Robert Kennedy Jr.’s press dinner involved someone screaming ‘I’m farting!’

I’ll pretty much believe any conspiracy you’ve got about Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s “presidential campaign” and why he’s running. It’s clear that the man is a total nutjob, but it’s also clear that there are many powerful people backing his whackjob candidacy behind the scenes. And by powerful people, I mean Republican operatives. So give me your best conspiracy! I want to hear it. This honestly reeks of ratf–king, in the same way as Kanye West’s “candidacy” in 2020. In any case, RFK Jr. is doing meetings and dinners with important people in the media world. Which led to this Page Six headline: “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. press dinner explodes in war of words and farting.” I’m mad because I hate RFK Jr. too much to actual enjoy a story about farting.

Page Six regrets to report that a press dinner to boost Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign devolved into a foul bout of screaming and polemic farting on Tuesday night. The White House hopeful attended the affair at Tony’s on the Upper East Side, no doubt hoping to impress on the ladies and gentlemen of the Fourth Estate his worthiness to sit at the very same Oval Office desk once occupied by his late uncle. But a shouting match over climate change broke out between two boisterous old men, sending the evening down an extremely unfortunate path.

The gaseous exchange — to which Page Six bore reluctant witness — began after a guest asked Kennedy, founder of ecological organization Waterkeeper Alliance, about the environment. And it seems that the mere inquiry was enough to set off apparently drunk gossip-columnist-turned-flak Doug Dechert, the host of the event, who became enraged and screamed at the top of his lungs: “The climate hoax!”

Meanwhile, octogenarian art critic Anthony Haden-Guest, who appeared to have been sleeping happily for most of the dinner, was roused by the abrupt rumpus. Haden-Guest suddenly opened his eyes and denounced his longtime pal Dechert, calling him a “miserable blob.” “Shut up!” implored Haden-Guest.

Dechert continued to scream wildly about the climate change “scam” while Haden-Guest peppered him with verbal volleys from across the table, calling him variously “f*cking insane” and “insignificant.”

RFK Jr. meanwhile, a prospective president of the United States, watched calmly on.

Here, it seems, Dechert sensed the need for a new rhetorical tack, and let rip a loud, prolonged fart while yelling, as if to underscore his point, “I’m farting!”

The room, which included a handful of journalists as well as RFK Jr.’s campaign manager, former Rep. Dennis Kucinich, was stunned, seemingly unsure about whether Dechert was farting at Haden-Guest personally or at the very notion of global warming. (Regrettably, we may assure readers that there was no room for doubt that the climate changed in the immediate environs of the dinner table). The candidate maintained a steady composure in the face of the crisis.

[From Page Six]

Regardless of the political implications, the only thing I enjoy more than a fart story is a story about someone ANNOUNCING that they’re farting. There’s something about someone stopping what they’re doing just so they can focus on letting one rip, whilst simultaneously announcing “I’m farting!” As I get older, I also have to stop what I’m doing so I can focus on the act of breaking wind. Anyway, Robert Kennedy Jr. is a ratf–king Republican stooge and I hate that a small number of people are buying whatever batsh-t lunacy he’s selling.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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47 Responses to “Robert Kennedy Jr.’s press dinner involved someone screaming ‘I’m farting!’”

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  1. Bee says:

    Anthony Haden-Guest is still around?!

  2. girl_ninja says:

    Omg. What a horrid mess.

  3. Giddy says:

    This is perfect imagery. Robert Kennedy Jr. in a nauseating cloud of gas. No more needs to be said.

  4. This is the level of stupidity that is the Republican Party! VOTE BLUE our lives depend on it.

    • Meija says:

      He’s a democrat

      • Kitten says:

        A Dem who is very much being propped up by the GOP and their strategists. IDK why because he’s not gonna debate and he will never be able to split the vote. Probably just another chaos agent.

      • @ Mejia. Stop with the gotcha quips. This is not a joke . He is more republican than democrat. His own very Democrat family wants little to do with him.

      • Tate says:

        He’s a democrat in the same way Tulsi Gabbard was.

  5. Roo says:

    I love it. THIS is the only type of fundraising dinner and press coverage that he deserves! 🤣

    What Cheryl Hines sees in that nasty, crazy old saddle bag, I will never understand. His eyes look mean and he is not trustworthy.

    • JW says:

      We need to stop absolving Cheryl Hines. At this point, she’s complicit. If she’s married him, she knows him. She’s in on it. I’m done with her.

      • Skyblue says:

        I love the podcast “Cheryl and Tig” but I can’t listen anymore due to Cheryl’s questionable friendships and her marriage to this lunatic.

      • Roo says:

        JW, my comments weren’t meant to absolve her, and I agree with you. She must agree with him at some level because she married him. But even if they align on everything, I still don’t see the attraction.

    • NotTheOne says:

      It killed me that she was a guest on LegoMasters. I love that show but she is horrible.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    This is hilarious.

  7. Brassy Rebel says:

    I’m not in the least surprised that Dennis Kucinich is behind this Republican clusterf*ck.

    • Little Red says:

      What?!?!?! Are you serious?

