Prince William declared the sexiest bald man, according to absolutely no one

The Duke of Cambridge hosts an outdoor screening of the Heads Up FA Cup final on the Sandringham Estate. William watches with Tony Adams as Chelsea score.   1.8.2020

To be perfectly clear, I don’t care for Prince William for many reasons and none of them involve the state of his mostly-bald dome. William is lazy, a bully, a cheater, a liar and an a–hole. For all of those reasons, I like to make fun of him and make some jokes about his looks. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being bald. Bald is beautiful, bald can be incredibly sexy. When a bald man happens to own it and has a lot of confidence, and he’s a good guy or an interesting guy, the state of his hair really doesn’t matter. The reason why William is so unattractive is because of his personality. Mostly. But I do have to say, William’s looks have fallen off a cliff in his 30s, and it’s barely about his dome. He easily looks a decade older than his 38 years because there’s something deeply rotten inside of him. So what in the world is this mess?

Prince William has been named as the world’s sexiest bald man. The 38-year-old Duke has been described as “sexy” a whopping 17.6million times online in blogs, reports and pages found in Google searches, researchers found.

Boxing legend Mike Tyson, 54, came second with 8.8million “sexy”, “hot” or “attractive” mentions on the internet. And 53-year-old Fast & Furious star Jason Statham was in third place, with 7.4million results. Russian President Vladimir Putin just missed out on a spot in the top ten, with 2.2m results. Star Trek icon Patrick Stewart got 1.1m ‘sexy’ mentions online.

The study was carried out by cosmetic surgery specialists Longevita. A spokesman said: “There are quite a few bald public figures we can feast our eyes on.”

[From The Sun]

PUTIN?? Putin is on the list?!? Makes sense, because the only way Putin and William are on the same “sexiest bald man” list is because of propaganda and bots. Any list of sexy bald men which doesn’t include MORRIS CHESTNUT, Christopher Meloni, Vin Diesel, Daniel Day-Lewis, Stanley Tucci, Michael Jordan, Mark Strong, Samuel L. Jackson, Vincent D’Onofrio, Dwayne Johnson, Corey Stoll, LL Cool J, Boris Kodjoe, JK Simmons, Common, Ben Kingsley, Taye Diggs and Woody Harrelson is NOT A REAL LIST. Baldingham’s minions need to get a grip. No one is buying this sh-t, Baldemort. (The House of Hairless is really shook, huh?)

Prince William meets with Chiefs of the PSNI, Fire Service and Ambulance Service in Belfast

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit the London Bridge Jobcentre

The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge host a UK-Africa Investment Summit at Buckingham Palace

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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276 Responses to “Prince William declared the sexiest bald man, according to absolutely no one”

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  1. HeatherC says:

    The Twitter dragging is hilarious this morning! I’ve never seen so many pictures of beautiful bald men at once, it truly brightened my morning.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      The Twitter dragging was a massacre. A joy to behold and a thing of beauty.

      • Quietly Kitten says:

        William, Tyson and Putin are top three? They forgot to mention the survey panel was drunk. The Twitter Dragging was delicious and shinier than William’s oddly-shaped head.

    • Startup Spouse says:

      I loved the response from Josh Gondelman, a bald, adorable, and hilarious writer/comedian who just wrote an article about men with hair playing bald men in movies:

      Prince William, if he wasn’t a prince, wouldn’t be IN THE RUNNING for the sexiest bald man in any given DMV on any given day.

      He’s so funny.

    • C-Shell says:

      When Dwayne Johnson chimed in, I died. And laughed ‘til I cried. Seriously, the best time I’ve had on the bird app in forever … SO MANY gorgeous and, yes, sexy in the extreme, men living, dead, even animated. It was a feast. If you haven’t seen it, check out Chris Evans @chris_notcapn, thread of 100 bald men sexier than Willi.

    • FancyHat says:

      I spent hours cackling at that dragging.

      What on earth was KP thinking with this nonsense?

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I know!! This is utterly dragging the barrel!! If he is included with Putin, one of the worst human beings on the planet, you know that this so-called ratings is rigged! Place Baldimort with one of the worlds greatest man than is a dictator and commits crimes against humanity, that is the list you come up with? Shhesssh, absolute fail Baldimort PR junk pool!

      • Mich says:

        This is one thing that I don’t think KP had anything to do with. I think the PR people for the cosmetic surgery company picked names that they knew could grab headlines. And it worked. The subsequent dragging makes it all the more deeply humiliating for Prince Insufferable.

      • GRUEY says:

        @mich I agree it’s possible that KP had nothing to do with this. And for anyone else, I might feel sorry. But KP has cried wolf too many times. They’ve been shoving the perfect Cambridges down our throats so relentlessly for so long that it’s completely believable and in keeping with the other bullshit that they would run with this story. And the disgust with them is pent up. That’s why the dragging today is an absolute flood. I honestly think that even if it were someone abhorrent (like mike Tyson) the dragging would be murmur at most. This is a reaction to the constant firehose of clueless PR bullshit

      • Bibi says:

        Mich says:
        This is one thing that I don’t think KP had anything to do with. I think the PR people for the cosmetic surgery company picked names that they knew could grab headlines. And it worked. The subsequent dragging makes it all the more deeply humiliating for Prince Insufferable.

        Reply to @Mich
        Ken palace would have never allowed that headline to stay up UNLESS it already had their tacit approval. No way they didn’t instigate it.

    • Liz version 700 says:

      The Twitter dragging was glorious. You can tell this man has no true friends. His hateful personality has shown through time and time again. I just popped some popcorn and giggled at the dragging as it blew up into a PR failure for the ages lol

    • marehare says:

      Willus has the same amount of sex appeal as a dirt clod.
      Harry is much sexier and his wife is much prettier than old scarecrow Kate.

    • Lorelei says:

      All of the Twitter dragging was great, but I think this one was my favorite…BRUTAL!

    • Elizabeth Phillips says:

      80-year-old Patrick Stewart is sexier than William has ever even HOPED to be.

