Obviously, I’ve never been a big fan of Pete Davidson, and I find his dating life kind of bizarre. How is it that an average-looking guy who still lives with his mom in Staten Island can end up dating some of the most beautiful and accomplished celebrity women in the world? People say that he’s good in relationships, that he’s a nice guy who treats women well and he’s super-funny too. I guess! When he started up with Kim Kardashian, again, I was like “really???” But I think I’ve come around to it, especially now that we see how Kanye West is treating Kim and how he’s likely always treated her. Kim must be blown away by how normal and nice everything is with Pete. They, like, go out to dinner at regular restaurants and go to see movies and they spend time together in normal ways. This is probably the healthiest relationship Kim has had in more than a decade. So, with all that in mind, Pete has now referred to Kim as his “girlfriend” for the first time:
Pete Davidson has referred to Kim Kardashian as his “girlfriend” publicly for the very first time. While recently chatting with Kay Adams, host of PEOPLE (The TV Show!) about his partnership with Hellman’s Mayo for an upcoming Super Bowl commercial, the 28-year-old Saturday Night Live star also opened up about living life in the spotlight.
“Well, I don’t really have Instagram — I don’t have Instagram or Twitter or any of that stuff. So, most of my daily life is getting into cars and showing up to a set,” the comedian said.
“Or, if I’m off, I just either hang with my friends or chill with my girlfriend inside. So I don’t do much,” he continued, referring to Kardashian, 41, with the title.
Noting that fans’ interest in his life has had virtually “zero” impact on his day-to-day, Davidson added: “Once in a while, someone will scream something at you, or it might be hard to get Dunkin’ Donuts. But other than that, it’s pretty fine. It’s not awful. It could be way worse.”
I believe him? I think he flies out to LA to spend time with Kim, he checks into a hotel and… Kim comes over and they play games or watch TV and just hang out and talk. I bet he’s a really good listener, honestly. He’s not demanding gold toilet towers or expecting to redo her closet or lecturing her on Jesus jeggings or what have you. He just wants to spend time with his girlfriend and Kim is like “wait, is this what everyone else does??”
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Instar.
- North America Rights – New York, USA – 20210913 – Celebrities are pictured as they arrive at the annual Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute Gala. -PICTURED: Pete Davidson -PHOTO by: Guerin Charles/ABACA USA/INSTARimages.com -780148_377.jpg This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded
- New York, NY – Kim Kardashian leaves The Ritz-Carlton hotel for an event in New York City. Pictured: Kim Kardashian West BACKGRID USA 1 NOVEMBER 2021 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Kim Kardashian arrives at MOMA to attend the Wall Street Journal Innovator Awards. Pictured: Kim Kardashian BACKGRID USA 1 NOVEMBER 2021 BYLINE MUST READ: BlayzenPhotos / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Kim Kardashian steps out in head-to-toe Balenciaga as she heads out in NYC. Pictured: Kim Kardashian BACKGRID USA 2 NOVEMBER 2021 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Pete Davidson seen arriving at NBC studios with a security. Pictured: Pete Davidson BACKGRID USA 9 DECEMBER 2021 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Pete Davidson checks his phone as he spends the afternoon shopping with friends around Manhattan’s Soho area. New York City, New York – Saturday March 30, 2019. Photograph: © LGjr-RG/PacificCoastNews. Los Angeles Office (PCN): +1 310.822.0419 UK Office (Avalon): +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 sales@pacificcoastnews.com
I thought he was such a weird choice, but yeah, I get it. A fairly normal young guy (as normal as a celebrity could be) who uncritically adores her and wants to just chill and be happy and is never going to rip her apart in the media … it must be such a relief. Totally unconnected to Kanye but with his own career and his own success.
Pete is actually a good example of how someone living with mental illness doesn’t have to be a raging asshole AT ALL. We have choices.
“Pete is actually a good example of how someone living with mental illness doesn’t have to be a raging asshole AT ALL.”
louder, for those folks who are equating the two.
and I honestly like Pete Davidson. I think he’s funny, and clearly doesn’t take himself too seriously or have a raging ego, and he seems like a genuinely nice person. so yeah, I can see how Kim would be just so RELIEVED to be with the anti-Ye.
Pete has borderline personality disorder (said in one interview he was somewhere between a bipolar diagnosis and BPD), he’s talked about being in and out of mental hospitals since the age of nine, he was only seven when he lost his dad on 9/11, he has Crohn’s disease, he used to cut his chest during manic episodes, and has had severe depression, suicidal ideation, and talked about having had a suicide attempt.
And yet he’s widely known as a nice normal guy.
He takes his meds. He gets therapy. He has a very close and supportive inner circle. He learned coping strategies. He stays off social media! He doesn’t want to take his pain out on others.
I truly wish this for every one who has struggled or is struggling.
True, plus he is as well rounded as he can be. Pete takes his mental health seriously and is willingly taking his meds in schedule and is in control of his life. I like the fact that he lives with his Mom as she is probably very grounding for him as well as a support system for the both of them.
Kim now needs to finalize her divorce and get off of the crazy town ride.
Also there is a comparison to be between Pete and Kanye in that even when Kanye treats his mental illness(es), he is still a raging egomaniac, misogynist, and abuser (see his treatment of Amber Rose). One is not necessary caused by the other.
Not having an instagram or twitter seems like a really smart choice.
Its now like Kravis who? Kourtney and Travis are like forgotten now. Lol But thats what Kim wanted ,the Kravis attention. This is a faux romance and she will be bored soon.
