Princess Kate: Away from the ‘pressures of daily life,’ we can live with love & kindness

The Princess of Wales’s annual piano recital is scheduled for Friday. The “Together at Christmas” caroling show will be filmed at Westminster Abbey, and then aired on ITV on Christmas Eve. In years past, the event has not gotten any kind of high viewership, but it’s considered a success because everyone has agreed that this kind of busywork suits Kate, especially since Kensington Palace staffers are the ones largely organizing the whole mess. This year, Kate “wrote” a letter to carol-service attendees, and the royal reporters are trying to hype it.

The Princess of Wales has described the importance of “taking ourselves away from the pressures of daily life” and finding “space to live”, as she gradually returns to public duties after cancer treatment. Before hosting her annual Together at Christmas carol service for 1,600 guests at Westminster Abbey on Friday, Kate has written to people who will attend smaller, community carol services across the country in the coming weeks.

In the emotional letter, which uses the word “love” 11 times, she said that when people can “stop” for a moment — as she has done this year while receiving treatment — they can find the time to live with “an open heart, with love, kindness and forgiveness”.

Since completing her chemotherapy in the summer, after being diagnosed with cancer at the start of the year and taking several months away from public life, Kate, 42, has signalled that her recovery is ongoing and her return to public duties will continue to be gradual.

At her carol service on Friday, she will be joined by the Prince of Wales and, it is thought, their three children, Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6, who all attended last year.

In the letter, sent to guests attending 15 nationwide services in locations including Aberdeen, Cornwall, Northern Ireland and Wales, Kate wrote: “It [Christmas] is a time for celebration and joy, but it also gives us the opportunity to slow down and reflect on the deeper things that connect us all.

“It is when we stop and take ourselves away from the pressures of daily life, that we find the space to live our lives with an open heart, with love, kindness and forgiveness.”

[From The Times]

The thing that sort of kills me about Kate and Charles in particular using the language of WASP Christianity is that they do not give two f–ks aout love, kindness or forgiveness and we’ve seen that in abundance in the past decade. Kate is a racist mean girl who openly worried about the skin color of her mixed-race nephew. Kate is the same person who launched a years-long character assassination on a sister-in-law. And don’t get me started on the privilege of “take ourselves away from the pressures of daily life.” Ol’ girl has done a half-dozen work events in the past twelve months, what “pressures of daily life”?

The Times also confirmed other details about the Christmas caroling thing – William will give a reading, as will Adam Peaty, Richard E. Grant, Sophie Okonedo and Michelle Dockery.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar, Cover Images.

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103 Responses to “Princess Kate: Away from the ‘pressures of daily life,’ we can live with love & kindness”

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  1. somebody says:

    So no comments from the media about how entitled she sounds? Does she not realize that most people can’t take themselves out of the pressures of daily life like she can? She is sounding like Will now. It’s like she believes this one carol service is supposed to cure all ills. Until she acknowledges her crimes against Meghan and apologizes, she can lose me with “love and kindness”. And here we go with the new buzzword “empathy” again.

    • Xantha says:

      She and William really are made for each other once you give it some thought: Selfish, vain, lazy racist assholes.

      • Swaz says:

        I think they’re perfectly matched 😎 two airheads, dull and boring 😑

      • She doesn’t know the meaning of kindness and love. She is nothing more than a gold digging mean girl who wanted a crown. What she got is a life of luxury and doesn’t know the pressure of daily life she has nannies and maids and cooks who deal with her “daily life”. The only pressure that I believe she has is Peg wants out and he will take the crown with him.

      • Convict says:

        Of course they are “made for each other”, that’s why he married her, even if they make one another miserable. 😉

        Well said @Susan Collins.

      • StarWonderful says:


  2. HeatherC says:

    Spoken like a woman who has never had to work a day in her life. I’m glad my tax dollars don’t go to this self serving exercise in “I’m better than you but I am oh so keen to look like I care.”

    • Maxine Branch says:

      Little 5 year old Archie could probably do a better piano recital an write a better letter than this mess.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      This girl rubs me the wrong way whenever she tries to work. Everything seems off and disconnected from reality

    • Convict says:

      It was a huge mistake for the late Queen to not tell William that no permission for marriage would be forthcoming unless Kate had a proper, real job. The fake one she had at PP shouldn’t have met the criteria.