    • The Recluse says:

      It was a good time had by all who participated! So much fun.

  2. Jessie says:

    No coincidence this comes after UK Twitter spent DAYS dragging his ass with the ‘Prince William at 38’ meme. Some of the ones I saw had over 300K retweets. Everyone’s calling out this PR stunt for what it is and it’s absolutely hilarious.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      Imagine being the laughing stock of the whole world. His rage meter must be off the scale right now.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yes he is the laughingstock of Twitter right now and you know that’s driving him crazy. His PR team needs to stop.

      • Frida_K says:

        Not only must he be INCANDESCENT but his dome? Oh, it’s gone nuclear. So bright with burning rage it can be seen from outer space.

      • Liz version 700 says:

        The incandescent rage must be viewable from space

      • Feeshalori says:

        Someone posted a side-by-side comparison of his dome to the Alien creature and that was downright scary. Such a burn!🔥

    • bamaborn says:

      UK Twitter dragging him? Oh my, as I clutch my pearls.

    • (The OG) Jan90067 says:

      Look we all know, publicists can “buy” People’s “Sexiest Man/Woman”. But this???? THIS poll, WITH PUTIN, is the VERY BEST KP could come up with??? Seriously???? And they think that NO ONE would KNOW it’s a bot/bought “title”???? PPFFBBTTT~

      Jealousy, thine name is William.

      • Frida_K says:

        That, and his closest competition is MIKE TYSON?

        Oh, have mercy bless me JESUS, this is some big old steaming load of you-know-what.

      • Amy Too says:

        In thinking that since this was meant to draw attention to a hair transplant surgeon that they deliberately chose some of the ugliest and meanest and most awful people so that guys will be like “oh, prince William is the SEXIEST bald man? But he looks like a toe. And he’s the BEST of all the bald guys? That leaves me somewhere between abusive a-hole Mike Tyson and literal enemy of the state Putin? Guess I better get me some hair if the best I can ever hope to look is like Prince William!”

    • Natters5 says:

      My mother and I have been commenting that Prince William sometimes looks like he has a serious chronic disease. He looks like he is seriously ill whereas he was cute in his teens and early twenties. So I LOL when I read he is number one sexiest bald man alive.

  3. Lightpurple says:

    The coverage of this on Twitter yesterday was absolutely hilarious

  4. Mosie says:

    I know this list is fake because they didn’t even mention Stephen Miller!

  5. Chica says:

    This is NOT a playing field Wills can compete in. Desperation , I smell you.
    These a just a few.. His PR people was WRONG on so many levels. ( They don’t like him )

    Shemar Moore (SWAT)
    Patrick Stewart
    THe Rock
    Jason Strtham
    Jeter( not for me)
    Morris Chestnut
    Samuel Jackson

    • equality says:

      Shemar has the body to go with the looks, so definitely a better choice than William.

      • Elizabeth Regina says:

        As some one said on Twitter, I live in a manless household and yet, there more sexy bald men in my house than William. EPIC!

      • L84Tea says:

        LOL, Elizabeth!! 😀

      • (The OG) Jan90067 says:

        To be honest here, William *is* pretty fit. His body seems to be pretty tight. He is what’s know as a “Butter Face” (a term *usually* used derogatorily for women: “She’s got a *smokin’* body, but her face…!)

        William *was* the “pretty one” until his early to mid 20s, then the Windsor Ugly Stick hit him pretty hard…hard enough to ugly up his soul as well, it seems.

    • clomo says:

      Yum, Wills is an egg, not a bald man. I just wanted to add the forever sexiest bald Yul Brynner. Shoot Bruce Willis isn’t bad. Regarding Will looks the best thing he has ever had looks wise was his lovely nana hair. He looked good. Who would have though when we saw them after they walked Diana’a body to a church, that they would have grown up to become THIS!? Sad.

      • Purple prankster says:

        ya, it’s sad how they ignored the tufts of hair he has left and just called him “bald”. how rude.

      • (The OG) Jan90067 says:

        Lately, I’ve seen him as more of a boiled potato myself. A bland, boring potato that needs things to be added to it to make it even a little palatable. Take away his prince status, his money, etc, and NO ONE would dig up that potato for sure!

      • Elizabeth Regina says:

        Yul Brynner had power, presence and intensity. The things William is sadly lacking. Even Yul’s ghost is laughing right now.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Elizabeth Regina, Yul Brynner definitely should have been on the list. He owned the stage when he walked onto it. I would add LL Cool J to Chica’s list above. Man, I can’t believe that the really hot and sexy guys weren’t included in that list. Princess William (I luv that) wouldn’t even make the list, let alone come in first.

      • Lady D says:

        Yul Brynner should top all the lists.

      • clomo says:

        I am adding this for late comers, the yum was for Chia’s list, not the egg.

    • MerryGirl says:

      Boris Kodjoe forever!

  6. Aurora says:

    I don’t get the evolution of his looks at all. Usually mens faces become more chiseled and defined with age and they look better than when they are younger. Williams face has expanded like playdough with no definition. He’s still physically fit so weight gain isn’t the issue. What gives?

    • GuestWho says:

      The inescapable Windsor jowls of doom. The muscle and fat just slumped down to the bottom of his head.

      Alternatively, it could be all the raging teeth grinding built his lower facial muscles up to an astonishing degree.

      But I think it’s just genetics.

      • Lady D says:

        Your middle sentence is priceless, @GuestWho, it really is. Deserves an award.

      • Bettyrose says:

        GuestWho – Nailed it! It’s like that gorgeous mane of hair he once had was burned off his scalp as his blood boiled in rage.

      • (The OG) Jan90067 says:

        He has the face like Quagmire, or Joe, on Family Guy. That huge bottom face area with nothing to balance it out on top.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      The explanation is easy. It’s what toxicity in one’s soul does to the face. The reverse Dorian Gray effect.

      • Cait says:

        Totally agree!

