Keith Urban: Nicole Kidman is my muse


I never really know what to make of Keith Urban. I really have no opinion of him in general, but I often find myself rolling my eyes at some of the cheesy, over-the-top things he says, especially about his wife, Nicole Kidman. That being said, I do think he loves Nicole. I think he adores her, and I think a lot of the cheese is probably real – meaning that he honestly sees that frozen face and thinks “my muse”. Oh yes. That’s how Keith is describing her in a special “Country Music edition” of People Magazine:

Nicole Kidman may play many roles – actress, mother, wife – but for husband Keith Urban there’s another that’s equally important: muse.

“It’s been a profound impact [on my songwriting] to meet somebody who offered me a life and helped me become the person I wanted to be,” Urban, 42, tells PEOPLE Country for its March issue.

As Urban tells it, sometimes Kidman’s influence is literal. Take “My Heart Is Open,” a track from his 2009 Defying Gravity album. “My wife and I had been out a couple of times and I wondered how she felt about me,” he says, describing the song’s inspiration. “It came out as, ‘How is your heart?’ She said, ‘It’s open.’ ”

Says Urban, “My God, what a beautiful answer.”

Kidman, also 42, has also helped her husband through dark times, including a stint in Betty Ford Center for his alcohol addiction, and the Aussie singer says that, and the birth of his daughter Sunday Rose in 2008, has opened him up.

“I felt the power of love in all its phases,” he says. “There was an expansion of color and joy.”

As for daughter Sunday, there’s the possibility that she could be just as much of a muse for Urban as her mother. “The next few months will be all about writing,” he says. “I don’t know how she’s going to be a part of that yet.” But, he adds, she’s already given him “a new joy, a new sense of purpose.”

[From People]

Are you gagging a little? I am. But it is sweet, and it must be cool for Nicole to be with a guy who adores her so much that he doesn’t mind being this cheesy in public. Lainey Gossip is also ringing the “he’s a cheater” bell, and he may be, but I’ll also buy that maybe he’s trying or has tried to tone down his womanizing ways for Nicole. Does that make me an old softie?

In other Nicole and Keith news, In Touch Weekly has a big article this week on Katie Holmes “finally” giving in to Tom Cruise’s demands for another child (I’ll probably write it later, so just hold your horses!), but in a little complimentary piece to the Holmes-Cruise story, In Touch has this: “It seems Tom still has something in common with his ex-wife Nicole: They both want to give their daughters a little brother or sister! Insiders say Nicole and Keith love being parents to daughter Sunday, and have begun consulting fertility experts about conceiving another baby as soon as possible.” So, basically, Nicole is going to dust off the same pillow she used last time. Bad Kaiser! Bad, bad, bad. But you laughed!

And just because I was so bad, I’ll say something nice about Nicole. Yesterday, the International Violence against Women Act (IVAWA) was introduced in both Houses of the United States Congress, and Nicole applauded the bill in a public statement, in her role as goodwill ambassador for UNIFEM: “Violence against women and girls is perhaps the most systematic, widespread human rights violation in the world. I believe that IVAWA, when passed, will be a beacon, lighting the way forward in other countries. I commend the efforts that have gone into the drafting of IVAWA, and in particular appreciate the consultations with the real actors and the real beneficiaries to incorporate best practices and effective approaches.” Well done, Nicole.

Grammy Awards 2010 - RED CARPET

Keith & Nicole at a tribute to Neil Young on January 29, 2010, and at the Grammys. Credit: WENN & Zuma Press. People cover courtesy of People online.

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31 Responses to “Keith Urban: Nicole Kidman is my muse”

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  1. DoMaJoReMc says:

    Can’t we just be happy that two people (who are so deserving) are so much in love.

    I hate the constant negativity whenever people profess their love for one another.

    Are you THAT unhappy in your life that you can’t be happy for others? Or are you jealous?

    Let them be happy. Geeeeeeeeez!

  2. MsTriste says:

    Is he just really unphotogenic or something?

    Because I look at his pictures, and he seems so blah, but every time I see him perform, I’m mesmerized.

    And I don’t like country music.

  3. bella says:

    As it should be. Nicole is very lucky to finally have someone like Keith loving her after dealing with Tom Under-My-Thumb for so many years. I like these two together, and I hope they last. It’s nice to see them so happy.

  4. Kimble says:

    Her jawline in the middle pic is truly scary!

  5. TG says:

    MsTryste – I once saw before and after pictures of Keith and he looked like a bucktoothed hick. He has definitely had some work done. Check it out on the internet. That would explain why thier daughter Sunday looks nothing like either of them.

  6. JohnnieR says:

    You know, for the longest time, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out WHO Nicole’s botoxed face reminded me of.

    And then it hit me…

    the character of LADY PENELOPE, from the vintage British live action marionette children’s show,
    ‘The Thunderbirds’!!

    I would have LOVED to have posted a photo link of Lady Penelope here, but Kaiser would slap me silly and banish me; she gave me one wild card yesterday to post my other pic for Jennifer Afghaniston.

  7. lucy2 says:

    His hair really confuses me. If they’re happy, good for them. They don’t bug me too much, though I do wish Nicole would leave her face alone.

