Kim Kardashian was booed like crazy at Tom Brady’s Netflix roast

Kim Kardashian made an appearance at Tom Brady’s Netflix roast on Sunday, which I haven’t watched. I saw some of the clips – Nikki Glaser apparently killed, but everyone’s talking about all of the Gisele jokes and how Kim was booed like crazy. Here’s the clip of when Kim first came on stage:

That was pretty bad. You’re only supposed to boo someone at a roast when they cross the line and/or the jokes are terrible. Apparently, the crowd just hated Kim. The Swifties are celebrating this, btw, even though Tom made a joke about Taylor and Travis Kelce later in the show. Here are the jokes Kim made at Tom’s expense, or her own expense. Remember how there were rumors about Tom and Kim possibly dating? Please, they never.

Kim Kardashian is poking fun at those Tom Brady dating rumors.During an appearance at Netflix’s Greatest Roast of All Time: Tom Brady live special on Sunday, May 5, Kardashian, 43, shrugged off boos as she took the stage at the Kia Forum in Inglewood, Calif.

“I’m really here tonight for Tom,” the SKIMS star then said after joking about host Kevin Hart’s height. “I wasn’t going to come tonight, but since I’m not here as Tom’s date, there’s still a good chance I might. Speaking of Tom and I dating, I know there were some rumors that we were, and I’d never say if we did or not. I’d just release the tape. I do know it would never work out. An ex-athlete, high cheekbones, silky hair, you remind me too much of my stepdad now,” Kardashian continued, referencing her mom Kris Jenner’s former spouse, Caitlyn Jenner, 74. “Part of me thinks you would want to undress me, just to try on my clothes.”

“Honestly, it’s hard for me to watch people roast you, but I think enough of my family members have helped defend former football players,” Kardashian joked, referencing her late father Robert Kardashian Sr. working as O.J. Simpson’s attorney during his infamous 1994 murder trial. When Brady, 46, later took the mic at the roast, he also poked fun at Kardashian and her marriage to Kanye West, 46.

“I know Kim was terrified to be here tonight,” the former NFL star told the crowd, adding: “Not because of this, but because her kids are at home with their dad.”

[From People]

Tom’s joke was good! It’s true, you know Kim worries whenever Kanye has the kids. Whoever wrote Kim’s jokes did a good job too, too bad people missed some of them because they were so busy booing her ass.

Screenshots from Netflix (thank you CB!).

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27 Responses to “Kim Kardashian was booed like crazy at Tom Brady’s Netflix roast”

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  1. 😂😂😂😂. I love it.

  2. Renee' says:

    As a KC’er, I loved Tom’s jokes about our Chiefs. Very funny! Kim as usual was a swing and a miss!

  3. JackieJacks says:

    I’m surprised she didn’t just sneer at the audience, say ‘rude’, flip her hair and just keep talking 😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Libra says:

    It’s a roast. Rude behavior is expected. She knew that and proceeded.

    • Bren says:

      She knew what to expect, and it was not like she hadn’t heard it all before.

      The fact that we’re talking about it and it’s trending the day after is Kardashian for the course.

      Kim won.

      • Kebbie says:

        I agree with this. They don’t care if the attention is positive or negative, the goal is just to garner attention.

    • Zoochy says:

      It was excessive. The booing was so loud it was drowning her out and she was having trouble delivering the jokes. She did fine otherwise. Her OJ joke was way better than Jeff Ross.

  5. girl_ninja says:

    Now I don’t like Kim at all, but the jokes lobed at her by one of the the white male comedians was so misogynistic with a racist undertones I wanted to vomit. Tom and Kim’s jokes were actually chuckle worthy.

    Roasts are so gross, I don’t know why these people line up for them. Tom must have thought he was too white, attractive and rich to let it affect him. But from the look on his face for most of it, he was most certainly affected.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      I think Kim handled the haters pretty good. Just because I don’t like does not mean I won’t recognize when she does a good job. I was watching Dean Martin roasts from the seventies and they were by far classier and non-misogynistic than now. The only time I really enjoyed watching someone get roasted was when Ann Coulter got roasted. Her roast was brutal indeed but boy she deserved it.

