Demi Moore: “I still think I’m five, I’m not ready to be a legend”

Demi Moore attends The Joneses premiere in Los Angeles

Demi Moore will invade every single media outlet in the span of one month, all to promote what seems like a supporting role in the comedy The Joneses, also starring David Duchovny. The Joneses was supposed to be out last year, but was mysteriously pushed back for some reason (perhaps because it sucked – we’ll never know). Anyway, Demi has already appeared on Harper’s Bazaar and Elle UK and given countless interviews in which she barely if ever spoke about the movie, so it’s not like she really cares.

Her latest interview comes in Parade Magazine, and some of the quotes are pretty much classic delusional Demi. Like this one: “I think that laughter and smiling are one of the best antidotes to aging that you could possibly have. I think that, in general, I pretty much think of myself as still being, like, five.” Demi Moore has the mind of a 5 year old. Makes sense. And I’m sure “laughter” made her face so tight. “Laughter” being some new name for Botox and plastic surgery. Oh, and this gem: “I guess I’m not ready to be a legend.” Really? Because I guess you haven’t done enough good work to be a legend. Here’s more:

Coming to terms with conspicuous consumption.
“There’s nothing wrong with wanting things. It’s just making sure that the stuff we acquire doesn’t define us. I think we are born with that drive to want. It’s when that becomes a measure of the value of ourselves that it goes askew, that’s where we get confused. Having things is OK. It just can’t become the end game.”

Being in bed with David Duchovny.
“On the one hand, it’s very practical because you’ve got the camera and you’re trying to keep your body in the right places. But it’s still very personal and intimate and thereby awkward in the same way as when you meet somebody new and end up in bed with them. I always find bedroom scenes very trying.”

Overcoming her inhibitions.
“I certainly have mine. Sometimes playing a role or posing for a picture is about getting rid of some of them. I remember I was driven by my inhibitions to want to do Striptease. The major issue for me was not taking my clothes off, but dealing with why, in our puritanical society, we look down on women who do it for a living.”

The secret to looking young.
“I don’t know if there is any particular secret, but there is one thing that I’ve thought of recently. I think that laughter and smiling are one of the best antidotes to aging that you could possibly have. I think that, in general, I pretty much think of myself as still being, like, five. Maybe that’s why my Twitter picture is of me at five. That’s how I feel. I’m just still trying to figure it all out myself.”

Knowing when not to tell all.
“In real life, there’s the truth that I’m not saying aloud about myself and my own relationship. So I guess when it comes to keeping secrets, for me, it’s really yes and no. I think there’s a difference between privacy and secrecy.”

Ashton told me he believes in “whole truth” in marriage.
“I guess I would agree with him in terms of a romantic relationship, not that it isn’t also true in our friendships too. But, it depends on what you mean by ‘the whole truth.’ I think I know what Ashton means by it, so I would agree.”

What’s more important than being famous?
“There’s a price that you pay for having some fame. But nothing that is written about us has anything to do with the reality of our lives. Forget fame, I’m thrilled with the success I’ve had. I’m thrilled to have been able to create goals for myself and achieve them. I set goals for myself in everyday life, not just in my career. Some days, my goal can be just getting to the dry cleaner.”

Let’s hear it for sisterhood.
“I think women have to stop judging other women. They need to be more understanding. As women, I think we have an important role to respect and encourage each other. Isn’t that a goal of feminism? We should break through our limitations. It happens to me every time I play a character. Sometimes it’s a confirmation of myself. Sometimes it’s a new discovery.”

Don’t call her a Hollywood legend.
“When you’re living, you don’t ever even think of yourself in terms of that word. I guess I’m not ready to be a legend. In the end, if you’re fortunate enough to have a career that spans a long time, there’s gonna be some crap mixed in with the good stuff. You just hope that, overall, you’ve been true to yourself. At the end of the day, I hope that what I leave behind has been authentic and honest, and in some way that I can keep trying to give back more than I’ve been given.”

