How horrible was Ke$ha on SNL?


I was totally drunk when I watched the first half of Saturday Night Live last night (before passing out), and thus, I had kind of forgotten how horrible Ke$ha was. To be fair, K$ha was drunk too, and also to be fair, I only watched Ke$ha’s (hereafter referred to as The Drunk Child) first song, her performance of her big hit “Tik Tok”. Although some people are claiming this song was lip-synched, I don’t think it was. Just because The Drunk Child was awful. Like she can’t walk from one point to another without getting out of breath and you can hear it as she gasp/screeches. Here’s the first performance:

Terrible. What’s with the cape? Ugh, I had forgotten about the cape. The cape is not good. And the lasers! I think I had a nightmare about the lasers. Associated Content proclaimed: “Total Disaster”. And after The Drunk Child asked “Did anyone ever stop to think we were the aliens?” Associated Content replied, “Yes Ke$ha, you have us wondering if you are an alien.”

But that was before the second performance, where the Drunk Child performed “Your Love Is My Drug”. Now that I‘m watching it for the first time, I do think she lip synched this one. Does this song really have a lyric about a “lovesick crackhead”? Takes one to know one.

“Hey, it’s Saturday night. Do you want to make out?” Shiver, dry heave. Two points: the Drunk Child’s costume is offensive to Native Americans and Aboriginal people, AND the Drunk Child copies it from an Australian act! Offensive, and unoriginal? How quaint.

Many people are asking if the Drunk Child is trying to be the new Gaga… and while I don’t think Gaga is Drunkie’s only influence (because she steals from many people), I do think she’s trying to Gaga in her own “special” drunk way. Like a lovesick crackhead.


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89 Responses to “How horrible was Ke$ha on SNL?”

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  1. Team Bethenny says:

    Those performances are evidence for how low the talent bar has been set for appearing on TV.

  2. Constance says:

    OY! /le sigh

  3. ien says:

    omg i’m so glad this got a post
    i was sitting at home watching this, and i literally had to turn away from the screen because it was so effing awkward…seriously, it made me uncomfortable watching someone make that much of an ass of herself on natl television.

    like…WTF is a Ke$ha?

    it was beyond bad.

  4. Anons says:

    i am completely saddened by the quality of music that gets produced these days, and this is a prime example. her voice is annoying, her stage presence is horrible (in the first video, it appears she’s counting beats) and her style insists upon itself. she also has the biggest feet i’ve ever seen on a girl.

  5. Me says:

    I just think she doesn’t get that her choreographer and stylist are conspiring against her. That or they were both homeless people she randomly met and she said “want a job,” gave them each $5.00 and this is what resulted.

  6. Milan says:

    I’ve never liked this multicoloured bitch, Not since i heard ‘tik tok’ single disaster. Because of her i’m terrified of radio and tv. I’ve reverted to the 19th century and now read for pleasure. I’m too scared that tik tok might come on the radio or she might be interviewd on tv. the horror! the horror!

  7. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    That is considered singing?

  8. Cat says:

    Did anyone watch Just Shoot Me when they did a fake A&E biography of Nina Van Horn. They talked about her dance hit “Party O’clock” it is pretty much the same as “Tik Tok” That just cracks me up. I know she steals other people stuff, but from Nina Van Horn?

  9. Milan says:

    And to make matters worse, she sounds like a hyena that has dilated 5 centimetres, is crowning and is being chased by a pack of starving jackals. Lord she’s awful.

  10. Beth says:

    Big mistake listening to the clip. I know I shouldn’t but I loved “Your Love Is My Drug” on the radio. Now this performance ruined it for me. The funny thing is Kesha does more of a talking/singing thing. How can you be off key talking? It’s obvious that she’s a Lady Gaga wannabe.

  11. Feebee says:

    I taped SNL, haven’t seen it yet… the comments here make me scared to watch her… maybe I’ll just FF her bits.

    @Milan, LOL!

  12. DoMaJoReMc says:

    ……and she complained about Britney Spears? WTH?

  13. DD says:

    I’m sorry I watched that clip. It’s sad what we call entertainment these days.

  14. Stacie says:

    I didn’t see it. How did Ryan Phillippe do?

  15. annaloo says:

    SHe was pretty horrible… and I watched it with the sound off.

  16. hellokitty says:

    that was seriously the most stupid dance moves I’ve ever seen.
    she sucks

  17. Kelly-Michelle says:

    I can just see her music playing in aeropostle.