      • Jessa says:

        There’s the Roald Dahl quote from The Twits that really springs to mind:

        “If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it.

        A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

    • Lowrider says:


    • ennie says:

      His uncle Andrew has huge cheeks, too. Maybe some bones, like the nose never stop growing when you have Windsor genes.

    • GRUEY says:

      @aurora he’s not actually fit at all. Every once in a while you see him in a polo (I think one of the regatta events) and he has a belly. To me he is classic skinny-fat. He’s someone who doesn’t exactly put on weight but who is too narcissistic and lazy to do an ounce of work at the gym. Why bother when the Fail as your staff constantly tell you the sun shines out of your ass. I also think he smokes and enjoys his pints and colorless food. I’m his age and I can assure you that bad habits really REALLY start to separate people in the looks department in your late thirties and it only gets more intense in your forties. You think there’s a chance in hellllll incandescence himself hits the weight room 5x a week, gets his daily veggie servings and 8 hours of sleep??? Hell to the no no no!! He doesn’t even have the humility to submit to a dental cleaning ffs. And honestly there’s probably some coke bloat involved too.

  7. CommentingBunny says:

    I mean it sounds like they just counted how many times his name came up on headlines with the words “sexy” or “hot”. So it makes sense. There must be so many headlines along the lines of “Prince William hot under the collar because his sexy brother exists”.

    • FancyPants says:

      That would explain a lot!

    • Green Desert says:


    • Coco says:

      “I can’t believe I ever found Prince William sexy! Now I’d rather sleep with a bald eagle!”
      “I was having a sexy dream about the bald guy I see at the dog park, but then he morphed into Prince William and I woke up screaming.”

    • Amy Too says:

      How far did they go back? There’s probably a lot of references to prince William being hot like 20 years ago. Or maybe these “sexy” references are like “William, who used to be one of the world’s sexiest bachelors until his looks jumped off a cliff…”

      This whole “study” seems really weird and flawed. Like the plastic surgery place just randomly picked a few bald guys that they knew and Google searched for how many times the word “sexy” came up in articles about them, without looking at the context or putting any parameters on the search, like how many times they were called sexy in the past year. It’s not like they did an actual poll where they asked people who was the sexiest bald man. This really sounds like whoever was doing this study could only think of 4 bald guys—one of which was Putin!?!?!?—and then just compared those 4 and since William has been written about a lot for the last 25 years, and he used to be called cute (even though that’s when he had hair), he won.

    • Liz version 700 says:

      You solved the riddle!!!!!!!

      • Ang says:

        How can it be a riddle when that is exactly what’s explained in the article on how they came to this conclusion?

  8. Xantha says:

    He wasn’t just dragged on Twitter. He was dragged on every social media platform you can think of. Not a lot can unite people these days but the whole social media landscape saw this poll and collectively said “NO!”

    It was quite touching really.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      Lol. The derangers were truly deranged by yesterday’s dragging. They were deluded into thinking that bought embiggening press is a true reflection of how people really feel. Yesterday came as a shock.

    • Ripley says:

      And dragged by The Rock and Stanley Tucci too. It was glorious.

      • (The OG) Jan90067 says:

        When people are saying even Larry David is sexier than you… you have a problem! lol

    • A says:

      Twitter had some great take downs of the whole shit show, but a surprise contender for the top title for me has GOT to be Reddit. Reddit had some of the best comments I’d seen outside of Twitter, including some fantastic gems such as:

      “[Prince William] is about as sexy as a roll of postage stamps. The kind you don’t want to lick.”

      “Potato head is sexier than Prince Williams”

      “He looks like wet toilet paper”

      “Sexy as a piece of white bread that’s been soaking in milk on a hot day.”

      You can find more screencaps of the Reddit comments here:

  9. Osty says:

    Twitter was delicious yesterday, I haven’t seen
    such dragging b4 😀😀😀😀, he should have sat down and ate his food 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

  10. Lauren says:

    They are dragging him all ’round the world on social media. From Twitter to Facebook passing through tik-tok and Instagram, everyone agrees that this is some serious tomfoolery. As someone on Twitter said: my coochie shrivels up thinking about this guy.

    • Myra says:

      Add reddit, too. It’s a worldwide dragging. I saw someone say he is not even the sexiest Prince William and I screamed.

  11. minx says:

    The shape of his head as well as his facial proportions aren’t the greatest without hair up top. Many men look extremely hot bald, even better than they do with hair. He’s not one of them.

  12. lily says:

    Did you see the tiktok video of Harry/William? Hilarious, harry in the corden’s segment doing workout and William walking in a bar sourranded by people helping him to avoid fell out.

    • Yoyo says:

      I think that is the video that set off this sexiest bald head nonsense.
      I don’t know who added the third grade recorder music to it, but is was genius, a grown arse man 2 feet off the ground, being helped by 20 people to walk a pole.

    • Chica says:

      That’s So unfairl! The music too

    • FancyPants says:

      That is the best thing I’ve seen all year!

    • lanne says:

      My thesis was that the rope climb set off this latest Meghan hate fest. It seemed like the impulsive reaction of a rage monster. The pushback is so over the top it’s comical. First the Will-di Amin cosplay, now the “sexy man”. Kim jong will shouldn’t even be eligible bc he still does those silly combovers!

      Homeboy is just putting his insecurities on display for the world to see, and it’s embarrassing to watch. Or it would be if it weren’t so contemptible. Someone needs to sit his ass down and tell him some truths.

    • Prana says:

      @Lily I cannot stop Laughing at that video

      • Emm says:

        SCREAMING! Bless you for posting this video! I just got my second dose yesterday and had a hell of of night and feel like I have a hangover this morning so this has helped a lot.

    • Sue Denim says:

      so funny, thanks for sharing! also re Harry — I was struck by how sweet and supportive he was w James, giving it his all and rocking it but not competitive, you could see his army training and life skills from that, why he thinks to hold an umbrella for his wife, or is able to connect w people in an empathic way. True beauty comes from within…

      • Emily says:

        @Sue Denim, I thought the same thing when watching the James Corden segment. Harry stopped and waiting for James to catch up. It showed what a good person he is.

