Hayden Panettiere Opens Up Her Closet

Hayden Panettiere is selling her clothes. She’s offering up some dresses, a pair of shoes, a few hoodies, a watch or two and even some iPod covers. Why? To help save the whales.

Hayden last year was involved in trying to help save a pod of dolphins, when she went to Japan with a group of Australian surfers and tried to prevent the animals from being blocked into a cove and killed. Unfortunately the attempt failed and Hayden left in tears. The dolphins are also caught and sold off for placement in captivity and television shows, as well as being a food delicacy in Japan.

Now we need to save the whales, just like in the eighties, as they are still being killed for ‘scientific purposes’. Which is code for ‘dinner’.

The Heroes starlet’s website explains her fundraising plan, which allows fans to shop online and purchase her clothes.

It states: “Can you look good and help a worthwhile cause at the same time? Yes, you can!”

“Many have hailed Hayden Panettiere for her impeccable taste in fashion. Now you can wear what the celebrities wear at a fraction of the cost–WHILE supporting a worthy cause! Looking good never felt so good!”

Daily Telegraph

She has some really cute looking hoodies, and some cute shoes. She actually includes size charts and other information, because the clothes are meant to be worn again, they aren’t just fan merchandise. How awesome is that? Of course, not many of us have a figure like Hayden…

The clothes are mostly in a ladies size small, but apparently more styles and sizes are going to become available. You can also donate money.

According to reports, Hayden is considering another cheerleader role, in which she shows a class nerd the night of his life after he declares his love for her during his valedictorian speech. Has this ever happened in real life?

Note by Celebitchy: You can buy Hayden’s clothes at PanettiereCloset.com. Many of the items are sold so hurry if you’re interested. Thanks to PanettiereCloset for the photos below. Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia are shown on 12/15/07 at The Jules Verne Adventure Film Festival. A Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Stan Lee and the cast of “Heroes” was there. Thanks to PRPhotos.

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