Jennifer Aniston got the cover of People Mag to talk about sunsets, peace

Prince Jean-Christophe Napoléon and Olympia d'Arco-Zinneberg are married

Jennifer Aniston covers this week’s issue of People Magazine for no particular reason. Season 2 of The Morning Show doesn’t come out until September, so I’m not even sure this qualifies for “very early promotion,” although People does mention the show so there you go. This is basically just Aniston’s periodic reminder that she’s fine and everything’s fine in her life. She’s been saying that for a while now, but I actually appreciate the fact that she hasn’t run around with a post-Justin Theroux “I’m fine” campaign. After the thing with Justin (it wasn’t a legal marriage, whatever it was) ended, Jennifer has been publicly single, working a lot and chilling with her goddess circle. Some highlights from this People piece:

What she’s promoting: The actress has recently become the face of collagen brand Vital Proteins and has the second season of her Apple TV+ series, The Morning Show, debuting in September, but still takes time out of each busy day to watch the sunset, she tells PEOPLE. “It’s my favorite moment,” she says. “I wish we could freeze time in that magic hour because there’s a lot of taking it all in, the appreciation of the day and what’s happening.”

She meditates: “For me, I meditate every day – and sitting quietly, writing. That’s enough. And any kind of yoga practice is my meditation. I just have faith in a bigger picture, I guess. And I believe in humanity, even though there’s so much to discourage us from believing in it – but I do.”

Her life right now: Aniston cites her work and her friends, as well as her beloved dogs – schnauzer mix Clyde, pit-bull mix Sophie and newly rescued Great Pyrenees mix Lord Chesterfield. “I’m in a really peaceful place. I have a job that I love, I have people in my life who are everything to me, and I have beautiful dogs. I’m just a very fortunate and blessed human being.”

Her last moment of bliss: Aniston again turns to the sunset. “It’s so simple. There’s no real markers for it, but there are just moments where you just feel … ahhhh. Self-awareness is key. I’ve really gotten a lot out of therapy. Just being a public person, there’s a lot of amazing things that come with that. But there’s also a lot of tough stuff, because we’re only human, and we tend to walk around with bulls-eyes on our heads.”

She still has to mention babies: “Sometimes you can’t help family members or people sending stuff over going, ‘What is this? You’re having a baby? Are you getting married?’ It’s like, ‘Oh, good gosh, when and how many years will it take for you to ignore that silliness?'” Aniston says. She adds that she would like to be remembered first and foremost as having made those around her laugh. “I have a good heart, and I’m a great friend,” she says. “I lead with love.”

[From People]

This was weird, right? Is she dying? Did I miss something where she has gotten sick or something? There’s a weird “I am at peace for my last stage of life” vibe to this that I cannot put my finger on. Maybe I’m just confused by why this piece is even happening. Granted, Jennifer could call up People Magazine at any given week and they would put her on the cover. Did she call them up just to promote these protein supplements and they made her words about the sunset into the cover story? Hm.

Jennifer Aniston is all smiles as she leaves Good Morning America

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red.

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55 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston got the cover of People Mag to talk about sunsets, peace”

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  1. Susan says:

    She was on Howard Stern yesterday w Courtney and Lisa…guess it was a delayed Friends reunion promotion? And tbh it was kinda awkward because she couldn’t get her thoughts out. Not that I’d be a great interview either, but she struggled with finding things to say, it struck me as odd.

    • ShazzA says:

      I still remember her first appearance on Stern-she was a NutriSystem girl pushing the product. (This was before Friends btw.) And I think once it blew up, she didn’t go back on. I don’t know why I remember that.

    • BooyahB!tches says:

      OK, firstly? I love Jen. So this isn’t “criticism,” it’s just facts. She looooves her Mary Jane and is constantly high; find any public event, the Friends reunion especially, she’s stoned the whole time. It’s no biggie: she’s not out of control, it’s just what she does. She’s a healthy, active person, and if that’s her thing, then that’s her thing.

      But secondly, and you may not like this, but the reason she did this cover piece is because it’s just that: a cover. Not of a magazine, but a cover over the real story, which is she’s in a r/ship with a married man, and this is a total deflection to either take everyone’s eyes away from him and state “I’m looking for a r/ship,” or it’s a slow-burn announcement of this guy splitting, divorcing, and ending up with Jen.

  2. Becks1 says:

    Eh, I know I’m in the minority on this site, but I love Jen. I love watching sunsets too. My house is surrounded by trees so its hard to get a good view of the horizon, but when I’m at the beach or someplace I just zone out watching a sunset. I think its part of the reason I love cruises TBH – great views of sunrises and sunsets.

