The Oscars Lady Kanye defends interrupting speech

82nd Annual Academy Awards - Show

The Lady Kanye of the Oscars, Elinor Burkett, was on Joy Behar’s CNN show on Tuesday to give her side of the story. Burkett provided one of the few interesting moments in an otherwise dreary ceremony when she jumped onto the stage when the director of the winning Documentary Short, Music by Prudence, was giving his acceptance speech. Brassy rough-voiced Burkett jumped on the stage and said “the man never lets the woman talk. Isn’t that just the classic thing? In a world in which most of us are told… that we can’t, Liyana, the [disabled] band behind this film, teaches us that we’re wrong. Against all odds they did, so we can.” She then name-checked some of the subjects of the film and the two pointed out that Prudence, the disabled subject of the film, was in the audience.

When asked what she was thinking when she interrupted the speech, Burkett said she realized they only had 45 seconds and said that she thought “if I don’t make it to that stage within 3 seconds he’s not going to thank the band, he’s only going to talk about himself.” Joy added “that’s what he did,” and Burkett agreed.

Burkett pointed out that she’s a producer of the film and that her name is on the Oscar. There’s a whole backstory there, as Burkett and the director she interrupted, Roger Ross Williams, have been fighting over creative direction. Williams says that Burkett doesn’t deserve credit for the film after she removed herself from the project. He claimed “I own the film. She has no claim whatsoever. She has nothing to do with the movie. She just ambushed me. I was sort of in shock.” Burkett counters that she got an Oscar with her name on it and had every right to speak. ( has much more from both sides if you’re interested.)

Turns out the woman who rushed the stage was Music By Prudence producer Elinor Burkett, whose name had also been called for the award. She tells EW that the confusion began because Williams had refused to discuss beforehand which one of them should speak on stage if they won. (The two aren’t on speaking terms due to a creative conflict over the film.) She also claims she only stepped in because he was neglecting to thank the film’s main subjects, the Zimbabwean band Liyana. And she had a few things to say about being compared to a certain mic-grabbing rapper:

“It’s ridiculous. I won an Oscar. Kanye West injected himself onto the stage where he didn’t belong. I don’t know why everyone is acting like I didn’t have the right to be there. My name was called, and I went up because because I won an Oscar. And that’s the only thing I kind of resent, is people acting like I didn’t get an Oscar. It’s really demeaning and denigrating to somebody who did all the work. The Producer’s Guild certified me as the producer. HBO certified me as the producer. There’s this assumption that [Roger] had more of a right to speak than I did. His Oscar is not bigger than my Oscar.“

[From EW]

Larry King gave Williams a platform for making his full Oscars acceptance speech, and Burkett was right – he didn’t thank the band or mention the message of the film and focused on all the people who made the achievement possible for him. He did go on to talk about Prudence and the band, but that was well after his 45 seconds would have expired and you can kind of tell that was an afterthought. I can’t hate on Lady Kanye and I have to hand it to her that she made an otherwise boring night kind of interesting. You can easily see how she would have a falling out with someone over a project, though. I doubt she’s easy to work with.

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39 Responses to “The Oscars Lady Kanye defends interrupting speech”

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  1. Ellen Smith says:

    It’s not her place to interrupt someone when they are giving a speech. She should have politely waited until he was done. Also, she should not have a say over what the other winner includes or doesn’t include in his speech. It’s personal and should remain so.

  2. Sudini says:

    She’s definitely a pushy broad, lol. But it seems really classless of this guy to have just started his speech before his (former) colleague even got up to the stage. She’s right, her name was announced as well. He was being a brat too and was just lucky enough to look like the victim for a second there.

