Nick Cannon: Monogamy is a ‘Eurocentric concept’, he doesn’t ‘own’ his baby-mamas

cannon abby de la rosa

Nick Cannon’s first children were Dem Babies, Moroccan and Monroe, with his now ex-wife Mariah Carey. Dem Babies are ten years old now and I’m not sure how much time he really spends with them. After Mariah, Nick became involved with Brittany Bell, and they have a 4-year-old daughter named Golden Cannon. Brittany also welcomed a second daughter, Powerful Queen Cannon, with Nick back in December. On June 14th of this year, he welcomed twins Zion Mixolydian and Zillion Heir with Abby De La Rosa. Nine days later, his son Zen Cannon was born to Alyssa Scott. So, yeah – four children born within six months of each other by three different moms. Before this week, Nick had not really answered many questions about what the hell he’s doing and whether he plans to stick around and be a parent to any of these kids. Nick went on The Breakfast Club on Monday, and Charlamagne Tha God and his co-hosts had a lot of questions. Here are some of Nick’s answers:

Nick on “why so many kids”: “The beauty of fatherhood, when you really talk about living as a father, I’ve learned so much just from my children, and it’s so amazing. I really just love being around my kids. That youthful energy, it feels like you get to relive every time. I think I’ve been through so much in my life physically, mentally and spiritually, the best place that I find is the time that I spend with my kids and that energy. And to get as much of that as possible and to pass on all that I’ve lived into something else, that’s why I do it, man.”

Why did he impregnate several women within six months: “But why do people question that?…That’s a Eurocentric concept when you think about the ideas of you’re supposed to have this one person for the rest of your life. And really that’s just to classify property, when you think about it. When you go into that mindset, if we’re really talking that talk, the idea that a man should have one woman — we shouldn’t have anything. I have no ownership over this person. It’s about what exchange can we create together. I’ve never really subscribed to that mentality. I understand the institution of marriage if we go back to what that was about. … I don’t have ownership of any of the mothers. We create families in the sense of we created a beautiful entity.”

Indoctrinated monogamy: Cannon said many people can be “indoctrinated” into thinking everything should fit into a certain mold, and that he does not “subscribe” to monogamy. “Those women and all women are the ones that open themselves up to say, ‘I would like to allow this man in my world and I will birth this child.’ So it ain’t my decision, I’m just following suit… They know how I feel. I’m not going around like, ‘Who am I gonna impregnate next?’ … The woman is always the one who leads and makes the decision.”

[From People]

I will say one thing, which is that I have been surprised that – at the moment – there doesn’t seem to be any drama with the baby mamas, no lawsuits, no child support court cases, no Instagram beefs. Nick was there for the births of all of his children and he did all of the baby-bump photo-poses and all of that. So there’s no drama… right now. But that could change. And let’s be honest, it will change. Nick Cannon would not have multiple women coming up to him and saying “let me have your babies” if he wasn’t already wealthy.

As for the whole “indoctrinated monogamy” thing… like, I actually do believe that some people were not meant to be in coupled-up monogamous relationships. Some people truly bristle at that and the key to owning that is being honest with yourself about your wants and needs and being honest with your multiple partners. That being said, it’s not really “Eurocentric.” That’s Nick saying “fidelity to one person is for white folks” and that’s kind of f–ked up. Throughout time, people have been “coupling up.” Sure, there have been harems and polygamy and all of that. But throughout history, in many cultures and across all races, ethnicities and religions, people have prioritized two-person relationships, marriages, etc.

cannon brittany2

cannon brittany1

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instagram.

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71 Responses to “Nick Cannon: Monogamy is a ‘Eurocentric concept’, he doesn’t ‘own’ his baby-mamas”

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  1. Maddie says:

    He’s a clown. I’m sorry. 7 children across 4 house holds. It’s nearly impossible to be the kind of active and present father these children deserve once they’re all in school, sport clubs etc. The holidays alone are going to be a mess and he wants to add more children?
    Hot hotep mess.

    Hope the women truly knew what they were getting themselves into and weren’t blinded by his income or bamboozled by hollow promises.

    • Sigmund says:

      Exactly. As these kids get older, it’s going to be harder and harder for him to be there for them as a father should. They need regular one-on-one time with their dad, and there’s no way for them to get that when they have that many siblings so close in age.

      No one is saying that parents have to be married (or monogamous, as long as everyone consents). But all Nick seems to be talking about here is what his kids do for him (they bring him joy, make him feel like a part of something bigger). He’s totally ignoring the part where being a parent takes time and sacrifice and work.