    As for this story – my guess is that People has a list of go-to celebrities when they want a fluffy cover story that they think will sell and she’s one of them. I feel like a few times a year there’s a random cover story like this that doesnt seem to “fit” with what’s going on entertainment or gossip wise and so that’s my theory about it.

    • girl_ninja says:

      I like her too. She works hard does her thing and moves it right along. I appreciate that.

    • lucy2 says:

      Her life sounds great to me.
      I agree about People. They probably know that Jen covers sell, among others, and they put those up every so often.

    • Waitwhat says:

      I think she just lives her best life – she works in a job she likes, she’s got a good circle around her, gorgeous houses and dogs, beautiful vacations, and she recognises her good fortune. Plus she seems to know how to enjoy herself!

    • whatWHAT? says:

      I’ll sit with you.

      I like her, I think she’d be a good, loyal friend, and she sounds like she’d be a hoot to hang out with. I can sit on a beach and watch the sunset with a margarita, no problem.

    • CV says:

      it’s a shame you have to preface that anyone who likes Jen is a minority on this site, but you’re 100% right. I’m also a fan, but not in a weird “she walks on water” sort of way that some ppl think of other celebs. I would def hang out w her in her huge mansion lol

      and I still don’t get the obsession w whether or not she legally married Theroux when at the end of the day, who cares? she protected her assets like a boss!

      • BooyahB!tches says:

        I think that’s why she’s so popular: she’s not treated like some superstar, because she doesn’t let it happen. People relate to her, she’s America’s darling, and she’s normal and kind and happy. She’s just huge, and that’s all there is to it.

      • Carmen says:

        Sorry, I can’t relate to her at all. She’s a fluffball. She comes off as totally superficial with vacuum between the ears. JMO.

  3. Piratewench says:

    Never been a huge fan, only because she’s just boring to me.
    But I do admire her for being out there with not needing to have babies and a man to be fulfilled. My best friend is the same, she doesn’t need a man and babies she’s very happy to be single and work on her career and spend her down time with her many good friends. But boy does she get a lot of sh** for it, especially from older generations. Like she’s defective. It’s horrible. I like Jen showing how positive a choice it can be for some women to not do the traditional route.

  4. ce says:

    She is sooooo boring. Who is this for??

    • Tanguerita says:

      obviously, not for you, yet here you are, complaining.

    • Waitwhat says:

      Is she boring, or does she just not have a lot of (public) drama in her life?

    • Starkille says:

      It’s apparently for very typical LA people and those who aspire to that lifestyle. She just sounds like a typical LA person talking about meditating, sunsets and drinking various powders and mixes. Surprised she didn’t mention crystals.

      • Meg says:

        I think you may have hit the nail on the head

      • BooyahB!tches says:

        She is the most chill dudette in the whole of CA 🙂 Plus she’s a toker, a smoker, a MaryJane lover…and all power to her. She’s just chill, and she’s not some loudmouth, pap-calling tv star, she’s just an actress and she’s nice and yeah, for the no-lifers, that makes her boring.

  5. Lemons says:

    Jen looks like an Olsen twin or their older sister here….I’m not feeling this cover.

  6. Jegede says:

    The part she says about babies resonates with me cause I know so many women going through it and feel defined, nay consumed by it.
    Esp in my culture.

    “When is the baby coming?”,!!😤😤
    When NO ONE knows their very personal struggles and quite rightly they choose not to share.
    I mean one of my colleagues has stopped drinking coca-cola cause she’s been ‘adviced’ that’s why she and her hubby haven’t conceived after 4 years.😶😶😶

    We also now know how women like Aisha Tyler, have discussed using humour to bat away the truthful pain when queried over why they were not parents.

  7. Vicki says:

    As a magazine editor, I can tell you for certain that they would never ever say no to a JenAn cover. She sells like hot cakes. And there’s likely a commercial connection with the vitamins brand.

  8. PlutoTrineSun says:

    Many people see folks they admire, like JLo & BA, refusing to be alone for a single week. JA is modeling self-love, child-free living, meditation and friendship. After the year we’ve had, I think that’s a message some may find helpful. Beyond that, I’m not quite sure what she’s selling other than her personal brand as the embodiment of the stuff above. And in capitalism, any and everything can be monetized.

  9. Amanda says:

    Must be nice!

  10. Lowrider says:

    That is Aniston’s brand; peace, carefree, easy breezy cover girl. I feel like her inner soul must be in absolute turmoil since she always striving for peace, meditation and calmness. She is a strange bird.

    • Granger says:

      I have to agree. Turmoil, or she’s just the consummate navel-gazer. Meditation, yoga, journalling, and therapy are wonderful, but they’re all Aniston ever talks about. She has always struck me as a shallow person, someone who isn’t all that curious or interested in expanding her horizons. Or at least, that’s how she comes across — and it’s the image she’s carefully cultivated over the years.