  18. Spooge says:

    I was half asleep with my back turned when I heard her.. I had to get up and grab the remote to hit the mute button cause it was so bad.

  19. MarlaAnn says:

    That was horrible! Her voi$ce is so annoying!!

  20. Oi says:

    Debbie Gibson, is that you?

    And what with the microphone? she caries one and has a headset somewhere? DUmb.

    And yet, I don’t think that’s the worst ever.

  21. amanda says:

    The choreography in that routine (1st one) is ABYSMAL. I laughed out loud when Kesha started dancing, and the robot arm thing that she kept doing throughout the song, in synch with the dancing computers, was incredibly funny. I think she is a cheap, wanna-be combination of Gaga, Fergie, and Katy Perry. Her voice is awful.

  22. iheartlasagne says:

    Gaga is my guilty pleasure and this one chic at work keeps trying to get me to listen to this Kesha chic (just learned from Phillippe how it’s actually pronounced). Thank god I’ve resisted.

  23. Diva says:

    She sounded pretty much the same in the clips as she does on the radio. She’s a novelty act, that’s all, they come around now and then, have one, MAYBE two albums that do ok, then disappear.

    And no, she was certainly NOT lip syncing on the second song. They had an automatic playback on part of the chorus, but that was all.

    She actually reminds me ALOT of “Bunny and Tigre” singing “The Cars that Go BOOM” back in the 80s! Youtube it!

  24. JC126 says:

    SNL should’ve gone off the air years ago.
    Many years ago, Janet Jackson (one of the biggest frauds in music, but I feel more pity for her now after learning what a monster Joe Jackson was) was on SNL, and she NEVER sang, just danced around. I guess the lip sync tech wasn’t so good then, but I was surprised nobody seemed to notice something was amiss.

  25. bellaluna says:

    @ Milan:

    I, too, read for fun, but then, I always have. I find if I’m watching TV, it’s either an HD premium channel or OnDemand, that way I can control it. Also, I listen to music on my computer, and NPR or home-made CD’s in the car. I was eating lunch while reading…thanks for the visual :

    @ Diva:

    I’ve actually never had the “pleasure” *shudders with laughter* of hearing Kesha, but I have hysterical memories of making fun of people “who like the cars that go BOOM!”

    In the 80’s, SNL had such an awesome line-up of musical guests. And they performed. I mean sang & played live. If you didn’t perform live, you couldn’t be on SNL. It was a condition to them, when they had standards. One of the best in memory was Terrence Trent D’Arby. Of course, I loved him.

  26. Snarf says:

    Wherefore art thou, Autotune?

  27. Milan says:

    Dear Feebee, laugh if you can…but inside i’m crying…the way she is gyrating and howling in alcohol induced feelings of a job well done…clearly she is as thick as War and Peace, yes, you read right. This is what i’ve been reduced to, reading intellectual novels by Tolstoy! Sigh and to think, just the other day I was reading Lauren Conrad’s LA Candy enveloped in a delicious blanket of superiority. Now I have to give up the trash, because it means, if you are going to like trash, you can’t discriminate! I don’t discriminate…Ke$ha’s made me care about what other people think!!! Horrors!

  28. annaloo says:

    Ok, I just watched it with sound, and didn’t make it through—how do people like this make it this far and get record contracts?

    It’s just not fair when there are so many real, TALENTED people out there that don’t makeyou reach for the “mute” button….

    But I digress…

    She’s like an out of tune Shakira/Alannis Morisette whose voice I don’t think is good for pop. And how many times can this girl sing about being f*cked up before it gets old…?

  29. Emily says:

    @DoMaJoReMc:I know! I’m hoping that on Britney’s next album she’ll have a song bagging the hell out of Kesha (I refuse to use the $ when spelling her moronic name).

  30. dudemanbro says:

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  31. lucy2 says:

    I watched it on the DVR, thank goodness, because after a few seconds I hit fast forward. Horrible.

  32. Kitten says:

    Holy crap. I want the past 4 minutes of my life back. This is the worst shit I’ve ever heard. The neon costume is almost as offensive as her voice. Maybe she was mimicking an aboriginal dance to purify her dead soul….

  33. Sunnyjyl says:

    To say I don’t get this concept is a gross understatement.

  34. daisyfly says:

    Bitch please – they were applauding because it was OVA. Just like music.

