Donald Trump is ‘lashing out’ at everyone, including Mike Pence & Mitch McConnell

Anti-Trump protesters gather in Jupiter

I haven’t watched the news in a few days because that’s one of the Christmas gifts I’m giving to myself: a sense of quiet Christmas relief by completely ignoring Donald Trump’s daily/hourly tantrums over being the biggest, suckiest loser in history. Some people expressed hope that Trump would fly down to Mar-a-Lago this week and simply never return to the White House. At first I was like “well, that would be anticlimactic” but now I really hope he does that. Because he’s currently sitting in the White House, filling up his diaper and wallowing in some of the craziest delusions we’ve seen thus far.

President Trump, in his final days, is turning bitterly on virtually every person around him, griping about anyone who refuses to indulge conspiracy theories or hopeless bids to overturn the election, several top officials tell Axios. Targets of his outrage include Vice President Pence, chief of staff Mark Meadows, White House counsel Pat Cipollone, Secretary of State Pompeo and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Trump thinks everyone around him is weak, stupid or disloyal — and increasingly seeks comfort only in people who egg him on to overturn the election results. We cannot stress enough how unnerved Trump officials are by the conversations unfolding inside the White House.

Top officials are trying to stay away from the West Wing right now. Trump is lashing out, and everyone is in the blast zone: At this point, if you’re not in the “use the Department of Homeland Security or the military to impound voting machines” camp, the president considers you weak and beneath contempt. Trump is fed up with Cipollone, his counsel. Some supporters of Cipollone are worried that Trump is on the brink of removing him and replacing him with a fringe loyalist.

A source who spoke to Trump said the president was complaining about Pence and brought up a Lincoln Project ad that claims that Pence is “backing away” from Trump. This ad has clearly got inside Trump’s head, the source said. Trump views Pence as not fighting hard enough for him — the same complaint he uses against virtually everybody who works for him and has been loyal to him. Pence’s role on Jan. 6 has begun to loom large in Trump’s mind, according to people who’ve discussed the matter with him. Trump would view Pence performing his constitutional duty — and validating the election result — as the ultimate betrayal.

A new fixation: Trump has even been asking advisers whether they can get state legislatures to rescind their electoral votes. When he’s told no, he lashes out even more, said a source who discussed the matter with the president. And in an Oval meeting Monday night night, Trump spoke with House Republicans about voting to overturn the result on Jan. 6 — a desperate vote that even Trump has privately acknowledged he’s bound to lose.

A source told Axios that Jared Kushner, who yesterday participated in a tree-planting ceremony in Jerusalem Forest’s Grove of Nations, “is focused on the Middle East.” It’s a perfect visual encapsulation of Kushner’s absence — on the other side of the world, planting a tree with Bibi and accepting plaudits, while Trump discusses mayhem with Sidney Powell.

[From Axios]

Apparently, Trump has been screaming and crying about Mitch McConnell too – for the past four years, Trump was Mitch’s puppet as much as Putin’s puppet, and it’s only now that Trump realizes that Mitch will not do anything to help him at this point. CNN also has a report which repeats much of this Axios story, with some bonus quotes about how White House staffers fear that Trump will go on a firing spree in his last month, and that he will legitimately barricade himself in the White House on Inauguration Day (LMAO). Delusional Don is also telling every f–king person he comes into contact with that he “won” the election in a “landslide.” My God.

Oh, and CNN says that Trump is still loosely planning on going to Mar-a-Lago this week (although that could change) and staffers are really worried that he’s going to start calling and meeting with people his advisers are unaware of, people who will feed his delusions, or perhaps violent white supremacists.

When even Pat Robertson is jumping from the sinking Trump dinghy… (also, this is f–king delusional too).

President Trump holds a Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Summit at the White House

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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90 Responses to “Donald Trump is ‘lashing out’ at everyone, including Mike Pence & Mitch McConnell”

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  1. sa says:

    I so long for the day when none of us have to care what this malignant fool says or does. only 29 more days…

    • Seraphina says:

      Unfortunately he has looneys out there do do care about what he says and he knows it. He won’t stop until he is no longer given attention. He is like the toddler on the floor having a tantrum, we have to walk over him and pay him no attention and go about our business. 01/20/2021, it cannot get here fast enough.