    • Snuffles says:

      I showed that to my Dad and he was like “That’s just devastatingly humiliating.”

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ illy, that’s gold, my dear!! Thank you for this brilliant expose!!
      Eat a d#ck Baldimort!?

    • Virginia says:

      OMG! What a world of difference, the other brother sucks!

    • My3cents says:

      The Better Brother is also the sexy brother. Sorry Baldimort you can just stay the other brother.

    • JanetDR says:

      That was great!

    • Nic919 says:

      I have seen that video over 50 times at this point and I still cackle when I hear the sad flute music kick in. It’s such a great viral video.

    • NTheMiddle says:

      😂😂😂😂😂… sad that there’s not a peed in my pants laughing emoji.

    • deering24 says:

      Aw, damn! That video is the universe and all within.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • Helen says:

      Honor on you, Honor on your Cow. I have watched this so many times, it’s amazing! God.

    • Liz version 700 says:

      Lily that was amazing. Omg the recorder music 🎶 I am laughing so hard my husband thinks I’ve lost my mind. The Celebitchy comments section is as good as Twitter 😂😂😂 😇

    • Coco says:

      Hahahaha! Even one of the women helping seems to be rolling her eyes at how pathetic William is one that balance beam.

      • Sid says:

        It’s wild. Okay, I get that he is a future future king and they don’t want anything to happen to him, but first graders at a playground do harder things than that. He really needed an entire team to help him do that??

    • Charfromdarock says:

      That video is hilarious.

    • HK9 says:

      @lily-that made my day! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • Abby says:

      OMG literally choking on my oatmeal laughing. OMG.

  13. Over it says:

    Lololololololololol best joke of the decade, baldimort sexy.lolololololololol

  14. line says:

    Apart from the hair, there is absolutely nothing sexy or attractive about him. He gives off bad vibes (arrogant, cranky, aggressive, contemptuous and tyrannical).

  15. Esmee says:

    Someone on Twitter said that “his looks came and went faster than Ramadan”…And that took me out 😳😂😳

  16. Amy Bee says:

    More embarrassing PR from the Palace. This is the third weekend in a row that he’s been dragged on Twitter. KP needs to realize that these tactics are not working and they are only leading people to believe he is a racist bully.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      I think they know. They are going for engagement at this point even if it’s negative.

  17. Shawna says:

    So someone finally got wind of “Baldimort”….

  18. Merricat says:

    So many beautiful bald men in the world, but neither William nor Mike Tyson make my list.

  19. Hell Nah! says:

    Carole shouldn’t have bothered with this nonsense.

    Though…I have to say how pleased I am it has backfired so spectacularly.

  20. Harper says:

    The trolling on this was world-wide; someone will have to pay for this, don’t you think? Camilla Tominey tweeted “Carol-with-an-e at it again” along with the headline. Now it’s certain that the kids will need to make an appearance. Easter egg hunt on the Anmer lawn, I predict. Boys in royal shorts and sweaters and Charlotte in her standard blue dress.

  21. Southern Fried says:

    I have a feeling Kate’s getting a huge laugh out of this, probably can’t even look his direction without dissolving into hysterics. And we all know Will’s demeanor, say it with name folks, incandescent!

  22. S808 says:

    I think that was a set up, I cannot wrap my mind around a PR team being this inept.

    • Topaz says:

      Didn’t Prince Charles get a new crisis communication PR person? Maybe this the new and improved Windsor PR reset. How can Wiliam rage against a compliment?

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ S808, I can!! They are the definition of incompetent with an emphasis on out of touch and absolutely clueless!!

  23. Ginger says:

    Karma has really come for William since the Oprah interview. He deserves it. The dragging he got yesterday was glorious.

  24. Feeshalori says:

    I’m paraphrasing, but there was a comment that Jason Statham did not flip his car to deactivate a a bomb in Transporter 2 to have William beat him out as sexiest bald man. Hilarious!

  25. GuestWho says:

    Maybe the people searching the on line headliens used “incandescent” as a synonym for “sexy.”

    • Jay says:

      That was my guess, too! And they are searching blogs…guys,did we do this? Are we responsible?😂

    • Nah…I think it was a typo in the initial PR release. They were actually searching for SEXIEST BALL-LESS MAN…and William got the most hits. Now that would make some sense to me. 💁🏻‍♀️

    • My3cents says:

      Maybe they got engorged mixed with sexist?

    • booboocita says:

      I have a terrible fear that some RR rat was on this site, read all the comments referencing a penis with big teeth, and concluded that PwBT was an affectionate nickname. If that reporter is reading now: it isn’t.

  26. Myra says:

    The way the world joined together to drag this man was something beautiful to see. All of the millions he paid to character assassinate a woman of colour came back to haunt him. And no, he isn’t ugly because he is bald, bald men are beautiful. He is ugly because his soul is rotten. There is no warmth to him because there is no kindness there.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      I completely agree. He is an example of what happens when someone has never gone through anything character building in the real world. He can’t help the family he was born into but he could have decided to be kind and compassionate and supportive of his only brother. Instead he threw him to the wolves.

    • Kalana says:

      And over and over again people mentioned his racism and his affair.

      Good job using Meghan to hide your affair Will. Karma is a beautiful thing.

    • Lowrider says:

      This dragging was still peanuts compared to the ongoing smear campaign against Meghan.

    • June-O says:

      If he’d shown any public kindness or support to Meghan or his brother, this dragging wouldn’t have happened. It feels like people are responding to his lack of character and his apparent heartlessness, not his looks.

  27. Sofia says:

    The William dragging was a thing of beauty. I laughed every time I read a tweet that made fun of William.

  28. Jay says:

    So, in this methodology, you just get points for your name being mentioned on the internet with the word “hot”? As in “he’s no longer hot?” Maybe there was a misunderstanding with the algorithm counting the word “incandescent”?