    Somewhere, all of the spirits of the great composers are flipping us off ectoplasmically.

  35. Theresa says:

    It rubs sandpaper on its vocal chords or it gets the glitter hose again…

  36. jover says:

    To Milan: Kesha has been on many talk shows I saw her on Lopez Tonight; she was an idiot. Check out her history, she has no talent but I believe she has connections in Nashville (and strong kneecaps) that got her a contract. Agee with above posters, and others on other sites – SNL should be canceled. SNL still likes to think its knowing and hip but how can Lorne Micheals book such crap and still repose in urban smugness when he’s allowed SNL to turn trashy. Also, why did the crowd applaud such a stunningly laughable performance. New Yorkers are supposed to be tough and smart – were they stunned by the badness that they couldn’t bring themselves to boo – or walk out as the entire show, like most of SNL this year – has been lousy.

  37. dizzybenny says:

    type of girl you would have at your highschool dances.sheeeesh!!

  38. freckles says:

    OK I have to admit this. I like Ke$ha’s RECORDED songs. Although when I first heard Tik Tok it was the most annoying thing ever, it grew on me and now I think her weird voice is kinda cute and fun.

    That said, WTF!!! I NEVER want to watch one of her performances again. She’s terrible! In the first vid you can see her glancing over to watch herself on a playback screen.. distracting. And WTF is up with those costumes? I agree with others, she’s definitely trying to be Gaga.. the problem is that Gaga’s crazy costumes are actually flattering and can be considered artistic. This just looked like someone’s half-baked idea of “artsy” (I’ve never used that term so loosely!). And she was definitely not lipsyncing either, although she probably should have… there were a few very out of tune notes. And the worst part is that on top of all this, girl is barely a 5.

    Sad, this performance definitely changed my mind about her. In a bad way.

  39. gg says:

    She acts awkward, uncomfortable and stoned all the time, and doesn’t really dance.

    But the worst offense is the fake ghetto voice thing she tries and names P. Diddy in the first line of her song. Very tacky all around.

  40. Hautie says:

    All I can think, is that this is the same no-talent girl who was ragging on Britney’s a.s.s. not a month ago. I will accept this truly awful performance as Karma getting even with her for talking smack about Britney. 🙂

    As screwed up as Britney has been, I don’t think I have heard her rag on another female performer.

  41. Milan says:

    Hey Bellaluna, ofcourse I was taking the piss, you know about not being able to escape the girl with a dollar sign in her name. But I was unawares, and then I was forced to watch, you know like when you see a train wreck? hehe

  42. mtngirl says:

    barf, it’s like jlo got her mitts on Shakira, got tossed in a tornado while attending a rave and tried to channeled M.I.A…SNL what were you thinking?

  43. westender says:

    LOL@ jover “(strong kneecaps)” Too Funny!!

    My cat is still howling after hearing that woman sing. I think he thought it was another cat in heat!

  44. kooky says: poor ears

  45. Jazz says:

    I tried to watch this, but my pc shut down. Even the poor computer couldn’t stand it.

    Poor man’s Lady Gaga.

  46. Mairead says:

    I never heard this girl’s music before, but checked the performances out on YouTube. Which has left me but with one question:

    If you really needed to emulate someone in your singing voice – why in the hell would you pick Janice out of “Friends”? 😐

  47. kelbear says:

    I hope this keeps her away for a while.

  48. Lady Nightshade says:

    I love this! The dance moves and facial expressions in the first video remind me of a cheesy Debbie Gibson video from my youth. And the “glamour shot” of Kesha at the beginning of the second video makes me laugh every time!

  49. Roma says:

    @Stacie: I wouldn’t be surprised if they did an actual post on Ryan Phillipe, but he was very “meh”. You can tell the host’s talent by how many skits they had him on and he was on few. That being said, he at least tried.

  50. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I’ve never heard anything this Kesha person did before I watched the youtube clip, but…are you serious? She gets paid actual money for this nonsense? I don’t think she’s even going for irony or satire with her shtick. It’s the end times, people!!!

  51. MOLLYBEAN says:

    I guess I’m the only K$sha fan? She’s very different and what’s wrong with that? Cheez, what a bunch of stiffs you have in your blog.

  52. foobie says:

    I think it’s not just the performer/performance. The songs are to blame as well. Tiktok is alright as a recording but just doesn’t sound good live, somehow.