      I’m sure she’s a lovely, loyal friend, though.

  11. LeonsMomma says:

    The devil works hard, but Jennifer Aniston’s publicists/manager/agents work harder.

    • Eve says:



      Whatever…still detest her, her below mediocrity movies, the image she tries to push down our throats and her mind-boggglingly gullible, annoying fans.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    Do people still read People Magazine? I’m not getting why Jennifer Aniston would be on the cover right now.

  13. Marigold says:

    I absolutely love her. She does have a lot of warmth that seems to dine through. She is also hysterical. We Are Thea miller’s is one of the funniest movies ever.

  14. LOL says:

    Still shilling her investments and still playing her CAA game of being associated with Brad Pitt, her womb , her yoga and her hair . Have I missed anything in this ass kissing vanilla interview . People Magazine need to stop photoshopping her.

    • Eve says:


      “People Magazine need to stop photoshopping her.”

      And scare the ever living sh*t out of everybody?

      • LOL says:

        @EVE, LOL I didn’t think of that, better photoshopped than face reality .

        It’s just so repetitive how this bland women is still being stuffed down out throats . If it wasn’t for her PR CAA she would have been a has been long time ago. Not forgetting without the CAA arranged marriage with the A Lister whom she’s still milking till her last breath.

    • Waitwhat says:

      All magazines photoshop everybody these days.

  15. LOL says:

    Its a shame none of the rich millionaire FRIENDS CAST have offered any public help and sympathy towards the actor who played Gunther in the tv show .the cast and producers knew about his stage four cancer and still kept quite . Even now that he has told everyone publicly he said no one from the cast contacted him, only David shwimmer did via Instagram.

    • Eve says:


      That’s really f*cking sad.

    • lucy2 says:

      I watched that interview, that’s not really what he said. They asked if the cast knew, and he said yes, and the producers have known for a long time, and that David had contacted him via instagram. That was really it about the show, he was much more focused on telling his story and letting it be a warning for other men to get tested.
      He was diagnosed 3 or 4 years ago, and kept it out of the public, and we don’t know who he chose to tell or anything that was privately said or offered before. It’s possible no one else did, it’s possible several did, who knows. Not everyone does everything publicly on social media.

  16. Chimney says:

    This woman is a snoozefest! When I’m in my 50s I hope that I’ve accomplished enough in life so no one ever points to one of my exes the most interesting thing about me. Name 10 Aniston movies, quickly!

  17. Driver8 says:

    I tried watching The Morning Show and couldn’t get past 3 or 4 episodes. Am I missing something?

  18. Ariel says:

    The People title should be: world’s most boring pretty woman talks about dumb crap.

    • BooyahB!tches says:

      The thing is, she’s not “boring,” she’s just not peddling crap…she’s not interview material, but as one commenter said above (and she’s a magazine editor), it’s industry knowledge that JenAn SELLS BIG TIME. She simply does. And THAT is what’s kinda boring; Jen’s a normal person, and has nothing to say, no impact, but the fact is millions love her. Whaddyagonnado.

  19. You Know Me says:

    Most overrated ‘actor’ in the game. Without Adam Sandler & her personal life drama she’d be another former sitcom actress. Please don’t get at me, I just don’t see the glory many seem to see in her.

    • Becks1 says:

      Meh, I’m a fan of hers but I don’t think she’s the greatest actress out there- but I’m okay with that. her movies for the most part are fun and light-hearted (we watched We’re the Millers the other night, I forgot how funny that movie was in parts) and she’s really made her career extend beyond a sitcom. And that’s fine. Not everyone is going to win an Oscar.

      But even if she hadn’t – being the star of one of the most popular sitcoms ever and making millions off the show 17 years after it ended isn’t too shabby.

      • Elizabeth says:

        A lot of her popularity comes from being Pitt’s ex wife, face it. Without that she would not be so talked about.

    • BooyahB!tches says:

      She’s a unique star in the Hollywood firmament, isn’t she? Seriously NOT a great actress, but she was great as Rachel, and she was HUUUUGE then; and then on top of that? She only goes and marries BRAD PITT. How much higher can she get? Well, bombshell Anjelina comes along and takes Brad away. Jen’s star rises into the freakin’ stratosphere, because now she’s the victim, and her fans? omg that seals her as someone who’ll never leave the headlines. She has MILLIONs of positive followers, she’s clean, healthy, kind, always smiling (read: always high!), and that’s all there is to it…like a magazine editor wrote above, this woman SELLS, so they cover her. No biggie.