  3. anon says:

    her name is on the thing and she had the right to speak and from the looks of it he ran down there hoping she wouldn’t get there in time. if he’d just waited for her she wouldn’t have had to interrupt him

  4. d says:

    Such a tough call. It’s like she’s the kind of person who’s right, but you still kind of hate her for her behaviour. She does seem difficult to work with and I’ve read elsewhere that she is quite unpleasant, but then again, maybe they’re all messed up. On the other hand, I’m kind of curious about the documentary and I’ll probably see it if it comes out on DVD. It’s such an odd pairing though…older brassy woman, shy younger guy, maybe not as experienced in the ways of Hollywood? That there were clashes don’t surprise me. Otherwise, who knows…

    Anyway, she interrupted him, that’s kinda rude. She could have said what she had to say in the press room. Gah! Even if she’s technically right, she’s wrong on behaviour…it just was so unclassy…

    Argh, but then again, if he’d actually been man enough to talk it out with beforehand, maybe it wouldn’t have happened? He did run up there, obviously to get ahead of her. Such a schmozzle. Oh well.

  5. michellllle says:

    Don’t know if she had any right to accept, esp considering she supposedly walked away from the project early on but that voice! What an annoying old cow. Right or wrong she looked like an idiot whereas he seemed to handle it w/ some dignity.

  6. lizzie says:

    If she hadn’t been dropped and if the documentary hadn’t gone his way and had gone her way instead it might not have won an Oscar. She worked on it but ultimately it was his creative move that brought in the Oscar. He did have a right to say whatever he wanted, although he should have mentioned the band and maybe he would have had he not been cutoff. She delivered what would have been a nice speech had she been classy about it.

  7. simplicity says:

    Pleased to see Ms Burkett speak from the stage and in interviews.

    His behavior was unthinking, and unkind. How simple it would have been to wait for a few seconds until she arrived on stage.

    She earned her Oscar and her right to speak.

  8. Anna says:

    In that last picture she’s holding the Oscar like she’s going to club someone with it. I think she isn’t entirely wrong, but she could’ve let the dude finish his speech and if really hadn’t mentioned the people she wanted to mention, she could have jumped in to rage and do her thing. Oh well.

  9. Jess says:

    I definitely think she was rude to interrupt the director, but (and this isn’t an excuse for her behavior) part of the problem is the freakin’ academy cutting people off so quickly, esp. when there are two winners. If she had waited for him to finish she wouldn’t have had a chance to say anything. That’s also justification for him to start speaking as soon as he gets on the stage, because the clock is running the second he steps up there. That all being said, she should have waited until the music started and, if he hadn’t wrapped up or thanked Prudence and the band, then she should have shouted something out at that point.

  10. TG says:

    Did she get an oscar also? I don’t get it. I thought she was rude and stupid. I was looking forward to hearig his speech. Did Sandra Bullock ever thank the Touey’s in any of her speeches? I don’t recall her doing so, but I could be wrong. She definitely didn’t on Oscar night and no one is calling her ungrateful.

  11. KsGirl says:

    You know what? I reckon if you’ve been called jointly to the stage to receive your Oscars, it ain’t the one who shows up late who’s rude. The rudeness was his. But hey, she’s old and has a weird voice so yeah…she sucks. /sarcasm

  12. rtms says:

    Actually Sandra did thank the Toues , she in fact was waiting for the Mrs Toue to give a yodel but didn’t hear it.

  13. TG says:

    rtms – I didn’t hear her thank the Touey’s, but if you say so. Anyway, I was not condemning her, I was just trying to take up for this guy who got Kanyed. I think Sandra shows a lot of graciousness and sincerity and she did thank Mrs. Touey in her own way with the statement about mothers who take on any child to love no matter where they came from. And I thought the movie “All About Steve” was one of her best performances. So those Razzie guys don’t know what they are talking about.

  14. KerBer says:

    Don’t write about things you do not have the facts to. She dropped out of the production of the film because she did not agree with the direction of it. After that, she sued to have her name taken off the film. now she want recognition for a film in which she has absolutely no input on?? Not only did she not deserve to be onstage (which the academy says only one person can speak) she really does not deserve an oscar just because she got some money together for the film.

  15. princess pea says:

    If they were in a creative dispute over the movie, I kind of wonder who won. A final version of the movie was made and released, so SOMEONE’s creative vision essentially came out on top. If it was his, and if what KerBer says is true about her suing to have her name removed from the production, then I am 100% on his side. In any case, the WAY she did it was uncool. She totally overrode him and then made it sound like he was bullying her with “the man never lets the woman talk”. This is not the place for your in-fighting; this is the Oscar stage.