      Both QEII and Anne knew what Kate was about and how lazy she was.

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    This woman makes me want to vomit..

  4. Carol Mengel says:

    Standard issue Hallmark Christmas card. Who writes this nonsense?

  5. Lili says:

    Ah poor Sophie! brilliant actor, saw her recently in a play absolutley briiliant performance. because no one said it surround yourself with brilliant people therefore you are brilliant too. This is definitley a KP move bring in others to prop them up

  6. Roo says:

    They cannot miss any opportunity to be tone deaf, can they? Their own citizens are worried about paying for housing, heating, and food amidst rising costs and this douchebag princess keeps reminding everyone of her enormous privilege and wealth.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      Well there’s the problem right there, if they’d listened to Khate they would’ve “taken themself away from the pressures of everyday life”- problem solved.

      • AnnaG says:

        They are always serving such a word salat that I want to add „whatever that means”.

        Katie Keen is so stupid she is even lacking self awareness to know she needs a competent speech/letter writer, who is still in touch with reality. She wants to be Meghan, who writes her own letters but simply cannot.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @MY3CENTS – Not easy when you are freezing to death because you can’t afford to put the heating on.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Yes – give yourself some me time. What a novel idea! I’m sure struggling folks everywhere will find this message inspiring as they wait in line for handouts or shiver in the cold because they couldn’t pay their bills. I guess we will continue to wait for them to discover income inequality and then that it’s caused by corporate greed. Oh wait – that won’t matter because that’s how they get their money and it’s not like they solve problems. They just point the problems out like they are the only ones who notice them. It’s like people in work meetings who repeat what someone else said in order to make themselves look like they are contributing.

  7. Jazz Hands says:

    Wasn’t Willnot also supposed to do a reading at the memorial service for his godfather?

  8. Dee(2) says:

    Her and her husband have a special knack for taking things that should connect you to a very wide audience, and somehow being completely tone deaf about it. All problems aren’t financial, so even wealthy and privileged people should be able to empathize in a way that seems sincere and they just can’t do it. It always comes across so patronizing, in a way that even the other royals that I don’t feel like are just bursting with empathy just don’t have.

    • Eurydice says:

      What is so completely tone deaf is that the “pressures of daily life” Kate is talking about is the royal life. Harry and Meghan got away from the pressures of royal life for their own health and sanity and are now living with love and kindness, but they’re considered traitors for doing so.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yeah, there is a big disconnect between Kate and William and the public they claim to serve. There’s a lack of – dare I say – empathy, or something. Like throughout the past year Kate has never once acknowledged her privilege, and neither has William. He talked about how this is the hardest year of his life, but doesn’t talk about how his family privilege meant they had access to the best oncology care in the world, he and his wife were able to just not work for months on end and focus on their children, etc. And same here – Kate is talking about the “pressures of daily life” but she barely worked before this and this year her work schedule was a joke, and it looks like it will continue to be a joke going forward.

      Money does not take care of all issues, and something like cancer can be eye opening even for the most privileged because you realize your money only protects you from so much.

      But it feels like even Kate’s cancer became a mark of her privilege, IDK. Like she took it as an opportunity to avoid work, frolic on the beach, etc.

      • Nic919 says:

        They are both malignant narcissists which is upheld by the corrupt royal rota system. William made his wife’s health issues about himself and Kate spent more time doing promotional videos and photo shoots than anything relating to “royal work”.

        The fact that the most commonly used photo was her hugging Liz Hattion, but all you see is Kate’s big head shows they don’t care about anyone but themselves. They could have easily provided photos that only featured Liz prominently.

      • Convict says:

        The impersonal tweet in relation to this poor girl’s death left me cold. Rather than say, ‘We are so very sad’, it was ‘It is sad …’. They are hopeless and so is the staff member who composed this.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Kate lacks self-awareness.

    • Camomile says:

      The way she centres herself every single time. Same with Peggy. It’s all about them. Narcissism run amok.

      • Convict says:

        Yes; the standing ovation at Wimbledon stands out like a sore thumb. The narcissism is off the charts. It’s the oldest tennis championship in the history of the sport, yet for Kate, it’s all about her *shakes head*

  10. First comment says:

    I would love to stop and take away from daily pressures!!! I’d really love, love, love it!!! Is my comment emotional enough or should I just repeat a few more times the word “love”?

