Sarah Ferguson handles scandal by ‘apologizing profusely’ to herself & others

Princess Eugenie wedding

Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, is still promoting her book, Her Heart for a Compass. It’s a historical romance loosely based on one of Fergie’s relatives, and Fergie has been making the press rounds for weeks. I’ve been putting off covering some of these interviews but let’s just get through all of it at once. Fergie has been providing tons of quotes about Prince Andrew especially, and she’s even talked about Jeffrey Epstein a few times. Some quotes from three different interviews:

She thinks Diana would be proud of Harry and Meghan. “There should be no judgement on race, creed, color or any other denomination. I wish Harry and Meghan so much happiness. I know Diana would be so proud of her sons and their wives.”

How she handles scandals like the Jeffrey Epstein saga: “Well, for anybody watching, apologize profusely to yourself, to others. I have destroyed myself many times but the most important thing is to get up and get going.”

On staying with Andrew at Royal Lodge during the pandemic: “The pandemic has been extraordinary for everybody, it’s been so challenging. But I think Prince Andrew is such a good man, he’s a thoroughly good man, he’s a very gentle man, he’s a really good father. We did co-parent very well, hence the reason why the girls are very solid and [have their] feet on the ground. But now, as a grandfather, he’s really good. He can go for hours talking about football and all those sorts of things. And I’m like, ‘Ok, off you go.’ It’s a joy to see him really shine as a grandfather. I think it’s very important, family unity – communicate, compromise, compassion. Those are the three Cs that are essential… Life is about yourself and being able to have team spirit. Say what you feel – communicate, compromise and then compassion, let’s go forward.”

Her grandson August: “Well, baby August is phenomenal. He’s a very strong little chap. August thinks I’m hysterical. And it’s so funny when I look at him because I make him laugh, and he goes all shy and flirts with me. Just shows you: boys. Boys! You know, he’s just so, so cool but really, I’m very proud of Eugenie – and Jack [Brooksbank] because they’re very good parents and, as any new young parents out there know, it’s very challenging, isn’t it? And they worry so much about the night duty and getting it right, and are they good enough? And are they getting it right? And Eugenie is really a great mother so I’m very proud of her. But ultimately, I say: ‘You’ve done so well, just keep your confidence.’ Mothering is intuitive, so you don’t need to be told: you’ll know.”

[From The Daily Mail & Hello]

“I have destroyed myself many times but the most important thing is to get up and get going…” That’s actually not the most important thing when your ex-husband has been accused of raping victims of human trafficking, and when you took tens of thousands of dollars from a rapist and human trafficker. Fergie is pretty consistent with this too, like the first thing everyone needs to do is “forgive themselves.” No. That’s not what is most important when you f–k up on the scale of “international criminality.” Andrew still hasn’t honored the interview requests from the FBI. They don’t care if he’s already forgiven himself.

As for Fergie and Andrew as grandparents… yikes. I would not trust either of them around a baby.

Sarah Ferguson seen at the Lady Garden Foundation Gala at Claridge's Hotel

Gabriella Windsor wedding

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red and WENN.

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25 Responses to “Sarah Ferguson handles scandal by ‘apologizing profusely’ to herself & others”

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  1. Tessa says:

    It seems Fergie is being used to go out and praise Andrew. She doesn’t seem to think about those trafficked women at all.

  2. Reia says:

    Fergie herself is problematic not just Andrew. She brings in unnecessary attention to herself like giving access to Andrew for $$. I wish I had a crystalball so I could see where Andrew &Fergie end up after Charles becomes king.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    Just like the rest of the British establishment, Fergie doesn’t think Andrew did anything wrong. In another interview she says that she lives at Royal Lodge as a guest of Andrew’s. She’s really lives in a bubble.

  4. Scorpion says:

    Oh dear, Fergie 🙄

    • AnnaKist says:

      Yeah. These two have always been a double act. They know each other’s peccadillos and keep each other’s secrets. I don’t believe they’ve ever been truly apart, regardless of the divorce that I think was forced on them. I think she’s known all along what
      he really is, and vice versa.