  16. Mistral says:

    This woman is an obnoxious and grating character. She was wrong. She is claiming that he wouldn’t have thanked the band–is she a mind reader? She got on and started rambling, and it was the director who finally yelled towards the end (paraphrasing here), “And Prudence is here in the audience with us” and pointed to her. Then this stupid bleep says, “Yes, she’s here.” This condescending Yenta should have sat her ass down. I don’t want to hear anything she has to say ever again.

  17. Alexis says:

    I don’t know who was in the right, but she really doesn’t even look like a reasonable person.

  18. canadianchick says:

    Sandy thanksed the Tuohys but did she thank Michael Ohr? Lady Kanye was annoying, rude of the guy to talk before she got there though. Zoe Saldana looked ticked after Lady Kanye did that-though women shouldn’t be silenced, as a white women I try not to silence people of colour either.

  19. michellllle says:

    “she’s old and has a weird voice so yeah…she sucks. /sarcasm ”

    Touch a nerve did I Ks girl?
    Her voice was beyond grating & yes she’s an old but the EXPRESSION old cow was meant to describe the overly bossy & down right rude manner in which she interrupted & took over. Not to mention her attempt to make it an issue of male chauvinism. Like I said, it sounds like she wasn’t really responsible for the win considering the suit but regardless whether the Academy included her or not it’s appalling she behaved the way she did considering only one person could speak & even had she not pulled out her role was less than the director’s. Not to mention he had barely spoke when she interrupted so how does she or Joy even know what he would have said given the chance. However, all that aside the really shameful part is the way she did it. So perhaps I should clarify, she behaved like an old cow… striken w/ Mad Cow Disease. How’s that? Better or too close to home?

  20. Kim says:

    A real man would wait for a woman to walk on stage with her and not grab the spotlight for himself regardless of their creative differences. He was selfish & rude and has no excuse. Good for her for interrupting. Under these circumstances it was totally called for and appropraite.

  21. Kim says:

    She couldnt wait until he was done because they give only 1 speaker 45 seconds to talk. The Academy actually said only 1 person could accept award & speak this year and everyone was told that before. They had discuseed this prior/who should speak and he had every intention of only speaking himself. He knew this and railroaded her by practiclly running to the stage to take up the entire 45 seconds. He had no intention of passing over the mic to her. Whether you like her or not she won an Oscar also and a gentleman woul dhave let her speak. He is rude & arrogant.

  22. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:


    So he was talking about himself, what do you do?

    You very altruistically denigrate the man in front of millions upon millions of people who know nothing of the dispute. Then you very felicitously situate yourself as the poor, put-upon target of male aggression, fighting the good fight– effectively making overtures to the kinship she feels toward the other ‘hard-won dignity through overcoming disadvantage’ members of her impromptu posse. Save it, Amnesty.

    If someone were to use my name and work as a means to shame and embarrass (and in order to play the martyr), I’d rather not be mentioned. Because who are we kidding here? Her speech was just as self-involved as his–just ruder and very disingenuous. The only victim I saw was fashion, because that purple fiasco is poisoning my eyes.

    He’s the director and co-producer, so should he interrupt himself now too? I don’t know what their arrangement was, but it remains that he was vastly more involved in the film than she. If only one person could speak, it makes sense that it would be him.

    They parted ways a long time ago and settled the dispute out of court. Or at least that was the story that I’ve been hearing. You know when faux-modest winners always act flustered pretending that they didn’t prepare a speech? These two probably should have done that as well. You don’t have to actually talk to a person to communicate.

    At any rate, until I see proof to the contrary, her story strikes me as dubious. If she wants her movie work to result in her being able to make her very own Oscar speech, she might do well to make a movie first. I’m sure that speech will clock in at exactly 45 seconds, because if Oscar speeches are known for anything, it’s brevity.

  23. imo says:

    So much hypocrisy here. It kills me that people were so up in arms over Kanye interrupting Taylor but this cow interrupts on a movie that she SUED to get her name removed from and its ok? GTFOH! Where is this considered classy? and for people to actually justify this BS shows me how one-sided the world still is. If it happened the other way around with HIM interrupting her it would have been front page news.

