Josh Duhamel’s alleged stripper/mistress “apologizes” to Fergie


Several weeks ago, Josh Duhamel may or may not have had sex with a stripper named Nicole Forrester. Josh was (and is still is) filming a movie in Georgia, and the story the Enquirer told was that Josh and a buddy went to a strip club, paid the $10 for a lap dance from Forrester (plus a $10 tip), and then Josh and Nicole had sex in his hotel the next night. The Enquirer later confirmed that they got the story lead from a tip from someone working on the Georgia film set – apparently, Josh may have been bragging about his conquest. The Enquirer tracked down Nicole, and after some negotiations, she walked away with $20,000 for her epic tale of pr0n-filled seduction.

Since then, Forrester has been all over the place, giving interviews. I may be totally ridiculous, but I don’t fault her for giving many of these interviews – she’s likely getting paid for most of them, and God knows she can’t be giving $10 lap dances for the rest of her life. I think of these interviews as her retirement fund. Her latest interview is with Extra, and Nicole actually has the nerve to “apologize” to Fergie:

Dear Fergie: the Atlanta stripper who insists that she had a torrid October tryst with your husband would like to apologize.

Nicole Forrester, the exotic dancer at the center of the Josh Duhamel adultery brouhaha, is extending an olive branch to the pop star wife of the actor she supposedly had sex with. “I’m sorry,” the 34 year-old tells Extra.

At the time of the one-night stand, she explains “I thought, ‘Nobody’s gonna find out. It’s not gonna hurt anybody . . . I’m sorry that I didn’t think of it like I think of it now.”

Things have been tough for Forrester since the news broke. Her son even told her “‘you’re disgusting. I didn’t know you had sex with him,'” she claims. She says that she has quit stripping for good after her kids requested she “never do it again.”

One thing she won’t apologize for: speaking out. The affair is “the truth,” she insists. “Too bad [Josh] can’t just admit it.”

The 37 year-old actor still texts her, she says. One message from Duhamel said “Wow, you are scared?” Forrester says. “I kept telling him I don’t want any part of this.”

The dancer also resents being called a homewrecker, given Fergie’s apparent devotion to her husband.

“She’s standing by her man, so obviously I’m not wrecking the home too bad, huh?”

One other thing: her night with the married movie star wasn’t the best sex she’s ever had. “No, I don’t think that was it,” she sniffs.

[From Us Weekly]

Oh, snap. Josh wasn’t the best in bed, you say? So much for Fergie’s brag that Josh is a well-endowed man, et cetera. Forrester also claimed that Josh keeps texting her with messages like “Wow, you are scared?” – which I don’t get… or believe. Nicole claims that she texts back to Josh: “I don’t want any part of this.” Er… whatever. Now I’m starting to not believe this chick. Forrester also says that her son is ashamed of her: “My son, he went to a football game last Saturday and he was like, mom, ‘you’re disgusting. I didn’t know you had sex with him.’” Ugh. Let this kid spend some time with Pamela Anderson’s hellion sons, then we’ll talk.

In one more piece of news involving this whole scandal, Molly Sims gave an interview defending her former costar Josh. Molly says Forrester’s claims are “absolutely not true… I’ve worked with him for five years. You know, listen. Don’t believe everything you read. Look at what’s going on in so many other reality-based things in the world right now. Someone’s trying to make a lot of money.” Molly, mind your business. I like you and everything, but don’t chime in about a situation you aren’t involved in.

Here’s Fergie at a party in Paris on November 10, 2009. She was hanging out with Dita Von Teese and fellow Black Eyed Peas and Fame notes that Dita and Fergie “sipped wine and champagne as they got quite cozy on the dance floor at the VIP Room. Fergie has been open about her sexual forays with women in the past, but admitted to putting the kibosh on those experiences once she got into an exclusive relationship. However, could the songstress be singing a different tune now that news has broke of her husband’s infidelity?”. Josh Duhamel is seen helping his sister in Brentwood, California back on June 23, 2009.

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21 Responses to “Josh Duhamel’s alleged stripper/mistress “apologizes” to Fergie”

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  1. alex says:

    I guess her 15 minutes is not up yet. She needs to go away already

  2. Praise St. Angie! says:

    meh, “well endowed” doesn’t automatically mean “good in bed”.

    some guys think that their endowment means they don’t have to have any skills…or willingness to please their partner.

  3. Sigh. says:


    So sick of “innocent” people all of the sudden being FORCED into the limelight. If she didn’t SELL her story, complete with pics, there might still be speculation, but her son might have been spared. And NOW she’s worried about Fergie? Really?

    She just sounds bitter that she wasn’t good enough for him to leave his wife, and not smart enough to get herself pregnant.

    And I agree on Molly Sims – find some business, then mind it. You were an EX-co-star long before this supposedly happened.

  4. Sumodo says:

    Fergie Flips da Finger! Faabuuulousssss! And, now, EVERYBODY, are we done with all this mishegass? I thought so. (GAVEL) Dismissed!