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Brassy Rebel is serious as she is clearly calling out Kucinich as he too is a Democrat in name only. Though Kucinich had made supported some Democrat measures while he was in the Senate he was also heavily involved with pushing the Repugnant’s agenda.

  8. BQM says:

    Anthony HG is Christopher HG’s brother and Jamie Lee Curtis’s BIL. (Anthony was born out of wedlock so didn’t inherit the barony.) This dinner disaster is just something I could see Christopher writing about in one of his movies.

  9. Wendy says:

    Yeah, this is pure unadulterated ratfucking.

  10. Ameerah M says:

    A bunch of old white farts farting. Sounds about right.

  11. Betsy says:

    THANK YOU for covering the rat snuggling mess that right winger RFK Jr is.

    I frequent a forum and a lot of interested (some might suggest paid GOP operatives) keep pushing No Labels and RFK Jr, keep likening the RNC and DNC, try to draw comparisons between the fact that Trump and Cornel West are both pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine (as though the former GOP President*** and an intellectual in the Green Party are remote equivalents)…

    Nader – Nader – Sanders/Stein. If anyone gets discouraged with the Democratic Party, just mutter to yourself, “Nader Nader Sanders/Stein,” and remember how much the world changed under W’s two terms and Trump’s one term. If you want greater purity and progressive politics in the Democratic Party, more progressives are going to have to stay in the Democratic Party vs fleeing for the Greens or whatever Bernie Stein is. We all need to pull in the same direction to ensure the destruction of the GOP.

  12. QuiteContrary says:

    So typical of old white guys — denying climate change while adding to it by farting.

  13. Delphine says:

    I guess that’s an effective way to end a conversation about greenhouse gases. Honestly this sums up politics right now.

  14. Laura says:

    He looks like the butt of a used wet cigarette.

  15. Lala11_7 says:

    RFK Jr is his MOTHER’S CHILD…and that’s ALL I’ma say about THAT☹️

    And I hope folks understand in the year of 2023…that when it comes to political parties…the ONLY party that is in “lock-step” and homogenized are Republicans…Democrats have ALWAYS had folks that were DINO. which is why you gotta LOOK at how the candidates move if they are Democrats…

    I believe RFK Jr is getting $$$ directly from Putin et al….just like Stein

    • Mallory says:

      Yep! Putin has also spent decades collecting dirt on politicians,, so they may be on his payroll & be unable to leave, else the pics of them get leaked…..

  16. H says:

    I will never vote for this guy and I will disown any family member who does. I will never forget what he did to his first wife. He’s vile.

    • talia says:

      ?? He’s still friends with Emily

      • kirk says:

        On May 16, 2012, Mary Richardson Kennedy was found dead at her home, two years after filing for divorce from RFK Jr. Her death was ruled a suicide by hanging.

  17. BlueNailsBetty says:

    RFK JR knows he isn’t ever going to be president as a Democrat so this campaign is pure grift. Unless he switches parties, he’s gone as far as he can go politically. Any action he takes is just to line his pockets and he’s happy (thrilled?) to take money from major GOP donors.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      And he’s simply using his name to run as he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. RFK Jr is a stooge and a dumb stooge at that! This dinner perfectly sums up his campaign in one loud, boisterous fart. May this be the end of his campaign and his political ambitions.

  18. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    Full confession: I had a huge crush on him when I was a teenager. He was such an unrepentant bad boy (my weakness then).

    Now? I find it hard to believe he has the same DNA running through his veins as his Dad and his Uncles who I can see spinning in their graves thinking of how he has turned out.

    I STILL side-eye him for how he treated his late wife.

  19. Outoftheshadows says:

    I laughed until I cried at the Page Six article. Please someone give this journalist the Pulitzer!

  20. HeyKay says:

    RFK, jr. is a horrible person.
    He drove his late wife and mother of his children to her death.
    Constantly cheating, gaslighting her, tried to drive her into bankruptcy, after her death he had her remains MOVED away from the Kennedy plot.
    Cheryl Hines was involved with him while he was still married.
    Garbage person. Period.
    Without the name Kennedy not one person would support him.

    The Kennedy political dynasty is over. One or two younger ones might go into politics but the name is no longer enough.

  21. Kay says:

    What about clean water, soil, pharmaceutical safety standards, pro choice, gun safety is nut job. Either refute something in face of something specific he has said or stfu with your smearing someone who might have different opinions than you. The liberal party has reach close to nazi level dogmatic approach. You want everyone burned who is not in your exact likeness. You are a disservice to society.

    • Skyblue says:

      Um…okay…Cheryl…I mean Kay.

    • Grandma Susan says:

      Whoever Kay is she has accurately and precisely described the REPUBLICAN PARTY. She can call “the liberal party” nazis while the Republican party is openly fascist. That is some next-level projection.

  22. jferber says:

    RFK Jr. is an embarrassment to his father. An anti-Semite, an anti-vaxxer, a man so disrespectful of his second wife who committed suicide, he moved her burial site shortly after she was buried. I believe he sent his 4 children with her to boarding schools and re-married right away. Awful, awful man.

  23. Donna says:

    Great party