Tiger Woods and Elin play tennis and then go on a family vacation

Tiger Woods apologizes for irresponsible and selfish behavior in Florida
It looks like Tiger Woods’ public apology either went a long way with his wife, or that they reached a tentative truce well ahead of his staged attempt to get back into the sponsors’ good graces. The two were spotted playing tennis together on Saturday and then boarding a private plane with their two children headed out of Orlando, Florida.

The day after Tiger Woods publicly apologized for cheating on his wife Elin, she went shopping at a Florida mall.

In jeans, boots, shades and wearing no wedding ring, Elin, 30, was spotted at a shopping center Saturday with daughter Sam, 2, who wore a pair of red Nike sneakers. (Nike is the one sponsor who refused to drop Woods, 34, despite his sex scandal.) Son Charlie, 1, was not with them.

According to RadarOnline, mom and daughter later lunched with friends.

UsMagazine.com has learned that Woods and his wife flew out of Orlando late Saturday evening. But before that, Radar reports, he and Elin played tennis together.

In his apology Friday, Woods declined to say whether he and his wife were splitting.

[From US Weekly]

Tiger’s mom, who sat in the front row during his speech and gave him a tearful hug and kiss afterwards, has spoken to reporters defending her son. She said “I am upset the way media treated him like he’s a criminal. He didn’t kill anybody, he didn’t do anything illegal. They’ve being carrying on from Thanksgiving until now, that’s not right.” It is illegal to hire hookers in the city of Las Vegas, and it’s Tiger’s fault that he faced all that fallout. This was the biggest scandal to break all year in 2009 and his mom is only fooling himself if she’s blaming the media for being interested in it. This guy sold himself as a family man and he was busted with over a dozen mistresses. It’s no one’s fault but his own, and he’ll keep trying to get away with it, especially when he’s surrounded by apologists like his mom and maybe Elin. (It’s hard to tell what her position is exactly, but she seems to be sticking by him and it’s not like she left the state or the country.)

Radar Online quotes a psychotherapist who believes that Tiger Woods is a “narcissist and a sociopath.” Dr. Gilda Carle reviewed Tiger’s “I’m sorry” performance and came to the conclusion that “He was uncomfortable in this new role as ‘somebody who was very sorry,’ in this new role as a ‘vulnerable and flawed character,’ and Sociopaths will go to any length to appear to be something they are not.” Dr. Carle also said that Tiger brought his mom out to hug him to show that “Mommy still loves me, so should my public.” She concludes that “what he is really sorry about is that he lost the endorsements and the ability to play golf, and most importantly the image of being ‘Mr. Perfect.’

Tiger Woods apologizes for irresponsible and selfish behavior in Florida

Tiger Woods apologizes for irresponsible and selfish behavior in Florida

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38 Responses to “Tiger Woods and Elin play tennis and then go on a family vacation”

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  1. mel says:

    I wouldnt label Tiger as a sociopath, maybe socio-stupid! Anyway, he doesnt owe me an apology only his wife and kids. I wish them well.

  2. Ben says:

    I love (really I hate) these professionals and doctors who are so professional that they can diagnose a person they don’t even know through knowledge they gain in the media. And Wow it’s shocking how they always agree with the tone the specific report they’re included in takes.

  3. Meow Mix says:

    I’m not surprised by his mothers comments. She has been his enabler his whole life. No wonder he really isn’t all that sorry when he has the people closest to him defending his behavior as if it wasn’t any big deal.

  4. ogechi says:

    So people are expecting their marriage to pack up? PITY.

    May it continue to be well with Mr and Mrs woods.Am happy for them and i hope Tiger learns his lessons from this. People are always happy to see others crash but am glad he married a woman who understands the sanctity of matrimony.

  5. sonola trip says:

    Unfortunately for Mrs Woods she did not marry a man who understands the sanctity of matrimony.

  6. celandine says:

    ^^”[I] am glad he married a woman who understands the sanctity of matrimony.”

    WTF?!! So if she divorced him for cheating it would be HER who didn’t understand the sanctity of marriage, presumably?

    I think CB nails it with the comment that he sold himself as a family man. Charlie Sheen drops tens of thousands on hookers and no-one bats an eyelid because he never pretended to be perfect. It’s Tiger’s apparent hypocrisy that’s getting his a** nailed to the wall, Mama Woods.

    And that’s why the story is so deliciously juicy…

  7. imo says:

    So if Elin sticks with Tiger that would make her an apologist? So funny. And his mother is right, he is NOT a criminal. His apology should have been to his wife and his family. Period. Tiger doesn’t own me or anyone else a damn thing. So sorry for those celebs and regular folks that was looking for him to be a role model for THEIR kids. Give me a effin break. Enough is enough already. Some people love to pass judgment like their shit don’t stink but I wonder if their lives would be so perfect if put under a microscope?

  8. guesty says:

    playing the public “better than most”. ha.