  24. imo says:

    @ Kim, WTF are you talking about? He was rude and arrogant? really? Seems to me she was the only jackass on stage @ the time. He kept his composure (kudos to him.) Also if it was decided beforehand who would do the talking then why did she feel the need to Kanye him?

  25. moody says:

    regardless i think she sounded like a straight up bicth. and made a total fool of herself infront of the world

  26. yeng says:

    actually, the academy only wanted one of them to go up there, and his was called. he had been the one chosen to go up there. and according to lady kanye, the documentary isn’t what she envisioned, and yet, she’s quick to take credit for it. who really looked like a fool up there? i’d say lady kanye.

  27. yeng says:

    imo, i agree with you completely!

  28. nana says:

    lol, the name kanye is now synonymous to word interruption

  29. yeng says:

    lady kanye thought williams wouldn’t credit the band and that he would make it all about him, but in end, wasn’t she guilty of that through her actions? people aren’t talking about the film, but they’re talking about how she stormed that stage. she wasted part of that time by being snarky—her comment about letting the woman talk and it being the classic thing. and that’s a statement coming from a self-proclaimed feminist. the man was only able to get in a sentence or two in there before she imposed herself on stage.

  30. MymaJane says:


    I don’t understand why should would need to thank Michael Ohr.

  31. thuma says:

    Well, they have a certain amount of time before they are cut off up there. He went up there. I didn’t see him running. Where was she in the lady’s room? They aren’t going to wait forever. I mean this wasn’t the Best Actor award. So he started his speech and she butted in like someone’s mother-in-law. Sorry lady. Slow to get there and no class when you did.

  32. Amy says:

    This woman has some major issues, she did not behave like a lady, made a fool of herself. It does’nt matter if she won too, it is the manner she grabbed the Mic and selfishly babbled on and ON about nothing. She has some anger issues she needs to clear up.The man shown more decorum by standing calmly with a shocked smirk on his face.

  33. EMV says:

    I thought that this woman was a crasher at first. She sounded crazy and no one knew what the hell she was blabbing about.I was under the impression that if multiple people are accepting an award for this genre that both of them would have recieved an Oscar. Maybe I’m wrong but I only heard his name being called and he did not even have enough time to say anything when he got up there. She was rude period.

  34. snapdragon says:

    people have no manners anymore, that’s the problem. it was rude when kanye did it, it was rude when this lady did it and it will be rude the next time someone does it. hollywood: just stop it.

  35. TRock_54 says:

    I thought he ran up because he was really excited. This article is crazy one-sided. Is Joy Behar friends with this woman? It’s like she (Joy) didn’t watch the same incident.

  36. Dawn Star says:

    I think it was rude of her to but in. If the award was meant for two people, they would have handed out two oscars. Furthermore, MOST recipients don’t directly thank the inspiration. In any case there is no reason to rob someone of their speech!

  37. CB Rawks says:

    That woman was disgusting. She ruined a moment that might never come again for that guy,
    and as established, she had removed herself from the project so didn’t deserve to be up there.
    She makes me shudder with revulsion.

    Also, she has no idea what he was going to say in his speech, because she jumped in and took over immediately.

  38. michael mullins says:

    Agree Who Will Give the Acceptance Speech – Time and time during the Academy Awards Ceremony, the first person to the microphone will speak for the full thirty second time limit and not allow the other winners in the group (many seen clutching their own acceptance speech notes) the opportunity to give their acceptance speeches. Where this moment should be one of the happiest moments in their lives, you can see the disappointment on the faces of the winners who didn’t have the opportunity to speak.

    When you are working as a team on a project and are receiving an award, agree in advance who the acceptance speaker will be. This might be the team leader, the manager, vice president, etc., but work this out before giving the speech.

    If you decide on one person to give the speech, then you need to decide on who will be recognized during the time this person gives the presentation. Also, when speaking for the group, make sure the “I’s” are changed to “We’s.” For example, when speaking for the group say, “We would like to acknowledge the following people…” instead of saying, “I would like to acknowledge the following people…” Remember, the designated speaker is representing the group.

    If decision is to have several team members speak, achieve consensus on how much time each person will have to speak so that each person has an equal opportunity to express appreciation.

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