BEAT THE HELL OUT OF MY GIRLFRIEND.

    And then to poke Oprah with a big stick and aggravate her….oh man. This kid has a death wish.

  4. happymom says:

    He just doesn’t get it. Like all abusers, he blames the victim-and so this is the most “contrite” he can come across-because he truly is not sorry.

  5. Neelyo says:

    He’s pissed off Jay Z AND Oprah. He may really be done.

  6. photo jojo says:

    “She could’ve been more helpful, like, ‘OK, I’m going to help both of these people out.”

    Is he f***ing joking?!?! She could have been more helpful?! You could have kept your hands to yourself you punk!

    Gah, I really dislike Oprah but I hope she rains down fire on this little whiner!

  7. Megan says:


  8. Lenore says:

    “She could’ve been more helpful, like, ‘OK, I’m going to help both of these people out.”

    Wow, check out the entitlement on this boy! Not only can he not bring himself to apologise for assault, not only does he present himself publically as a touchy little schoolboy who knows he’s being punished but doesn’t quite get WHAT FOR, but he puts his status as an abuser on a par with that of the victims of domestic abuse!

    I don’t doubt he needs help. Anyone who does that to ANYONE, not just a girlfriend or wife, needs help to overcome their violence issues. But has he asked for help? Has he admitted what a scumbag he was for beating her? No. I get the impression that the help he wants is the help he already gets from his mommy; to lay his head down in the lap of the public and have the world say, “Aw, baby, it wasn’t your fault. You were provoked. Mommy knows you didn’t mean it. You wanna watch Spongebob?”

    Grow up, MAN up, and accept responsibility, you ass.

  9. elusive says:

    Once again im going to request a Chris Brown ban. Let him sink his own career. Don’t give him any publicity from the media that he said went so crazy about this.

    What a sleazy douche.

  10. Toe says:

    What kind of hair weave is Oprah using?

  11. Bill Hicks is God says:

    Boy’s a real dim bulb, isn’t he?

  12. maddie says:

    @ Neelyo

    “””He’s pissed off Jay Z AND Oprah. He may really be done.”””

    TOO Funny and True !!!

  13. yadira says:

    Love the header pic of Oprah, she looks like she is ready to spit fire on him

  14. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Because I guess black on black crime and assault takes a backseat in the Church of Oprah ?

  15. Iggles says:

    Hieronymus Grex – I don’t get your comment. What are you implying?

    Lenore – You comment is spot on! We want’s every to stop being “mean” to him because it’s not his fault! Yea.. right..

    I really hope Oprah puts the kibosh on his careers. I hope all those hip hop producers and industry insider who still think Brown is a bankable star will take heed and stop dealing with this pathetic sorry excuse for a man. 20 is young but he’s no teenager. If you can vote, buy cigarettes, enlist in the army, and be charged as an adult for crimes — guess what, you ARE an adult!

  16. Trey says:

    Good. Good good good. Please do continue covering the downfall of this big-headed queefnugget. I also enjoy how the awfulness of his outfits seems to clearly match whatever awfulness is spewing out of his smug face.

  17. hmm says:

    It just goes to show how out of touch and entitled he really is. It is ridiculous to suggest that Oprah should have reached out to HIM because HE assaulted a woman. I for one am glad of Oprah’s response and was frankly disgusted by some of the comments from people like Whoopi Goldberg and others who tried to defend his criminal behavior. And oh yeah, he’s done.

  18. hatsumomo says:

    I’m sorry, but I really take offense to the claim Oprah put Obama in office. She has absolutely no influence in my country given rights and to imply its the only reason the President has his position is because of her is ludicrous at best and an insult to him. I accept the fact that there are simpletons out there who will vote depending on their celebrity obsessions but cmon! That has got to be the extreme minority, like women in relationships for the money.

  19. hatsumomo says:

    I cant stand either one, so to pick the lesser of the two evils?

  20. original kate says:

    why does he dress like a character out of archie comics?

  21. Vermithrax says:

    Not a shred of class in his soul.

  22. fizXgirl314 says:

    Winfrey had this to say about Brown’s quotes to People: “Oprah is very appreciative that Chris Brown performed at her school, but she takes domestic abuse very seriously. She hopes he gets the counseling he needs.”

    Is this a quote on behalf of oprah? because I hope she doesn’t speak in the third person… oops, I didn’t capitalize her name… I hope I don’t get smited :-p

  23. j. ferber says:

    Impulsiveness + no remorse + no empathy for the victim = sociopath.