      • DuchessL says:

        This is a guy who is just having kids and paying for the mothers to take care of them. Those rich people are acting and are saying stupid sh*t like they were too modern and avant-garde vs us peasants. Trying to give new ideas of ways of raising families and being in no-lockdown-relationships is total BS. Obviously he has issues with commitment. This statement of not owning his women comes from a guy who was totally down getting married and had tattooed Mariah’s name as big as an arm on his neck. Something obviously traumatized him for this 180. This is not about the women not being his property, this is about him wanting to put his weewee anywhere he wants because midlife crisis, lack of maturity, wanting to think he’s still desirable, money opportunities, the idea of living like a rockstar which is NOT, and probably being played in the past. He needs help.

    • Rocky cat says:

      Exactly Maddie, that’s the problem I have with it! Kids deserve to have an involved dad.

    • GrnieWnie says:

      Yup, I didn’t realize a present father and STIs are Eurocentric concepts as well.

    • MsG says:

      And now he is defending DaBaby saying he shouldn’t be cancelled. Btw, DaBaby took down his posted apology. Even he couldn’t look at such obvious BS (he hasn’t changed, he won’t change, & he is likely closeted).

      Cannon should never procreate. Feel bad for all the kids.

  2. Seraphina says:

    I think he is selfish and egotistical, which plagues so many in our society today. If this works for HIM great, how is this going to work out for the CHILDREN?
    And the more he he talks the more I lose respect for him. A word of advice to Nick: Not every thought needs to vocalized.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Yep. This sucks for the kids. It’s hard to believe they won’t grow up feeling like they’re in competition for his love and money. I don’t even have a problem with what he’s saying. It’s true that the mythology around monogamy fuels a billion dollar marriage-and-divorce industry. But that’s no excuse to be having babies all over the place with no long term plan for raising them.

    • Dee says:

      He has no choice but to talk about the love he has for his children. If he was to admit that he made a bad decision at this point, then his children will feel unloved.

  3. Oh_Hey says:

    Eww. Just ewwww.
    That was the most hypocritical hotep-iest of hotep thing I have ever read. Group marriage and polyamory has been done by white and BIPOC peoples and so has monogamy throughout time. Also all of his baby moms are white, white passing, or mixed. Most his kids fall into the same category. What is he talking about? It’s just word salad.

    • Scorpion says:

      I know right?

      It’s gross, and no amount of Hoteperie and turban wearing will excuse such piss poor behaviour.

      How many single parent homes is he contributing to? Carrying on the cycle of broken homes and dysfunction…

      • Princess Peach says:

        He seems committed to Eurocentric standards of beauty.

        And didn’t have a problem with marriage when he stood to benefit financially from Mariah Carey.

    • superashes says:

      I’m glad someone said it, this shit is basically borderline performance art. Only thing missing is a Kufi and some more direct misogynoir.

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      It’s not relevant but out of curiosity – which of his baby mamas is white? Mariah is biracial and all 3 of these women pictured above also seem mixed or black.

      • Oh_Hey says:

        His latest baby momma – mother of zen. Also one can be proudly black and white passing. I love Mariah and Mariah has pushed back when folks have tried to white wash her. She’s also white passing. There’s nothing negative about it. It’s a fact and it’s a fact that makes nick look crazy for his Eurocentric comment.

      • Emmitt says:

        Yes, although Mariah is proud of all sides of her heritage, she is white passing. I know when she first came out the white kids in my school were like “We have a white answer to Whitney Houston” and all the black kids were like {insert I don’t know with Solo cup guy GIF}.

        I think Mariah even said in her book her siblings had a disdain for her because she could pass for white more than they could, even though all 3 had the same parents. They felt her life was “easier” because of her appearance.

      • katie says:

        None of them are white. These comments are frustrating. I’m an afro-latina that is dark, and I have fine features… these features are not just European features, they are features that have been in Africa since forever. It’s so ignorant to claim these women’s beauty comes from Europe…. their beauty is uniquely theirs and comes from legacies centuries old like the rest of us….

    • Mlle Poirot says:

      Just want to say thanks to everyone for introducing me to the word Hotep. Google is my friend!

    • Rocky cat says:

      You nailed it!

    • Amanda says:

      He definitely seems to have a type.

  4. AmberMarie says:

    No one thought you did “own” them, Nick. Quietly exit and help these mothers raise your children.

  5. Jessie Quinton says:

    Said like a f***boi who doesn’t believe in condoms. Seriously.

  6. DC Gal says:

    He is so unappealing.

  7. kgeo says:

    If everyone knew up front, is on board, and has plans worked out that center the children’s welfare, then fine. I personally wouldn’t touch this situation with someone else’s vagine, but that’s just me.