  11. Eurydice says:


  12. Nanea says:

    FakeyKatie Missington wouldn’t last a day if she had to deal with any kind of pressure, especially with the pressure of doing her job (at all, much less well).

    She has no idea about love or kindness either, but she’s a champion of being entitled, lazy and a grifter.

    And apparently several phrases from “her” letter were borrowed from things Meghan has written. Too bad for the Left-Behinds that the Sussex Squad always come with receipts.

  13. Inge says:

    Is she suggesting we should all get cancer so that we can ‘stop’ take time to live?

    Anyway with ‘she’ I mean her team I never believe she writes any of this stuff she just signs like for the concentration camp guest book.

  14. Alwyn says:

    This is the first and only time I’m looking forward to this concert. For an entire year Kate has been portrayed as a stoic invalid bravely facing the effects of cancer and preventative chemo. From the breezy ball girl at Wimbledon to the haggard Remembrance Day woman in black (not forgetting her carefree cover girl performance in the ‘out damn, cancer!” video), I’m curious to see which Kate will appear.

    • Tessa says:

      I don’t even want to look at her especially the fake piano playing

      • Convict says:

        She apparently had lessons prior. The absolute audacity to spend that much time and money getting lessons to make this event all about her.

      • Tessa says:

        Imo she is too lazy for lessons. There was another person playing in the background and a singer who drowned out the sound of they keys she plunked

  15. Tessa says:

    Clearly Kate does not practice what ahe preaches. Maybe a,photo of her glaring at Kate and ignoring baby Archie would suffice. Others in the world can’t avoid work like Kate who always was lazy. She needs to stop pretending to play piano.

  16. Lala11_7 says:

    Insert: Older Black Woman staring .gif 🤬

  17. chlo says:

    I’m sorry, but the “dear guest” at the beginning is sending me 💀
    Will the name of each person attending and her signature at least be handwritten? If yes, they could have shown one of those letter because…
    If not, lmao at the idea of her ‘personal and heartfelt’ letter beginning with “dear guest”. I’ve received black friday spams warmer in tone than this 😂

    • Debbie says:

      I know what you mean, the daily flyers one receives in the mail at least have our names on them. I remember learning how to do mail sorting when I was learning about word-processing. These people are so incompetent or is it that they just didn’t have enough money for it, to quote Charles.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Pretty sure ‘dear guest’ is it, the final product. So much love, so much empathy.

    • Kittenmom says:

      I recently got a Jehovah’s Witness recruiting letter that was more personal than this 😹

  18. Gracie says:

    I think it’s part a forgiveness for her – by taking herself away from the little work she was doing, she’s a new (kinder) person, part usual “see it’s just this easy” typical tone. Thing is, plenty of people embody these qualities despite living with the challenges of daily life. I genuinely don’t understand how they never miss an opportunity to hit a bad note.

  19. Noor says:

    One word…platitudes. Empathy, love, compassion become empty jargons without direct measures like doing something to fund, for example, pensioners winter fuel subsidy. So naturally Kate’s concert message is not well received in the midst of cost of living crisis

  20. ML says:

    Credit where credit is due: I appreciate the Times counting the word “love” occurring eleven times in Kate’s letter. The author sounded snarkily aghast by that.

    Interesting that William is taking active part in this by doing a reading. This is a change from the past, no?

    Someone mentioned that Kate, who’s rather boring, becomes incredibly interesting and shines when she’s absent. I forget who said/ wrote that, but I agree with parts of it. There might be more interest in K’s Christmas Carolefest, because she’s been de-tiara’ed and semi-benched.

    • Blujfly says:

      They are taking advantage of her cancer diagnosis and an Olympic year to snare more celebrities. One can only ask why Kate must suffer things directly to care about their impact.

    • Convict says:

      Obviously, the PR strategy is to take the heat off and to rebut the marriage-in-trouble rumours. W is playing ball 🎱 It has been confirmed that they’re spending Xmas together too. I can’t see a divorce announcement as imminent.

      • Lady Digby says:

        @Convict I agree Will can’t ditch his wife now without looking like a heel. The September Hallmark video was designed to refute rumours about the marriage. However it isn’t convincing as a reset if Will continue to ice out his own wife in public.