  53. Trillion says:

    My town’s late night public access show has better music. That was the worse performance SNL’s ever had. Worse than Anthony Keidis’ off key “Under the Bridge” or Ashley Simpson’s lip sync gaffe. Just unbelievably awful on every level.

  54. snapdragon says:

    i don’t know who this chick is but she is a great comedienne! really! she’s hilarious, and she — what’s that? she’s a singer? are you sure this isn’t a standup act? oh, um…awkward. ok, never mind.

  55. Eye Opener says:

    OMG! OMG!….heeheeee “GLOZELL” (Youtube sensation) is going to have a field day on this one, can’t wait! 😉

    I am so glad to find this post on here though!!

    I was flipping thru the channels and I had to stop when I saw these spaceheads on TV. Well, what I saw was the ending (thankfully) when she was touching the laser. I never laughed so hard on SNL in a long time. So to her credit – she brought in the laughs for sure!!

    Oh, and did anyone else noticed when the closing credits were running that everybody was mingling with each other and she was just there twisting around looking for someone to speak to? Even the cast members knew she was a big pile of sh**! HAHAAHAHAAAA


    What a crying shame! Maybe I should start writing a few “songs” too and autotune the hell out of ’em!!


  56. gg says:

    Ha – I actually found the laser thing far more interesting than her performance. And it was pretty dumb.

    She is so very not original.

  57. Tracey says:

    I really think the first song HAD to be lip synced, it was an almost totally different voice that came out of her on the second song. Not that either song was worth listening to at all. It’s like she’s some horrid karaoke singer that spent more on her costumes than actually learning to sing.. truly painful to watch. What on earth happened to SNL that they’d book this?

  58. Katija says:

    I do not get all the Kesha hate! I didn’t watch the second clip, but I thought the first performance was fun and cool. How is she all that different from Gaga?

  59. Kim says:

    I dont think her voice sounded any diff live than it does on the radio? I watched closely and she doesnt appear to be lip synching or she could just be really good at it. After all the Britney comments she made about lip synching would she have gone there? I hope not. She has done some background vocals for other singers so she cant be all that bad vocally. She is no Christina Aguillera with the voice but better than J Lo, Fergie or Gwen Stefani and alot of other female singers i think.

  60. Annicka says:

    I got a few seconds in. I absolutely could not take anymore after the second verse into the actual song, not counting the breathy whining intro. Why is she singing with a New Jersey accent?

    This is so painful. I hate Lady Gaga with every ounce of my being but I would gladly listen to the entirety of one of her CDs before I finish these videos.

  61. Victoria says:

    Dancing astronauts were HYSTERICAL!

  62. Looks like she needs a Wonder Woman costume. I don’t think she sounds that great live but I do enjoy her songs on the radio. I did think the black light stuff was cool.

  63. Trillion says:

    The dancing astronauts are so stoked they were completely disguised.

  64. lola lola says:

    Wow, she makes Paris Hilton look talented…I thought I was watching Community Auditions….this girl is horrible

  65. alexandra says:

    Just a bunch of bitter bi***s. I don’t care for her, but she is at SNL and you are not.

  66. melanie says:

    I like it but probably not for the right reasons, like for talent or showmanship. It’s more like the enjoyment some people get from watching a B movie and making fun of it.

  67. My2Cents says:

    She looks like the ugly kid at school who tried to be “different” and “cool” but just comes off looking like a cheap, tacky clown.

  68. mollination says:

    Well, how could her songs NOT suck live? Is anyone shocked? This girl has NOthing going for her and yet somehow someone is still letting her ass carry on on T.V.!

    She physically repuslses me. I remember seeing that video on Youtube of her doing th talent showin 8th grade or whatever and you can tell she is totally that awkward girl who wanted to be cool but was just too homely and pathetic and tried too hard….and then voila! She bleached her hair, got some auto-tune and a bottle of vodka and now they’re branding her as the “fun anti-good-girl popstar” WEEEE!!

    For christ’s sake. She’s ugly as all getout (I usually wouldn’t factor looks, but when you can’t sing either, I gather part of your sell is being a sexy pop-star thing), she can’t sing, she bashes on others, she steals from others, she can’t do ANYTHING. WHAT is her appeal!?!? She’s the food-stamps version of gaga’s style and a pop-star’s gimmick. C’mon.

