Prince William changed a tire & continued to show off his awful beard

I missed this yesterday – after Prince William did the (bizarre) helicopter event with David Beckham, William went solo to an Earthshot event. He and his gross beard visited an eco-tire start-up called ENSO. ENSO was on Earthshot’s shortlist last year. Per usual, William thinks his job is going somewhere and doing a little skit, so he made a big show of “changing a tire.” He needed help, which I’m not going to judge – I don’t know how to change a tire either, even if the car is already jacked. But it’s funny that ENSO people dutifully told the media that William changed the tire like a pro. It’s very Trumpian – I’m sure the ENSO people had tears in their eyes as they said that no one has ever changed a tire better than Huevo.

Meanwhile, people are obviously still focused on Prince Harry. That includes Harry’s brother. The press is constantly trying to remind both King Charles and William that they cannot let this Harry issue fester indefinitely, but Charles and William are not listening. The latest is a random claim that Zara Tindall might get involved, with an admission that Harry is “missed.”

Zara Tindall is “trying to broker peace” between Prince William and Prince Harry amid their bitter royal feud, insiders have claimed. A source claimed that Zara, 43, has tried to act as a peacemaker between the duo so that relations between Harry and other senior members of the Royal Family can be improved.

They suggested: “Zara figures there couldn’t be a better time for her to try and broker peace. Zara feels she’s the only one who can get through to both of them.”

The insider added that despite Harry’s revelations in his memoir Spare and various interviews since departing the Royal Family, William’s younger brother is “missed” by the Firm.

They continued to tell Woman’s Day: “No one likes to admit it, but for all his mistakes, everyone misses Harry.”

[From GB News]

“Everyone misses Harry” – true or false? Does William have moments when he genuinely misses his brother and wishes Harry was around to scapegoat and do William’s work? William has been reminded for years that no one thinks he’s capable of being king on his own, without his “wingman.” William is the one who needs to listen to sense and reason. Too bad he can’t. He’s too busy trying and failing to grow a beard to copy Harry.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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52 Responses to “Prince William changed a tire & continued to show off his awful beard”

  1. equality says:

    And what exactly are “all Harry’s mistakes”? Zara might want to muzzle her husband if she wants to promote peace.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Yes, when one recalls the various hostile remarks of Zara’s husband, talking of the BRF’s attitude toward Harry and wishing him bodily harm, one wonders why anyone would float Zara in the ‘peacemaker’ role with a straight face.

    • Inge says:

      Her husband the coward who was happy to discuss him in the media but cowered in a corner when Harry spoke to Zara at the Jubilee

    • Tessa says:

      Zara behaved rudely at Harry and Meghan’s wedding.

  2. Interested Gawker says:

    He really needs to shave that thing off.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      It really isn’t a good look for him, and frankly it makes him look desperate to be like Harry.

      W should shave it or just get some color in it so it doesn’t look so patchy. Does he actually look at himself in the mirror and say, “YES!” when he sees it?

    • Megan says:

      I really don’t get this length for a beard. It just looks like he was on a three day bender.

      • Becks1 says:

        I wonder if it would look less like that if he shaved the rest of his hair off?

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I feel a well shaped goatee could be an improvement and he could keep the sides of his head as they are. It’s the growth on his cheeks that makes him look scraggly, if he shaved his head it would highlight this triffling beard for the worse.

  3. Em says:

    Are we sure William isn’t sick? He looks like he’s lost weight but not in a healthy way

    • Interested Gawker says:

      William doesn’t look well, illness wouldn’t surprise me.

      I have a couple uncharitable theories…

  4. JayBlue says:

    I absolutely believe they all miss Harry, despite how much they act out against him now. Harry is beloved where ever he goes, and if William and chuck didn’t miss him so much they wouldn’t waste so much energy thinking (ie briefing the papers) about him.

    That’s not to say their relationship wasn’t completely dysfunctional, but you can definitely miss someone you think you hate and mistreated.

    • ShazBot says:

      But if they actually cared about him, they wouldn’t openly hate his wife so I guess they didn’t really ever care about him.

      • Tessa says:

        Other than Charles walking her down the aisle (for his PR benefit IMO), they did nothing about speaking to the media about the abusive articles they wrote about her. Charles could have stopped it.

      • Jan90067 says:

        @Tessa, Lizzie could’ve stopped the vultures as well, with just one phone call, at any time. But she chose not to. They were (are) all AFRAID to, in case the pack turns on THEM. Just saying, “Harry and Meghan are beloved members of the family,” was barely worth the energy it took to get the words out of her mouth.

        While we all know how much Harry (and M) love Liz, for me… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯…. I don’t think I could love a relative who could (help) stop people from attacking me and my family, and didn’t really lift a (significant) finger to do so. Blaming it on the “Grey Men” and courtiers is a cop-out. All Betty had to do, at ONE EVENT, is say on mic: “This is my grandson and my granddaughter/great-grandchild(red). This needs to stop. NOW.”

        Tell me THAT wouldn’t’ve made headlines and helped.