  5. Heather says:

    @St Angie, I totally agree.

    I guess it’s the whole polygraph test, she took it and passed, so how could she be lying?

  6. Firestarter says:

    Like the moron who had the affair with Phillips, these women and their apologies are lame. STFU already. If you are truly telling the truth and are TRULY sorry, you would shut your traps and let the men get their punishment at the hands of those that the deed affected. Adding fuel to the fire isn’t helping anyone.

    I seriously doubt, even if all of this b.s is true, that Duhamel is STILL texting her. Lets see the texts honey!

    Polygraph tests are very unreliable. A place I did business with had an employee steal $6k from them. They had all their employees tested at the local shriffs office at great expense and everyone passed. The guilty party was only caught because she bragged around town about how she got away with not only stealing $6k from her employers, but was able to pass the polygraph as well. So my belief in those tests is not real strong. It’s based on heart rate and if you are smart, you can control that.

  7. snowball says:

    I really, really doubt her son said any of those things. She’s just trying to drum up her new angle as a victim of the press. Yeah, sure Josh is still texting you.

    Honey, you aren’t that pretty, you don’t have a job and now everyone knows you’re a whore.

    Whether she was with Josh or not, polygraphs can be beat.

  8. fizXgirl314 says:

    Polygraphs aren’t really accurate… I believe they are not admissible in court…

    Think about it, it’s not an exact science… it detects whether or not you are lying based on your heart rate, sweat rate and various out “cues”… If you’re a good liar or just a really nervous person, you can screw up all the signals…

  9. Emily says:

    Polygraphs can and have been fooled before.

  10. Feebee says:

    This woman is a disingenuous moron. She’s trying to start a dialogue. Her stupidity astounds me. I read previously she claimed that stepping forward had ‘cost’ her. Her kids didn’t know she was a stripper before this was made public…. She made it public. What is this world coming to?

  11. wow says:

    I love the Fergie pic used to go along with this story. I totally believe this woman slept with that Josh guy. Completely believable to me. Fergie Ferg probably beleives it too but they probably have that Open marriage thing.

    This woman shouldn’t be apologizing to Fergie…that should be coming from her husband. She should, however, apologize to her son because it must be shocking to know your Mom is a stripper and she sexed her “client”. That screams whorish behaviour. Poor guy.

    And why don’t these people think about the apologies BEFORE they do their dirty deeds? Its like that Natalie Portman line from “Closer” about there’s always a moment when you can decide not to do this (affair).

  12. wow says:

    Re: the poly graphs – I think they are as reliable or as unreliable as to what the person wants to believe or not. Meaning if you don’t believe in them or if your butt is on the line, you will say they aren’t relieable. If they turn out more in your favor or what you choose to believe as the truth, then to you they will be reliable.

    I think she’s telling the truth, but that’s more because I think Fergie and her hubby have an open marriage. Didn’t she give an interview saying she’s into women as well?

  13. irishserra says:

    Duhamel’s a tool.

  14. oldmaid says:

    Molly worked with him for five years and couldn’t get any. That’s why she’s so convinced he wouldn’t cheat.

  15. abbizmal says:

    oldmaid, I was thinking the same thing. I find it very unlikely that he would text her after she opened her big mouth. My guess is this is the first time (??) he got busted. Fergie needs to leave his ass.

  16. crab says:

    Why doesn’t she just show the text messages as proof if all this is supposidly true?

  17. Tia C says:

    The stripper needs to go back to the pole from whence she came.

    On another note, I have NEVER seen Fergie look as good as she does in these pix! She actually looks pretty for once! Dita vonT must be a good style influence or something…

  18. Jessica says:

    Ferg almost looks like Drew Barrymore in the header pic.

  19. Huma says:

    Polygraphs are not reliable – there’s a reason they are not admissible as evidence. If you believe they work, then they work. But if you don’t, then they don’t, because your heart beat doesn’t increase, etc, etc, and the machine has nothing to pick up on. Bottom line, polygraphs are REAL easy to beat.

    Still, I believe this chick’s initial claims about sex and pr0n and all that fun stuff. But this subsequent stuff? Not so much. Sounds like she’s just trying to drag it out for money, especially since her kids made her promise not to strip. Gotta get that money from somewhere. She’ll just keep flapping her gums as long as someone is willing to pay her.

    And I totally agree with you about Molly. She needs to shut up; she is way past inconsequential to this whole mess of a situation. Sit down, shut up, and wait your turn, Molly. Given everyone in H-wood’s track record, you’ll have your own scandal soon enough. Be patient. We’ll get to you when it’s your turn.

  20. trinity says:

    josh was jealous of fergie with other women so he got himself some. he may not care it’s public info anyway. But she is using it for all it’s worth. Why would she cum forward with story anyway possibly josh paid her to tell her story. This way he could get out of his marriage and the stripper could make money.

  21. david says:

    He just wanted a little sex while his wife was out of town whats the big deal? Hope he wore a condom. Fergie prob had sex too but her people can keep a secret.