  69. yodarike says:

    That was like a flashback to the 80s when Debbie Gibson was putting out crap songs. She sounds a lot like Debbie Gibson vocally. Not Deborah Gibson now but teenage Debbie Gibson – whiny, grating. Different year same junk.

  70. margie says:

    I liked it- different and catchy, and she wasn’t that bad. My entire family watched and liked it. Get over yourselves and just enjoy something without feeling a need to rip it to shreds. I think if you were in her shoes you probably couldn’t or wouldn’t do any better.

  71. Kandykane says:

    Why is everyone bagging on this bitch? If indeed she was not lip synching, then she’s still a helluva lot better than Shitney Spears and look how long THAT ho rode the delusional train of public approval. Shitney can’t sing for shite but there she is, stumpy legs and all, running ’round the world with ‘Circus’. How appropriate for a middle aged bint. This Kesha person is just another product of sorts that will just come and go, taking your hard earned $$$ with it LOL

  72. DBK says:

    I think her songs are catchy and her presentation fun and unique. Yeah, her voice is whiny, but it’s clearly an affectation (when singing a cappella, she is clear and on tune), and the affectation matches the attitude and concept her songs seek to achieve. She sings dance tunes that make people want to get on the floor. That’s an achievement. Give credit where credit is due, and quit bashing just ’cause it’s different.

  73. says:

    good lord, you guys. it wasn’t THAT bad. i mean, the costume and the dancing were horrific, but the singing and the song itself definately weren’t the apocalypse that you are saying it was. these kinds of songs usually DONT come across well live, they are heavily produced in a studio with synthesizers and all that crap…seriously, you have no idea how many hip-hop songs or other pop songs have totally BOMBED on SNL because unless you are Pearl Jam or some other group like that, you’re gonna sound like crap on SNL, its just the way that it goes. I NEVER EVER judge somebody by their preformance on SNL or Leno or Conan or any of those shows because they can be so awkward and just SOUND bad, however…when i see someone preform on there and i LOVE it, then i know that it’s actually probably pretty good because its really really hard to sound good on those shows.

    but seriously??? you guys are bashing, like, a 23yr old girl who is clearly just having a good time and living it up during her youth and doesnt really give a crap, you don’t have to like it. i like it cuz it reminds me of when i was that age, im 30now, and it was just fun. that’s it, it’s just supposed to be fun. there isn’t supposed to be any weird conceptual art/music crap like Lady Gaga, it’s not supposed to be all overthought and somewhat serious pop music. it is what it is…POP MUSIC. and, for the record, it really wan’t that bad with the sound on. she is singing it the way the song is recorded. she doesn’t sing in that weird voice that she uses inthe beginning, it’s just the way the song is. i guess she’s just easy for people to hate on, i dont know, i dont really get it. but whatever. just get a grip, ok people? save your hate for someone who really deserves it….like Kate Gosselin or Octomom or someone. this girl is practically just a kid with a catchy popsong

  74. MSat says:

    Have you ever gone to a bar where there is karaoke, and there’s always a group of drunk secretaries or something, celebrating a bachelorette party or what have you? There’s always some drunk white chick who gets up there and tries to rap Sir Mixalot’s “Baby’s Got Back?” I’d rate that slightly higher than this “performance.”

    Tick tock, indeed….

  75. thomas suhrland says:

    I think both performances were alot of fun!! How serious do you really think she was trying to be covered in glow in the dark body paint?? Or dancing with Patriotic Aliens?? don’t think about it so much, just enjoy it!

  76. says:

    @MSat, well, i’ve got to say…. a group of drunk secretaries sounds like EXCELLENT entertainment just about any night…as long as you are also drunk while watching them and as long as you are not one of the aforementioned secretaries.

    i stand by what i said, i like the 2 songs outside of the SNL performances. you guys are right, they kind of sucked! but that goes back to 2 points that i made which is:
    1.) it’s hard to play a really good set on SNL, you have to Pearl Jam or The White Stripes or something acoustic. it’s just the way it is with their sound system and their setup. i’ve seen so many good bands and singers and groups COMPLETELY BOMB on SNL but you get over it, cuz it’s SNL and you still like their songs and you forget about it, unless there is some sort of debacle with the instrumental track starting at the wrong part or something. then you don’t forget it, and neither does anyone else.
    2.) This kind of music really doesn’t carry over well into live performances. she’s more of a studio artist, or at least this current incarnation of her is. from what i understand she actually has a good voice and comes from a musical family and there’s supposed to be youtube footage of her singing with her brother in an acoustic type setup/possibly country band. her young, wild, fun, obnoxious image is what is supposed to help sell her studio album and for those people that like it, it works!

