Glee’s Jane Lynch does Madonna’s “Vogue”

This is so cute! Last night was the return of Glee – that I didn’t watch because, you know, LOST is busy mind-f-cking me. So I can’t speak to the big splashy return, but the Glee people did release a preview of next week’s episode, the one where they’re doing Madonna songs. The preview: Jane Lynch’s character Sue Sylvester did a shot-by-shot remake of one of Madonna’s best videos, “Vogue”. Except Jane Lynch didn’t want to show too much skin, so her black pansuit was buttoned all the way up. Which kind of makes it funnier. Plus, some of the song lines were changed – “Will Shuester, I hate you.”

You know what I love? I’ll just make a list:

1. Jane Lynch is gorgeous! She’s so funny, so I don’t think I’ve ever realized how beautiful she is.

2. Jane Lynch is a great dancer. She’s good enough to do the dance moves and be silly and funny. Something Madonna never managed. Ever.

3. I love this era of Madge. Good choice for Jane Lynch.

4. Jane looks great in the corset at the end of the video!

That’s it. It’s just a fun, silly video to enjoy. I’ve watched this thing three times already.

By the way, Jane is about to marry her longtime girlfriend, and she’s being wonderfully open about their wedding plans as she promotes Glee. Have we turned a corner on mainstream acceptance of gays and lesbians? Hopefully.

Cast member Lynch attends a party to celebrate the premiere of the second season of the television series Glee in Los Angeles

Cast member Lynch poses at a party to celebrate the premiere of the second season of the television series Glee in Los Angeles

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24 Responses to “Glee’s Jane Lynch does Madonna’s “Vogue””

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  1. bubbs says:

    love it

  2. e says:

    God that woman is funny. I just love her.

  3. Obvious says:

    i adore Glee and Jane lynch is amazing. and how does Madonna not know what Glee is? She’s supposedly gave them her entire catalog to use! i am now going to go read that link…..

  4. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    I have loved Jane Lynch in everything, although I will not and do not watch Glee.

  5. ogechi says:

    off the point though but am happy that – Bombshell McGee’s nightclub hosting gig canceled!

  6. canadianchick says:

    Congrats on her wedding, she’s so talented.
    Thx Ogechi for the tip on Bombwhore McGonorrhea, awww that’s too bad…not.

  7. I, too, am happy about that BlowHole Mcgee is cancelled. I, too, love Jane! Love her even more that she is out and proud! Have we reached a new place with main stream acceptance. I like to think we have, though living in the dirty south I am sometimes reminded that people suck now and again!

  8. gigi says:

    I love Jane Lynch, she’s one of the best part of Glee. BTW, Who else think that there’s a possibilty that Idina might be Rachel’s mother?

  9. Okay, I just came from dlisted – not that I read ANY other sites – and they have th hulu video, my work firewall doesn’t block hulu so I just got to watch a moment ago and I LOVE this bitch even more now!

  10. Ron says:

    This was so damn funny and kudos to Madonna for letting them do it and use her music.

  11. ligeia says:

    they forgot to airbrush out the wrinkles in the water reflection

  12. Red Folder says:

    I love her so much! My top 3 Jane Lynch moments: First in 40 Year Old Virgin serenading Steve Carell, then in Julie and Julia as Julia’s TALLER sister, and now this!

    she is super talented and awesome!

  13. westender says:

    I was unable to watch the You tube link. Can’t wait to see the show next week!

  14. jdao says:

    This was a great remake of the video!

  15. lola lola says:

    The video really is great! It looks like she had a lot of fun making. She has so much talent.

  16. ElizabethM says:

    Holy cow, that video is awesome. Almost as awesome as Jane.

  17. kellsbells says:

    Jane Lynch nailed it – what an amazing job!

  18. Mairead says:

    Love it, love it, love her!!!

    She was excellent in “A Mighty Wind” where she sings her not inconsiderable lungs out 😀

  19. Maritza says:

    Times sure are changing…

  20. AnonPlus says:

    Love her. She is the only reason to watch Glee.

  21. Beth says:

    It was an excellent video. I’m shocked that the clip was exactly like Madonna’s. I actually didn’t like this episode. It seemed off. Maybe since it’s been so long since I’ve seen an episode I’ve lost some of the excitement.

  22. Hautie says:

    Normally I would have skipped Glee for alot of reasons, but I decided to watch it on fluke when it aired first time last Spring. And I was hooked. It is because of actors like Jane Lynch that makes it so funny to adults.

    Even if it is about a high school choir it is so much more than that lone fact. It is brilliantly snarky and it is the adults that gives it so much sass.

  23. Daniel says:

    here’s a link for HD, FOx took the original one down:

  24. Big Mama says:

    Love her!