Hero border collie woke up the parents of a teen having a stroke

Dogs are winning the week, no contest. On Monday we cheered Brett Michaels-the-husky, the good samaritan pup who donated blood to a kitten in need, and was subsequently adopted by Brett Michaels-the-human. Tuesday we celebrated the well-lived life of the world’s oldest dog, Bobi, who passed away at the impressive age of 31. Today we honor another canine hero. In late August, one-year-old border collie Axel woke up his people parents, Amanda and Daines Tanner, in the wee hours of the morning. Daines reluctantly got out of bed to let Axel outside, but Axel went in another direction. He steadfastly stood outside the door of 17-year-old Gabriel Silva (Daines’ stepson), so Daines opened the bedroom door. There he found Gabriel slurring his speech and paralyzed on the right side of his body — he was having a stroke. Now several weeks into a very promising recovery, the doctor did not mince words in stating that were it not for Axel, Gabriel’s symptoms would have become permanent, if not fatal.

“Axel has always been very intuitive. He can tell when something is wrong — like if we are feeling down or stressed — and he does his best to fix the problem,” Gabriel tells PEOPLE. “That morning he must have sensed I needed help so he woke up someone who could help.”

Amanda and Daines rushed Gabriel to the emergency room, where the high school senior was then transferred to Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Medical Center for specialized care from Dr. Sabih Effendi, a neurosurgeon and the hospital’s stroke medical director.

When Gabriel was first seen, he had completely lost the ability to speak and the right side of his body was significantly weak. Effendi performed a cerebral angiogram and discovered that Gabriel had an artery dissection, a tear along the inside lining of an artery, which caused an ischemic stroke.

The teen was given blood thinners to quickly restore blood flow to his brain. Doctors said that if he hadn’t received medical attention when he did, his symptoms would have become permanent and Gabriel would’ve been “unable to be functional in life.”

Effendi said Axel made a “massive” difference in Gabriel’s outcome by alerting the parents.

“Millions of neurons are lost each minute that passes during an ischemic stroke, ultimately impacting speech and movement and could even result in death,” he tells PEOPLE. “Had the family dog not alerted Gabriel’s parents, and had Gabriel’s parents not identified his symptoms as stroke symptoms, the time to treatment could have been severely delayed resulting in a much different outcome for Gabriel.”

“Instead, Gabriel is walking, talking and looking forward to finishing his senior year of high school,” Effendi adds.

Gabriel spent a week in the hospital under close supervision before he was transferred to TIRR MEmorial Hermann. While there, he underwent intense physical, occupational, and speech therapy to restore some of the functions that were lost due to the stroke.

Today, the teen is making progress in outpatient therapy, hoping to return to school and soccer in the coming weeks. “I feel like I was before,” Gabriel told Today.

Meanwhile, Axel has been by Gabriel’s side since the health scare and Amanda told the outlet she wants to get the dog a medal or honor for his collar.

“He’s now tasked with following Gabriel everywhere,” she said. “He’s now sleeping with Gabriel more, and Gabriel’s doors are open so he can go in and out. He’s always been very sensitive to everything and everybody’s emotions at home.”

[From People]

A medal for his collar?! Get that good boy steak dinners for life!! I don’t know if it was down to his super hearing, super sniffing, or super heart, but Axel knew he had a man down and acted quickly and clearly. I love love love that his job now is to stick like glue to Gabriel. Will Axel get to go to high school with Gabriel when he returns? I think he’d be an excellent student. Axel could learn more about his person’s body in biology class, and sharpen his speech skills in English (for public speaking gigs undoubtedly in his future). As for calculus, well he couldn’t possibly comprehend it less than I did. Come spring this good boy could be crowned Prom King.

My Girl and I have our squabbles, usually about food and the frequency of dispensation thereof. But most of the time I feel like my heart is about to burst while trying to fathom the unconditional love she and her fellow dogs show us. May we strive to be worthy of that love. (Uh oh, she had been snuffle-snoring quite loudly and using my foot as a pillow, but I think she just registered that I said “steak dinner.” Now I’m in trouble.)

Photos courtesy Amanda Tanner on Facebook

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26 Responses to “Hero border collie woke up the parents of a teen having a stroke”

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  1. bisynaptic says:


    • Danbury says:

      MY HEART IS FULL. I love this story

    • AlpineWitch says:


      Crying like crazy here.

    • siera says:

      What an evolved creature Axel is. The better we treat this exceptionally gifted species the more loyal, intuitive, and evolved they become. We are now seeing research underway to achieve longevity and life extension for dogs. Dogs have almost no legal protections outside the West, though. It’s disturbing to know they are widely sold to meat markets and restaurants for slaughter throughout Asia every single day, despite animal rights groups’ ongoing efforts.

  2. Cel2495 says:

    That’s beautiful and I am glad the boy is recuperating! It brought tears to my eyes because dogs are amazing. My Yorkie, Henry saved me as well and did not left my side for one second until help arrived. During my worst days dealing with hyperthyroidism and graves , my blood pressure was dangerous low and my heart not right ( skipping beats and all) , anyhow, Henry barked and scratched at my niece door until she got up and he direct her to me. He then stood guard looking at me with his beautiful eyes and did not moved. I just love dogs! Their love is pure and unconditional after Henry will come to me everyday and smell me , look at me intensely and I guess if he thought all was ok , go and play but iat times he must have sensed something else because he would stay by my side all the time , even refusing to eat as he did not want to part with me. Even when I was suffering from anxiety and mild depression, amid all my other health issues he would keep guard. 🐶❤️

  3. SarahCS says:

    And now I’m sobbing into my lunch. Dogs are amazing.