      • Joan Rivers says:

        So what if he fires someone w/29 days to go? So what? W/the holidays in the middle of it.

        Xmas, New Yrs, weekends — hardly any time left!

    • Sarah says:

      It’s not going to stop. I fear (and believe) that it will only get more and more deranged.

      • Jamie says:

        I feel the same way too. And the violence he’s capable of getting his followers to commit is truly frightening.

      • Noodle says:

        He’s mentioned “wild protests” on January 6. I can’t help but wonder if that’s when the Proud Boys will no longer stand by and actually do something. Ugh. I thought once we got past the election and a winner was declared that my anxiety about all this would diminish. I was wrong.

      • Pierre says:

        This looser needs medical help. Scary.

    • sa says:

      I don’t doubt he’ll still have some followers, but it will drop significantly. A strongman without any actual power is something very different than one who commands the government and the military.

      • escondista says:

        THIS. Yeah there will be always sect of the party that will follow him but I sincerely hope Twitter drops him and they all have to climb back into their basement-dwelling echo chambers where they have exactly no power. If the government and news of this country is so corrupt then i hope they stop voting and move out of it.

      • sassafras says:

        This and he’s also going to die one day of natural causes and while that will be confusing to those who have mistaken him for God, and the looniest of tunes will continue to spout Q theories about him and JFK Jr. living it up under fake names in Greenland or something, it should put an end to the majority of the personality cult.

      • Korra says:

        Agreed. While I predict some surges in violence and activity from his followers in the first half of 2021, he is on his way to irrelevancy. His entire platform is all about shocking and distraction, but he won’t be able to sustain momentum or interest once he leaves office. He is a persona non grata by the time we ring in 2022.

  2. Chill says:

    LOSER!! I am finally laughing at him because he is a loser! I held it in for 4 years. Not any more. LOL, Ha Ha Ha!

  3. Faye says:

    He’s acting exactly how I knew he would if he lost. This is the biggest embarrassment that the US has ever had.

    Hes showed that he’s a whiney baby his whole presidency and am shocked that he still have supporters, but not really because I see everyday that America has some really stupid people.

    • Esmom says:

      We do have some real stupid people. And way too many people who are as selfish and cruel as he is.

    • Sigmund says:

      I really thought he was going to go off to Mar a Lago and just not come back. It would have let him save some face and keep up his denial. But now I’m wondering if he won’t drag it out to the bitter end and make the Secret Service escort him out after all. I just can’t fathom what’s going on in his head.

      • escondista says:

        Please let us watch him get dragged out! Please.

      • Paige says:

        I want him dragged out live on tv-i want white broncos and police chases and shredding documents while doing blow, hyperventilating on LIVE TV..
        I want Charlie Sheen/Gary Busey style off the rails crap. I WANT HIM CALLED A LOSER PUBLICLY. (like he’s done to some many others) and I want him and Melanoma strung upside down a la Mussolini in front of the Lincoln monument.
        Now that would be Christmasy and the beginning of making America great again

      • Jaded says:

        He’s not allowed to stay at Mar-a-Lago longer than 21 days a year and only in increments of 7 consecutive days. He signed a couple of agreements when he turned it into a club pertaining to it no longer being a private home, and as it’s a historic building to not renovate it into a hotel. His Palm Springs neighbours are all up in arms about it and once he’s out of office there’s nothing he can do about it. He can have all the whiny toddler melt-downs he wants but he’s not wanted in the White House, Mar-a-Lago and apparently NY.

      • trashaddict says:

        I have fantasies of seeing him tarred and feathered. In ancient Rome, he would have been gone already.

  4. Esmom says:

    I had terrible insomnia last night and I blame too many Trump stories. Two newly elected officials, Nazi enthusiast Madison Cawthorn of the House and Senator-elect and football expert Tommy Tuberville plan to challenge the electoral college results. The fact that they can’t acknowledge that their own elections would be in question if they think Trump’s is illegitimate doesn’t matter. Nothing does in MAGA world when you can explain away any opposition to Trump’s supposed landslide win with “he/she is part of the Deep State.”

    • Kelly says:

      It’s really sad that Doug Jones lost to Tuberville. Tuberville wasn’t even that good of a football coach.

