Kate Gosselin hits the red carpet ahead of her DWTS gig

Kate Gosselin was out in New York city at an event last night showing off her freshly-curled weave and dark spray tan. She also wore a cute little black sleeveless dress with sequins around the neckline. The reality star and mother of eight is preparing for her gig on Dancing With The Stars, for which she’s been doing multiple interviews. She even leaked the news that she was on the show ahead of the official contestant announcement so that she could get more press out of it. Meanwhile all we’ve been hearing about her husband is that he has a teeny weenie and no prospects for work. Someone is seriously gloating, and shes even bragging about how she’s going to win the competition. I bet she lasts all of two weeks.

Kate talked to Access Hollywood about how she’s organizing her schedule around her children, and will only be away from Sunday to Tuesday or Wednesday every week. She also said she’ll wear clothing that’s not too revealing and will be mom-appropriate. You know that Pamela Anderson isn’t making that same vow:

Access Hollywood caught up with reality star at the premiere of Discovery Channel’s “Life” at Lincoln Center in New York on Thursday where she gave us a hint of how much skin she’ll be showing on the ballroom floor.

“My rule of thumb is that I have to have my kids proud of me,” Kate told Access. “So, that’s what you’re going to see.”

As for her eight kids, Kate said they are still in disbelief about their mom competing on the hit ABC series.

“They’re shocked! They’re very excited,” she said, explaining that though she might not be the most skilled dancer in the world that some of her offspring have the moves. “Mady loves to dance and she can dance and she didn’t get that from me!”

As it turns out, Kate said she has known about being cast on the reality show “for awhile.”

“It’s something I really wanted to do,” she explained.

“I’m commuting back and forth every week. So, I’ll go like Sunday to Tuesday or early Wednesday morning and then go home,” she said when asked about balancing her new gig – which shoots in LA – with her family, who live in Pennsylvania.

[From Access Hollywood]

Kate is partners with Tony Dovolani, who is married with children and tells Access Hollywood that his schedule training with Kate in Pennsylvania will help him have more time with his family. The highest Dovolani has placed in the competition is third.

Personality only goes so far in DWTS and Kate’s acerbic demeanor won’t win her any fans, anyway. I’m thinking she’ll be a stiff dancer without a lot of appeal, but we’ll have to see. She’s certainly trying to work this opportunity to her advantage.

Photo credit: WENN.com

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48 Responses to “Kate Gosselin hits the red carpet ahead of her DWTS gig”

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  1. terry says:

    Kate is ok…hope she does well on DWTS. I think she is a hot MILF!

  2. snowball says:

    Charming. How much longer is her 15 minutes?

    She’s not a celebrity. Well, maybe in her own mind.

    So, being away from her kids Sunday through Wednesday is all about family? When she’s gone more than half the week?

  3. sarah says:

    I really wish she would just go away already. How much more of her can they shove in our faces?

  4. Judy says:

    Her lover/bodyguard accompanied her…he’s in the background with her and Tony in Manhattan in the RadarOnline pics. Hate her.

  5. padiddle says:

    I was thinking the same exact thing, that’s half the week!
    She needs to learn that you can’t have a white face and a fake spray tanned body, too.
    I seethe with anger towards this famewh*re.

  6. Angie says:

    This creeps only claim to fame is begging for handouts and selling her children’s privacy for her own personal gain. I have no idea how she can live with herself. I hope those children can escape her as soon as possible, she isn’t fit to care for a pet rock…

  7. daisyfly says:

    The rule of thumb when you’re a reality “star” and you’re doing something that takes you away from your kids.

    Say you’re doing it FOR them and *poof* all is well and justified.

    If she really wanted to make her kids proud of her, she could start hanging around a bit more so that they know who exactly they’re supposed to be “proud” of.


  8. Anastasia says:

    Capped teeth, fake spray on tan, fake hair extensions, five pounds of makeup, no talent, a celebrity in her own mind only, wow. Yeah, she’s worth reporting on.

    Guys, don’t watch DWTS this season. Or at least don’t watch the first couple of weeks. After that, she’ll be off.

    If they get higher ratings because of her, there will be ANOTHER show with this hag all over it. Do you really want that?

  9. La face says:

    Why dont ‘real stars’ come on dwts?seriously,am talkin A-listers like brangelina,reese witherspoon,george clooney……instead,all we get r washed out d-listed idiots!

  10. DoMaJoReMc says:

    I think this is the first time that KOW KHATE hasn’t been photographed chewing the cud. She is such a SOW (although I do like her hair longer).

    I really can’t see this unemotional famewh*re moving gracefully to any music, at all.