    I really need someone to dig in to these numbers, I won’t rest until there’s justice for Patrick Stewart. #Stopthe Steal

    • Topaz says:


    • Harper says:

      I think there might be 17 million online comments saying: What happened to Prince William because he used to be so cute, although not as sexy as a young Harry.

    • I’m with you JAY………STOP THE STEAL……

      “I really need someone to dig in to these numbers, I won’t rest until there’s justice for Patrick Stewart. #StoptheSteal”

  29. Lesley says:

    17.6 million people should have gone to Specsavers?

    • Over it says:

      Best comment ever. Lolololol

    • Lady D says:

      Are you serious? That many people agreed with the poll? How many paid followers does KP have anyway?

    • lulubrown says:

      A guy by the name of Dan Barker on Twitter did a deep dive into this poll. He did a play-by-play and investigated this. It’s pretty interesting. For one, the Poll is FAKE and started by a hair implant surgeon for clicks. The Sun picked it up and linked it to the implant Doctor. The Independent quoted The Sun but added a twist to give it credibility by adding the word “Google “. William was collateral damage. If you google William Sexy, nothing comes up. The whole thing was fake but still funny. He deserved it.

      • Scal says:

        I figured it was a russian bot troll since Putin was on the list.

        I’m more eye roll at mike tyson being on that list. Say what you will about william he’s not mike Tyson. Beats up women went to prison for rping someone. How on earth is he on a sexy list?

      • Elizabeth says:

        Scal — agreed, Mike Tyson is an icon but he was also a violent criminal to women and I’m not going to celebrate him in any way.

  30. Ajatha says:

    I mean, I’ve done this search this year. But it was to find pictures of Prince William when he was sexy because I *thought* I remembered thinking he was really attractive when he was young. Definitely not because he is a sexy bald man!

  31. SlipperyPeople says:

    Corey Stoll is 🔥🔥🔥
    Wills was sexy for a hot second 20 years ago. I need to get on social media for the comments. Y’all are killing me and I don’t give a flying fuck about the RF, lol

    • Lady D says:

      It’s just past 6:00am here, and I’ve been laughing into my sweater for half an hour now trying to be quiet. It’s gotten wet because I’m laughing so hard my eyes won’t stop watering. I’m bookmarking this column for when I need a laugh.

  32. AnnaKist says:

    What IS that foul smell?? Oh, uh… I see. Desperation. Yes, desperation is what it is,

  33. TheOriginalMia says:

    He deserved every bit of that dragging for this. In what world, where Common, Jason Statham, Mark Strong and 100s of delectable baldies exist, is William anywhere near the top of that list. It was a bullshit poll to prop up Baldimort and it backfired spectacularly. Should have just accepted that Harry is the more athletic brother and left things alone. Instead, William got dragged from one end of the internet to the next. LMAO! Well deserved. Leave the Sussexes alone and worry about your own throne.

  34. Prana says:

    They should have released this survey on April 1st for a chance to save face. The backlash is amazing.

    At this point I can’t help but wonder if the Royal Family is actually being dismantled from within. Are they certain their aids and PR people actually have their best interests and longevity of the monarchy in mind? It’s all just so obvious and bad!

  35. Boo says:

    Lmao. Stanley Tucci takes that particular title. I demand a recount.

    • LightPurple says:

      That seemed to be the general Twitter consensus yesterday.

    • L4frimaire says:

      Tucci is getting a lot of love on the internet right now. Definitely looking cute and sexy. Such a good actor but his show in Italy is just the balm we need, with the gorgeous scenery and the food. I was supposed to go to Italy last summer before the pandemic shut that down so look at every frame and say, “it should have been me😩”. There’s a pic of him floating around where he’s at a dinner party with Meghan, pre- Harry. Small world.

      • Abby says:

        @boo 100% agree. I’m completely in love with Stanley right now. @L4Frimaire That show is exactly what I need during pandemic times. The way it is shot and produced makes me feel like we are wandering italy with Stanley, discovering hidden gems, learning about food and culture, whipping up some dishes while the Nonna’s and old men give Stanley a hard time for being too skinny… then sitting down with a delicious meal. I went out and bought his cookbook after watching the show, have made two recipes from it. 10/10 recommend.

        Stanley Tucci is the bald man I vote for right now!

      • The Recluse says:

        The way they showed that one chef making pizza killed me. They make it look so easy!

  36. Nicole says:

    So I actually admire the way he has allowed his looks to change naturally over time. I dislike the way this site makes an issue of his baldness in articles on other subjects. I also think he’s reasonably good looking. He isn’t celebrity good looking or as good looking as his wife, brother, or (especially) his gorgeous sister-in-law, but that’s totally fine. Being quietly, stoically balding was my favourite thing about him. He should have just told his people to shut up about it and kept the only remaining higher ground he left for himself.

    • Yoyo says:

      I dislike the way he enabled all the horrible things said about Meghan, but you reap what you sew.

      • Hell Nah! says:

        I’ll give him as much mercy as he gave to his suffering sister-in-law. Nuff’ said?

    • notasugarhere says:

      William chose to have them photoshop hair on him for their engagement photos and for the cover shot for a formal magazine interview. He is the one who had approval over those photos and he had them altered. His choice.

    • Keri says:

      I don’t think he was cool with his looks naturally declining. I think up until Harry’s James Corden interview & the recent dragging showing the infamous side by side video of himself and Harry, he thought he was the best in all things & couldn’t fathom that anyone would think he’s less than #1. This is a man who has been told his whole life that he walks on water, is the best looking, & is the “can do no wrong” FFK. Even in his youth, for the two seconds he was considered beautiful, you can see his ever present smirk and arrogance leaping out of the photos. He had serious frat boy vibes. You can see the way he looks at people now. The smug smirk, judgment, & arrogance just oozes out of his pores.

