“The Colorado Supreme Court told voters: no Bigly for you!” links

The Colorado Supreme Court said Donald Trump can’t appear on their state’s ballot because he incited an insurrection. Good for them, honestly. The situation now heads to SCOTUS and they’ll probably force every state to put Trump on the ballot. [Pajiba]
Beyonce is constantly beclowning her fans. [LaineyGossip]
Hello Tom Hiddleston & Ke Huy Quan! [Go Fug Yourself]
Yeah, John Fetterman IS just a regular working-class Democrat from Pennsylvania. He’s never pretended to be anything else. [Jezebel]
Oh, a Chris Pine sighting! [Just Jared]
Sarah Paulson looks great here. [RCFA]
An update on Teddi Mellencamp’s skin cancer. [Starcasm]
Jeff Garlin’s baby photo is shocking!! [Seriously OMG]
OMG, I love this Valentino bag. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Rihanna came out for her Fenty X Puma launch. [Hollywood Life]
Interior designers talk about what trends will stay for 2024. [Buzzfeed]

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64 Responses to ““The Colorado Supreme Court told voters: no Bigly for you!” links”

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  1. Barbie1 says:

    The Colorado news put a big smile on my face. I know the SCOTUS decision looms but I will savor this victory for as long as I can.

    • ML says:

      Yes: A huge Thank You to the CO SC for upholding democracy! Unfortunately, this looks dicey in the current US SC, but this is a huge statement.

      • rise and shine says:

        Yes. Was just watching the Supreme Court all together with President Biden who gave a beautiful eulogy to Sandra Day O’Conner (RIP) just the other day. Sickened looking at current group that reversed Roe vs Wade, despicable. Meanwhile Jack Smith kicked it right up to them over Presidential immunity get out of jail pass for everything forever, and now this ruling straight to the Supreme Court. Good. All eyes on on them now for several reasons….will they do the correct thing? Your guess is as good as mine.

    • May Bench says:

      OT, but I wonder who slathers on the makeup for Donnie.

    • teehee says:

      Not to spoil the fun, but , “and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
      this should have already been done by ALL states a long time ago.

      This criminal (as per our constitution) shoudl not be allowed on any ballots!!!!! He should be in jail! (treason used to be a cause for execution, so this is soft enough)

  2. JaneS says:

    WHY can’t Trump and all his crazy followers go away?
    When, Lord, when will we get back to any kind of intelligent behavior by people?
    Stop giving this Orange Tool attention.
    His brainwashed followers will riot on his behalf. Again.

    I wish every single state would declare by law Trump is forbidden to be elected to any public office, ever again.

  3. TN Democrat says:

    I hope more states follow suit and the tRump appointmented supreme court flunkies don’t allow this ruling to be overturned. Happy day for Democracy in the USA.

  4. Ameerah M says:

    Fetterman courted progressives for all of his campaign. Only now that he’s elected has he decided to become a regular old Democrat. I was on Twitter during his campaign. The North remembers.

    • girl_ninja says:

      Nothing wrong with being a regular old democrat. That’s what I am and proud of it. Progressives are just republicans who want to smoke weed legally.

      • Traveller says:

        Totally agree with “nothing wrong with being a regular old democrat”. Especially now when the alternative is the further breakdown of democracy.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @girl_ninja: I think you’re confusing liberals with progressives.

      • ML says:

        Liberals in the US are Democrats. Liberals in Europe are conservatives. I’m confused as to which version of liberal Amy Bee is referring to. I’m also confused as to how on earth a progressive could be considered a weed smoking Republican?

        I’m going to be voting for whichever D is on my ballot come November no matter who wins the primary. However, I’m very much in favor of unions, social safety, a bit higher taxes so the government can actually help people and govern. In the university cities and Amsterdam, the GreenLeft-Labor party won (unfortunately the rest of this country mostly voted for the far right), and while I don’t agree with everything, I understand why the Dutch voted for then and they are left of progressive Ds.

      • tealily says:

        “Progressives are just republicans who want to smoke weed legally.” Lol wut?? I think you’re talking about someone else.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @ML: Liberals are usually centre-right/left or on the right wing of the Democratic Party. Progressives are on the left wing. Liberals will be for abortion rights but not free health care. A lot of white feminists tend to be liberal rather than progressive.

      • ML says:

        Amy Bee, Thanks for the clarification. When I left the US, the progressives weren’t really a big part of the Ds, and your definition makes a ton of sense. It’s crazy that there are Ds that don’t want everyone to have (free) health care!

      • Ameerah M says:

        I never said there was – I’m a regular old democrat. But he ran on a progressive platform and openly courted progressives stating that that was in fact what he was. It was not. As for Progressives just being Reps who want to smoke weed. Nope – those are Libertarians.