    I feel terrible for her kids. I hope someone keeps tabs on them to make sure that they are handling life well.

  11. Novaraen says:

    Make her go away….please.

  12. snapdragon says:

    with her new hair and her big white teeth she looks like a younger paula dean.

  13. Maritza says:

    I hope she lasts really long for the sake of her kids, the longer she lasts the more she gets paid. I doubt Jon has been pitching in any dough.

  14. meme says:

    dancing with the has been sorta once was stars

  15. neelyo says:

    oh god snapdragon, you’re right. but i would add melting to your description.

  16. Judy says:

    @Maritza: GET REAL. She has MILLIONS. I’m so sick of reading posts from people who feel sorry for poor KHate. Her kids’ college educations have already been paid for by the state of Pennsylvania. Everything about her is fake–from her boobs, hair, nails, tan, and writing ability to her personality. And let’s not forget the million dollar home or the kids’ dogs she got rid of because they were stinky and needed love and taking care of–something Khate knows nothing about except as it relates to her. Yeah, KHate, this is all about the kids–FOR SURE.

  17. Linda says:

    I cannot stand this woman…please let her be out the first week – love DWTS and I would have to have to endure her for longer then a week!!!

  18. Feebee says:

    Hmm, in New York (away from the kids) AGAIN…. will only be away in LA from Sunday to Wednesday….. keep talking Kate, whatever makes you feel better.

  19. GatsbyGal says:

    Wow, her hair couldn’t look any faker or cheaper if she tried. GROSS.

  20. Squirtle says:

    WOW! Bunch of Kate Haters posting comments, haha! Whatever, I think she looks beautiful and I can’t wait to see how she does on DWTS! Good for her, she’s actually accomplishing something with her career…and for all you that think “OMG THE POOR CHILDREN!” Get over yourself! She’s not the only working mother, and I’m sure she spends way more time with her children than Jon ever did or ever plans to…Lot’s of actors have kids and they have to travel all over the world for months at a time, why aren’t you child-activists worried about Brad and Angelina’s poor helpless kiddies?

  21. OXA says:

    If only she put as much effort into CARING for her kids as she does her image.

  22. Anastasia says:

    Martiza, everyone gets $200,000 just for being on DWTS, even if they are kicked off in the first week.

    But if you win and last all the way to the end, you get another $100,000.

    That’s just a bit more than she made doing ONE EPISODE of her TLC show. She doesn’t need the money. She’s a famewhore and an attention whore.

  23. Laurie says:

    Considering her kids are her top priority, being away from them Sun thru Thurs is a lot. She will see her kids only 2-3 days a week and she will be busy practicing at her in-home dance studio at that time. Is she that desperate for money? That seems like a long time away from her 8.

  24. girlygirl410 says:

    She looks great! Kate has come a long way since all of this drama started. This woman is taking care of her kids, more than I can say for her ex hubby. Her nursing would keep her away from her kids more in a year, than DWTS does over a few months. Besides (unfortunatlly) our health care workers do not make as much as DWTS is paying. I say, keep up the good job Kate and dance your butt off!

  25. j. ferber says:

    Why can’t she have normal hair? Is it that hard to have real-looking hair? Really?

  26. jamie says:

    definetly not watching now im so sick to death of this woman ,she is not a celebrity ,although she may think she is .

  27. Aims says:

    That doesn’t even look like Kate!

  28. John doe says:

    Why won’t this woman go away?

    Hey Lady… if it’s all about your kids, how come you’re never with them?

  29. John doe says:

    What star is Kate going to dance with?

  30. CB Rawks says:

    Octomommy is gonna shank a bitch.
    “But *I* wanna do dancin wif the stars! ME!”

  31. judyjudy says:

    Nothing says “class” like a Winnie-the-Pooh ankle tattoo.

  32. YoYeYaYoop says:

    She and her ex husband should be focusing on the children. I could care less about Dancing with Douchbags.

  33. Scout says:

    Anastasia, my sentiments exactly! I will NOT watch while she is on for sure. I have no respect for her as a person and as a mother. I feel so sorry for her children. I know she can pull off an interview and make herself look ok and loving, etc. But actions speak louder than words and hers should not be rewarded!

  34. Aspen says:

    Um…doesn’t she have 8 kids? How does she have time for DWTS?

  35. canadianchick says:

    I am no Jon fan but I wonder if publicly slagging your ex and his penis size, along with having 8 kids, will get her another mate. One more reason not to watch DWTS.

  36. Jazz says:

    I’m so tired of this b*tch! Aren’t her 15 minutes up yet??