  24. mark says:

    When someone does that to someone else it’s because it’s part of his\her nature\soul. For whatever reason that IS who they are. The Perp does not change due to censure,,,The Perp tries to portray him\herself in a way that is acceptable but underneath, is the same person who committed a crime of physical violence against another.
    This is who you are Chris,,,Own up to it.
    say it, I am an Abusive Asshole,,,repeat after me…

  25. RubyKaur says:

    I watched that interview, and all I wanted to do was smack down his smug face. Appearing on LK was the best thing he could do…..officially HATED evn more now.

  26. Hieronymus Grex says:

    I was implying that the Chris Brown situation has been active for a long stretch of time and now it suddenly catches Oprah’s interest/ mock-outrage.

  27. Alicia says:

    Wow. He’s definitely done as far as his career is concerned. Seriously, what company would think Chris Brown is a good role model now? I think I he should just back away from the spotlight for awhile. Rihanna is WAY better off without him…and maybe most women are.

  28. fizXgirl314 says:

    hey Grexx, are you that VdanteV guy? everybody asks for you all the time… why don’t you speak up?

  29. hmm says:

    Hieronymus, Oprah didn’t initiate this situation, Chris did. Oprah made the comment that Brown found offensive months ago and he said in a new interview in People magazine that he was upset by her comments. So, Oprah is not stirring up faux outrage, he’s the putz who brought her into his mess.

  30. ogechi says:

    chris brown,u are disgusting.

  31. Hieronymus Grex says:

    FizXgirl or whatever- for the last time NO!!

  32. fizXgirl314 says:

    ok whatever to you buddy..

  33. GatsbyGal says:

    I’m usually not on Oprah’s side, but I really hope she chooses to use her powers for good instead of evil this time and ruin Chris for good.

  34. fizXgirl314 says:

    oprah’s not evil… she’s oval :-p

    I like oprah though. she defies all odds..

  35. prissa says:

    fizXgirl – I thought Bill Hicks was VdanteV because Bill’s 1 liners remind me of things vdantev would say.

  36. Aspie says:

    @ Lenore: Excellent commentary and I couldn’t agree with you more!

    @ Hieronymus Grex: Like another poster asked earlier, what are you implying with your comment? What does “Church of Oprah” exactly mean?

    @ hatsumomo: I agree, it’s an insult to ALL AMERICANS for us to believe that Oprah practically put Obama into office. We all have BRAINS and can think for ourselves and obviously put the man in office whom we thought was best suited for the job. I’m so sick of the “Queen Oprah and all her minions” type of comments and the variations of them. Why do people feel so threatened by her and her success? Would she be less threatening if she were not a woman of color?

  37. daniel says:

    Someone please just shoot this fu*ker and lets move on, lol!

  38. Annabelle says:

    Grex you can’t really say it took a backseat, Oprah aired that domestic violence show like, right after the beating happened. And made a comment supporting Rihanna too, if I remember correctly.

  39. sue says:

    Alright now some of you are so clueless even Oprah I don’t support domestic violence be it man or woman everybody is saying he needs help but what about both of them getting help. It seems like everyone is sweeping under the rug that she would hit him a number of times. Read the entire story 1 they were driving one day she slapped him he got out of the car he hit the window 2 she got upset with him about a girl she hit him he walked away. Is it okay for a man to hit a woman NO!! Is it okay for a woman to hit a man NO!! So stop taking sides and get the word out they both should get help because she will date again and if she keeps on putting her hands on someone she might not be so lucky so Chris and Rhianna love you both if you happen to read this get the help the both of you learn from your mistake and keep putting out hits. As for Oprah don’t keep singling out the man, the woman also should not hit. Young people watch your show and these young girls may think it is okay to hit their man

  40. 4Real says:

    Chris’s mom has spoiled him. He sounds like he has problems dealing with women too. Very disrespectful to rag on Oprah. I’d like to see him raise a hand to her, she’d kick his ass! His image as the good guy is gone forever. Larry King can’t help him. He may as well go all hard now and reinvent himself if he wants a second shot at a career. The public really only forgets/forgives after a celeb takes ownership and has apologized a kajillion times on tv.

  41. redred2 says:

    Not a Brown supporter, but I wish Oprah would be consistent. Her FRIEND BEBE Wyans beat the the hell out of his estrange wife & Oprah said NOTHING!!! This happened before the summer break & while she was still filming live shows. So Oprah, if YOU HATE 1 WOMAN BEATER, YOU HATE THEM ALL!!!!! SHe said NOTHING & he is STiLL her FRIEND.