      • Becks1 says:

        I have never heard that distinction between progressive and liberal before. I classify myself as liberal and I guarantee you I support both abortion rights and free health care and I am on the far left of the democrat party.

    • Erin says:


      @girl ninja- HUH, that’s a crazy take.

      • Chloe says:

        I think she’s confusing liberals with libertarians. Libertarians are absolutely Republicans that just want to smoke weed and maybe have abortions.

    • ML says:

      I just do not understand how and why the country of my birth is so fricking against the left. Like, here in the Netherlands and most other EU countries, most Democrats would be considered moderately to distinctly conservative. Progressives are usually not as to the left as the left-wing parties here at all and yet they are considered an anathema.

      • Ameerah M says:

        You also live in a homogeneous area. And studies have shown that homogeneous countries/societies do better when it comes to left-wing politics and policies. It’s the moment that there is any diversity that it starts to falter. Just look at the history of free healthcare in America. Our government was all for it back in the 1920s-1930s. It wasn’t until people figured out that Black folks would get free healthcare too that it became an issue. Same for the New Deal. So while I applaud the Netherlands and other countries for their Progressive policies I don’t think those policies would holdup if you lived in a diverse society. And history bears that out.

  5. BeanieBean says:

    Laughed myself silly over this this morning! Yay, Colorado! All the reporters saying this was unprecedented, the 14th Amendment has never been invoked before, yada yada yada. Well, we never had a president try to overthrow the government before! Guy’s a threat! And trump saying he’ll take it to the Supreme Court? Well, sure, he’d want to–he did pack this current configuration after all–but doesn’t mean it’ll get that far.

  6. Traveller says:

    Gotta hope this Colorado ruling stands!

  7. The Marchioness of Blorf says:

    The Constitution left it up to the states to run their elections – at every level – the way those states saw fit. If Colorado won’t allow an insurrectionist on their ballot that is their choice.

    States rights are supposed to be one of the major issues for Republicans. That’s how all these R run states outlawed abortion. If SCOTUS decides to weigh in on what has historically been an issue each state deals with and the federal government wades into states electoral practices, what’s to stop SCOTUS from inserting itself into things it lacks jurisdiction to do so?

    • Eurydice says:

      But they’re not invoking states’ rights, they’re invoking a section of Article 14 of the Constitution, which was written to prevent those who led the Confederacy from seeking office. It’s appropriate for SCOTUS to weigh in on this.

    • lucy2 says:

      I thought the same thing – states’ rights! Only matters when it goes in favor of the Republican’s, apparently.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      The Marchioness of Blorf, they sued under the 14 Amendment to the US Constitution. This is within the purview of SCOTUS. If the state had a similar provision in their state constitution and sued under that, it would be a different story.

  8. Tantilion says:

    You do understand that is against the Constitution to deny him and other Republicans on voting for whomever they choose? You may not like the guy, but our Constitution was written. The Supreme Court will most likely vote against it, even if they don’t agree. Courts should NOT dictate who we can and can not vote for. If you choose to not respect it, leave. Go somewhere where your rights AREN’T protected.

    • Dee says:

      The Constitution had a clause written specifically to keep insurrectionists like Trump from running for President. There are also term limits and age limits for running. If you choose not to respect the Constitution, maybe you shouldn’t tell anyone to leave.

      • Tantilion says:

        When he is convicted of of it, let me know.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Tantilion, the 14th Amendment doesn’t say that someone has to be convicted. What the Colorado courts decided on was the evidence produced to prove that Trump did IN FACT lead an insurrection.

        One of the issues that makes it difficult in the US now is that people don’t bother to actually read the US Constitution (yes, that includes all of the Amendments). Everyone throws around free speech and they have no clue that it is the GOVERNMENT who can’t limit your speech. Think about that for a minute.

        The US Constitution isn’t something that you can add words to.

      • tealily says:

        @Tantilion if you mean when he is legally found to have engaged in insurrection or rebellion, it just happened. In Colorado. Literally, this ruling.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Hey, @Tantilion: the courts just did!

      • Megan says:

        I’ll let you know that the Constitution doesn’t require a conviction. Read the Constitution.

    • Dee says:

      The Constitution is written specifically to keep insurrectionists like Trump from running for President. There are also term limits and age limits for running. If you choose not to respect the Constitution, maybe you shouldn’t tell anyone to leave.

