Harrison Ford: ‘I don’t want to be young again… I enjoy being old’

This is nice – Harrison Ford covers this week’s People Magazine, to promote all of his current and upcoming projects. He’s starring in the latest (and last) Indiana Jones movie. He’s also got Shrinking (on AppleTV) and 1923 (on Paramount+). He gave People Mag an exclusive interview, which must have been like pulling teeth to get him to do. Then again, he seems genuinely excited to promote Indiana Jones, a role he loves so much. Some highlights from Harrison’s interview, plus quotes from his friend and 1923 costar Helen Mirren:

Ford never thought he would be a leading man: “I never thought that I would be a leading man. I really was just hoping I could make a living as an actor and not have to supplement my income with some other side hustle… I thought I would be lucky to have a character part on a regular TV show. No one ever believes this, but I never wanted to be rich and famous. I just wanted to be an actor.”

His love of the game. “I probably enjoy making movies more now than I ever did.”

Still, he’s now in his 80s: He acknowledges age takes its toll—he’s still recovering from tearing a shoulder muscle on the second day of shooting Indiana Jones—but he has no interest in turning back the clock. “I don’t want to be young again. I was young, and now I enjoy being old. You are certainly physically diminished by age but there are wonderful things about age—richness of experience, the full weight of all the time you’ve been spending getting to being old— and there’s a certain ease in it for me.”

Doing his first Marvel movie, Captain America: Brave New World: “I saw a lot of great actors having fun, so I thought, ‘Hey, I want some of this!’”

On his standing ovation at Cannes: “I was just trying to keep myself composed. There was very generous applause from the crowd [and] it was positive and humbling and nice. I am very gratified that I still have the opportunities that I have to work, and I owe that to the audience.”

On Helen Mirren: “Helen is incredible. What a treat it is to work with her again.”

Mirren on Ford: “In his essence, Harrison Ford is the same person he was when I first met him. Impatient with the annoying sides of the great fame that had settled upon him, adult sycophancy, loss of privacy, etc., and yet immeasurably patient and kind to starstruck kids so excited to see their hero. His privacy was a profoundly protected place. His work was always beautifully designed and constructed, like the carpentry he was so well known for, and I was deeply impressed with his understanding and use of the techniques of film acting. He taught me a lot through my observations. He was professional, guarded, and mysterious, and I was both fascinated and intimidated….I think the element that makes him the legend that he is and will be is that sense of being the kind of guy you would call when your car got stuck in a ditch and also completely understand why you were so upset about your cat dying and shed some tears with you. He is a real god-given movie star, but also a chap, a geezer, a guy, a bloke and a mensch. And along with millions of others, I love him.”

[From People Magazine]

“He is a real god-given movie star, but also a chap, a geezer, a guy, a bloke and a mensch” – I agree! That’s why Harrison Ford was and is such a star – he has that star power, that watchable quality, that x-factor, but he also comes across as a completely normal guy, someone you would run into on the street, a neighbor or your dad’s friend. Anyway, I’m half his age and I don’t feel that way about aging and wisdom. Sure, it’s great to not be a young dumbass anymore but I absolutely wish I could go back to when I was a young dumbass.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, cover courtesy of People.

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21 Responses to “Harrison Ford: ‘I don’t want to be young again… I enjoy being old’”

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  1. Mcmmom says:

    I understand where he’s coming from – I’m middle aged and you couldn’t pay me to go back to my youth.

    • Bee says:

      Exactly. I would never go back to being a young dumbass again! Being an old dumbass is fine with me!

  2. Nlopez says:

    I understand him, but I’d love to be younger again without the dumb ass part because I was a dumbass for sure! I miss being active as I use to be. Now I need a nap after work sometimes! Aging is very humbling..

  3. SarahLee says:

    I get what he’s saying. At age 45-50, I had some feelings about loss of my youth. Now, at age 61, I’ve learned to embrace the time of life I’m in. Make it all it can be. That’s what he’s saying here.

  4. Brassy Rebel says:

    I’m not quite as old, but I’m not young anymore. I don’t disagree that age has its own benefits. It also has some drawbacks. You can look back and see clearly how you effed up. There are some things where I would like a do-over. Since that’s not happening, I make a real effort to look (and move) forward. But maybe Harrison Ford never did eff up. He is Harrison Ford after all.

  5. K says:

    He is amazing. Indy is one of the greatest characters of all time and no one else could ever be in this role. HF is a film icon. And one of my all time forever crushes.

    • Enny says:

      And don’t forget Han Solo! He truly has had the most incredible career, and yes, hot as hell.

  6. Enny says:

    I love him on Shrinking. He’s perfect as a curmudgeon (but still kind in his own gruff way). And him chewing on his tie! I still laugh every time I see it. If you haven’t watched, do so immediately. Apple+.

  7. SIde Eye says:

    There is something about him that I just love. And it’s always been that way. I love what Helen says about him.