    Does anyone else find it funny that People Magazine has a “Country Special” edition?

  8. ering says:

    He has a very nice face once you get past the flat-ironed hair. It’s hard to get past that hair.

  9. Izzie says:

    @JohnnieR – Lady Penelope from The Thunderbirds! LOL!! YES! Priceless!

  10. Izzie says:

    @JohnnieR – Marionette Lady Penelope from The Thunderbirds! LOL! YES! Good one!

  11. Popcorny says:

    I have never seen a weaker and whispier looking couple. He looks like a whimpy simpering Renfield to her pastey Frankendracula.

  12. snappyfish says:

    I think it is sweet that she is his muse. I thought she was flawlessly gorgeous in Moulin Rouge.

  13. MYOB says:

    Lainey thinks Gwyneth is great even as far as calling herself THE CHINESE GWYNETH PALTROW. That makes her a loser right there.

  14. PJ says:

    He’s gorgeous, and much more open about his emotions than most men. I like that in a man.

    You can tell that they are happy together, and it’s for real.

  15. Chicken Tetrazzini says:

    LOL YES! That freaking hair, WTF? I absolutely despise long hair or overly styled hair on men. I do not want a man who spends more time on his hair than I do, and I think hair like that makes men look less manly. If I wanted to be with a prissy princess who likes to primp, I’d date a woman (eww). Give me a military hair cut any day! Every time I see men and boys with this stupid hair I have an overwhelming desire to shave their heads…so if you hear about a crazy woman in jail for forcible head shaving, you’ll know it was me LOL!

  16. clare says:

    They seem happy together. As cheese-ball as he sounds when he talks about Nicole, I believe him, and think how nice it would be to have a husband who’s not afraid to say what he feels.

  17. Kevin says:

    Learn to spell mute Keith.

  18. Uzi says:

    Gag! I’ve never understood what he sees in her. Other than both being Australian, what do they have in common?

  19. snowball says:

    He was just as nice and gasp, gentlemanly, when he dated that model, Nikki something or other.

    I have yet to find a songwriter say, “nah, I don’t take any inspiration for my music from people around me or people I love. I write in a bubble.”

    Of course she’s his muse, just like Sunday apparently will be. That’s sweet, not something really worthy of mocking.

    The both get sappy when they talk about each other and seem like one of the few couples lately that aren’t stuck in a vortex of drama and bad press heralding the end of their marriage.

    I don’t know why, but when Keith sings, he gets hotter.

  20. lastwordlinda says:

    I think he meant ruse. “Nicole is my ruse.”

  21. Whitey Fisk says:

    Lucy2, his hair confuses me too. That’s a great way to say it.

    I have a lot of questions about what’s going on up there but I have a hunch that he’s balding and this is his version of a comb-over. It’s just such a strange hairdo, and the more I look at it the more perplexed I become.

  22. thepickle says:

    “help me become the person I want to be” means I married up; I was lucky to come across the girl who was just dumped by the “biggest hollywood star in the universe”…Yes, now everything is all nesty nesty, but after the baby gets a little older, will Nicole still want to be his wifey?

  23. GatsbyGal says:

    “My muse”? Doesn’t he mean to say “my beard”?

  24. archiepelago says:

    I think her support of him through the cheating scandal might earn her the title. He has been though some addiction related darkness and she stood by him and created a family with him. Maybe he is grateful for that and this is how he expresses his love. Nothing barf worthy about that – it’s quite lovely actually.

  25. jen says:

    I love him. He is an amazing guitar player and performer. But I really wish he would stop talking so much. Everything he says gets twisted into such negativity. I like his hair!

  26. ogechi says:

    I thank God Almighty for bringing joy to this home…May many homes in Hollywood and beyond also feel the same love that exist in Nicole’s home. May they live and grow old tgeda. All the best to Nicole and Keith Urban.

  27. Bardot says:

    That “open heart” stuff. Watch the Jane Seymour commercial about her jewelry. You will see where the “open heart” stuff came from. The People article is just a rehash and cut and paste from old news. We have read all that stuff before. If she’s his muse, he’s in trouble. His latest album is selling less than all previous albums. My personal opinion is that they are both overexposed. She has made flop after flop. He has been in the tabloids and his personal life has been exploited in the entertainment media. I honestly believe that this match helped to skunk both of their careers. But at least they are happy. They better be. They are going down together.

  28. Ellen says:

    I think they’re adorable. Best thing to happen to Nashvegas in some time.

  29. doris says:

    Keith is very handsome but I think it is an awful picture and Nicole is one of the most beautiful gals in movies today. What a great pair.

  30. joee says:

    Keith is gorgeous although this isn’t the best pic of him. I LOVE LOVE LOVE his hair and his gorgeous blue eyes. Nicole is beautiful and they are happy together. What’s wrong with that?

  31. Dee says:

    Whoever wrote this negative article about Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman seemed to find some terrible pictures of them to go with her story. Keith claims he wouldn’ be alive right now if it wasn’t for Nicole. Go to one of Keiths concerts you’ll understand why girls go crazy for him. Keith and Nicole–PERFECTION !!!! March 12, 2012– and another beautiful daughter.