      • Convict says:

        @LD: he’s definitely fighting it in public, letting it be known that he’s displeased with the current state of affairs. He cares not what the public thinks, but is doing what he’s told to do, hence why he looks so angry and aggrieved IMO.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Yes, remember how they rolled their eyes at Bishop Curry’s “love” sermon, during Meghan’s and Harry’s wedding? Look who’s taken a page from the same playbook, now.

  21. Kingston says:

    U hv to marvel at the extent of the deviousness of the RF. I mean….theyve been perfecting this skill for over 1000yrs now but consider……..recall how they systematically & relentlessly whittled away the duties of the global superstar POW, Princess Diana, after the separation. How they undermined & sabotaged her efforts to keep working, such tht she had to publicly announce tht she was forced to stop working.

    The current POW has no initiatives of her own, so the Machiavellians don’t hv to sabotage her “work.” Instead, their task now is to dole out a little “work” here and a little “work” there while they feverishly strategize behind the scenes, working against time, to find the best way to get rid of her before it’s time to crown the new king.

  22. Mads says:

    F**k this hypocritical b***h and KP – and, yes, this is trolling too by using phrases reminiscent of Meghan’s observations in the Africa ITV interview about living and not just surviving. Meg was absolutely vilified for using the same language; this makes me so angry 😤
    On the plus side, the comments under Roya Nikkah’s post were overwhelmingly negative

    • Libra says:

      I read the post but there was no comment section. Would love to read them.

      • Jan90067 says:

        I saw the comments yesterday; ALL were brutal! It’s like the “curtain” has *finally* been pulled back, and they’re seeing the fakery behind it.

      • Convict says:

        Ha, @ Jan: I was just thinking that the ‘curtain has been pulled back’, the public is no longer buying what the Windsors are selling. It worked whilst the late QEII was alive because she had dignity and a true sense of duty, as far as royals go.

        I’ll give Charles a pass because he is clearly very ill. But his heir refuses to step up, citing the excuse that his wife is ill. So that makes him unable to work all year in earnest, but is always up for hanging around celebrities. It is never reported on nor explained whatever what his 60+ staff do all day, whilst he is doing very little, all being funded by public assets (Duchy of Cornwall).

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Mads – I’ve just looked at the article in the Times and there are only a couple of negative comments out of a total of 27. Has The Times been deleting the negative ones?

  23. wolfmamma says:

    I’m elderly, live alone, have few friends, am financially insecure and yet, I choose to be kind every day to all.
    Get a grip, Kate. Kindness is a choice – not something you pull out of your pocket whenever it’s convenient.

    • Kingston says:

      This is exactly in the same vein as Bully when he talked about: “throwing in a bit of empathy in there” because it means so much to HIM……not the recipients of this largesse, right? But HIM.

      These fvckrs are not only tone deaf but they make you wanna believe the folks who think they’re cold-blooded reptiles playing at being human.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Wolfmamma I love your chosen name and I enjoy reading your pithy comments.One of the saddest DM comments under one of their Kate is brave articles was from someone the same age as Kate who also had cancer. They had no close friends and friends to help them cope but they were mainly concerned about who would look after their dog if they didn’t get well. They were acknowledged and supported by kind and yes, empathetic responses. Tabloids and Kate’s PR need to consider and acknowledge her privilege: not everybody this Christmas is blessed with her advantages and maybe struggling alone to cope with ill health, financial insecurity and yes who is going to take care of their much loved pet if they no longer can. Please Kate give a large donation to charity to those who help people with cancer and also cancer research to help others.

      • Convict says:

        @LD: they are being badly advised if they don’t want to acknowledge their privilege. Perhaps they think, in their infinite, flawed wisdom, that such acknowledgement would shine a light on their unearned privilege and the disparity between them and their subjects.

        They think people are stupid, which, apparently many are. This tracks with their general idiotic messages of “we are just like you doing the school run!”

    • Convict says:

      Wishing you well, Wolfmamma. I think struggle, to whatever degree, drives true compassion and empathy. We can relate. Having life made too easy makes one devoid of understanding o life for 99% of the world’s inhabitants. When one’s life has been one huge, privileged party, it may be impossible. Ironically, W has known greater struggle than Kate.

    • Jaded says:

      I think it was CS Lewis who said, about ‘integrity’: “Integrity is doing something good even when no one is watching.” You could easily switch out ‘integrity’ with ‘kindness’, neither of which attributes the performative BRF has or practices.

      Wishing you well @Wolfmama.