      • Tessa says:

        I agree. What I am not understanding is how she could not control William. She gave permission for Harry to marry Meghan but there was William going after Harry telling him to “slow down.”

    • Becks1 says:

      They absolutely all miss him, probably for various reasons. William misses his wingman, his scapegoat. Charles misses being able to use Harry’s popularity to boost his own. The other royals probably miss having someone around to take the brunt of William’s anger, or just to hang out with Harry (I mean who would you rather hang out with at Sandringham at christmas, william or harry?)

      It doesn’t mean that everyone in that family loved Harry for HARRY or that they loved Meghan, but they absolutely miss him.

  5. chatter says:

    This is just silly.
    William in a suit, changing a brand new tire as his “work” official duty?
    Just stop it. Stay home instead.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I had to learn to change a tire to my fathers satisfaction before I could even get a drivers license, so seeing this grown 🍑 man who has the life skills of an infant trying to change a tire in a room that is surgically cleaned, with every thing prepared and still turning it into an epic failure had me lmao 🤣 definitely not a “manly-man”🤣😂🤣

  6. s808 says:

    Does Zara know she’s trying to broker peace?

  7. Tessa says:

    Zara cannot broker “peace”. She is clearly on Huevo’s side and her behavior at Meghan and Harry’s wedding was “atrocious.” And isn’t her husband Mike, a “brother” to William?

  8. Jay says:

    Well, the media certainly misses writing about Harry – I think that’s what they really mean. And Zara is going to try to be “the peacemaker” now, huh? First, they tried to cast Kate as the greatest peacemaker, then it was the York girls who could finally achieve peace in our time, and now it’s Zara? They are really running out of young royal women who should make it their job to smooth out these men’s troubles, huh?

    • Jais says:

      Right? Kate the peacemaker has been replaced by Zara the peacemaker. Who’s up next in this game of name the newest peacemaker? Lady Louise? They tend to cast women but I think they’ve even floated Peter’s name before?

    • Becks1 says:

      Well, Kate can’t be the peacemaker because now we all know how she feels about Meghan and I thought Spare made it pretty clear that Harry views her as a nonentity in the family, besides her mean girl tendencies.

      So I guess Zara it is.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Didn’t they try to sell Louise as a “potential secret weapon” at one point, too? Only a matter of time before they throw her on the “peacemaker list”, probably with her mum.

  9. Tessa says:

    William’s face still looks dirty. Very sloppy looking. But people who fawn over him like Beckham probably tell him how “handsome” he looks in it.

    • EasternViolet says:

      Harry, who spent 18 hrs on a plane from the UK to Lesotho, emerges looking slightly rumpled and adorable.

  10. So we have a new peace maker. What happened to Can’t being the peace maker? As for Peg changing a tire well I guess he is trying to show how very manly he is? 😂😂

  11. Tessa says:

    That woman who is grinning at him as William talks may be laughing at the “beard.” and the jazz hands.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    It probably wasn’t a good idea to have this engagement on the same day that he had one with David Beckham. As for the firm missing Harry I believe that. He’s the only one who brings the attention and they want their scapegoat back. If Harry was still a working royal, William would not be doing engagements at all.

  13. Nanea says:

    Another example of the pros working for Harry’s brother being anything but pros.

    If they knew in advance there would be tire changing involved, they could at least have prepared Bulliam somehow, by making him watch 1 or 2 YT videos. No one expects perfection. If no one knew, Harry’s brother could have been honest, saying he’s all thumbs. But this was… clumsy and awkweird.

    As to the chavy Tindalls, the less said…

    • Laura D says:

      I agree @Nanea. Changing the tyre shouldn’t have been awkward for him it should have been fun! No-one really expects the FK to be able to change his own tyres as he has people do that sort of thing for him! Instead of trying to look like the “best tyre changer in the world” he could have turned it into a real fun engagement and laughed at himself when he was all “fingers and thumbs.” Again it goes back to how an unachievable level of expectation has been internalised by him because of the ridiculous pressures put on him by the institution. It’s times like these when I understand why Harry has great sympathy for his brother.

  14. Laura D says:

    OK I’m gonna get flamed but, here goes! This is the sort of thing William should be doing. He’s going to be king and therefore should be out and about meeting his future “subjects.” This is what QEII did all her life and the country respected her because of it. If William concentrated more on the bread and butter duties of being royal rather than trying to conquer the world he would be a lot happier (and the job a lot easier for him.) There are still enough monarchists in the UK for him to receive the adulation and respect he craves.

    Oh and as for Zara being a “peace maker.” Dear God please give me strength. I’m sure she gets on well with her cousins but, her Neanderthal husband has made his position quite clear!

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree generally – I don’t think the event itself is bad. I think changing the tire makes it a little too gimmicky and makes that the focus (not the organization) but the visit itself isn’t bad.

      But its back to what we’ve always said about these kinds of visits – if william wants to stick to these events, he needs to do a lot of them. He can’t cut two ribbons a year and think that’s enough. QEII was out and about on a regular basis, minus her winter and summer breaks, and even then at Balmoral she was still seen, still receiving leaders, etc.

