Barbra Streisand insists on more than one line in “We Are The World” remake

There were 81 artists involved in the remake of “We are The World” to benefit Haiti. They brought an army of staff with them to the recording studio. At the original recording in 1985, producers were so aware of entitlement issues with that group that there was a sign at the entrance that said “Check Your Ego at the Door.” One musician that couldn’t leave her ego behind this time was Barbra Streisand. EW reports that Streisand was given a key line to sign from the chorus but that it wasn’t enough for her and she complained:

By 6 p.m., the choir had run through the chorus at least a dozen times, and took a ten-minute break that turned into 45. On a large screen set up in the courtyard, the masses of personal assistants and publicists and managers lingering during the session (and the civilians who’d gathered on the street outside the complex) were treated to a live feed of Streisand recording the same line over and over and over and over. For the record, it was “There’s a choice we’re making / We’re saving our own lives / It’s true we’ll make a better day / Just you and me.” “I didn’t come all this way to sing one line,” Babs said at one point; they then allowed her to vamp some improvisations over the chorus. Other acts pulled out to sing solo lines were Bieber (riffing on the chorus melody in his earnest teensy way), Groban (“We can’t go on / pretending day by day…” as well as providing what he called “the token classical note of the vamp”), and Dion, who was coached by Lionel Richie to let her inner gospel diva out. “You’re honored that they pick you for the hardest part of the song, but at the same time it gives you a lot of pressure, so thanks a lot,” she joked. “The rhythm was changed a little bit and I so wanted to make it perfect. They played the track, and on my right shoulder, Lionel Richie. I was like, ‘I think I’m in good hands.’”

[From EW via Tabloid Prodigy]

Give me a break. I get that Streisand is a legend in the industry, and that she was the buzz at the Clive Davis pre Grammy party. Recording a song for charity isn’t about getting the most exposure possible, but I guess that’s hard for Streisand to grasp. It’s all about her and how far she traveled for her trouble.

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38 Responses to “Barbra Streisand insists on more than one line in “We Are The World” remake”

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  1. SammyHammy says:

    That’s just exactly the kind of behavior I would expect from her.

  2. Kevin says:

    I have pitied James Brolin for a very long time. They are the senior Nick and Mariah in my eyes.

  3. ann says:

    And just who is this Barbra Streisand you speak of? Never heard of her.

  4. Who Cares says:

    Unfortunately, this doesn’t surprise me at all. She’s been a diva bitch for years. I’m sure that it’s totally beyond her comprehension that anyone is as or more talented than her.

  5. Dorothy says:

    Um HELLO! it is Barbara Streisand!!!!! They should give her what ever the heck she wants!!!!!!

  6. Popcorny says:

    Um HELLO, it’s a collaborative effort to benefit HAITI -not Babs the baffoon.

  7. Leticia says:

    Kevin, that is funny!

  8. Obvious says:

    @Dorothy-Barbara is that you? shall I lay down the golden carpet and have the fairies bring you your robe?

  9. Jules says:

    Nothing like making a charitable act all about yourself, right?

  10. rreedy says:

    It isn’t about HER. Is her ego that screwed up? She has a beautiful voice but she personally grates on the nerves.

  11. Dorothy says:

    Yes Obvious I would like that!

  12. Seer says:

    Why has Barbra Streisand always been so obsessed with perfection? She’s always bringing it up! Is she compensating for something? I don’t know if it’s something you want to brag about. Did you ever see The Mirror Has Two Faces? I thought it was pathetic. There’s a scene where she’s putting food onto her fork and she gleams with pride and says: “The perfect bite” And then in interviews they brag about what perfectionist she is. I wonder if she’s unbalanced or suffers from a TERRIBLE inferiority complex.

    I like her though. She is amazingly talented, and she appears to have the ego to match. Yikes!

  13. Anna says:

    Hasn’t she become very private to the point of agoraphobic in the past decades? If that’s the case, maybe what seems like ego-pushing and wanting special treatment is just her (granted, negative) way of coping with having to be away from home in a crowded room.

    Though it is true that she had some scheduled concerts here last year (or was it 08, not sure anymore) and the ticket prices were so high (between $700-1000) that people were outraged and they had a hard time filling the venues. But again, this might be her way of trying to get out of having to travel and be exposed. Must be hard being who she is, with her kind of talent and what I’m sure is a fondness for performing if at the same time, she has agoraphobia issues or doesn’t feel good in crowds anymore.

  14. snowball says:

    Barbra Streisand being bitchy, difficult, arrogant and entitled?

    That’s like saying water is wet. She’s a diva in the worst possible sense of the word. What moron invited her to participate?

  15. lucy2 says:

    What a surprise.
    I don’t get this sort of behavior – if you don’t want to go and be an equal part of the group, stay home.

  16. masonwasp says:

    It’s the old Zen koan: what’s the sound of one hand patting itself on the back?

    The entire concept of We are the World is self-aggrandizing, so why are we surprised when celebrities are singled out for it?

    What I really want to know is who they’re supporting with this song? Do we know what charity our money is going to? What services will this charity provide with the money being raised? Who is monitoring it? And who, ultimately, will be accountable if the money isn’t spent well?

    None of the celebrities, obviously, but at least they feel good about themselves.