      What he & his Karen wife and nasty family did to Meghan, Harry, & Archie for 4 plus years is despicable. When you’re that ugly on the inside, it will eventually manifest outside & I have no problem pointing out his physical deficiencies. All bets are off when if you act like a garbage person.

      The twitter dragging the last couple of weeks is glorious. The schadenfraude is epic. And has anyone noticed that the tide is slowly turning in the UK media? They’ve lost access to the Sussexes & they’re slowly learning that globally, Baldimort is a joke that no one takes seriously. Mark my words, they are noticing the clicks generated with Baldimort’s dragging. Camel Toe is one of the first pro Cambridge minions to turn on Carole. Methinks someone resents the dragging they are getting for Kate and Carole’s wedding story lies. Watching this all play out with popcorn. Couldn’t happen to a nastier bunch.

      • Liz version 700 says:

        I could not agree more. The RR sides will Will and are paying a price as the Cambridge/Middleton PR disaster has made all of them look like idiots…which is the truth but no one in the RR is used to the truth

    • L4frimaire says:

      @Nicole, I think this actually has very little to do with his actual looks. I think people just went off on this stupid poll because it showed so brazenly how much this guy is amplified, especially after the “ we’re not racists, we shake hands with black people” stunts. It perfectly illustrated how much they actually do lie to protect and prop up the other royals. This was some throw away, BuzzFeed quiz level poll, but it was picked up by the Sun tabloid, then the Independent, a respected broadsheet, decide to also put it out there and amplify it. It gave it the stamp of credibility and palace sanctioned PR, even though I think this didn’t actually come from KP. The fact that this made national press shows everything that is wrong with the British press, and how synchophatic they are toward the favored royals. It was ridiculous and proved how right Harry and Meghan were. That’s why the reaction is the way it is. William is ok looking in a vacuum, he’s obviously physically awkward and in desperate need of moisturizer and lip balm, but he’s ok looking. Not sexiest guy handsome, he’s basic bitch, but at least is trim and exercises. The reaction had nothing to do with his actual physical looks, but with the petty, vindictive person he’s become. This poll made him look desperate and insecure. This was really a case of a drop of blood in the water causing all the sharks to swarm, and honestly, this was pretty mild and lighthearted compared to what his sister-in-law has to put up with.

      • Green Desert says:

        @ L4FRIMAIRE – I co-sign your reply. I was thinking of a way to explain the nuance to @Nicole and you sum it up perfectly. The embiggening along with the constant complaining/explaining they will do for certain members of the BRF is the issue, especially in light of what Meghan and Harry have revealed.

        I’ve said it before on here and I’ll say it again…Will is not the one to waste your efforts on. No need to defend him or, IMO, his wife. If you’re not a Cambridge stan I don’t get why, after everything they’ve shown us, you’d waste your time defending them. There used to be more on these threads but I think that, ahem, the biggest Cambridge defenders don’t post here anymore.

  37. Jessie says:

    “He probably isn’t even the sexiest prince called William” is one of my favourite reaction tweets so far. Cannot stop laughing.

  38. Mimi says:

    No. That title goes to Anthony Edwards. He played Mark Greene on ER.

  39. Merricat says:

    William is sexy, Kate is dignified—it’s comedy week at Kensington Palace.

  40. lanne says:

    I’m a high school teacher, so I see a lot of teenagers. To be truthful, William looked like a teenaged boy when he was a teenager. He was athletic, smooth skinned, with the thick hair that still had its glossy childhood weight. Go into any high school and you’ll see boys who looked like Will did. And most of them, like most people period, grow up and age—pattern baldness sets in, gravity does its work, skin loses elasticity. William was an average looking teenager with a romantic story and a brilliant future. A lot of his shine came from the tragedy of his mother and his role as future king. The mistake everyone around him made was letting him believe the hype.

    I remember seeing a video of Harry and William in Canada on their first tour after their mother died. Harry was still a little boy, laughing at the women and girls screaming for William. Even as a kid, Harry saw what a farce celebrity worship was. I’ll bet a lot of throwing Harry under the bus and calling him stupid was reaction to Harry growing into his own looks. That Harry grew up to be the more charismatic one must really kill William. You know the diamonds in the rain photo of Harry and Meghan sent William on the rage path.

    I’m starting to see William as the male version of Baby Jane. Looking in the mirror and crying, with pictures of himself as a kid posted all over the place.

  41. Angie says:

    The funniest/most true tweet I saw said something to the effect of “there is a difference between bald and baldING” 🤣 I’d respect his looks more if he let it go. That’s what makes BALD guys sexy IMO, they have the confidence to not hang on to scraggles of hair.

    • booboocita says:

      I remember that. The writer said that folks thought bald could be sexy, but bald-ING was never sexy. I also remember reading an interview in which Patrick Stewart said that he had a combover at a very young age, and that it looked awful. Then his then-wife and a friend forced him to shave it off, and not only did his looks improve, but he started to get more acting jobs. Bald is delicious. Combovers, straggling wisps, and awkward little tufts are never good.

  42. KBeth says:

    William/Sexy …….funniest headline I’ve seen in a while. Boring ain’t sexy, lol.
    Christopher Meloni for the win!

  43. Digital Unicorn says:

    This is hilarious but it will be milked for all it’s worth. Will Top CEO make a Botox list?

  44. Agreatreckoning says:

    There is no way this poll is legit or possibility he would come out #1 by that many people. Zero chance. He wouldn’t even come out #1 if his wife did the poll anonymously and was the only one polled.

    The only way it could have happened is if the question was which one of these could be considered a sexy bald man and you had to pick between William or Jabba the Hut. Even then………………..???????

    That tik tok video is glorious!

    • lanne says:

      I’d have to think about that one. I might vote for Jabba based on personality alone!

  45. aquarius64 says:

    The PR is strong here. Bully-am’s ugliness on the inside makes his ugly on the outside.