    • trashaddict says:

      Me too, Esmom. 4 years’ worth of insomnia. If we can get through the transition safely, maybe we’ll all finally get some freaking rest.

  5. Ann says:

    “Trump is lashing out, and everyone is in the blast zone” yeah I bet they are with all that KFC, Adderall, and infantile rage bubbling around in his bloated disgusting body. Bet all his situation room MAGAts wish they were allowed to wear masks for the smell alone.

    Lol that Project Lincoln is still getting in his head! Et tu Pence?! Say it isn’t so!! Hahahaha!!

  6. lillyfromlilooet says:

    This here is why I am skeptical of the notion that he will continue to rule the Republican Party and/or continue to be a leadership figure. His support is dwindling and his mental health is crumbling.

    • STRIPE says:

      It will certainly be interesting to see. The majority of the GOP will be happy to have him gone I imagine (Turtle Mitch included), so with people like Pat Robertson even realizing Trump is unfit..hopefully he can’t get the support he needs to run again. Also, I wonder if the MAGA crowd will just lose steam after a few years when the world doesn’t collapse and they just have to go about their daily lives for a few years.

      I also really wonder what’s going to happen to the Q community/cult when Biden is officially sworn in. Will they finally realize then that they’ve been totally conned?

    • EllenOlenska says:

      They don’t need him anymore. He did their dirty work while running a circus sideshow. And while the media covered his tweet storms we got three Supreme Court justices of dubious qualifications…ivanka and Jared and Don Jr loading their bank accounts with interesting deals and a giant deficit ( pre Covid, don’t buy the “ well Covid” excuses that will be thrown out later) and lots of other crap.

      What Donny boy doesn’t realize is the the Republicans just treated him like a first wife. Get what they want out of you and move on.

  7. Lady D says:

    Another (very long) month and I’m going to laugh every time his name is mentioned.

  8. Becks1 says:

    I’m not surprised that he wont accept the results and that he’s lashing out. I think part of it is because he genuinely doesn’t understand how things work. Everything is a transaction to him. He put Barrett, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the bench. They were supposed to help him out here. The Republicans in state legislatures in PA and WI were supposed to help him out. Mitch McConnell was supposed to help him out.

    Yes the Republicans in general have been pretty heinous during all this, especially every one who signed the letter supporting Texas in their stupid lawsuit, but I do think Trump genuinely expected more from them than comments about how “we need to count all the votes” or “we don’t know the results yet.”

    He thought the Republican party would rise up in his defense to steal the election for him, and instead he got Rudy Giuliani sweating his hair dye off and farting in court.

    (please note I’m not excusing the Rs who have been silent or complicit in this. I’m just saying they didn’t do the full extent of what Trump wanted them to do.)

    • Becks1 —. The psychiatrist from Yale who has publicly gone on record over the last 4 years about Trump’s increasing instability stated this week in a POLITICO article that for Trump to admit he lost would create a psychic break in his personality. She believes he is really tipping over the edge now and will only grow more unstable as he gets closer to Jan 20 and has no where to go with that loss. I tell you, I just want this to be over! I’m with Kaiser, I’ve been trying to give myself a break from this, because I think the man needs to be sedated and removed in a straight jacket at this point. And, as to all his enablers and those rats scurrying around afraid to get near him now, they had no problem enabling him when it suited them. Now, that his batshit crazy is becoming harder to hide and control, now they are concerned?

      • paranormalgirl says:

        He’s already at the middle stages of a psychotic break. He is becoming more and more delusional, more and more erratic, and more and more dangerous. And this is coming from me, someone who does not like armchair diagnostics. I do not like to even attempt to diagnose someone I don’t treat, but this is all playing out so very publicly. It must be sheer hell in private.

      • Becks1 says:

        I agree with both of you – reading this article he really does seem like he’s crossed a line, mentally.

      • Lizzie says:

        His family seem to have abandoned him. Melanie is in FL, Ivanka is in GA and FL and Jared is in Israel.

      • Vizia says:

        I’m with you, paranormalgirl. In general I think the Goldwater Rule is a good idea, but this behavior is so glaringly text-book and so public that it’s hard to even come up with a differential. And that means that decompensation is the logical progression….