      • Eurydice says:

        Actually, no. This section was written specifically to exclude certain Confederate leaders after the Civil War. I do not want Trump to be president, but I think this is up to the voters to decide and it’s dangerous to do otherwise. That’s why I’ve been volunteering to register new voters and to host get-togethers to talk about issues.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Eurydice, unfortunately, that’s a really fundamental reading of the 14th Amendment. I think we have to take into consideration the fact that our lives and mores have changed over time. I know there are people (you are not one, I know) who think we should go back to interpreting the Constitution as it was presented at the time. I believe that’s way too confining.

      • tealily says:

        @Eurydice it isn’t written to exclude Confederate leaders after the Civil War. It is written to exclude anyone who has engaged in, or aided those who have engaged in, insurrection or rebellion. If they meant Confederate leaders after the Civil War, sure they would have said “Confederate leaders after the Civil War.”

      • Theresa says:

        Eurydice…the people decided in the 2020 election that Trump was done…and still today we are constantly hearing this blowhard say that it was stolen. The CO SC made the right decision. The US SC should bow out and not hear the case…that leaves it up to each state to decide who they want on the ballot. The 14th amendment made it clear that ANYONE who engages in insurrection should NEVER hold office again…That was decided hundreds of years ago.

    • Sass says:

      Lol Tantilon stop pouting. If you don’t like it why don’t you leave? I hear you people love Putin

    • BeanieBean says:

      No, for everything that’s been stated by the commenters: 14th amendment, CO Supreme Court decision.

    • Megan says:

      Aw, the prissy, “you do understand”. I bet you never read the Constitution.

    • C says:

      …where our rights aren’t protected? I would urge you to look into the recent example of Ohio where Republicans did their best to alter the constitution for essentially minority approval of new legislation in a hurried special election which blew up in their faces. All meant to prevent the November abortion issue vote which also blew up in their faces. And even then, quite a few Republicans drafted legislation to take the power of implementation of this amendment from courts – an unconstitutional move. “Constitutions” apparently don’t mean much to Republicans.
      In any case, as others have said, the CO courts did rule that he was part of the insurrection, thanks for playing.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The cherry on top in terms of this Colorado Supreme Court ruling is that the lawsuit was originally brought by six Colorado voters who filed a lawsuit on behalf of themselves and other former and current Republicans.

    The court also references Justice Neil Gorsuch, specifically a ruling Gorsuch issued as a then circuit court of appeals judge in a 2012 case concerning a long-shot presidential candidate’s citizenship status as the basis for their decision. The opinion states, “As then-Judge Gorsuch recognized in Hassan, it is ‘a state’s legitimate interest in protecting the integrity and practical functioning of the political process’ that ‘permits it to exclude from the ballot candidates who are constitutionally prohibited from assuming office.'” So very curious if Gorsuch will reverse his own opinion LOL

  10. Sass says:

    Seriously couldn’t be happier that we choose to live in CO with this news. Saw a decrepit old man shuffling out of the post office this morning wearing his ugly fckin trump hat and I had to keep myself from cackling and being like “you’ll be dead before the next election anyway”

  11. Cait says:

    Unfortunately this will back fire and probably deepen the belief of his supporters that the fix is in for Trump and the election was stolen.

  12. TrixC says:

    I think these photos are the orangest he’s ever been! Not American but how can he possibly be the Republican nominee after being found guilty of insurrection? It’s just bonkers to me.

    • BeanieBean says:

      There are people who say they’ll vote for him even if he’s in jail. I don’t get it either, but there ya go. Eejits abound.

  13. Paula Ziegler says:

    A United States government office holder must swear an oath to the Constitution. Trump broke his oath to the Constitution. Trump cannot hold an office in the United States government.

  14. Hannah says:

    Sod it. UK media was very vague today about Donald Trump (and then it just disappeared from a lot of sites) so I hoped it meant he was off the ballot. Thanks for clarifying it’s just Colorado. Bugger.

    We had it confirmed we will have a GE in 2024 (Tories were trying to push it out to early 2025) but I’m seeing huge support for the Labour Party. Hope we can get rid of those Tory tossers after almost 14 years of them f***ing us over and that in the USA the Democrats win again in 2024 ✊🏼

    • AC says:

      I’m hoping other states would follow suit which would mean it would be harder for him to get the # of electoral votes needed to win the presidency.

  15. rise and shine says:

    Yay. He, his family and his supporters are traitors to our country plain and simple. So enjoy your holidays all sweethearts here and rest up because we have a lot of work to do ahead to prevent this madman conman freak show family and sickening cronies from ever getting near our White House again. If they do, it is the end of our country and a major loss throughout the world. And nope, not being dramatic. My God, how is this even happening again??? . Anyway 🙂 love and xo and thanks Kaiser and all at CB and to all here.

  16. Silent Star says:

    In other news: Chris Pine looks like a debonair classic movie star with that slicked back hair and mustache. Giving Clark Gable vibes.