[From Parade]

The “whole truth” marriage stuff is interesting. Despite my complaints about Demi, I have always bought that she and Ashton really care about each other and work on their marriage and everything. Despite rumors that Demi is jealous of Ashton paying attention to Kim Kardashian, that is. But I’ll also buy that Demi thinks like a 5 year old, while simultaneously being a legend in her own mind.

Here are some photos of Demi in Haiti this week. She’s traveling with Artists for Peace and Justice. Olivia Wilde and Gerard Butler are in there too:

Artists For Peace And Justice Look At Building Schools In Haiti

Artists For Peace And Justice Look At Building Schools In Haiti

Artists For Peace And Justice Look At Building Schools In Haiti

Artists For Peace And Justice Look At Building Schools In Haiti

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50 Responses to “Demi Moore: “I still think I’m five, I’m not ready to be a legend””

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  1. Green Is Good says:

    After her scary bad performance in Striptease, she won’t ever have to worry about being a legend.

  2. Sigh. says:

    Sh looks lovely next to sleepy-eyes slack-jaw (Gerry-Baby, a bed can be used for more than just…you know…yeah, you know…).

    Blah, blah, blah, you would look that way too, if you had _________ done. Still, she looks good. Got her money’s worth.

    “Legend?” Should not be on her list of concerns. Ever.

  3. e says:

    That poor little one in the 3rd photo down has the tiniest arms and legs!

  4. bite me says:

    what kind of drugs is this lady taking

  5. Cath says:

    She’s mugging for the cameras while holding a starving child. O.o

  6. Ron says:

    Hmmmmm this all reads a bit insincere…The dry cleaner comment was really funny. Like she doesn’t have an assistant to handle that shit. She had never seemed like a low maintenance gal.

  7. Taya says:


    I noticed that too. It’s like Demi thinks she is posing for a Benetton ad. Rather sick actually.

    I do not believe Demi has the mind of a 5 year old because a 5 year old is not that shallow and delusional.

    Demi is a waste of space and she needs to STFU.

  8. Leticia says:

    she is so very self-absorbed and desperate. I do not envy her.

  9. Just a Poster says:

    I am kinda interested in the movie. I like the idea about it.

    And I can’t help it, I have been a fan of hers for a long time.

  10. jane says:

    Hahaha! Great post, great thread! She shoulda kept her trap shut.

  11. bubbs says:

    UGH!!! if one more celeb says “drink lots of water” or laughter or whatever is the secret to looking young my heads gonna explode. f’n delusional liars.

  12. Tru says:

    shes no legend her plastic surgeon is.

  13. Crash2GO2 says:

    I think she is smiling at the antics of the child behind her, rather than posing on purpose. But I do find the contrast between the horrid condition of the child in her arms and its sad eyes and her smile to be disturbing.

  14. moo says:

    oh my! whatever gave her the idea that she’s a legend????? That is hillarious!

  15. lastwordlinda says:

    Saw her being interviewed with David Duchovney. The look on his face said it all while she spent five minutes talking about herself as if her self-discoveries would be revelations to the rest of us. She’s an asshole.

  16. Sigh. says:

    The kid running by is a scamp.

    She was playing with that kid at one point, posed for a pic with him, and there are pics of Susan Sarandon sticking her tongue out with the same child.

  17. Cinderella says:

    Give her a talk show. She loves to talk about herself and she knows tons of famous folks, so she’d be perfect.

  18. lucy2 says:

    She does come across as very self absorbed. I rarely see her talk about anything besides herself, but I guess that’s true of lots of celebs.

    Laughter…and a good surgeon. Just admit it already!!! Everyone knows, and everyone agrees she looks great as a result, just admit it!!

    The legend thing…oh Demi, you’re just setting yourself up for ridicule on that one.

  19. Izzy says:

    A legend? Is she serious? Please.

  20. KG says:

    @Tru: My hat is off to you Sir/Ma’am. lol

  21. Anti-icon says:

    This article reminds me of why I disliked her when she did the ho stroll the first go ’round. Go Away, Demi, you are not in ANY jeapordy of being a legend. Wow, just wow, the ego.

