Renee Zellweger claims ‘Bridget Jones 3’ is just a rumor

I’m not sure how many people care about this story, but it struck me as both newsworthy and odd. Over the summer, the third Bridget Jones film was announced. The producers were still in the early, early stages, and it was generally thought that once a good script draft came along, the film would probably be made, most likely filming sometime next year. A month ago there was even a report that Renee was refusing to gain weight for the third film, and that she was demanding a fat suit.

Renee walked the red carpet for Elle’s Women in Hollywood event last night, and she looked really pretty, didn’t she? That’s a great color on her, and though I still think she’s too skinny, this is the best she’s looked in a while, in my opinion. While on the red carpet, Renee did the media rounds and she was asked about Bridget Jones. She totally denied there was a third film in preproduction to multiple outlets. When asked by OK! Magazine about her return as Bridget, Renee said “I don’t know anything. Who said that?” When asked about the “rumors” of a third film, Renee said: ““Oh, goody!?? It is flattering. It’s very sweet.” When pressed further, Renee said she would do a third film “if it’s good.” Us Weekly has more from Renee about the “rumor” of the film:

If anyone hears anything about a third Bridget Jones movie, Renee Zellweger would like to know.

At Elle magazine’s Women in Hollywood Tribute in Beverly Hills Monday, Zellweger, 40, told that she has no idea about a third go-round for her famous British heroine (she gained about 40 pounds — and received $15 million — for Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason). “I don’t know!” she laughed. “Isn’t that funny? I get asked that every single day and I don’t know anything. It’s like a rumor!”

What’s definitely on her radar lately: renovating her apartment. “I haven’t had the nervous breakdown yet and I haven’t been committed,” she boasted. “That’s no small miracle. I’m very proud of that part.”

Zellweger explained that she’s living adjacent to the apartment during construction. “I’m safely away from the asbsestos and whatever else we might unearth.”

The Oscar-winner says that decorating “used to be a lot of fun, but now its too many decisions to make!”

The famously fit star prefers to watch other people’s renovations at the gym. “I go to the treadmill,” she explains, “and I choose between the Yankees and the Angels game or some guy in Australia buying a new apartment. I want to see what he’s going to buy!”

Zellweger has been romantically linked to Bradley Cooper and recently visited him on the Vancouver set of The A-Team.

[From Us Weekly]

Uh… I think Renee is on drugs. The third film has been announced. It’s on IMDB. Someone has spoken to her about it, I’m sure. So what is with Renee’s ditz act? Is she holding out for more money? Could be. But I think Renee simply doesn’t want to do a third Bridget film because she doesn’t want to gain the weight again. And I also think that Renee doesn’t want to fly over to England for half a year to make a film because things are going so well between her and Bradley Cooper. Call me crazy, but I think she’s head over heels in love with that guy, and she’s putting everything on hold, preparing to really settle down with him.

Photo credit: Nikki Nelson /

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15 Responses to “Renee Zellweger claims ‘Bridget Jones 3’ is just a rumor”

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  1. audrey says:

    God i hate her over the shoulder pose. Every damn time with the over the shoulder pose!

  2. bros says:

    not to mention that she has seriously abdicated her hair duties all year. she has been looking like a hot mess above the bony shoulders all year. i dont know what her issue is with refusing to get her hair done for these events.

  3. moo says:

    who say’s the “ditz” of her is an act? that would actually answer a lot.

    I hate her. I hope they don’t do another one… let her fade off into oblivian… please!

  4. Charity is Chic says:

    I read an interview with her in Esquire five or six ago and she casually mentioned that she had never been to see a play. An actress who had never been to theater. You can be sure that the ditz part of this woman is not an act.

  5. Saphira says:

    I really hope that they’re proceeding with the third film, I loved the first two! I guess not everyone is a fan, but I thought she portrayed the character so well. I’m not sure anyone else would be as convincing in that role.

  6. Howie says:

    Aw, I love her. She’s adorable and seems like a really sweet person.

  7. Essie says:

    I have a feeling Renee just doesn’t want to gain weight again because she’s in the beginning of her romance with Bradley. What woman would want to get fat when she has a man like Bradley around??? I think she is saying these things because, if they want her to do the movie they will have to come up with a fat suit or some CGI!!!

    P.S.: I LOVE Renee!!!

  8. crash2GO2 says:

    I think she looks good too, with the exception of her HAIR!! What in God’s name is that two toned fluff she’s got going on?! She looks so pretty when it’s blown out smooth, and so haggard when it’s straggly. Arg.

    The only way she can get away with the skinny body at 40, is she is lucky enough to have a very round face. I’m sure she hates having no cheekbones, but there is not way most 40 plus year olds could get away with zero body fat and still look cherubic. Look at Kelly Ripa (for example). She’s looking like a raisin face, because she’s lost every ounce of fat she ever had.

  9. WTF?!? says:

    There’s nothing natural about RZ.

    She’s had more restylane, botox and fillers injected into that butterface than most of Hollywood combined. She needs a hair and make-up person desperately, she always looks fine from the neck down, but from the neck-up– blech.

  10. Tanguerita says:

    what’s going on with her eyebrows??

  11. Tia C says:

    I never thought that they should make the second Bridget Jones film, and I still haven’t seen it. One was enough. I liked her in “Jerry Maguire,” and that is it. Other than that, I have no use for her. And I think pretty much any other decent actress could’ve played that part. I’m with “moo” – let her and her sourpuss face fade off into oblivion already.

  12. crash2GO2 says:

    WTF: What is your source for that?

    I’m just curious, because as long as I’ve seen Rene in movies, her face has looked the same – round. Rounder when she is heavier for Bridget, not so round when she is thin. I can see getting restie in fine lines, etc., but she really doesn’t have the look of bulky facial fillers, like Brandi does (for ex). To me, anyway.

  13. princess pea says:

    She annoys me so much. Renovating is hard, yes. But maybe not so hard if you can afford to move out while it goes on. In any case, poor poor Renee. Good thing she is so strong and hasn’t gone nuts from having contractors doing work she paid them to do.

    Do we know for sure that she and the Coop are still doing it? I felt like it was a fling at the time, and it occurs to me now that I haven’t seen new pics of them together since the summertime.

  14. TwinkleToes says:

    @WTF, I don’t think she’s had fillers. She has that round face because her mother is a Sami, a kind of Scandinavian Inuit. Google image search on Sami people and 9-10 look just like her. It’s amazing. Squinty eyes and round faces.

  15. Zarlene W. says:

    I LOVE the Bridget Jones movies!! They’re funny, they’re touching, they leave you feeling good! Why not have another? As for Renee personally, who cares? She’s great in the movies, and that’s all that should matter! SHe’s a fine actress who pours herself into the role. Besides, she’s funny! I like her better a bit chunky. She looks friendlier that way. In my O., she SHOULD put on 40 pounds..for the sake of her body…who cares about all the restilin business..what does that have to do with her as an actress, anyway?