I think the attention is on Kim mostly because of the drama with Kanye. Don’t see the comparison with kravis. Kravis are more in the MGK and Meghan category were their romance is very dramatic and performative and often seems like an adolescent romance. Kim and Pete seem like positively down to earth in comparison ( which is a weird thing to say about kim lol)
If anything seems like a faux romance or performance art it’s Kanye and that Julia person. From her constantly giving interviews about their RS to the fact that Kanye has always gone for quite voluptuous women from amber to Kim .Julia is this very white and skinny woman with no boobs or backend to speak of. And Kanye is hanging out with some woman who looks like Kim (that he clearly dressed) when he’s in LA.
Julia is very shapely and absolutely has a ‘backend.’ The simillarities with Kim and Pete and those two other couples is being with the skinny white guy,which Kim has never done before.
Julia had a BBJ like KK and in older photos she definetly looks more shapely. But it looks as if she lost weight? I mean you can kind of see it when you see pictures of KK or Amber Rose next to Kanye. Julia looks very thin next to him.
I don’t personally find him attractive, but after being married to a hyper-controlling narcissist, I can understand why Kim would find someone mellow and low maintenance a relief.
I think he’s charming and cute in a kind of dorky way. And he’s tall ( Kanye is quite short). Pete isn’t a typical hunk but Kanye isn’t exactly that physically attractive these days ( he used to be quite handsome when he was younger). But I generally find him ( beside his personality) quite unattractive now physically too. So I don’t see it as some kind of “downgrade” ( I hate that word) . And of course Pete by all accounts treats women nice.
I feel for Pete, he will get konsumed by the Kardashian machine sooner or later.
He’s already being pap’d more than he ever was before…it’s mostly when he’s with Kim though. Makes you wonder how a pap would know they are at a tiny pizza joint or small coffee shop…hmmm. I wonder who could be calling the paps to make sure we all see how happy Kim is with her new bf. Same goes for Kanye. He seems to keep getting pap’d with his gf and that new Kim K look-a-like. I wonder how the paps always know where they are too…hmmmm.
Well in all fairness it’s a house he bought for his mom and has his own decked out basement apartment in.
And yea, you didn’t see them hanging out at the “it” spots so I believe they just low key chill with friends and family.
He’s absolutely benefiting from it though career wise, but I don’t think he’s using her.
Yeah i also wanted to point out that its not he’s still living in his mums basement like some slacker. He bought a house for his mum and has his own apartment in the house.
Get security Pete, as long as you decide to stay in this relationship. Kanye and some of his followers are bonkers, watch your back.
I don’t get the attraction for Pete, but I don’t actually know him and his personal charisma might be the thing. He’s probably someone really nice and normal with low drama which is probably why these women adore him.
This is a good thing for Kim. I hope she doesn’t engulf him in the Kardashian PR machine and just let themselves have a healthy relationship. She needs it after Kanye.
I like him. he seems kind. too young for me tho!
I love pete (King of Staten Island really sealed it for me) but every time I see a photo of him, I read his expression as “welp”.
Actually Pete bought his mom a house and then decided to live in the basement. He has his own place now though. Nothing wrong with that. Also, this relationship kind of reminds me of her relationship with Reggie Bush. They used to be seen at Chipotle all the time. They did normal things too.
Yeah, he’s been in a really nice place for awhile but people are always going to call him the guy who lives in his mom’s basement. [Of the house he bought for her, then tricked out the basement.] The new place has great views, it’s no Adam Levine home but it’s still nice.
Honestly, Pete sounds like exactly the sort of rebound guy someone SHOULD date after being married to a controlling narcissist. He’s easy-going, attentive, and kind, but not especially needy. He’s less famous than Kim but not interested in being more famous. An almost perfect choice. Beautiful women used to being used for their beauty probably appreciate someone who’s just uncomplicatedly nice and fun.
Most relevant part of this is that he is the one referring to her as “girlfriend.” Lots of people were pretending that KK was manipulating this grown man into a situation he did not want to be in. But despite his stoner act, Pete actually runs and has access to some fairly powerful circles within the entertainment industry, particularly within the comedy sphere. He’s not some little weak duckling that people need to protect.
Jesus jeggings 😂😂😂😂
I have to admit, I think a lot of it is about it being a storyline for the Kardashian Hulu show. Maybe I’m wrong!
Maybe it’s cause I’m from Long Island but he totally reminds of me goofy dudes I totally adored in high school. Just genuinely nice, stoners who are good listeners and not full of themselves. I totally get it.
Having dated someone with borderline personality disorder (and I am bipolar myself, so not being judgy), I get really wary of the grand gestures and over the top love stuff he displayed with Ariana Grande and initially with Cazzie David, if you’ve read her memoir. That can easily descend into emotional hijacking, which it did with Cazzie. That being said, I’ve no doubt he is a good listener and a fun guy to pal around with. And, it seems like maybe he’s being a little more chill about his approach this time? Also, with the level of crazy KK was used to (which she completely brought upon herself for $$$ and to stay in the news), I’m sure it is a huge breath of fresh air to just be able to relax even a little bit and eat pizza and not have to accommodate someone every hour of every day. So, maybe it will work. Maybe they can meet in the middle, respectively. I don’t imagine Pete minds the extra publicity either. He was gearing up on his own, but this is next level.
On an interesting note, anyone remember this photoshoot with Paper magazine Pete did a few years ago? Julia Fox was his female counterpart. Hmmmm…. 🤔
I totally get the appeal in Davidson. He’s the ‘not impressive in pictures but totally charming IRL’ kind.
Hope KK doesn’t damage him.