  6. Chaine says:

    Her extensions or wig, whatever it is looks so scraggly.

    • girl_ninja says:

      Right? She is way too rich for her hair to look that messy. She needs to call Beyoncé’s hair stylist ASAP.

  7. Flamingo says:

    Roasts are not for the faint of heart. It was brave of her to do it. Also, they were never meant for public audiences. It was done behind closed doors at the Friars Club. Until Dean Martin brought the concept to TV in the 70’s.

    Also, it was live last night so they didn’t have the magic of editing to make it seem less worse than it was. I bet Momager is none too pleased with Netflix this morning.

    • Josephine says:

      It wasn’t brave it was just business. She’s made it pretty clear that there is not much she won’t do, wear, or inject into her body.

  8. Thinking says:

    She laughs at other people. I’m ok with people laughing at her.

    I didn’t think the jokes she was given to say made much sense. Despite the high cheekbones, it’s never occurred to me that Tom might want to try on Kim’s clothes.

  9. Kokiri says:

    Poor Michael Scott. He was so upset.

    Anyway, I’m rather surprised that no one picked up on Kim misgendering Caitlyn.
    Step mom, Kim, step mom. That entire “joke” is transphobic.
    And of course it matters.

    • Kate says:

      I thought that whole joke was gross, but Caitlin has said she is ok with her kids calling her dad so perhaps that extends to being called step-dad as well.

  10. yupyup says:

    I’m not a fan but I thought it was so unnecessary and stupid. I think she actually cut her part short and just sat down because it was just mean. She had every right to be there and was invited on the stage for a good time. Remember how bad The Situation did with jokes and I think Vin Diesel also womped hard. Maybe I missed something and its specific to football fans that were present. I didn’t get a lot of the jokes until someone told me the back stories. There was so strong MAGA stuff too transphobic and xenophobic stuff that was bottom line not funny or even suppose to be funny some “comedians” just wanted to make fun of immigrants and none white Americans.

  11. Bree says:

    What is up with Tom’s hair? Is it supposed to stick up in the back?
    And does Kim look different (again) lately? I didn’t recognize her in the still preview photo.

  12. bettyrose says:

    Kim has a real voice that isn’t just a baby whisper? That’s what I took away from this video. The OJ Simpson joke was pretty tired and played out, but I have no problem with the Kars (not Jenners, lets be fair) wearing that label for all eternity.

  13. Thinking says:

    I was surprised by the booing, but at the time same time what did she think could happen? Unpredictable things can happen at a roast. Whether she has a right to be there or not, you can’t control the reception at a roast. Just like Paris Hilton can’t control what’s going to come out of David Letterman’s mouth. Some things you might be able to foresee…which is why I’d not show up to this type of an event or on David Letterman’s talk show.

    The fact that Tom Brady directly made fun of her (and Kanye) after being booed might be a clue that people really don’t have a problem with making fun of her.

    • bettyrose says:

      How often does Kim make public appearances? She’s all over the media, but how often does she appear in environments that aren’t fully vetted for her benefit? We all mock her all the time, but I can actually believe she isn’t even aware of it.

  14. Joe says:

    The first thing I noticed when she got onstage was how her nose is pretty much reaching Michael Jackson territory.

    Can’t hide behind filters, editing and angles when a show is live.

    • Blue hair mood says:

      Yep, noticed she had another nose job. Her Met Gala outfit had people commenting how she had ribs removed. And corsets cause health problems. These people are sick in committing violence against their own bodies to look like sex dolls.

  15. Lens says:

    I turned it on just when Ben affleck came on. It was extremely unfunny and not a roast of Brady at all – just Ben acting angry and coked up. F this and F that. And he looked terrible! That is all. People booing Kim was rude. She has a right to be there.

    • Ann h says:

      I know. I couldn’t believe it. He made it all about how much he hates the trolls for hating on him. I never thought he was going to shut up he was so angry. I think J Lo will take him to anger management or rehab, but she is going to be soooo pissed! Lol.