    I’m not as old but I’m not young either. The only thing I don’t like about my age is having a little less time to get my financial affairs in order. When I was younger, I had all this time. There was time to eff up, start over again, change careers, go back to school, do over. Sometimes I am a little panicked about retirement and getting my sh** together so late.

    But I love that now when I look in the mirror I love what I see. When I was younger, I nitpicked at everything and focused on whatever I didn’t like. With age comes self acceptance, knowing your worth, and being able to walk away from anyone and anything that doesn’t value you and causes you pain or stress. That’s not something I had when I was younger.

    I have loved being a little older. But if I had his money I would really, really love it. It’s great he has his work and his family that bring him fufillment. For me, I never had that kind of passion about any kind of work I’ve done it’s always been I work for money and to get by. I never did find that career I loved like him. If money were never an issue again, I’d adopt senior dogs, take them on walks, donate to animal shelters and have movie marathons with my dogs. I’d get a second house and decorate it (I love decorating) because my condo isn’t really dog friendly. All one floor, no stairs for the old pups. New construction. My dream kitchen where my son and his friends congregate and I cook (I do this now but I’d do it with dogs in the room). Dare to dream!

    • Traveller says:

      I love your dream, Side Eye.
      You sound like such a loving and caring person. I wish it would come true………..those pups need someone like you.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Ah Traveller, thank you so much and you are too kind! You sound lovely as well. I’ve been rescuing old dogs for the last 10 years. I love them so much. What I love about them is they don’t chew furniture etc. They are so happy to have been rescued. And they walk slow(er) like me. They seem to really appreciate their second chance/act.

        My last one lived to be almost 16! We adopted her when she was 8 and that girl was just the best girl in the world. Right now I live in a condo and there’s stairs – it’s not ideal for an old dog. My last girl was quite large, I would have never been able to pick her up and carry her up or down stairs – which she needed the last year of her life. I’d love a place where I can just let them out in the backyard and they don’t have to maneuver stairs. Dogs just make everything better – I really miss having one (or three lol) in my life.

    • MaryContrary says:

      Oh SIde Eye-love this. We just got a 2 year old rescue Great Dane in January. He’s not senior-but by Dane standards-their lifespan is so short (our last Dane dropped dead in our kitchen at 11 months-sob). I’m not a “natural” dog person-but I love our new boy and our 7 year old lab mix so much. I admire so much the people who adopt senior pets. It breaks my heart when I read about so many of them needing homes.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Ah Mary Contrary you’re awesome for adopting! Thank you so much for doing that. Great Danes also have a hard time finding homes because of their size. Black dogs as well have a hard time. And of course Pitties. I take them all – old, sick, already dying, never housebroken. They are the best. Seniors match my personality more, and I tend to gravitate towards them. I always joke that I need just one dog on my jury on judgement day. But if there’s a single mosquito on that jury, I’m toast. Lol

  8. lucy2 says:

    I love Helen’s description of him. I’m surprised he’s doing the People mag thing, but looking forward to Indiana Jones, and pretending the 4th one didn’t exist.

    I would go back to youth physically, but not mentally. I’m so much more secure and confident and know myself now, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

  9. Granger says:

    I have loved Harrison Ford since1983, and the words Mirren used to describe him are so apt. But I can’t watch him in anything without remembering what my dad once said about him: “Harrison Ford is the greatest non-actor that ever lived.” My dad thought Ford was fabulous, but he also thought he was just such an ordinary guy who never really acted — he just WAS. That he’s kind of the same in every movie, and yet, it works everytime.

  10. Uloho Bright says:

    Thanks for sharing this useful post.

  11. Emme says:

    All I’ve got is ❤️

  12. Lily says:

    I keep thinking about the old saying that is so true, “Youth is wasted on the young.”

  13. Gelya says:

    He might like being old but that People cover is reminiscent 1980’s Harrison Ford. I am loving it. When the films came out I was the same age as Short Stop in the films, lol.
    I have been rewatching the films this month and I am thinking this is one handsome man, lol.
    I loved Helens comments about him. I always keep thinking about an article I read where he was in a diner being interviewed. He was getting angry at the journalist for bring too intrusive. At the same time he was walking around with the coffee pot filling up the customer’s cups, lol.

  14. NeoCleo says:

    I’d love to have my 20-year-old body back but not my BRAIN. I was a total idiot as a young adult and was lucky to have survived!!

  15. Taurus says:

    I enjoyed watching his Vanity Fair video where he breaks down his career. Helen’s profile of him seems to be spot on with what we know about him.

    Loved Morning Glory so much! He and Diane Keaton were so funny. He was convincingly evil and scary in Cowboys and Aliens and What Lies Beneath. Should have won for The Mosquito Coast. Didn’t like the Bladerunner films; it’s not very good sci-fi.

    Also, please search-engine Calista Flockhart + Harrison Ford + nerds.