  37. bellaluna says:

    I hope everyone who is commenting so negatively is never in the position of being the only person working to support their children. Being a single mother (even with a “normal” job, or 2, in this economy) requires more time away from your children than ANY mother would like. Add in a douchebag deadbeat daddy, and the need for income grows stronger. Yes, she could return to nursing. And she could work 12 or 18 hour shifts four days or nights a week like my close friend does, just to make ends meet.

  38. Jag says:

    Why get a dark spray tan and then use white white makeup on your face? Makes no sense to me. As for DWTS, I’m boycotting this season because they aren’t having stars perform anymore – especially Gosselin.

  39. Judy says:

    Bellaluna, don’t be absurd. She ALREADY has millions; the kids’ college educations have been paid for by the state of Pennsylvania; she lives in a million dollar home; she is screwing her bodyguard; she has a ghostwriter for her “so-called” books; and she is milking the public for everything she can get. More pics on RadarOnline today and in the background (trying to hide) is her LOVER, the bodyguard. She is FAKE from the word GO. I raised a child alone–do not compare her to me or to any other honest, hard-working mom–it’s a total insult.

  40. Scout says:

    Guesst 39 – I can’t quite make out your name but I say BRAVO to you! You are right on!

  41. Anastasia says:

    Wow, everyone moaning with extreme sympathy about how the POOR THING is a single mom to eight kids needs to remember a few things:

    1. Her doctor strongly advised her to sit out the cycle in which the six were conceived because her ovaries were so overstimulated, she had to be HOSPITALIZED and he knew it would lead to a higher order multiple birth. Jon also thought it was wise to sit it out. Kate gets what she wants so they didn’t. No sympathy. They already had gorgeous twin daughters.

    2. They cleared $75,000 an EPISODE in the FOUR YEARS they had that show on TLC. Go ahead, add it up. I’ll wait. Yeah, it’s a lot isn’t it? And she got the bulk of that money.

    3. Their dad isn’t dead. They HAVE a dad who has earnings potential as much as any other F List reality star person just like she is. So how is it that she always gets characterized as doing this alone? In fact, Jon pays substantial child support.

    4. Nursing would NOT take her away from those eight kids as much as her famewhore career does, I gaurantee it.

    5. She insists that the kids attend a very expensive private school that is a ONE HOUR bus ride away, and that’s one-way. They are young kids, but spend two hours of every weekday ON A BUS. They don’t have to go that far for a good education, even a good private one! But she insists on it, for some strange reason. God knows I wouldn’t want my young kids on a bus two hours a day if I could help it. And she could help it. So they spend 10 hours a week just riding back and forth. Yeah, that’s a mom really concerned about spending a lot of time with her kids.

    See me rolling my eyes?

    She has nannies coming out the butt, someone who cooks, who cleans, who takes care of the property, the pool. That’s how she has the time to be seen at swanky restaurants in NYC, to be interviewed in California, be on Dancing with the Has-Beens.

    Come on. Save your sympathy for the REAL single working moms out there who deserve it, not this woman dying for fame with millions in the freaking bank.

  42. Kelaa Khaa says:

    In an interesting twist, I could see Pamela Anderson and Kate becoming BFF’s.

  43. Judy says:

    YAY Anastasia!!!!!

  44. Judy says:

    Awww, if you want to see Kate with her Lover–I mean bodyguard–Google same and see pics of him holding her wrist with his arm around her at the Red Carpet event. She is such a despicable liar and pathetic excuse for a human being and mother.

  45. boo says:

    @anastasia true, true. That bugs the crap out of me that those kids are on a bus for ten hours a week while she is getting her nails done, extensions, tanning etc. She can say those kids are her priority all she wants but actions speak louder than words.

  46. tess says:

    Thank you for speaking those home truths, Anastacia!
    Don’t forget that she turned down volunteer helpers but told the state she was entitled to a state funded worker….

  47. dee says:

    @ Anastasia… so true. dont forget she also has a full household staff as well as nannies, including a laundry sorter.
    They also get state paid health insurance for all their kids and tons of other state paid benefits that will continue until they are 18, thats alot more than most people have right there. I hope she gets booted quick even tho i dont watch the show. not sure who will come off as more pathetic, Kate or Pam…hmmm?

  48. joanne says:

    Everything Kate does is for Kate. She could care less about her 8 and she proves this every single day. How much free time is left for the kids after meeting with the publicists, tanning, getting the hair extensions done, the nails, the make up, the shopping, and oh yes, emailing the ghost writer to see how far they have come with “her”latest book. Kate is a cow, her kids are the cash cows.