    • Korra says:

      “… and instead he got Rudy Giuliani sweating his hair dye off and farting in court.”

      Oh man, that brought me to tears. 😂 It is a fitting end to his presidency.

    • Dollycoa says:

      I used to teach Citizenship in the UK. As part of the course we would do a comparison of the US and UK political system. I used to say that the US President had less power than the British PM because the US constitution was King whereas we have an unwritten Constitution that can just be amended by Parliament whenever it likes ( Brexit anyone?). I had been doubting myself over the past 4 years, but the fact that all Trump has left is that ranting idiot Giuliani despite stuffing the Supreme Court with his supporters has restored my faith in democracy!

  9. Ninks says:

    It’s taken all of four years but he’s actually right about something. – the people around him are stupid, weak and disloyal. If they had any strength, brains or loyalty they would have done something about removing this batshit crazy festering bufoon ages ago.

  10. Sayrah says:

    Will the evangelicals come for Pat Robertson now? I mean to some Catholics the pope is not catholic enough because he’s too liberal. Will they stay trump cultists and call for Robertson’s head or are they getting over this too?

    • Sayrah says:

      Answering my own question on this. The breitbart Facebook post on this reveals so many are still Trump cultists accusing Robertson of being senile and/or part of the deep state. Insanity

    • Deering24 says:

      This is rich that Robertson is finally caving to reality. Last week he was begging supporters to pray like they’ve never prayed before that the Supreme Court would hear Trump’s lawsuit. 🤣🤣🤮

  11. Izzy says:

    When he won, one of my biggest fears is that he would give an order to the military that they would have no choice but to disobey if they want to uphold their oath to country. If he tries to invoke martial law to overturn the election results, I am genuinely scared this might come to pass.

    • Tiffany says:

      The overqualified woman who was running against this clown told us.

      I listened and voted for her.

    • Jaded says:

      Well Trump’s melt-down and tilting at windmills will do nothing. Far-right nutbar conspiracy theorists insist that a mysterious 2018 executive order gives Trump the power to impose martial law, however a number of scholars of constitutional law and presidential power have stated repeatedly and publicly that the executive order, if it exists, doesn’t give him that power. Under the Constitution, the president simply cannot unilaterally impose martial law no matter how badly he wants to and I doubt if Congress will allow a coup d’etat to happen.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Izzy, I don’t think you have to worry about the military. There have been 2 high ups in the military that made a statement that the military is not involved in the election process. I personally believe it was their way to say, “nope, we’re not going there.” They do not have to obey an illegal order. I don’t think it would get more illegal than that. Also, I’m much more worried about the white supremist militias and what Trump may tell them to do. I know it goes again everything people believe in, but I think that people should stay home and safe on January 6 and January 20. Let the white supremist, MAGA, Trumpers roam the streets and turn on each other. I just don’t want to see protestors get hurt or killed.

    • SofiasSideEye says:

      He can’t, the generals would disobey him. The military’s oath is to the constitution not the president.

  12. Swack says:

    Couple things. Read that some of his looney supporters are planning a virtual inauguration for Trump at the same time Biden is being inaugurated. Also saw a CNN video where someone asked a person who was at the rally for Loeffler if they were voting for Loeffler. The response was that Republicans were voting for Loeffler but this person was MAGA and MEGAN aren’t necessarily voting for her.

  13. wd says:

    I hope they’re not setting up the Kushners next to be president. That bit at the end is making me suspicious

  14. Lightpurple says:

    No sympathy for those in the blast zone; most were hired in the past year and knew full well what they chose.

    Pence could end this today by invoking the 25th Amendment.

    Kushner’s tree planting arms deals masquerading as peace agreements sold out the Sahrawi people, something every single President has refused to do.

    • alexc says:

      Jared’s Bibi’s tool.

      • LightPurple says:

        The tool of Saad-Eddine Al Othmani too. God only knows what Prince Mohammad of Saudi Arabia has gotten out of him, which seems to include immunity in an assassination plot and the murder of Khashoggi. Kushner is too arrogant to realize how ignorant he is and they’re all taking full advantage.