  9. canadianchick says:

    I hope Elin beat his ass at tennis LOL as part of her understand the sanctity of marriage. That shrink has no place diagnosing him without seeing him for an actual assessment. I think his young fans who look up to him needed to hear him take responsibility for his errors, but otherwise yeah, between him and his wife and kids, no need to apologize to me.

  10. Bete says:

    Sociopath/Sociopathic tendencies basically means, antisocial tendencies (in psychology) and not in the sense of being unsociable, but his activities going against the grain of society and the rules within his relationship (cheating, lying, repeatedly lying, possibly requesting abortions from his one mistress, etc).
    He is definitely a narcissist. One mistress is usually the ‘norm’ in society, but he had to have his appeal validated by more than ten women in a short period of time.
    Therapists have usually had experience of similar types of people through their own work (to give an opinion). Tiger Woods’ indiscretions have to be the scandal of the decade or decades. He certainly outdoes the Kennedy men.

  11. bella says:

    With his mother making excuses for him, now we see where he gets his sense of entitlement. Thanks, Mom!

  12. The Queen Bee says:

    I think its crazy when doctors diagnose patients they have never even met… BUT in this case I am inclined to agree with the doctor. Tiger is a sociopath and a narcissist, and I agree that he is sorry he was caught, and sorry he has to apologize for it but not sorry for his actions. Whats that expression? …. A Tiger doesn’t change its stripes. Ironic. He will be cheating again in no time.

  13. princess pea says:

    What struck me the most about his apology speech?
    His voice. I hadn’t heard him speak a lot, I guess, but damn. That is a whiny, weak voice he has. (I’ll never mock David Beckham again. At least he’s scorchingly hot.)

    I doubt he’s a sociopath, though. That’s a really serious condition that people like to use as hyperbole… which a real “professional” doctor would know. Narcissist? Spoiled? Yes.

  14. Beck says:

    They are playing tennis and going on vacation? I thought the reason he gave the press conference during the Accenture (a former sponsor) Match Play tournament was that he was headed back to rehab. There were many questions and criticisms about why he chose to make his speech on Friday. Some of the golfers thought he should wait until after the tournament so he would not draw attention away from it.

    I also agree that mental health professionals should not diagnose someone they have never met, however I do believe he is a narcissist. Sociopath, who knows?

    About Tiger’s mom’s comments, it figures she is going to defend him no matter what he did. And he did bring this on himself. There are many parents that defend their kids no matter their actions. It kinda makes me sick.

  15. Maleficent says:

    Staying with a multiple cheater does not make a woman understanding of the sanctity of marriage, it makes her an idiot.

  16. Tia C says:

    If I did what he did, my mother would most definitely NOT be standing by my side, she would disown my sorry ass. LOL! He has a sweet mama. Elin, on the other hand, is a fool to stay with him.

  17. Jill says:

    A good mom defends her kids no matter what. She doesn’t lie about them, but she sees the good in them and defends it. Tiger’s Mom never said anything about Tiger that wasn’t true. Let’s not twist her words.

  18. DoMaJoReMc says:

    re: mel “Anyway, he doesnt owe me an apology only his wife and kids. I wish them well.”


    Thank you, mel, for you simple and frank statement. Amen to that! 🙂

  19. MsTriste says:

    All he did was read a speech someone else wrote. We waited all these months to hear *his side* and got nothing.

    My opinion of him his even lower after his “apology”, and I agree with the therapist that he’s definitely narcissistic, and likely a sociopath.

  20. Bee says:

    He has apologized repeatedly. What more do you want from him?
    Why are so many people acting as if he cheated on them?
    Get over it people!

  21. Kevin says:

    Nike kept Tiger because they knew he would be picked up by another shoe company in nanoseconds. There is no athlete as big as Tiger coming down the pipeline in our lifetime. (probably)
    I think Tiger is showing more of his Asian heritage now than his African-American heritage. Guess that’s what happens when you get publicly Jap-Slapped in pubic like that. (no offense intended to our Asian friends)

  22. snapdragon says:

    i would never stay with a man who cheated on me repeatedly throughout our marriage – trust and respect are essential for me. but then again, i am not hooking my mitts into a slutty, millionaire sports star. i hope his money can make up for the humiliation.

  23. jana says:

    This whole Tiger Woods affair never seems to end. Everyone has something to say about it. I always enjoy listening to Rolonda Watts- her perspective on affairs is actually really thought provoking- http://bit.ly/baVUvw

  24. monkey says:

    i think that a relationship can overcome anything, even multiple affairs. working through it is not for everyone and not all relationships can – if theirs can. good for them.

  25. Cheyenne says:

    I’ve said it before and will say it again — this is a family matter and everybody else needs to butt out and mind their own business. Tiger doesn’t owe an apology to anybody but his wife.

