Heidi Klum denies the Daily Mail’s report that she only eats 900 calories a day

Earlier this week, the Daily Mail ran a story where they claimed that Heidi Klum says she only eats 900 calories a day. The original article said she revealed this information in an Instagram story but I couldn’t see it on her profile. While she did take a picture of herself on a scale and put it on her stories after a follower asked her about her weight, the mention of “900 calories” seems to have been completely fabricated by the Daily Mail. (In other news, the sky is blue.) But a lot of other outlets ran with the story without verifying the details. So now Heidi is clapping back, saying that she would never encourage people to eat so little. Sofia Vergara and Terry Crews also came to her defense in a joint interview with Entertainment Tonight. Sofia says that Heidi eats Sofia’s sandwiches when they’re together on set of America’s Got Talent.

Heidi Klum’s “America’s Got Talent” co-stars are sticking up for the supermodel after false reports that she eats only 900 calories a day swirled online.

“That’s not true because you come into my dressing room and eat my stuff, [like] my sandwiches and stuff,” Sofía Vergara told her fellow judge during a joint “Entertainment Tonight” interview Wednesday.

The ABC show’s host, Terry Crews, then chimed in, “I believe [she eats Vergara’s food],” while Klum called the inaccurate claims “beyond bonkers.”

“I just hate when people lie like that because, especially, you know, there’s so many people out there that follow or read this, and they say, ‘Oh, she does this, so now I’m only gonna eat 900 calories,’” she continued.

The “Making the Cut” star, 50, decided to publicly deny the stories instead of staying silent because she wanted to make sure that her fans did not turn to a restrictive diet and put themselves in harm’s way.

“When it’s about other people’s health, I feel like I have to step in and say, ‘Wait a minute,’” she explained. “I don’t even care about me; I care about everyone who reads that and possibly gets way too thin. Because 900 calories, that’s, like, insane! I would be like a toothpick.”

[From Page Six]

When I first heard the story, I was pretty riled up about it because 900 calories isn’t even enough for a little kid, let alone an adult woman. I was relieved to see Heidi say that it wasn’t true. For the Daily Mail to toss off that number as if it’s a reasonable method for weight maintenance is dangerous and irresponsible. It then fell to Heidi to correct the lie, and I’m sure some of her followers are impressionable or prone to disordered behaviors. I know when my disordered eating was bad, I took celebrity “diet tips” seriously, sometimes with disastrous results. Heidi also said in an Instagram story about all of this that she has never had to count calories, which I don’t entirely buy. She was a Victoria’s Secret Angel and so many VS models have come forward with horror stories about being pressured into restrictive diets. I’d be surprised if she didn’t face the same pressure at various points in her modeling career but especially the VS days. I hope Heidi has found a way of eating that feels nourishing and balanced whether she tracks calories or not. (It isn’t healthy for me but I know it’s useful for many people.) And I’m sorry that the Daily Mail put words in her mouth.

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Photos credit: BauerGriffin/INSTARimages, Olivier Sanchez / Avalon, Getty and via Instagram

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18 Responses to “Heidi Klum denies the Daily Mail’s report that she only eats 900 calories a day”

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  1. Delphine says:

    At which point is the DM liable for its lies? How are they allowed to make ish up out of thin air and get away with it? Aren’t there laws regarding this? I would say shame on them but they’re utterly shameless.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      It makes me so angry that if you are not a credible outlet and don’t care about credibility, you can print anything you want without consequences. How is this acceptable to anyone that they are straight making things up that aren’t there, or quoting fictitious sources?

    • Emme says:

      To coin a phrase…. there are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics, or better yet Daily Fail articles. If the Fail told me the sky was blue I wouldn’t believe it but would go and check myself.

    • Moxylady says:

      Tracking macros has been around – and was the way for many many famous celebs – for a long time before apps made it available to us peasants.

      She’s very active. But she definitely controls what she eats and in what amounts. Many people can do that in a healthy way – for dietary issues or cholesterol etc – but many people cannot.

      She seems to have found a healthy balance. I hope anyways.

  2. Yes the daily fail is great at tossing out numbers that don’t exist. I think they follow trump in this nonsense. I’m glad Heidi cleared things up. She looks great.