      The issue is that William decided he didn’t want to do these bread and butter events so he was going to do “big” events and initiatives, but those are falling flat in terms of his involvement and recognition so now he seems to be kind of flailing.

    • JT says:

      I agree. William is not an ideas man, nor is he dedicated enough or hardworking enough to pull off something like IG, Sentabale, Travylist, etc. He is best suited to the bread and butter events that he seems to despise. If he would hunker down, give up his “global statesman coulda been an email dreams”, he could earn a lot of good will just being out and about with his “subjects.” That’s all the queen did and the British public respected her for it but his ego won’t allow him to accept that.

    • Tessa says:

      It’s very difficult I think for William to do “bread and butter” duties. It requires more work. He wants to be the global statesman so desperately, And that does require work too. But at least he does not have to work and do actual appearances, he can send out notices at how Great he is with those rewinds of the month. I don’t think William can ever be really happy until he gets therapy about how he deals with his brother (and wants to control him).

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        The thing is, I don’t think W understands that the whole statesman thing requires very hard work. I truly thing Huevo thinks he can just show up to “big” events his underlings organize for him, say a few things about how much he cares, and then get all the credit for whatever the “big” event is trying to solve.

        He’s so massively out of touch, and he has no one around him with the guts to say, “this is a bad look” (thinking specifically about the Boston Earthsh*t awards with the green carpet where they flew in celebs but not the winners and the whole over-the-top He’s Going to End Homlessness! announcement last year).

    • Penny says:

      Totally agree. If he’s going to be any kind of decent prince or king, he needs to be a stay-at-home prince or king supporting his “subjects” first.

  15. aquarius64 says:

    The BM is the one that misses Harry (and Meghan) and I think the government does too. The Windsors may not like too but the Sussexes bring the spotlight to brand Britain and those factions are clearly blaming the BRF. But until they get it in their heads that the Sussexes are are a package deal it’s not going to happen.

  16. Libra says:

    They don’t miss Harry. They don’t even know the real Harry. They miss basking in his glow, the excitement his presence generates. It elevated them all and now he’s gone.

    • JT says:

      There’s nothing quite like being in the presence of an extremely charismatic, charming person. Harry has it in spades. I personally think Harry was the glue holding the entire thing together, even more so the queen.

  17. Henny Penny says:

    I do believe William desperately misses his brother. But not out of love. William believed that he’d always have Harry to abuse in the way that Elizabeth had her sister Margaret. And if you’ve ever seen the picture of Elizabeth standing next to her broken-down, burnt-footed sister in a wheelchair, you’ll know what William had in store for Harry.

    And now William won’t have Harry to abuse and distract the press for him, and I’m certain he desperately misses that perk.

  18. olliesmom says:

    Well, c’mon. He changed a tire, but did he REALLY change a tire?

    We’re not talking changing out a dirty flat tire – trying to use a jack on the side of the road- hoping that you don’t get ran over – at night, in the rain or in the snow.

  19. QuiteContrary says:

    I love the expression on the face of the guy on the left in the third photo. I imagine he’s thinking, of William, “What a pillock! Why do we have to pretend this wanker can change a tire?”

  20. Nano says:

    William needs to shave off that beard, he looks dirty, like he hasnt taken a shower in weeks. He shoulda started growing that beard while he was not working til it got to a good length. It just looks awful. Maybe it’s just him.

    • Lau says:

      He seems weirdly happy with not growing it out more (or maybe it just doesn’t grow more lol) but it’s really ugly.

  21. Lau says:

    Him not being able to change a tire does not go well with his manly-man image, his team should have put him in front of a couple of Youtube tutorials beforehand.

  22. Linney says:

    It continues to blow my mind how much headspace Harry occupies in William’s giant head. Bottom line, whether you like Harry or not, no one can question he has a thousand times more charisma than William and is a people person unlike his idiot elder brother. Instead of resenting Harry for this, how about William lives a kind life and does the work he’s paid to do? Instead, he “seethes” and is “incandescent,” etc. What a fool. And I’m confused about Zara. Isn’t Kate the Peacemaker? Isn’t she the monarchy’s secret weapon? Isn’t she the saviour of everything good and beautiful? I guess that’s hard to accomplish when you have made it clear you are going to do less than nothing for the next twelve years….

  23. Vixxo says:

    The harder Harry and Meghan work the more the poor RF will be forced to counter the perception they are obsolete. Wilnot said he wouldn’t be doing any more work now he’s doing inane appearances to appear relevant

  24. Grant says:

    Y’all… the beard is not that bad. I’ve seen so many worse, patchy beards in my day, I think it actually kind of suits him.

  25. Charlie Foxtrot says:

    I’m watching the Aston Villa-Bayern Munich Champions League match. William is at the match, quel surprise. Does this count as work? (Aston Villa just scored and the cameras cut to him clenching his fists in joy.)

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