  26. guilty pleasures says:

    Wow, aren’t we the know-it-all bunch?
    1) I stayed with my husband for two years, knowing he was having an affair but hoping against hope that it would all be resolved for the sake of our two (then) babies. We split cuz he stayed with the other woman, they are now divorced. I am in a loving relationship.
    2) How can we presume to judge anyone else’s relationship? Elin, and Elin alone, gets to make a call on how her life unfolds, it is not ours to tell her a damn thing.
    3) Armchair diagnosis of MENTAL DISORDERS?? I will make sure to put that doctor’s name on my list of people to avoid!!!
    4) Good luck in changing your life TIger, what you were doing was gross and soul emptying, one day at a time I hope you, and anyone else out here who is struggling, gets to a calm happy place. I speak for my very imperfect self as well.

    PS, what about that MAROON who tried to invoke our sympathies and entreat an apology from TIger for banging her when she willingly lay down for a married man?? Bwahhahah!!

  27. gg says:

    I think he needs to apologize to all the women he slept as well, with for putting them in danger of STDs and probably misleading them.

  28. me says:

    i thought he was headed back to rehab, too.

    imo, he came off as making the apologies because it was part of his 12 steps. didn’t seem sincere.

  29. princess pea says:

    They flew out of Orlando heading where? Maybe even back to the town where he’s in rehab?

    I figure a mini-family getaway is acceptable, because if nothing else he hasn’t been anywhere near his kids in a month, and they probably miss him. If he is on a break week from rehab it makes sense that he’d want quality time with the babies. Sort of. Or Elin would want it for their sake, anyway.

  30. Kim says:

    He isnt sorry for his actions – he is only sorry he got caught.

    Elin is nothing but a gold digger if she stays with him. He isnt going to change she knows this and i get that they have kids but if she stays with him now everyine will think (because it true) that he paid her to appear w/ him in public etc so he can still have golf career.

  31. Kim says:

    Gulity Pleasures- hahahaha! Hilarious You made our point. You divorced your ex because he REMAINED a cheater. Once a cheater always a cheater.

  32. daisyfly says:

    I’m not going to call Elin a gold-digger for staying married to Tiger (if that’s what she’s chosen to do) because her reasons are ones that we don’t know. I’ve met many women who stayed with their philandering husbands because they loved them, hoped they would change, or simply wanted to provide a more stable environment for their children. Her reasons are her reasons. We don’t have to live with the consequences so I really don’t think we have any room to judge her for them.

    As for Tiger, he shouldn’t have to apologize to any of the women he’s slept with. In this day, with all the information out there, to even THINK of crawling into bed with someone and NOT use protection is proof point that you’re too stupid to warrant anything but an STD test and a reality check, especially if you’re crawling into bed with a married man. If he’s cheating on his WIFE, WTF makes you think he isn’t cheating on YOU?

    I have no room for sympathy for sluts and skanks who knowingly sleep with married men and then want everyone ELSE to feel sorry for THEM because “oh boo hoo, he said he loved me”. Yeah? Well he said he loved his wife, too, and he’s sleeping with you so STFU and GTFO.

  33. Gymo says:

    I am not such a loser that my life and identity belongs to someone else, and when that person turns out to have flaws, I then become obsessed with punishing him/her.
    Get a life folks, he only needs to apologize to his wife, kids parents and perhaps close friends, and if he chooses to clients/sponsors.
    When you folks whine about Tiger, you don’t realize how much of a loser you sound like.

  34. Gymo says:


    You are pretty judgmental aren’t you. “Other peoples lives, other peoples business” is a mantra to remember.

    It’s up to Elin to determine if Tiger Woods is a good man who has made mistakes of the flesh, or a bad father and husband.
    History is replete with good people with weakness of the flesh, read the Bible.

  35. Ally says:

    Tennis makes sense, cause she gets to be 100 feet away, with a net inbetween them, and whacking balls at his head.

    As to her getting any closer to him, even to sit next to his mangy, STD-crawling self on a plane to Orlando: Ew.

    Pack up the kids and move to Sweden. Better than being a desperate hasufrau in a gated community in LA.

  36. snowball says:

    I’m a mom, and while I would never approve or condone illegal/immoral behavior from my son, he’s my son. I will always love and support him when he needs it and frankly, not give a damn what anyone else thinks of me for it. This garbage about, “oh my mom will kick my butt and disown me,” is ridiculous. If that’s what your mom would do, I feel sorry for you.

    Tiger’s hos want an apology? Why? They slept with him, unprotected, knowing he was married. So yeah, an apology, not forthcoming.

    I’m so sick of Tiger getting dragged through the mud every day. What business is it of ours to continually say he needs to give the world a heartfelt apology? Did he personally hurt and cheat on us?

    Sociopath: a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

    I’ll concede the possibility of last two, but I don’t see Tiger as anti-social. Just arrogant.

  37. Lway says:

    @ Bee: Tiger LIED to everyone. He made the world believe that he was a decent man, committed to his wife and kids – Meanwhile he was banging everything with a skirt. The dissapointment is HUGE. We need a little more time to “get over it”

  38. Slymm27 says:

    Oh, its everyone’s business bcos he came across as a nice wholesome man. That said, the whole thing has gone too far,he really didnt kill any1, plus there is not a man on planet earth who doesnt cheat on his wife or girlfriend, so yeah, whatever!