    • Truthiness says:

      And especially no sympathy for Ivanka, who seems to be going on a frantic tear to rehabilitate the administration’s image and wallpaper over the 300K+ dead on their watch. She was more than fine with his lunacy as long as he stayed in power but lame duck daddy in the midst of a psychotic episode is not a good look for her.

    • Nic919 says:

      Exactly. The people around him could stop this if they wanted to but they think they can grift and use him until the end. So I really don’t care if he’s having fits. They all had a choice.
      I only feel bad for government workers who aren’t political appointees and have to deal with him.

  15. BW says:

    Trump has 30 days left in his presidency. He can’t move to Mar-a-Lago because he converted it to a club, to save on taxes. Any person can only stay at Mar-a-Lago for NO more than 21 days, and those days have to be split up into 3 separate 1 week visits.

    • Sigmund says:

      Yeah, the Mar a Lago agreement was a fairly recent revelation. Interesting that his neighbors don’t even want him there and are willing to fight him if he tries to move in.

      • Cassandra says:

        I don’t think Palm Beach ever wanted him there.

        I really really really hope they do fight him, but I have my doubts it’ll happen

      • BW says:

        It also means if he used his Mar-A-Lago address for voting in Florida, that his ballot is illegal.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Where will he go? NY will nail his lard ass to the prison wall and if he barricades himself into the WH he will be escorted off the properly come noon on the 20th Jan 2021. Will he stay in DC? I think the news about Jarvanka moving the NJ was a ruse as I think it will be Trump. He won’t move anywhere that isn’t ‘important’ enough for him – Florida is a tax haven but NY is his home state – I think he will end up slinking back there short term until he finds a longer term base.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      BW, I read that after that first agreement he signed that the club would not be used as a residence in order to get it approved, Trump sold the development rights to the property to a conservation group and signed a new agreement that the club would not be used as a residence. It also saved him huge amounts of money on his taxes. I think between the neighbors and the conservation group, there will be enough money there to take him to court. It could get really interesting.

  16. Areyoukidding says:

    Pat Robertson is 12 years older than Biden…I don’t see how he thinks Biden is going to kick the can any sooner than he is, but I’m good with Madam President too. As someone who was forced to watch Robertson as a kid, if HE is saying Trump needs to move on…then the rats really are fleeing the ship.

    • Insomniac says:

      Yeah, I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that. When the evangelicals who’ve been babbling on about how it’s God’s will that Trump get a second term are telling him to pack it in, he is not getting a second term.

      I have no doubt now that Trump’s going to make everyone haul him out of the White House on Inauguration Day. He’s going to be desperate to steal focus from Biden, and that’s the surest way to do it.

  17. Teebee says:

    I used to think his bluster was ego driven and for the money he was raking in through donations.

    But I also thought he had a limit, an infinitesimal smattering of resignation and awareness that the grift was done and he’d be just as well off salvaging his brand for his next life.

    Now, I am leaning towards his real and palpable fear of the legal battles he and his family face as a private citizen. I get the feeling that he hasn’t the time, the money nor the expertise to fight the investigations and litigations currently ongoing. That he knows this disastrous stint as president has opened him up to scrutiny and now vengeance that he could escape when he was just a middling New York c-list businessman/entertainer. But the eyes of the world are upon him and many are out for blood. As much as millions feed his ego for adoration, NONE of those goons can help him legally, they aren’t influential nor mega-rich patrons. They are red neck idiots with chips on their shoulders. Useless.

    I worry that Desperate Donald is far more dangerous than Egotistical Donald. If he feels he has nothing to lose with fighting until the absolute end, there are actions we can’t even imagine yet to come. And he’ll happily take down anyone and everything as he goes.

  18. GRACE says:

    Although there is nothing I’d like to see more than 45 being ushered out of the WH in handcuffs or a straight jacket, my reasonable brain tells me “NO”, a peaceful exit is better for us all! I am ashamed of myself for wishing great humiliation upon him (the sooner the better! LOL!)

  19. Michael says:

    When noted nut job Pat Robertson turns against Trump you know that the fat lady is singing. Everybody can hear her except Trump humself

  20. Leah says:

    He’s now the real life version of that tinpot would be dictator from the Twilight Zone episode “The Mirror”. Everyone he sees is an enemy but the real enemy is himself.