  5. Here4Tea says:

    Long-time lurker, first-time commenter. Hi, like most of my fellow Britons, I am thoroughly appalled by the criminality of our so-called ‘betters.’

  6. Digital Unicorn says:

    Fergie is protecting her meal ticket to protect herself – not only is she living with him at Royal Lodge he is financially supporting her. Grifter needs to keep the grift going. She CANNOT manage money.

  7. Lala11_7 says:

    If only Fergie wasn’t such a grifter with no morals…if it wasn’t for THAT…she would be added to this list of British royalty that I can deal with…which currently only contains 3…H&M and Eugenie…I always had a soft spot for her when she FIRST came on the scene….she was SUCH a GLORIOUS REFRESHING MESS!

  8. Sunday says:

    Every single one of her responses is mindless word salad rambling that barely relates to the original question. I mean, Andrew is a good grandfather because he can talk about football for hours? What?? Just mindless blathering, and it’s sad that this is what passes for “support” for Meghan. The bar is in hell.

    • CuriousCole says:

      @Sunday, I was confused by the same line, but I attributed it to my lack of coffee. What does Andrew prattling on about football do for an infant?? Help him fall asleep?? I could barely follow her scribbles of logic. And yes, she gave blanket support to both sons and daughters-in-law of Diana, I wouldn’t call that sticking her neck out for Meghan!

    • Golly Gee says:

      God, not only is he pompous, he’s a pompous bore.

  9. Zapp Brannigan says:

    She needs to f*ck off, and when she gets there f*ck off some more.

  10. Lizzie says:

    She uses the trump playbook, just keep repeating ‘he’s a good man’. trump never met a criminal that he didn’t call a ‘good man’. I cannot stand this grifter. For all of her years as a royal and more years selling her title, she has done zero for her country.

  11. molly says:

    Her quotes sound exhausting to read, wow. She’s all over the place.

  12. Mina_Esq says:

    Completely beside the point, but when Fergue describes how Andrew can talk for hours about football etc, I totally pictured that boooooooring neighbor that talks for hours about stuff that he thinks is interesting and charming but that bores everyone else to tears. Like, the guy you avoid getting trapped in a conversation with at all cost lol

  13. Merricat says:

    She took money from Epstein. She’s as problematic for them as he is.

  14. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    She sounds like 13yo Sansa Stark in front of the king. ‘I don’t know. I didn’t see.’

  15. Nikki* says:

    I’m a very forgiving person, and used to feel extremely sorry for her when the press called her the Duchess of Pork, but Fergie has done one bad thing after another, and it’s not naivete, it’s a POOR MORAL CHARACTER. Although she was a married princess very much in the paparazzi’s eye, and a mom of two, she couldn’t manage a discreet affair, instead she was quite careless even before having her toes sucked splashed on the front pages of the newspapers. (This shows more lack of discretion that anything else). But then she was caught accepting money for promised “royal insider rewards”,. She pretended to be sorry, but was caught in a similar situation years later!! Now she’s trumpeting her husband’s goodness & gentleness when he vacationed and partied with child rapists,. She’s just not a nice person; I really don’t like her at all.

  16. Roo says:

    Let’s not forget that she and her husband took their teen (or younger?) daughters to Epstein’s rape island. She knows all the secrets and is culpable, too.

  17. Pippi says:

    Oh my god, anytime anyone talks about very young children ‘flirting’ I want to punch them. GROSS! Oh well, she is rooting for a pedophile, after all. It tracks.

    • Calibration says:

      That’s exactly right. An infant was ‘flirting’? Wtf? She’s so self obsessed with zero morals. She’s gross. And that pink dress is a catastrophe.

  18. The Recluse says:

    And on a petty note, they sure did airbrush the heck out of her for the picture on the back cover of her book.

  19. christina says:

    Her eyes look like they’re sliding down her face.