  46. Chaine says:

    I enjoyed Jezebel’s coverage of this, which reads “Scientists are still scrambling for answers after compelling evidence emerged that tens, perhaps even hundreds of millions of bald men simultaneously died on Friday. Their search began after reputable British news source The Sun reported that Prince William had been named the world’s sexiest bald man.”

  47. Who ARE These People? says:

    I Dunno, he didn’t ask for this kind of attention. I hope he can laugh it off, in public and in private.

    • FancyHat says:

      This is so embarrassing. I will say he’s probably the second most attractive Windsor but that is a low bar. Windsor genes have done a number.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Young Prince Edward was better looking than young Prince William – however, in both cases the Windsor Curse struck with a vengeance. Funny enough, they do look rather similar now.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Edward and William look like brothers (not uncle and nephew) to me.

    • Emm says:

      Really? After everything him and his wife have put their own brother and SIL through. This is child’s play compared to the unwanted attention they helped heap on Meghan. And I doubt he’s laughing this off right now, his ego is way too fragile.

    • Lowrider says:

      Oh please! William is a nasty little man. NO sympathy from me for this very light dragging that no one will remember in a week. However, Meghan continues to be dehumanized 4 years running by his palace and extended family.

    • Carrie says:

      You’re kidding right? After the shit they’ve put Meghan through? You’ve got to be kidding.

    • Nic919 says:

      It’s pretty weird how this article wasn’t quickly shut down like the Middleton pot farm article, or the marshmallow nazi one, or even the Tatler article until the ratio was record breaking.

      I’m sure that just a coincidence. It’s not like a guy who has a super injunction to hide even a mention of the rose affair in the UK media would ever control anything in this way.

  48. Teebee says:

    An egg is sexier than a balding William.

  49. Roo says:

    So the plot thickens. Apparently, the entire story was put out by a PR firm for a hair replacement business!

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Sooo…it’s more like a hair thickening story! And William’s image is the reason to get a hair transplant!

    • Keri says:

      Ok, that cosmetic firm Longevita is dumb AF. Sure, they got some notoriety but who is going to solicit their services if their idea of sexy perfection is Baldimort. Yikes. They just made sure that people will stay away from their business in droves.

      • Roo says:

        I think their strategy is more shrewd than that – they knew people would react negatively, and hoped they would associate bald or balding with PWT, so they would subconsciously be motivated to get hair replacement.

  50. Beth says:

    Okay someone has to have been bribed for this story or The Sun has just gone and swallowed the whole boot they’ve been licking. They don’t write things like this bc they’re nice, what’s the tradeoff for this palace propaganda?

  51. Red Weather Tiger says:

    The loathsone Prince Albert shot off his mouth against the Sussexes. Clearly he was angling to be silver medalist in the “sexy bald royals” competition.

    Princess Diana and Princess Grace must be up in heaven shaking their heads.

  52. Hyrule Castle says:

    D.B. Woodside.

    That is all.

  53. Emily says:

    I highly doubt anyone is “incandescent” with arousal over William.

    Whatever poll they used to name him is as about as scientifically sound as the struggle survey.

  54. Coco says:

    Now if only we could find a way to harness the power of the internet mocking William over this, the Ever Given would come unstuck from the Suez Canal in no time.

  55. Annetommy says:

    Good Lord…check out ex footballers Pep Guardiola and Gianluca Vialli – now we’re talking sexy.

  56. Cessily says:

    Sadly all the articles in the world proclaiming his “good looks or leadership” are ridiculous when an apology and an olive branch would do so much more for his image and soul. This is all getting to weird and creepy.

  57. psl says:


  58. Val says:

    This headline popped up as I was drinking a super spicy ginger tea. Let’s just say I nearly died choking on it. The word sexy and that guy’s name should not be used in the same sentence. I’m still coughing from nearly choking!

  59. Yoyo says:

    Twitter even used a bald Eagle that is better looking than Cain.

  60. L4frimaire says:

    This whole thing was just so weird and desperate because that man is not sexy in any way, but the dragging was so funny. The ratio was nuclear level and it became an international embarrassment. People were calling out the royal families PR teams for just how utterly awful and useless they are. Is it really that hard to just apologize and try to be a better person and admit the harm you’ve done. I swear, this has more to do with the James Cordon interview than the Oprah interview. Showing Harry looking fit and active,and sexy, really bothered William, especially when that comparison video on Twitter with William looking like a wobbly toddler on a log 2 feet off the ground. The Rock’s post was hilarious. The royals need to settle down and stops with this nonsense because they are making fools of themselves and proving by their desperate actions that what was said in the interview was true .

    • deering24 says:

      Someone should lock the RF in a room eternally showing South Park’s Streisand Effect episode. Talk about dense…

  61. MsIam says:

    And cue “The Whole World’s Laughing At Me” by Teddy Pendergrass, lol. They can play that at his coronation. You know, it seems like William is the victim of a prank that got out of hand. But because he’s been so awful during the whole Meghan and Harry situation, its hard to feel sorry for him.

  62. February-Pisces says:

    Their pr is beyond a joke at this point. In the last week they have jumped from one pr disaster to another. Kate’s exploitation of a murdered woman, the dead granny Mother’s Day cards, willies black friend, willies young hitler inspired Times puff piece, the ‘I’m not racist’ comment and now they’re trying to convince us Willie is ‘sexy’. He’s really showing us his insecurities right their, he’s bald, he’s ugly af and he knows it.

    But Willie really doesn’t get it though, he legit thinks people will eat this sh*t up, that peasants are so dumb that they will READ that he’s ‘sexy’ and somehow BELIEVE that he’s ‘sexy’.

    It’s time for them to call kris Jenner, she would have never let this sh*t get out of hand.

  63. Reece says:

    I have some sm catching up to do today from looking at the comments.

    The only reply I have to this poll is NO! NONO NONONO NO!

  64. Lowrider says:

    William’s problem is not his looks, it is his personality traits that make him wholly unattractive, really downright UGLY!

    Harry is not the best looking guy either but his personality has him looking like the best thing since a young Brad Pitt.