  17. L says:

    Wasn’t she a significant enough singer (and more relevant at the time)during the original making to have been included? And yet she wasn’t. She looks out of place amoung today’s collective group.

  18. Simplicity says:

    “I am the world,” Streisand personified.

    (not about you babs)

  19. Kevin says:

    Babwhaaaaa! and SJP should have a foot race. I bet one would win by a nose!!! May the best horse win!!

  20. gen says:

    2 Babs stories.
    1. Saw her at a used clothing store buying a fur. >:o(
    2. I know a contractor who was working on her house & when he was done, she wouldn’t pay him.

    • Steve says:

      There are hundreds of contractors she has never paid over the years, going all the way back to her days with Jon Peters. I used to love Barbra, but not anymore. Even when she is not the producer or director of a film or tv show, she tries to control everything. Doesn’t she realize she’s just hired help, and can be replaced? Actually, getting fired would be just what she deserves–a good dose of reality.

  21. EMV says:

    I think I recognize maybe 20 people in that crowd…where are the real celebs?

  22. gg says:

    Her face looks freaky as hell in that picture with Clive.

  23. Ruffian9 says:

    Ok Babs: How does no lines sound? Buh bye.

  24. Raven says:

    UGH!! I so can’t stand her. Who the hell does she think she is anyway? Plus she so old and OVER. No one gives a crap about her anymore.

  25. Leek says:


  26. Sarcasma says:

    LOL @ Popcorny – Bab the baffoon indeed!

  27. kimberly says:

    I know it’s for Haiti relief but why do a remake? Seriously. I mean they didn’t remake “Voices that Care” from the 1st desert storm when we started Round 2 in Iraq. Or at least do “Heal the World”! How lazy are hollywood people???

    As for “Babs” . . .why is she being a bitch?

    Whatever I’m not going to get the single anyways, so it doesn’t matter.

  28. John Loren says:

    If she did ask for additional vocals, she was only expecting what stars of her stature got in the original (listen to how many times Michael Jackson comes back for more). What’s more likely? There have always been horrible defamating rumors about her — that she said staff were not allowed to look at her?!!?? — all proven false by anyone that actually worked with her in the past.

  29. vince says:

    First of all, it is a lie that she wanted more lines. As for all you detractors, you should be thrilled to be living at the same time as the greatest talent on the planet with the most glorious voice. But, alas, none of you are worthy or qualified to lick the soles of Barbra’s Stuart Weitzman pumps. GFY’s.

  30. Kevin says:

    Vince those jorts make your ass look fat girlfriend!

  31. king decena says:

    To all detractor of Ms. Barbra Streisand. Shut up your mouth and go to hell. Ms. Streisand is Ms. Streisand you should give her due respect. to tell you the truth, we are lucky enough to convinced her to be a part of this remake. The lady wants to help Haiti and don’t put color on it. Remember, the very purpose of this gathering is to raise money for the needy people. I hope all of you will behave accordingly and respect each other.

  32. king decena says:

    You Ann, you are out of this world, you said you dont know Barbra Streisand? then go to hell throw your self on fire.

  33. Kaz says:

    Why is it that no matter what Barbra does, there’s always someone ready to come out of the woodwork and say she’s evil/big headed/difficult?

    If she was as bad as people say, then nobody would work with her. And there are people who not only worked with her, but did it more than once, for example, Barry Gibb, Omar Shariff, Ryan O’Neil, Ray Stark.

    And when The Sun (I think) wrote a stoy slagging her off during the filming of Yentl, the entire cast wrote an open letter defending her.

    She’s a talented lady who works hard to get what she wants and people mistake the care and attention to detail for something bad. Methinks a man wouldn’t get as much hassle as she does.

  34. Doug says:

    To clarify the ridiculous assertions relating to Barbra Streisand’s participation in the new “We Are The World,” the recording of which I attended with her, Barbra hit it on her first take, but then asked Patti Austin, who was producing the vocal session, if she could do a few more to see what else she might come up with. Patti thought the first take was perfect, and she thought the fourth one was more perfect. They stopped at “more perfect.”

    —Jay Landers / SVP A&R Columbia Records.

    I don’t think Barbra Streisand needs people to go around defending her but when I read long threads like this, it makes me so sad to see what has become of the internet. When the web was first introduced I was afraid that people would use it to spread rumors and now I see it every day and its a bummer.

  35. Matt says:

    Stop your bitching. Other reports say this isn’t the case. Obviously from other reports the other stars in the song enjoyed spending time with her.

  36. Roderick Koh says:

    I am sure Babra did not make it sound bitchy…heh we want her in, i am sure we knew what she is like and i dont mind at all as long Babs is there, i will do anything, because it is always more than a pleasure for her to grace any event, that is how I see it, the rest of us, I think we spend too much time bitching at her! She is good, like it or not she is dam good!

  37. Gallardo123 says:

    That was pretty funny reading all your posts. The thing is, whether you like Streisand or not she is STILL in the news making headlines 45 years later and still making no. 1 records – Damn! I think people really like to talk about her, whether it’s good or bad because she is so hugely successful and considered by most to have the greatest voice. Regardless, I think these “stories” are fabricated. We are a celebrity obsessed society and I guess who better to be obsessed with other than the “greatest star”.