  22. scout says:

    Being a “legend” is something she will never need to be ready for! Oh, except if one can be legendary for being completely self-absorbed, dillusional, high on yourself, ridiculously immature, and the list could go on! UGH! So over her!

  23. Heaven-bound says:


    Let’s focus here, the answer about your secret for staying young should have been:

    The name and number of your plastic surgeon, the name of your esthetician, gym trainer, and the brand for the tones of anti-aging creams that you use. Also disclose the laser resurfacing done on your face and the cellulite treatments you have had done.

    I guess all of use must look pretty young by the end of reading your interview. Because we are all laughing…. legend!?? ha ha ha man I am feeling 10 years younger already.

  24. meme says:

    not to worry demi, you’ll never be a legend. you went to haiti for the photo op shallow POS. now SIT DOWN and STFU

  25. madam ex says:

    I used to love her from Ghost, but she now sickens me…and what is she trying to do with those babies, become the next Angelina or is she trying to adopt.
    That poor kid is so thin, what a shame that those kids in 2010 live still like we were back in the dark ages. Food is so wasted in America and they need it so bad, we’re throwing away tons of the H1N1 virus, like its nothing, and these kids just need basic vacs. Sad, very, very sad.

  26. Ruffian9 says:

    Honey, no one’s calling you a legend, so don’t sweat it.

  27. snapnhiss says:

    I hope her visit there does some good, that poor little girl she’s holding looks near death. Thanks for the link Sigh., that little boy is precious.

  28. Mary says:

    who in the hell would call her a legend? Maybe a legend in her own mind. God the vanity of some of these celebrities.

  29. friendlyskies says:

    RE: madam ex : I think what she, what all those entertainers are doing in Haiti, is forcing people who want to look at celebrities to see the real world. People always put these poverty tours down, like “OMG s/he’s like totally trying to be Angelina who like totally stole Brad from Jennifer but like she kissed her brother ew!”

    I think the reason people make such comments is because seeing the real world, the 1/5 of the human population that goes to bed hungry, makes them feel uncomfortable. My reply is, go have another Big Mac and don’t visit celebrity gossip sites if you don’t want to see it. Because these people are using their inexplicable fame to shed some light on humanity’s greatest shame.

    I live in a developing country and see these hungry kids (and old ladies, and everyone) all the time, it kills me. I try to explain to folks back home and they say such retarded stuff, “Oh, but they don’t know they’re poor” or “I worked for what I have, they need to work” and so on. This willful ignorance is disturbing and sociopathic, but yes, out of sight, out of mind. Then, Demi Moore forces us all to look at that picture, and for one fleeting second, maybe you all understood.

    But yeah, no plastic surgery? Whatever 😀

  30. snappyfish says:

    A legend in her own mind.

  31. NJMDPS says:

    She is off the beam here……..she is no legend……..get off of it lady. She is dull, at best. Plastic and useless.

  32. NJMDPS says:

    I am sorry……..I needed to add this one………….NUT JOB. Grow up.

  33. Camille says:

    Boy is this gal delusional or what.
    And where are the posters/haters going on about Demi doing ‘photo ops’ in Haiti? You mean ONLY the *EVIL* Angelina Jolie does that? Uh huh, yeah right. And oooh looky Demi is wearing makeup while having her picture taken with sick children- how terrible!

  34. Aussie Mama says:

    What has she done, to even use that word about herself?
    Got her jugs out, had heaps of surgery, been a coke whore in a brat pack, married someone much younger and naive?
    You gotta be kidding me.
    She’s no Meryl and she is defiantely no legend.
    I despise seeing the most beautiful people list full of scalpel enhanced fakes, who’s faces don’t move. It makes the list utter BS.

  35. Aussie Mama says:

    Check out the body language in the pic, where she is holding the sick child. She couldn’t move her head away any further if she tried. It’s photo op, but hell don’t breathe on me, or get to close to my face and where the hell is the one that’s running around, gotta keep my eye on him too. Not too close kiddies!!!
    She’s no Diana.