  77. chaz nichole says:

    I don’t even need to watch it to know she didn’t do goodt all. She just doesn’t have any appeal to me, some of her songs are okay and how hilarious would it be if she lipsynched after calling Britney out for it? that’d be so funny to me. of course Britney does it, we’ve known that for a long time. at least when Britney does sing live, she doesn’t sound like a drunk white girl doing karaoke.

  78. MSat says:

    Well, I did see KeSha perform “live” on American Idol, and she was really bad there, too, so you can’t blame the SNL forum. Without studio magic, this chick is a joke. Heck, even WITH studio magic, I can’t stand more than about 30 seconds.

  79. Ashley says:

    I’m surprised no one pointed out the absurdity of her name. Like another poster I just found out it’s Ke-sha and Key-sha. Bitch please. I gave this video a go when it was on Dlisted. I refuse to play it again. Besides the first time I only got 10 seconds into the song before I hit stop. I was embarassed (yes I’m one of those).

    I mean she talks, really TALKS. She’s not a singer. I had never heard her before so it’s just too funny. After seeing her “Radiohead cover” I can see why she does’t sing. They really don’t care about talent these days.

  80. C-DUB says:

    …Beauty school drop out, go back to high school!!

  81. Goody says:

    Let me just say – and I mean this in all seriousness. I’m not joking or making fun of this girl. When I saw this, I thought she was someone SATIRIZING this type of music. I seriously thought she was something like a female Weird Al, making fun of Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. It wasn’t until close to the end of the first song that I realized, hey, this chick is serious. She is actually performing this crap, not mocking it. So now I’m just trying to recover from the shock and despair.

  82. Tina says:

    Wow, sad.

    Clearly she’s trying to do the Lady Gaga/Kylie Minogue (more the latter) thing and it’s definitely backfiring, esp. with that robot-arm thing that Kylie does a lot–Kylie def. does it better.

    I hate Tik tok… I thought it was irritating before now it’s just pathetic.

  83. Donna says:

    I actually give her KUDOS for singing LIVE! Ah can we say “JLO” “ASHLEESIMPSON” Among others who “claim” to sing live. I think she sounded good, needs more experience singing live, she sounds winded dancing at the same time. I give it TWO THUMBS UP!!!!! Now, who ever is managing her needs to get rid of those ridiculous costumes!?!?!?!? What were they thinking????? Typical manipulation of an UP AND COMING new singer!!!!! Hello AMERICAN IDOL?????

  84. fizXgirl314 says:

    Her music is pretty horrible to begin with… Everytime I hear it on the radio I get angry… it sounds like it’s a parody of a song and people are taking it seriously… it’s ridiculous…

  85. Alexis says:


  86. Christian says:

    Yeah Lady GaGa is a little coo-coo for cocoa puffs but at least she can actually sing. Kesha (I REFUSE to use a dollar sign) is trying to act like GaGa with a fraction of the talent. That’s not cool.

  87. Amber says:

    You make some good points,however I do believe you are being overly critcal. Kesha is surely a different type of artist but listening to some of her vocals I believe she is capable of much more. Sadly, a great voice alone doesn’t sell records. Her exaggerated pitches and strange body language gets people to watch. Lady GaGa is a great vocalist but people don’t recognize her for that. Like you know there are a ton of girls out there with great voices. They need something extra. Yes,there were many flaws in her performances but she’s not the first person to give a flawed performance. I’m sure she’ll look back at it and view it as something shell never do again. Shes young and entitled to make mistakes. I do believe she should have just opted for a few normal outfits instead of trying what ever she was trying to accomplish on SNL. But dare I say it…I found her entertaining.

  88. Brittany says:

    You guys are idiots. Why would the first one be lip synced? Are you even listening? Yiou easily hear the flaws in her voice, you’d think if it was synced they would have used a better recording? 😛

  89. kristenn says:

    ha, yall are retarded you can like tell its not lip sung and offensive to native people? wow okay. im sure if you had a life and had fun you would dress up crazy too but no if you ssung you would prolly just wear a suite. and its called using black lights thats like saying glowsticks are offensive to lightning bugs? come on now. and who cares if she gets drunk at least shes livin life and haven fun.