  8. Neners says:

    I’m sorry. All I see when I look at him is the potential for STIs. I’m good luv, enjoy.

  9. Angie says:

    The beauty of fatherhood….here’s the definition of fatherhood: The state of being a father. What is being a father? Being a father is being present in your children’s lives – from birth until death. In the easy, happy moments as in the hard and unpleasant times. I’m all for having kids, when you’re ready to be around for the long haul!! At least he is financially capable of supporting all these kids, Felt like ranting a little this morning….geeezzzz

  10. Merricat says:

    Hope he has a long-term financial plan.

  11. Stephanie says:

    This will get more complicated eventually. Even if, hypothetically speaking, all of these women were ok with him not being around-maybe they just wanted a baby for all we know- the kids will have questions. The kids might want to be with their father…How can you be a supportive father for all at the same time?

  12. k-dawg says:

    So, is contraception just not even a consideration? Condoms? Anyone?

  13. Karen for Klobuchar says:

    “Queen Powerful Cannon”

    GTFOH 🤣

  14. Seraphina says:

    Sooooooo, to all the Celebitchies reading his last statement – “Those women and all women are the ones that open themselves up to say, ‘I would like to allow this man in my world and I will birth this child.’ So it ain’t my decision, I’m just following suit… They know how I feel. I’m not going around like, ‘Who am I gonna impregnate next?’ … The woman is always the one who leads and makes the decision.” —- Am I reading this incorrectly, because to me it feels like he is placing blame and responsibility on the women for having these kids.

    • superashes says:

      Nick Cannon went full Hotep a while back, blaming the women for him impregnating them is to be expected at this point.

    • SaySo says:

      It sounds like he’s saying that the women he deals with know how he chooses to live and they are fine with this enough to want to have a child/children with him anyway. They are aware, therefore he is not guilty of anything so people should stop asking him why he is “doing” this when it’s a mutual decision. The ladies who reproduce with this guy who has already fathered many kids should be asked the same questions. I’m more interested in their logic on the agreement as well

  15. IMARA219 says:

    I’m in a monogamous relationship and I’m quite happy that way. We don’t consider our relationship as a form of ownership. However, Nick Cannon is developing his family in a way that he sees fit with partners accepting these restrictions. It’s clear he has a plan worked out with them and he isn’t the only well-known person in a poly relationship with multiple children. God speed to him 🙃

  16. BrainFog 💉💉😷 says:

    LOL Eurocentric my azz. Has this guy ever been to europe actually? Maybe spoken to a french person, for starters? Damn. What an idiot. It’s impressive, in a way.

  17. lunchcoma says:

    So he doesn’t use condoms and thinks that birth control is a woman’s responsibility.

    There are other, more responsible, ways to be non-monogamous.

  18. thaisajs says:

    No, he doesn’t own his baby mamas. They own him. For 18 years.

  19. ce says:

    I have no issues with non-monogamy, but this ain’t it. This is a man sleeping around and not using protection. Periodt!!

  20. Lola says:

    There is nothing eurocentric about having dinner with your children every single night, doing homework together, tucking them in and giving them a kiss every single night, and there is no way you can do that if you have 7 children in 4 homes in different cities.

    He has robbed his children from having a father that’s there for them on a day-to-day basis, for nothing more than his gigantic ego, and that’s disgusting.

  21. Adream says:

    There’s been lots of chatter on celebitchy about open relationships so I’m not too sure how this is different as it seems pretty obviously consensual. Theres hasn’t been enough conversation about women who want to have children and don’t have/don’t want a parenting partner. The nuclear family is only one option. So if these women have found someone to fulfill what they want and also receive emotional and possibly financial support- good for them! I know plenty of women who would love this arrangement.

    • Emma says:

      Ethical non-monogamy is fine by me. Attacking other people’s choices as “Eurocentric” ain’t it though. Also, having seven children is a pretty shocking choice for the planet. Not that I’m guessing he cares. Is he intending to hit Duggar levels?

      Also, the male privilege — I’m guessing he wouldn’t be cool with it if one of his former girlfriends had multiple partners. Men have exhibited this behavior for centuries in and out of Europe, just look at Henry VIII.

    • Qualified says:

      It’s not about the women.
      It’s about the KIDS and their well-being

      People like Cannon just add stupid to the gene pool. The ladies should have swallowed & done humanity a solid but here we are with more dumb we don’t need

      • SaySo says:

        It is about the women as well, they will be the primary parent and whatever effect this family structure will have on the children will be felt by those mothers. I’m sure they counted up the cost and still pick this man to reproduce with so they need to be a part of the equation and answering for whatever damage people assume will be done to the children.