    Donald Trump: “a would-be god, strangled by an illusion, that will-o’-the-wisp mirage that dangles from the sky in front of the eyes of all ambitious men, all tyrants—and any resemblance to tyrants living or dead is hardly coincidental, whether it be here or in the Twilight Zone.”. Mr Serling was spot on. If any of you want to see this episode it’s season 3, episode 6. I think it’s on Netflix.

    Re: Pat Robertson, that’s surprising coming from him because not so long ago he was asking the sky guy for help to elect Trump. Wonder what changed?

  21. CatWomen says:

    Foreign Press is headlining “crazy Donald Trump might take us all down” he’s a threat to the world.

  22. elfie says:

    How I love this. When Pat Robertson jumps ship, you’re DONE. The fat lady has sung. The orange moron is simply too stupid and delusional to understand this. January 20 cannot come fast enough.

  23. Coco says:

    What Trump may never allow himself to realize, and which gives me some pleasure (in between waves of panic that he will start WWIII at any moment), is that he did this to himself. He could have continued his regular grifting, with Apprentice spinoffs and maybe hosting a conservative talk show, with thousands of Twitter likes instead of hundreds of thousands. But no, he had to put himself on this path and continue with it every step of the way. As I said however, he will blame and rage at every other person on Earth before he has an iota of introspection.

  24. Kate M. says:

    Zero sympathy for anyone in the blast zone because it’s a situation of their own making. If they’d been acting like rational adults (I can’t even say “professionals” at this point) the GOP and his advisors would have been working with him on how to handle the reality that he did not win, and to ensure a peaceful transition of power. Doing so would have put him in a better position to run for a second term in 2024 (*shudder*). But no, they poked the crazy, they encouraged the crazy, and now the crazy is out of their control and tearing the place apart.

    I would not be surprised in the least if now that he’s lashing out at Pence and McConnell that the 25th Amendment suddenly seems like a good and reasonable idea to these psychos. 300,000 lives too late.

    • jwoolman says:

      I always said that Trump would leave the White House either 1) in handcuffs, 2) in a strait jacket, or 3) by having Air Force One drop him off in Dubai for fast food and golf, resigning by tweet and staying there. (He wouldn’t be extradited from Dubai.)

      Doesn’t sound like such wishful thinking now, does it?

      Once again for your viewing pleasure on YouTube:

      “It’s Mueller Time! Trump Administration Season Ending”

  25. Trillion says:

    I just got out of a nice long bath soak while listening to Nipsey Hussle “Fuck Donald Trump” on repeat.

  26. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    All these folk living rent free in the dumpsters head. He’s going have an aneurysm sooner rather than later. Oh well. 🤷

  27. FancyHat says:

    I got to say it would be satisfying to see a crumbing Trump hauled out of the WH and it would kill his future prospects as MEGA voters won’t like his weakness

  28. Valerie says:

    As much as I love to see them turn on him one by one, did they expect anything else? They brought this on themselves with their silence and endless kowtowing.

  29. jwoolman says:

    I hope that Biden and Harris and their spouses and everybody who has been named to be in the Cabinet have good bulletproof vests and lots of alert Secret Service agents surrounding them. Really. Trump is getting wilder and so are his most dangerous supporters. Just takes one. Hopefully they will not have an inauguration outdoors this year, but just keep it small indoors and just broadcast it everywhere.

    I also hope the locals let Trump reside at Mar-a-Lago. That “win” might take some of the edge off the crazy. Let the king have his castle so he doesn’t bother anybody else.

  30. L4frimaire says:

    So sick of Trump. January 20th can’t come soon enough. Hope both GOP candidates lose the Georgia runoffs so McConnell can stop hijacking the senate.

    • Pierre says:

      This man needs medical help. Scary. And I think he rigged the election but could not control mail in ballots.

  31. Andrea says:

    I have a friend in western NY I had to unfollow because she keeps beating people over the head with voter fraud. She is an intelligent mid 30’s woman. It blows my mind she can so easily drink the koolaid.

  32. Gypsy says:

    He’s really killing his chances for 2024.

    All he had to do this year was express an ounce of sympathy for victims of covid, be gracious about losing the election, and give a funny concession speech and it could have all been his.