    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story with us.

  4. Dahlia6 says:

    Border collies are amazing dogs. My border turned 13 this year and she is my best girl. They are so smart and caring. This guy was so lucky to have such a wonderful friend looking out for him.

    • LarkspurLM says:

      Love love love Border Collies and herding dogs! My Aussie mutt is 11, we got him when he was 7. XO to all the pups!

    • Becks1 says:

      They really are amazing. I grew up with one and he was the smartest dog ever. You have to know what you’re doing with them, because they are so smart and such working dogs, but they are great.

    • Lurker 25 says:

      Border Collies are consistantly ranked the smartest of all dog breeds.

      Sometimes these ranking things are irritating because they equate intelligence with obedience.

      My cheweenie would like it be known that she understands exactly what she’s supposed to do, she just *chooses* whether to indulge her human. For her, obeying is an act of love.

      She’s hilarious/irritating/adorable/bitchy every there’s a bad thunderstorm bc she demands that I get up and follow her to my son’s room. She’ll scratch his door until we both go in to make sure he’s safe, and I get the most judgemental “don’t you love him?! Why don’t you care?” looks if I don’t pull up a chair and stay in that room until the storm stops.

      (No I’m not projecting. Her dog sitter didn’t believe me when I said she gets super pissed and gives you the cold shoulder if you make her wear a harness… Then was like, “omg she didn’t even respond to cuddles or treats! Just ice cold!”)

  5. Seraphina says:

    A wonderful story to wake to and read after hearing the horrid news last night in Maine.

    • LongThymeLurker says:

      Exactly why I came here to be with my fellow “bitches” Serephina ♥️ and thanks for sharing some personal things about yourself Kismet. Loving your articles!

  6. Tulipworthy says:

    What a wonderful story.

  7. Feebee says:

    Prom King? It took approx 5 seconds from thinking ‘joke’ to ‘actually that’s not a bad idea’. I mean ‘honorary’ of course.

    What an incredible story. The dog wasn’t even in the room with the kid but knew something was up. Wow.

  8. Torttu says:

    Omg how I love dogs. Love love love dogs.

  9. Busybody says:

    This story is amazing. Dogs are amazing. My family are dog people and have countless stories about being rescued by our pups—none as dramatic as this, but having a being in your home that requires you to get up and go outside multiple times a day can be life saving.

  10. Bumblebee says:

    I’m trying to figure out how he picked up on that in the middle of the night through a closed door. It must have been smells/odors. His boy did not smell right and he got help. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

  11. VilleRose says:

    How did he sense Gabriel was having a massive stroke two closed doors away? Dog hearing is superior to ours so I have to guess maybe he heard Gabriel trying to stand up or struggling in bed? Or during the stroke Gabriel was emitting a different kind of scent and it alarmed him? It’s amazing that he was able to alert Gabriel’s parents. Dogs are amazing. But then I think to my adorable childhood dog who was a bichon frise and as wonderful as he was, he would have done diddly squat if I was having a medical emergency.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I saw the kid & mom & dog interviewed on the news. He said he’d gotten up to get a glass of water & on the way back to his room he all of a sudden felt dizzy. I think maybe the dog became aware at that time. But I’m willing to bet smell or hearing was a part of it, too.

      • VilleRose says:

        Ah okay that makes more sense, Axel heard him get up to get some water most likely and maybe he heard something as Gabriel was heading back to his room. I love how you said “kid & mom & dog interviewed”, really wish we could get Axel’s side of the story in this case!

  12. QuiteContrary says:

    Dogs are just amazing. Our rescue always senses when someone in the family isn’t feeling well and attaches herself to that person. We joke that she’d make a terrible comfort dog, though, because she hates it when any of us cry — she jumps up and tries to lick away the tears. We always end up laughing, so I guess she knows what she’s doing. (When I need a good cry, though, I hide in my car or shower to let it out.)

  13. LocaLady says:

    Thank goodness 🐕 💕

  14. Lala11_7 says:

    I KNOW for a fact that my Sister’s rescue Doggie-Son was a HUGE part of my healing when I stayed with her almost all of last year & I was healing from Long Covid & struggling with life changing Myasthenia Gravis…He STAYED by my side…got me up out of bed to take care of him which made me ALSO take care of myself…I spent hours outside in the fresh air watching him ramble…and when my heart rate & blood pressure and anxiety would spike…He would snuggle up to me until I stabilized….Hayden LITERALLY gave me a reason to live ❤️ and when I get my own place…one of the FIRST things I’m gonna do is get my own Doggie Baby❣️

  15. AnneL says:

    I’m so glad that kid is going to be OK! What a scary incident. That dog is a hero and I’m glad he’s getting all the kudos for what he did.

    Our dog was a herder. She was a rescue so we’re not sure what breed she was, but she had some border collie characteristics. She was VERY smart, affectionate, and a pleaser. She just had the most wonderful disposition. She lived to be 17. We lost her a few years ago. I don’t know if she would have done what Axel did but she was certainly intuitive. She gave us all so much joy.

  16. J.Ferber says:

    I agree the dog should be honorary prom king for his bravery and compassion. And please let him bring a canine date, chaperoned by his young owner. It’s only right.