    • katie says:

      I’m with you, these people sound like the people complaining about single moms and LGBT+ community 15 years ago. It’s exhausting.

      • Maria says:

        Nah. This is some patriarchal broodmare nonsense. Cannon’s comments about reproductive choice/abortion show exactly how he feels about the concept of female agency and their rights. His father who works for his foundation states that Nick’s anti-abortion stance is part of why he has so many kids. So, then is it really the women’s decision, as he says here? Not to mention there’s a lot of murkiness and drama about the conception of some of his kids.
        It’s easy for him to say it’s not his decision if they get pregnant and then have all sorts to say about anything else on their journey. He doesn’t even feel the need to bother his head about contraception, shirking the responsibility and then claiming it’s about female freedom.
        None of these things exhibit the kind of emotional maturity that polyamory etc really requires.

      • katie says:

        Look, Nick Cannon is a racist, sexist idiot. If the main criticism here are anyone choosing to breed with Nick specifically, I get that.

        But the system itself is fine. It’s women with a rich sperm donor; I think that’s fine as long as they are consenting, which they are. Women should have agency with their bodies, who they have kids with, and deserve support, financial and otherwise.

        It is already on record that they can see other men if they want, he can see other women, they are basically just people that decided to raise kids together; it’s fine and the kids will thrive as well as society doesn’t go out of its way to make them feel less than for having an alternative family structure.

      • Maria says:

        Ahh ok. Yes, in a different situation, this would be less objectionable to me. It’s the father, lol, and his attitude towards them.

    • Sigmund says:

      Children benefit from hands-on involvement of both parents. No one is saying Nick has to be monogamous if his partners are on board with an open relationship, but four children born to different women at the same time is irresponsible and sh*tty parenting.

  22. Cisne says:

    This is just an egotistical man, like many men always aiming to have their cake and eat it too. It does not matter if it is monogamy or not, the women always end up with the short end of the deal. I am sure with all of Nick’s ‘not buying into monogamy’ bullshit it is just for him….If one of these women would be with another man simultaneously with him…that outlook on monogamy would be jettisoned and so would that woman be out in his life! Yeah this is a set of sexist, selfish, I make the money so I make rules bullshit he is sprouting and masking as the “women lead, the women decide”.

  23. Jayna says:

    All good for him. The ones he is still sleeping with I guarantee he would have a fit if they are sleeping with other men.

  24. Qualified says:

    Anybody remember what he said about Jewish ppl awhile back?

    Yea, don’t forget

  25. Valerie says:

    What the cinnamon toast fuck?

  26. Emmitt says:

    Yet all of his baby mamas (including Mariah) are either biracial or light skinned. I see he isn’t populating the earth by procreating with fully black women. “Eurocentric.” Make it make sense.

  27. Grant says:

    Wow. Those baby names were a CHOICE!

  28. Holly says:

    This piece of shit, talking about he doesn’t “own” his baby mamas, as if impregnating them wasn’t staking claim.

    • Sigmund says:

      He’s also anti-choice. So he doesn’t want to own anybody, but he does want to tell them what to do with their bodies.

  29. Ariel says:

    Yeah- i bet if any of those women were seeing other guys- he wouldn’t tell them its fine, he doesn’t own them.
    he is disgusting.
    I hope he is a good (part time) dad.

  30. Mel says:

    Uhm, this has nothing to do with monogamy, everyone isn’t built for that and that’s okay. What’s not okay is running around having unprotected sex with everyone and having kids all over the place. If he thinks these women will not come for his pockets eventually because , hello, KIDS ARE EXPENSIVE. He’s a fool. ” Johnny Appleseed” will learn though and he better not get mad either.

  31. Holland says:

    Never a fan, but definitely will not be supporting this fool ever again.

  32. L4frimaire says:

    Not trying to be disrespectful but these women all look very similar and it comes across as cult- like him having all these kids at the same time. If they all lived in a compound it would be creepy as hell. Maybe these women all accidentally got pregnant but seriously doubt that. This guy is living in an alternative universe. The word vasectomy would be like kryptonite to him.

  33. Ry says:

    No but they now own you. Cha-ching. But I think he’s the kind of guy who will provide with no legal need to file. At least for now.

  34. bromigo says:

    His response to “why so many kids” is MENTAL. They are only there to teach him, soothe him, and restore his youth? It’s all about HIM. Passing HIMSELF on, benefiting HIMSELF. Absolutely batshit position on fatherhood.