    • ennie says:

      William was the “cute” one very early on, but as someone said on a thread weeks ago, his uncle Edward was very cute in his teen days, maybe even more than Willy, then they became adults and fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch, which it wouldn’t matter for Will if he wouldn’t have such an awful personality (making fun of that food delivery person, for example) and if he wasn’t so damn lazy.

  65. Steph says:

    This was one of the funniest draggings I’ve seen in quite a while. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

    • Hell Nah! says:

      William is getting roasted, for sure, but please resist the temptation to feel badly for him. He’s only getting a small portion of what he’s dished out over the last few years to his brother and his sister-in-law – ain’t it glorious?

  66. Valerie says:

    Putin, what the fuck? He’s a dictator, not a celebrity. They can bugger off with that.

    • Emily_C says:

      Yeah, that’s the part that’s seriously gross to me. Will’s bad, but it’s sort of whatever when he’s put next to Putin! One of these men is a lot worse than the other, and for once it ain’t Will.

  67. A says:

    The methodology on this study is just SO fucked up too. All it’s based on is how many times William has been described as “sexy” based on a Google search. How do we know which point of his life he was being described as such? What if the search results were talking wistfully about how sexy he USED TO BE back when he had hair?

    • I pet goat 2 says:

      Exactly.their methodology is just generally not how corpus research works. If two words collocate together (meaning, show up close to each other), you need to account for all variables so that your result is meaningful (meaning, exclude irrelevant times (like you said in your post), account for negative phrasing (i.e, is not sexy, verbs and adjectives that express the negative (it is doubtful William is sexy)), etc, and you also need to account for your corpus at large, I.e. explain the websites that made up your research basis – google wouldn’t make the cut, it’s not a view into anybody’s mind cause the front page is personalized, the ad space you can buy, the algorithms at work, and the sheer number of tabloid news spouting propaganda and bots versus human comments). Very painful, but whatever this was – marketing stunt, pr stunt? – it got the traction they wanted it to get.

    • Emily_C says:

      Also a lot of people make fun of Putin trying to be sexy. Shirtless horse riding and whatever. Putting the word near a name doesn’t mean anything.

  68. holly says:

    Coming first, before a rapist, in any list is nothing to crow about.

  69. boyd says:

    Be hard to top Yul Brenner. One of my favorite underrated actors.

  70. Edna says:

    How incredible to be dragged and made the laughing stock of the whole world through no effort on your part. KP’ PR had nothing to do with this poll but because it was legitimized by the British Media it was accepted as valid. And as others have stated, the dragging is really to do with what how people view William rather than the actual poll itself. People reacted this way because they view William as having an ugly soul. He comes across as angry, petty and vindictive. And folks let him know what they truly think of him. Ouch….that has to sting.

  71. Liz version 700 says:

    Y’all OMG YALL!!! Twitter has started threads with Tic Toc posts of various nice regular men watching the video Lily kindly provided with the recorder music and their reactions to William’s athletics….it is a whole new level of dragging gone viral. If you start watching them be advised, get your beverage and snacks you will be under for a while lol 😄😄😄😄

  72. Carabella says:


  73. swirlmamad says:

    Holy crap, I so wish you could post gifs on this site. LMAOOOOOOO

  74. Chichi says:

    Eeew no

  75. MerryGirl says:

    I am not on Twitter but for the first time I visited yesterday just to see what the fuss was about and oh boy….I never laughed so hard. Baldy got the dragging of his life and for anyone else I would sympathize but the way he treated his brother and sister in law, it was well deserved.
    I wonder how incandescent he is today knowing that he’s the laughing stock of the whole world.
    Well you wanted the global spotlight like Harry, so enjoy!

  76. Emily_C says:


    Let’s see, we’ve got a violent dictator, a rapist (Tyson), and Whiny Will on there. So Will’s not the worst, but still, give me a break. I guess they got hateclicks out of this.

  77. Donna B. says:


  78. HEAVY_DAZE says:


  79. Well Wisher says:

    It is a particular way to search the algorithm by inserting specific words in the search engine to manipulate the results. Simlarily the recent poll of 1464 persons from a population of 66.9 million raised his and wife’s popularity to 70% and 67% for a nice boost in confidence?

  80. NotSoSimpleTaylor says:

    Nothing about William is attractive in the slightest.

    Raise your hand if you’d caress Mark Strong’s bald troubled head because I know I would.

  81. Gina says:

    It is telling that William’s mouthpiece, Daily Fail, remains silent about this “sexiest baldy” spin. Maybe somebody in KP understood at last that Willy became global joke? Again?

  82. Chartreuse says:

    Once you know Putin is on the list, whom no one loves other than his buddies and Trumpets, you know it’s fake. Every Russian I know loathes Putin. I get old royal lovers who love Will but other than that, yeah, no.

    PS but I do like Statham

  83. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    Geoff Tate from Queensryche. My next door neighbor (when he’s out for his morning run, the “women who walk” as I call them are absolutely out in droves)
    Myself? I am not really into bald headed men, but put Christopher Meloni on screen and I pay attention and yes Statham too. Something about bad boys…
    It amuses me no end that William bought his way onto that list because let’s face it, how else would he get there????

  84. Robin says:

    Did anyone see this story covered in the Daily Mail? I couldn’t find it; although I admit it was only a brief search. All the other tabloids covered it. One thing we know about William is how much he hates being bald. The other thing this proves about William is that he has quite a big finger in the DM pie – it seems as if can control what they print about him, good or bad.

  85. MMadison says:

    I spent a shameful amount of time this weekend reading all of the comments on twitter about William. I laughed so much that I was reduced to tears. It was so cathartic. I’m hopeful Meghan found a quiet space in her home and did the same.

  86. Triscuit says:

    This dude is so flipping unattractive on so many levels, including his face. No, there is absolutely nothing ‘sexy’ about this one, that I know for absolute sure. Ewww and gross.

  87. Monica says:

    Maybe now William has an inkling of what Meghan has been going through.