A judge will not allow Prince Harry to name Rupert Murdoch in his lawsuit

A few weeks ago, Prince Harry’s barrister David Sherborne filed new paperwork in Harry’s lawsuit against the Mail (ANL). The new filing named several current and former Daily Mail editors, accusing them of illegal activities for years in their pursuit of stories about Harry and his family. While all of the people named worked for the Mail at some point, the list includes the current editors of the Sun, Times and Sunday Times, meaning those people left the Mail and went to work for Rupert Murdoch in some capacity. That story didn’t get much attention because Harry was getting so much attention for visiting London and not seeing his father, plus the successful Nigeria trip. Now something else has happened – Sherbourne attempted to name Rupert Murdoch in the separate lawsuit against the Sun. The court won’t allow it.

The Duke of Sussex has been criticised for trying to shoot at “trophy targets” as he has lost an application to bring new allegations against Rupert Murdoch in his High Court hacking claim against the publisher of The Sun. Mr Justice Fancourt criticised the Duke’s lawyers for trying to “inculpate the man at the very top” by pinning knowledge on the media mogul personally. He warned: “This cannot become an end in itself: it only matters to the court so far as it is material and proportionate to the resolution of the individual causes of action. The trial is not an inquiry.”

The Duke was also denied a request to extend his claim by including allegations that date back to 1994. The Prince and more than 40 others are suing News Group Newspapers (NGN) and the News Of The World, over alleged unlawful information gathering and invasion of privacy. A trial has been scheduled for January 2025. He was refused permission to include the names of some 150 private investigators, some of which had no specific claims made against them.

Barrister David Sherborne had sought to amend the claim against NGN to make specific allegations about the “destruction and concealment” of evidence by certain individuals. His proposed updates included the naming of several journalists and senior executives, including Mr Murdoch. The judge also refused permission for allegations to be newly made against NGN’s Management and Standards Committee and those relating to the targeting of politicians.

The judge added: “Tempting though it no doubt is for the claimants’ team to attempt to inculpate the man at the very top, doing so will add nothing to a finding that Ms Brooks and Mr James Murdoch or other senior executives knew and were involved, if that is proved to be the case.”

The judge said that the allegations made “directly made against Rupert Murdoch personally” added nothing to the Duke’s claim. He said: “I cannot see what difference is made to the allegations of habitual and extensive unlawful information gathering (UIG), knowledge on the part of senior executives, and concealment and destruction, by trying to pin actual knowledge on him personally. There are already allegations pleaded against Rebekah Brooks and James Murdoch, who are his trusted lieutenants in relation to News Corporation and NGN and who are very senior executives in their own right.”

The judge criticised the Duke’s legal team for trying to bring forward too many amendments at too late a stage, in what he described as a “very expensive and time consuming exercise”. He also criticised NGN for failing to concede enough of the lesser amendments.

[From The Telegraph]

While I don’t know all of the ins and outs of Harry’s case, there is one salient point which I think is getting lost in the fray: it wasn’t *just* that these tabloids were hacking and breaking the law to stalk their targets, it’s that those tabloids and tabloid editors spent years covering up their crimes and lying about it. The tabloids want to point to the Leveson Inquiry in 2012 as the end of everything – instead, the tabloids spent years post-Leveson actively obfuscating and lying about their crimes (in addition to still committing hacking crimes). Anyway, while Harry has had some good wins with these cases, make no mistake – there are very powerful people in the UK who do not want Harry tugging at these strings. It sounds like the judge is not making his rulings based on law, but on the fear of just how thoroughly powerful people could be exposed.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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17 Responses to “A judge will not allow Prince Harry to name Rupert Murdoch in his lawsuit”

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  1. JayBlue says:

    How dare Harry (and others) insinuate that the man in charge and profiting from all of this should be investigated and held accountable!

    Honestly, though, what a shit show from start to finish. I hope Harry gets what he wants from this, but I don’t see how he possibly can with the courts genuinely acting against him like this.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      That is what he wants to make clear though.

      The corruption and the collusion of those in power with the media. The aiding, abetting and shielding the media for their crimes. The legal barriers and roadblocks for victims that do not exist for the perpetrators. And the lengths which people will go to to hide and obstruct the truth – that a huge amount of the media in the uk works with those in power to keep those people in power.

      The uk media is a propaganda machine operated by those in power to destroy anyone they want.

      And now a judge is refusing to allow Harry to bring evidence against the man who runs this whole sordid ravenous propaganda operation.

      While the media says that Harry’s lawyers and Harry were criticized and his legal actions are empty posturing.

      The whole damn thing stinks to high heaven.

    • Oliviaone says:

      I have yet to see a court case that favours NOT the aristos and 0.1% in cases like these. The english judicial system is lacking.

  2. bisynaptic says:

    It’s good to be rich and powerful: you have the whole state apparatus working to cover up for you. 🙄

  3. equality says:

    There might not be proof that Murdoch knew when events were unfolding, but he certainly knew once there were inquiries and did nothing to set anything straight unless forced. He’s a piece of work, but a rich one with connections in the UK. Hopefully this at least makes some people think about any news outlet he is involved with.

  4. Beth says:

    This piece is misleading. I recommend the Reuters report, or even the BBC one. Harry’s been granted permission to add bugging of landlines (next level UIG!) and further allegations re: named others. Including the now CEO of the Washington Post. Sherborne’s delighted, I hear.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Beth, that’s excellent. I’ll look for those articles. I’m glad that the mainstream media here in the US is reporting the facts.

  5. Goldenkatz says:

    Clive Irving has an interesting piece in the Daily Beast where he says that the judge opened the door to more examples / allegations being considered. So the removal of Murdoch but the chance to get at Murdoch’s lieutenants, including the current chief at the Washington Post. I think Harry will still settle in January for a huge amount, and maybe some unusual terms (apology posted to front of the Sun maybe?). Either way, good for Harry for fighting the good fight.

  6. Jais says:

    Murdoch is such a slimy pos. Watching the WP cover this is fascinating since the new ceo Lewis can now be investigated. And I think they can still go after Brooks. They’re going to offer an insanely high settlement number to prevent it from going to trial.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    As somebody said up post, Telegraph is not telling the complete story. Harry also got some significant wins hence the royal rota was largely quiet about the ruling yesterday. Now the editor of the Washington Post has allegedly sent a memo to staff ordering them not to report on the case because his name was allowed to be added to the case.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      The Washington Post is reporting the naming of their editor in Harry’s lawsuit, right in the headline. https://wapo.st/4dMBqNd

    • Jais says:

      Hmm. I did see something about that memo to staff. Maybe there was pushback bc the WP did report on it. Or it’s that they reported about it but don’t want it amplified.

  8. CM says:

    I don’t think most people fully grasp what Harry has taken on, and what powerful forces are against him, and Meghan. They are truly incredible. May God bless & continue to protect them. 🙏🏼

  9. Just Jade says:

    They are pressuring Harry to settle and take the money.

  10. Interested Gawker says:

    Meanwhile, Page Six in the States continues to write malicious articles about H&M and their foundation with no mention or disclaimer that their parent company is in a legal dispute Harry. How is that allowed!?

  11. Beverley says:

    The fix is in.
    Harry is illuminating the fuckery and certain players must be protected. I’ll never believe in the integrity of the British courts. It’s so obvious that corruption is prevailing at this juncture. Shame on that crooked judge.

  12. Libra says:

    He has Invictus coming up which is going to require lots of his time,Meghan is launching a new show and ARO, He just might be tempted to settle as he has already proven his point and he needs to be freed up to get on with his life. Specula tion of course.