  36. Kim says:

    She will NEVER be a Hollywood legend. She hasnt done the work/roles to achieve it and she’ll never get them because she isnt that caliber of an actress. Im glad to see she was doing some charity type work in these photos.

  37. Anti-icon says:

    You know what else bugs me about this interview….she says we live in a puritanical society. Nothing is further from the truth. We live in a pimp and ho society, which she contributes to. Puritanical…does she even see what reality TV is showing. What a twit.

  38. Theresa says:

    A magazine article/interview is written expressly for the purpose of having that subject talk about themselves. So, cut her some slack.

    And as for Demi suggesting she may be considered a legend; she broke ground for women actors by once claiming the highest paid actress slot, she posed nude and pregnant on Vanity Fair creating a pretty significant firestorm surrounding decency/indecency in the media, she has maintained an amicable relationship with her ex and expanded her family with an unconventional relationship that appears to be thriving. She has accomplished a decent amount of work, overcome addiction issues, raised a decent family. Perhaps not legendary status, but I give her credit where credit is due.

  39. Feebee says:

    A legend? Maybe in her own mind.

    Now, was she driven by her inhibitions to do Striptease before or after she appeared naked and pregnant on Vanity Fair’s cover?…. Yeah, that’s what I thought.

  40. RHONYC says:


    could she be moving her torso FURTHER away from the poor malnurished child she’s holding!!!

    the poor baby is so frail, as a mom i would’ve wanted to cradle the child’s head to protect it.

    what an ass!

    listen, Desperate…i mean Demi…next time you want to drum up some publicity for your dried-up career, do yourself a favor and call up Angie Jolie…she’ll tell you how it’s done.

    p.s.- Ashton, if you decide to do a punk’d episode with having Dipshit…i mean Demi offed, no one will blame you.


  41. s. says:

    “Artists for peace and justice”?? Hahaha. Sounds like something invented in the movie Team America.

  42. isabelle says:

    Lol at: ‘the secret to looking young.’
    Yeah, right.

  43. Johnthing says:

    Psst! Demi, you are not or ever will be a legend. You are a has been B/C actress.

  44. canadianchick says:

    I saw her on Leno. I got mesmerized by her frozen tight face-it was legendary to the point where I couldn’t hear what she was promoting.

  45. ZoeGirl says:

    “I think women have to stop judging other women. They need to be more understanding. As women, I think we have an important role to respect and encourage each other.” – Is that right, Ms. Demi? I find it interesting then why you would call out Kim Kardashian via Twitter over something that had absolutely nothing to do with you, nor did it effect you in any way. Way to “respect” and “encourage” your “sister”. I’m certain you picking a fight with her has absolutely nothing to do with your jealousy towards someone younger & hotter than you. You’re attempt at publicly shaming her did nothing but make you look insecure and desperate for attention, way to go!

  46. trvlbug529 says:

    Great surgeon? You bet!
    Legend? Get out of here! LMAO

  47. WillQ says:

    She was vacant, self absorbed and self important in the 80’s, same in the 90’s and had been thankfully absent for a looong time so we didn’t have to deal with her ‘diva’ness. She really shouldn’t play up the 5 year old angle.. her childish tantrums in the past are a big part of why she couldn’t get work for so loong. But Sheeeez back and why? No one asked for her return.. a few lame blank Twitter postings and that created some buzz and Wham.. here is her mug plastic plastered again on things. Ecck!

  48. jenny says:

    Demi Moore: ” I’m retarded. “

  49. Jaxx says:

    I’m five in my own mind? I’ve heard people say they still feel 18 but five? Who wants to be frozen at five years old? Weird, plastic lady, very weird.

  50. MooCow says:

    Hi Demi, When a person’s such a blatant liar it makes it difficult to believe anything they say.

    & Yah, Elizabeth Taylor’s a legend.. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf/Cat on a Hot Tin Roof/Cleopatra

    I don’t think you need to worry any time soon!