Vera Wang loves ordering McDonald’s food every day & she loves Dunkin Donuts too

Vera Wang is 74 years old. Do you think she “looks good for her age”? I’m really asking. I think she looks good for her age, for the most part, and I also think she’s always been very thin, which in the fashion industry is the most important thing. When people talk about how good Wang looks, they really mean “wow, she’s still really thin.” I bring this up because Vera recently chatted exclusively to Page Six about how she keeps her slender figure. She eats a lot of donuts and McDonald’s fast food.

Vera Wang, who at age 74 appears to have discovered the fountain of youth, doesn’t deprive herself of fast food or a vodka cocktail.

“I do eat McDonald’s, absolutely,” the fashion designer exclusively told Page Six Style at the DKMS Gala in NYC on Thursday night. “I order it every day, like two weeks on it, and then I’ll change.”

But Mickey D’s isn’t Wang’s only junk food guilty pleasure; she also runs on Dunkin’ Donuts.

“I like the cream-filled, sugar-coated donut,” she shared. “It’s like a jelly donut, but it’s cream inside, vanilla cream. I like the pink with sprinkles, too.”

Back in 2020, the style icon went viral for her ageless appearance after posting photos of herself, then 70, modeling an orange sports bra and denim shorts. “Homegirl just went and unsubscribed from aging,” one person tweeted at the time, while another asked, “wtf is she drinking, unicorn blood?! Unreal.” At the time, Wang said she was “totally shocked” by the online response, telling fans on Instagram that her anti-aging secrets included “work, sleep, a vodka cocktail [and] not much sun.”

Of course, it’s not all Big Macs and donuts for the fashion legend. She also told us that working hard keeps her youthful.

“Basically, I’ve worked my whole life, so it’s really been about work,” Wang said. “I think work keeps you young and stimulated. I work very long hours, I’ve raised two daughters. I think keeping busy is the best antidote [for] good health.”

[From Page Six]

I also think “staying busy” keeps people feeling younger and engaged. I have a neighbor Vera’s age, and she’s one of the most active people I’ve ever seen, and that’s her fountain of youth. Vera has a busy social schedule, she still does a lot of red carpets, she’s still very involved in her brand and label. As for the donuts and nuggets, I would assume that she simply has good genes. I actually appreciate it though, when someone rich and successful is like “oh, I really do eat McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts constantly.”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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16 Responses to “Vera Wang loves ordering McDonald’s food every day & she loves Dunkin Donuts too”

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  1. Tila says:

    She certainly does look her age, but that’s not a bad thing!

    • Mimi says:

      Yes. I actually like that she has wrinkles and a bit of sagging. Not everyone needs to look 19. And the people who try look embalmed (I’m talking about you, Kris Jenner).

  2. MRowe says:

    I hate when celebrities do this. Obviously she has good genes, but there’s no way she is “running on Dunkin’s.” I would imagine she barely eats at all. The fact that she describes a cream-filled donut the way she did tells me she eats them seldomly.

    • molly says:

      Based on everything I’ve ever read or seen from her, I don’t believe she has a healthy relationship with food. I certainly don’t blame her, being in the upper echelon of women’s fashion for decades will warp your sense of “normal”, but yes, spare me the “I eat garbage every day and still look like this!” bs.

    • Kirsten says:

      She doesn’t say she eats that stuff all of the time though. She says she does it for like two weeks and then stops. Anybody would be that thin if you ate junk for two weeks but then nothing the rest of the time.

  3. L84Tea says:

    I actually love Vera Wang. Years ago when the Style Network was a thing, I watched all these behind the scenes mini docs about her, and I found her fascinating. Every other word out of her mouth are F bombs, she’s all over the place, back and forth, and never seems to sit still. But she also had/has such a clear vision about style. She’s a cool lady.

  4. Megan says:

    Good lord, she must have a stomach of steel. I can’t eat even one McDonalds fry without getting a stomach ache.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    She’s able to stay slim because at her age she’s losing bone density and muscle mass.

    • Mimi says:

      I didn’t mean to laugh, but it just came out. Maybe they’re sad tears bc I, too, am losing bone density and muscle mass…

  6. Jais says:

    Lived in nyc for 15 years. Walked everywhere so yeah I ate McDonalds and it made no difference. Back in ga, and it took a good few years, but my pants’ size has slowly gone up two sizes even though I don’t eat McDonald’s that much anymore. Lifestyle. That said, it could be the only thing she eats that day or one of the few things.

  7. girl_ninja says:

    She is slender but she doesn’t look gaunt or emaciated. She looks fabulous. I grew up in New England where there’s a Dunkie’s on every other corner and I will tell you that their donuts are terrible. For good donuts you find a proper bakery and get them there.

    • Flamingo says:

      Truth, I only have a Dunkins near me and the few times I indulge I am always disappointed since the donuts are all stale.

      I dream of a proper bakery near me. Heck, I would even take a Krispy Kreme.

  8. AC says:

    Agree, I think some people has good genes. Ralph Macchio is in his 60s but still looks youthful.
    When Dunkin wasn’t in California yet, it was one of our first stops when we visited NYC or New England.

  9. Lurker25 says:

    Ok you guys, there’s this incredible bridge for sale…

    I can’t… As of me writing this, every comment is approving, talking good genes, etc.

    I can’t be the only one who sees the work, right?
    That’s Botox, a lower face lift or at least thread lifts, upper arm skin tightening (no genes or push ups or Pilates gives taut upper arm skin on a 70+ woman), and pretty sure/maybe ozempic.

    It’s subtle work, done by a good expensive team. We’re so used to seeing overdone faces by inexperienced hands.

    Yes she was a figure skater for a long time, maybe still. Yes east Asian genes can stay youthful longer. Yes to all the things. But COME ON – the donuts and McDonalds comments? Even SHE’S not serious about this being natural.

    • The Old Chick says:

      So much work! Lol. She’s had more than one eye procedure, look where her brows are to start with! I never believe the bs these people say about diet. They just say shit for extra attention. Now, though, I feel I need to rewatch the Black Vera Wang

  10. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know. This oft-repeated claim from models and designers alike can be annoying, but If you’re working out and taking breaks from it, it’s possible to eat like that and look like this. It’s not necessarily healthy, but if you stay active and mind your intake, it’s probably not going to put weight on you.

    She’s thin, but not muscular. I would, at any age, prefer to have some muscle, even if it meant being a little “bigger.” But in the fashion world, that’s not ideal.