Dr. Jill Biden dressed up like her cat Willow for Halloween at the White House

President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden no longer have any dogs at the White House after the Secret Service pulled some kind of bizarre stunt, including falsifying records and openly briefing the media, to get the Bidens’ German Shepherds out of the White House. So nowadays, the Bidens’ only White House pet is Dr. Biden’s cat, Willow. You know some Secret Service agent is already preparing a report about how Willow Biden attacked him too, a report which will be leaked to CNN soon after it’s handed in.

But I digress. The Bidens celebrated Halloween at the White House this week, doing a traditional trick-or-treat session for White House staffers & their kids, military families and kids from DC public schools. President Biden didn’t wear a costume, but Jill did – she dressed up as WILLOW! She dressed up as her cat for Halloween. This is, frankly, the most “teacher” thing she’s ever done. And I’m including all the times she decorated the White House for her favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day. We have a FLOTUS who dresses up like her cat for Halloween. I love it so much.

Jill also named the event: Hallo-READ. The Bidens passed out candy and books, plus they invited the National Confectioners Association to set up booths to hand out all kinds of treats. Scholastic donated all of the books which were passed out. I was wondering about the candy passed out by the Bidens – most people know about the M&Ms with the seal of the president, but did you know that the White House also has big Hershey’s Kisses packaged with the seal of the president? It’s true, and President Biden was handing out both.

Obligatory mention, anytime the White House and Halloween comes up, of the time Barack Obama couldn’t stop laughing at the Baby Pope. He was so tickled!

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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24 Responses to “Dr. Jill Biden dressed up like her cat Willow for Halloween at the White House”

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  1. Southern Fried says:

    Love Dr Jill so much! What the WH gave out and did is just so right. Obama and the Pope will always be funny.

  2. blue says:

    Cute! Jill does Flotus well.

  3. seaflower says:

    Can she be anymore adorable?

  4. Seraphina says:

    What a great First Lady. I will leave it at that.

  5. Giddy says:

    Thank you for the reminder of the baby Pope. That was a truly inspired costume. I always loved seeing Obama interact with children. He was our baby whisperer POTUS.

    • North of Boston says:

      Him being tickled and amused will never not be amusing!

      I love how he always loops in anyone around him , in the case FLOTUS, to get them to enjoy the fun thing!

    • Roo says:

      One of the many things I love about him is that he was/is so genuine with kids. He genuinely laughs with them, talks with them like the best dad.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        He loved babies! I always remember the video in which he was able to calm an infant who had been crying in Michelle’s arms. He was so pleased with himself LOL.

    • girl_ninja says:

      PBO and FLOTUS Halloween:

      Ha ha ha ha…”Michelle.” “Michelle.” “Michelle.” “Michelle.” “Michelle.”

  6. Abby says:

    That is adorable. I too dressed up as my cat for halloween. HAHA.

    I am sad the Biden’s don’t have any of their dogs with them at the White House anymore. I’m surety president misses them terribly. I’m no conspiracy theorist but this makes me think there’s something shady going on with the Secret Service.

  7. Roo says:

    Dr.Jill always touches my heart. I love that she dressed up as a cat, that she handed out books as part of Halloween, and that she wore those cute Allbirds so she’d be comfortable all evening. She is a class act!

  8. Barbara says:

    Aw, I miss President Obama. Love Dr. Jill’s costume, as a cat person, I approve of dressing up like the family feline.

  9. Midnight@theOasis says:

    Love Dr. Jill’s meow outfit. The Biden’s and their guests truly enjoyed themselves. It’s just so nice and comforting to have a normal family celebrating holidays in the White House again instead of the sh!t show during the toxic years.

  10. ML says:

    Dr Jill did a great job of dressing up “just enough.” She looks adorable and apart from it being part of the costume, that is a great dress on her.

  11. HeatherC says:

    I think she looks great and what a nice event. It’s comforting to see this, especially with the way the government is going between the House and SCOTUS.

    Now onto Willow.

    I am the slave of an orange tabby cat. My overlord is a sociopath (but so handsome and cuddly when he allows it). I noticed that Willow is also a tabby, though not orange. I believe that Willow orchestrated the biting of the secret services agents by the dogs with the ultimate goal of being the only pet in the White House, now that’s accomplished so she will begin working on controlling the West Wing, then onto Congress. All while looking beautiful.

    I will die on this hill.

  12. olliesmom says:

    Jill Biden is always so put together and gorgeous even in her Halloween costume!

    The Bidens continue to be such a blessing in the White House after four years of those people.

    It is so nice to have a normal and fun couple as POTUS and FLOTUS again. A couple who actually and openly dig each other.

    And a first lady who doesn’t put up scary Christmas decorations.

  13. bisynaptic says:

    Such a relief to have relatively sane people in the White House.

  14. BeanieBean says:

    Jill Biden & I wear the same sneakers!! Allbirds!

  15. Talia says:

    Kaiser, Thank you for posting this. I forgot to check out the White House for Halloween. Jill looks beautiful as a cat.