Video and exclusive pictures of Tom Cruise on Wetten Das

As we mentioned yesterday, we caught Tom Cruise’s appearance on the German show Wetten Das last night. There’s now a video up of Cruise losing the bet and riding a motorcycle on stage on the show. (Note: Cruise is wearing an earpiece which gives him an English translation of the host. The video is in German, but it’s easy to figure out what’s going on.)

The first four pictures are from the Wetten Das website, and the rest are our exclusive screencaps of the show (Ok, so I took pictures of the TV. I have a laptop that plays TV, but the thing is new and is not working yet), which reaired this morning. The kiss marks on the bottom of the screen in one of the pictures show the progress of the bet, in which two girls had to identify lip prints from their classmembers. Tom said that the girls wouldn’t be able to do it, and lost the bet since they were 4 for 4.

Six more pictures after the jump.

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