  3. Lala11_7 says:

    From August of last year until March of this year due to Long Covid…I was BARELY able to ingest 500 calories a day…THANK GAWD MY A– IS FAT…or I would NOT be here🤣😂😡 I STILL have anorexic issues due to that…so I’m HAPPY she’s clapping back…

    • ML says:

      Hugs Lala. I’m so sorry that you’ve been put through the wringer health-wise. I hope you feel better soon!

      • Lala11_7 says:

        @ML THANK YOU❣️. I have come to the acceptance that my taste abilities will NEVA be the same…HOWEVA I’ve also BROKEN the hold that BAD carbs & ultra processed foods had on me…So I actually have a HEALTHIER relationship with food now that is INTENTIONAL❤️ I STAY making lemons 🍋 into lemonade 😂

  4. ML says:

    Yikes! The DF should have to pay for publishing that article about Heidi Klum. They forced her to react, because 900 calories per day is dangerous. As a model, people can easily get the wrong idea and believe that isht. And so Heidi publicly weighed herself: clearly if she weighs 138, then she has to be ingesting more than 900 calories a day. However, Heidi shouldn’t need to publish her weight at all! The Viscount whose family founded the DF and who still works for the DF has a fitting last name: HARMSWORTH.

  5. Haus of Cats says:

    Making the Cut is SO GOOD!

  6. Eurydice says:

    The woman is 8 feet tall, 900 calories a day would land her in the hospital. Do people not know anything about food anymore?

    • Julia says:

      I have a friend who is very interested in health and nutrition. She told me several years ago that she felt that women—all women, apparently—only needed 1500 calories per day. I pointed out to her that I am six feet tall, four inches taller than the average American man, and 1500 calories would *seriously* not be enough. (She looked nonplussed.) I think there’s a narrative out there about what “dieting numbers” look like, and the DM has obviously bought into that, but it’s not one-size-fits-all. And someone like Klum, who undoubtedly has a personal chef and nutritionist, probably worries less about the specific number of calories than what else her meals are doing for her body: are they preserving her skin, hair, size, muscle tone, etc.? She makes her living being conventionally beautiful. That takes a lot more work and sacrifice than just limiting calories.

  7. michael says:

    it should have been obvious that wasn’t true. You couldn’t have the body that she does while eating only 900 calories. She looks healthy not rail thin.

  8. kirk says:

    “For the Daily Mail to toss off that number as if it’s a reasonable method for weight maintenance is dangerous and irresponsible. It then fell to Heidi to correct the lie, and I’m sure some of her followers are impressionable or prone to disordered behaviors.”

    No, it does not ‘fall to Heidi to correct the lie’ – the DailyFail is a notoriously unreliable source. As Meghan Markle (and Harry) discovered – the DailyFail makes up stories. Also she was not “forced…to react, because 900 calories per day is dangerous” – because when the DailyFail publishes another lie it just means it’s another day ending in ‘y.’ She could choose to tell her followers the truth of DailyFail and its ilk – they lie all of the time and they do not fact check.

  9. jferber says:

    Their numbers always lie: 900 calories per day for Heidi, Prince William a “popular” royal in their fake poll numbers. If they cite a number, any number, remember: It’s ALWAYS a lie.

  10. Ann says:

    Yet another reason I don’t read the daily mail. Heidi giving Debbie Harry vibes in that one pic!

  11. H says:

    I dunno. If I allowed myself to eat more than 900 calories a day, I wouldn’t be losing any weight. I don’t believe her. She probably doesn’t calorie count, just keeps a close estimation running in her head throughout the day. And you bet your ass it’s well under what a person needs every day.

  12. Flamingo says:

    I saw Heidi a few times in person at America’s Got Talent tapings. When they were in New Jersey during the Howard Stern years. I got very close seats to see the Judging panel. Heidi is so beautiful and physically perfect in person. She does not look starved. Just very slim and physically fit. Howard also used to rant about how angry he would get when she would chow down on big meals. While he would eat a handful of almonds to not gain weight.

    Some people are just blessed with amazing genetics and can eat the house down and keep the same weight. I’m sure she also has a great team around her for proper nutrition to make sure she gets what she needs.

    My work best friend eats piles and piles of food when we go out. She never gains an ounce and she doesn’t go to a gym, or even take walks. Her metabolism is never not working burning calories.