    • Cassie says:

      Beautifully said and I totally agree with you .
      It’s not hard to be kind and caring .
      Treat people how you would like to be treated , simple really .

  24. ThatGirlThere says:

    Pressures of daily life from a person who doesn’t work and never has. Do not come at me with her PT retail job. She and her husband are two of the laziest lowercase (r) royals in that bunch. She’s so embarrassing.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      Dont forget the pressures of every day life SlumLordWilly is putting his tenants through.
      Elderly are freezing in his uninsulated homes! But that’s ok, we’ll send them hood thoughts!

  25. SarahCS says:

    I’m sure the people working multiple jobs and living with high levels of financial insecurity will appreciate her words of wisdom here. It’s as good as her advice on parenting.

    How do they get it SO wrong every time? A woman who never ‘worked’ talking about the importance of time out? How is this not a bad fake?

    • sunnyside up says:

      Two small children and a full time job to put food on the table, how do you take a time out?

  26. Jais says:

    Taking a break from the pressures of daily life. What a let them eat cake moment. Jeez.

    • Convict says:

      In fairness, dealing with W daily must be a struggle … not to mention depriving oneself of food all day when it is in abundance …

      • sunnyside up says:

        Perhaps if she ate a bit more she would have more energy to do some work.

      • Convict says:

        True; but I think her entire world revolves around herself and remaining married to Will. Her kids are likely more important because they are HRH, though I wouldn’t suggest she doesn’t love them. It’s just that IMO she loves them more because of their exalted status from birth.

  27. kelleybelle says:

    Looks like someone needs some good press. Gee, I wonder why? Anything and everything out of her mouth is hollow and dishonest. She’s just an irritation these days.

  28. Steph says:

    This is one of the most disgustingly tone deaf things I have ever seen the BRF do publicly. Even super privileged ppl can’t really do this bc they still have to ensure an income, they aren’t being paid for by tax payers.
    How many hands approved this letter before it went out? Someone needs to tell Kate the opps are in her house.

  29. monlette says:

    Preaching “an open heart, with love, kindness and forgiveness.” Funny, because she showed none of these to Meghan while she was struggling to adapt to royal life. But I can see how she would want them for herself.

  30. tamsin says:

    This “letter” is nauseating for its hypocrisy. William and Kate are self-centered, narcissistic, and tone-deaf both from temperament and up-bringing. Who is Kate to speak of love and kindness? Perhaps she should show it instead of having her staff write about it. The whole thing drips of hypocrisy and privilege. Repeating the word love so many times in this word salad just removes the power of the word and ends up making the reader feel beaten over the head and being preached at.

  31. Tarte au Citron says:

    Does she even realise how protected she is. :-/
    Anyone else would have been ripped to shreds in the for skiving off work as much as she does, but nobody says anything publicly.

    • Convict says:

      Absolutely @ Tarte au Citron! I was just referring to the workshy Princess of Wales to my mum yesterday. I mentioned that it’s not open for me to just take time off prior to Christmas to deal with family being sick because I’m not Kate Middleton. I have to provide evidence if I want time off work – and it isn’t as long as I’d like. In fact, for many people, it is busier than ever now before the holidays.

      @Beanie: exactly; she does next to nothing now. But this was always predictable. I remember when they were just dating and her fans defended her lack of work by stating that she was a private citizen, her parents were funding her (not taking public money that was known), so it was none of our business. But they failed to see how such entitlement and laziness was foreboding for her coveted future role, the one she would have done anything for. We are seeing the results now. I think if she’d had a decent work history prior to marrying in, more would have given her a pass, the way Charles has been. But she’s been lazy her entire, coddled, privileged adult life.

  32. BeanieBean says:

    I read that & thought, what does she slow down from???? She’s already living her life at a snail’s pace! And Kaiser left out all the ’empathy’ references; that’s their word of the day! Gotta throw a little empathy in there! 🙄

  33. Lau says:

    Are those “pressures of daily life” currently in the room with us, Kate ?

  34. Kat says:

    I dislike this woman even more now.I have never met her but can see how self centred she is.
    She comes across to me as being very spoiled and protected.I do not think that is her fault as she was pampered and spoilt by her parents before she met William. She has never known what it is like to earn a living, Mummy and Daddy kept her in idleness and luxury all her life until the tax payer took over.
    The sycophants are always describing her as having such a beautiful smile, well she has plenty to smile about.
    She reminds me of a precious fragile piece of bone china, very pretty to look at but easily broken.To be put into a display cabinet and only brought out on special occasions, then handled with the utmost care.
    She will do her carol concert, so hard having to pretend to play a piano, then put away until she is next on show.Too delicate to do any work.

    • Convict says:

      Well said Kat. But I think Kate was spoilt more by her parents because she was dating William. They saw how broken he was and were gold medal opportunists. They were determined, at all costs, to ensure Kate got the ring. Working before engagement was absolutely forbidden. She had to be “on call” 24/7, or let’s face it, William would have found another woman.

      The Middleton parents never taught any of their offspring a work ethic. But I think they may have had Kate not caught William’s eye. It was a family effort to reel him in and reap the rewards.

      • Kat says:

        Thankyou CONVIICT
        You are right about her parents
        She may have got some sort of a job if she had “ not saved herself for William”
        Lucky for her that her parents could afford to keep her.
        Ma Middleton certainly did her best there

  35. wildrose says:

    Absolute vomit inducing material. Away from the pressures? Really WTF? This pampered, primped, self-gratifying person just has no clue about Real Life. The people (Homeless) dying in the streets the same day that this self-indulgent letter hit the front page of the DM.

    As usual it is all about mrs wails – kate. No matter how long the letter is or the words written it all comes back to being about kate.

    This of course is while she is Trying to convince herself as she dances with the butterflies and mosquitos that she (or the rest of her tribe) gives a damn. Not in this Century or the Next ten will there be any place that this fairytale will be believable in any way.

    Personally, I never thought that I would say that I was heartily ashamed of being a member of a Commonwealth Country. Though half a world away this obnoxious primped woman with her equally self-indulgent and entitled absentee husband are Never going to be King and Queen Consort in my name.

    The start of my generation had a belief, swore allegiance to and respected the “Crown” however, in the last 25 years, especially when the Toxic Two grafted themselves on to the myrtle bush which is Sacrosanct for wedding bouquets in their butterfly and mosquito infested world – the British Royal Family have thoroughly beaten any form of allegiance out of me and many others.

    I cannot stand looking at the simpering, fake concerned and of course the pure venomous eyes when challenged, 42 year old person who has probably compiled a book on “How to do nothing with your life – marry then live off everyone else” and of course get away with it while wearing the next shade of the colour wheel Coat Dress that takes her fancy and pretending to be interested in someone other than herself.

    This circus has got to end. I mean no offence to anyone who believes in these two however Bill and his Mrs have destroyed my respect in the institution.

    Credit where credit is due though – the European Royals (branches of the same Myrtle Bush thanks to Queen Victoria) run rings around this pair.

    Well we waited ….. to see how the game would play out with mrs wails and it is obvious to me that the waiting was not worth the wait.

    • Convict says:

      Well said wild rose. I’m also in a Commonwealth Realm. But I will say that the Norwegian crown prince married a flake and the Danish King is just as lazy, entitled and self-absorbed as Will. Only the Swedish and Spanish royal families have my respect.

      This was all so foreseeable, IMO. I always knew Kate would be a bad choice. You can only cover for such a grifting family as the Middeltons for so long.

  36. Tanisha says:

    What I hope is black, mixed-race, and brown Brits will start saying no to these invitations (Sophie O.) as we know these people are only invited because the BRF is trying not to appear racist.

  37. QuiteContrary says:

    Chatbot would like the world to know that it had nothing to do with composing that crappy letter.

  38. Jennifer says:

    Even when she doesn’t audibly speak Mumblina Middleton persisted on.

    What the actual hell?? She’s really in her hippie, bohemian bag. I assume with it being winter her text video will be her catching one single, perfect snowflake as it falls and then she asks us all to “step back from life and walk with her hand in hand.”

    Instead of having some sort of lavish adult piano recital, that gives children’s piano recital. Say Mumblina I know I’m a lowly yank but how about you, AT BARE MINIMUM fully stock a food kitchen, every day for the whole month and into January and actually GO AND SERVE people in need, instead of, again, an exclusive “event” that will not help those in the UK heat their homes or feed themselves or the people they love.

    You know, just to try this whole WORKING ROYAL thingmajig out. Since, apparently you’re going to be Queen some day. OR has that plan been changed??