Christina Hendricks gives epic, wise advice to men in Esquire


Ah, Esquire has released their complete piece on Christina Hendricks and how she’s “the best-looking woman in America”. They also put up a slideshow that shows that they only really Photoshopped the hell out of Christina for the cover, not for the rest of the pics. The “interview” is pretty spectacular too – the piece is written completely in Christina’s voice, as if she’s speaking directly to men. Her advice to men is pretty awesome:

We love your body. If we’re in love with you, we love your body. Your potbelly, everything. Even if you’re insecure about something, we love your body. You feel like you’re not this or that? We love your body. We embrace everything. Because it’s you.

Speaking of your body, you don’t understand the power of your own smell. Any woman who is currently with a man is with him partly because she loves the way he smells. And if we haven’t smelled you for a day or two and then we suddenly are within inches of you, we swoon. We get light-headed. It’s intoxicating. It’s heady.

We remember forever what you say about the bodies of other women. When you mention in passing that a certain woman is attractive — could be someone in the office, a woman on the street, a celebrity, any woman in the world, really — your comment goes into a steel box and it stays there forever. We will file the comment under “Women He Finds Attractive.” It’s not about whether or not we approve of the comment. It’s about learning what you think is sexy and how we might be able to convey it. It’s about keeping our man by knowing what he likes.

We also remember everything you say about our bodies, be it good or bad. Doesn’t matter if it’s a compliment. Could be just a comment. Those things you say are stored away in the steel box, and we remember these things verbatim. We remember what you were wearing and the street corner you were standing on when you said it.

Never complain about our friends — even if we do. No matter how many times we say a friend of ours is driving us crazy, you are not to pile on. Not because it offends us. But because it adds to the weight that we carry around about her.

Remember what we like. When I first started dating my husband, I had this weird fascination with the circus and clowns and old carnival things and sideshow freaks and all that. About a month after we started dating, he bought me this amazing black-and-white photo book on the circus in the 1930s, and I started sobbing. Which freaked him out. I thought, Oh, my God, I mentioned this three or four weeks ago and talked about it briefly, but he was really listening to me. And he actually went out and researched and found this thing for me. It was amazing.

We want you to order Scotch. It’s the most impressive drink order. It’s classic. It’s sexy. Such a rich color. The glass, the smell. It’s not watered down with fruit juice. It’s Scotch. And you ordered it.

Stand up, open a door, offer a jacket. We talk about it with our friends after you do it. We say, “Can you believe he stood up when I approached the table?” It makes us feel important. And it makes you important because we talk about it.

No shorts that go below the knee. The ones almost like capri pants, the ones that hover somewhere between the kneecap and the calf? Enough with those shorts. They are the most embarrassing pants in the world. They should never be worn. No woman likes those.

Also, no tank tops. In public at least. A tank top is underwear. You’re walking around in your underwear. Too much.

No man should be on Facebook. It’s an invasion of everyone’s privacy. I really cannot stand it.

You don’t know this, but when we come back from a date, we feel awkward about that transition from our cute outfit into sexy lingerie. We don’t know how to do this gracefully. It’s embarrassing. We have to find a way to slip into another room, put on the outfit as if it all happened very easily, and then come out and it’s: Look at me! Look at the sexy thing I’ve done! For you, it’s the blink of an eye. It’s all very embarrassing. Just so you know.

Panties is a wonderful word. When did you stop saying “panties”? It’s sexy. It’s girlie. It’s naughty. Say it more.

About ogling: The men who look, they really look. It doesn’t insult us. It doesn’t faze us, really. It’s just — well, it’s a little infantile. Which is ironic, isn’t it? The men who constantly stare at our breasts are never the men we’re attracted to.

There are better words than beautiful. Radiant, for instance. It’s an underused word. It’s a very special word. “You are radiant.” Also, enchanting, smoldering, intoxicating, charming, fetching.

Marriage changes very little. The only things that will get a married man laid that won’t get a single man laid are adultery and whores. Intelligence and humor (and your smell) are what get you laid. That’s what got you laid when you were single. That’s what gets you laid when you’re married. Everything still works in marriage: especially intelligence and humor. Because the sexiest thing is to know you.

[From Esquire]

I cosign everything. I also love the line “The only things that will get a married man laid that won’t get a single man laid are adultery and whores.” Those words should be written down on a piece of paper, laminated, and handed out to young boys in elementary school. I’m also getting a very retro, old-school, 1950s pinup-personality from Christina, much like a get from Dita Von Teese. These are women who love vintage. These are women who love feather boas, and corsets, and being fabulous. And if a straight guy ever described me as “charming” I think he would spike on my gaydar. That’s just not a word straight guys use. That’s not how they think.



Photos courtesy of Esquire’s slideshow.

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75 Responses to “Christina Hendricks gives epic, wise advice to men in Esquire”

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  1. Ethel says:

    Why do men find putting a well built half naked woman in front of a trashed out trailer attractive?

  2. Gwen says:

    I love her and co-sign this too.

  3. canadianchick says:

    Love her-going to show my hubby this article. Course he may drool over her and not read a word she said, lol.

  4. Sudini says:

    OMG I love this woman! Wow, just..I want my bf to read this immediately, lol. Then I can just point and say “what she said, ya!”.

  5. Harper says:

    Yes, yes, YES!

    Do you think there’s any way I can gracefully pass this on to my man? Haha.

  6. GatsbyGal says:

    I cosign everything except the scotch. No matter where I go, I drink Dr. Pepper (I’m not a kid either, I’m 24…alcohol just isn’t all that good). So I don’t want to be drinking a Dr. Pepper while my man sips a scotch. That would make me feel all kinds of stupid.

  7. Red Folder says:

    I’m gonna have to co-sign on that too. She looks awesome.

    Maybe sometime though…she’ll get a photoshoot where the DON’T put her in a corset or undies.
    Cuz you know, we get it. She is a voluptuous woman. Got it. Message rec’d.

  8. Leek says:

    That made my day.

  9. Si says:

    This woman is a legend!!

  10. ligeia says:

    i thought it was scar jo posing for her new movie poster in that headline picture. seriously she looks like her so much there.

  11. Team Bethenny says:

    When will we see photoshoots of men crawling on all fours?

    Heterosexual men, that is.

  12. Baghag says:

    She is delicious! The other photos of her are lovely…What the hell did they do to her for the cover shot!!!

  13. Jez says:

    Never heard/read it put any better then she just did. Bra-vo!

  14. lucy2 says:

    She’s awesome, love her!

    That cover shot was so weird, at least these photos look like her. She looks great in them, but the theme is a little odd.

  15. K-MAC says:

    this woman is delicious! She is a breath of fresh air!

  16. Ana says:

    I don’t agree with the scotch. I like that my hubby drinks beer.

    Getting oogled does faze me. I feel like they’re plotting my murder. Yes, I watch too many crime shows, but I do attract the crazies.

    I do agree about remembering comments about women and their bodies.

    I remember my husband calling his ex fat at a certain weight. I weighed that much at one point after I had our baby and he tried to convince me I wasn’t fat. Then I pulled out that comment…

    I love the smell of my husband and if he were to ever have a potbelly I would love it too!!

  17. A says:

    We also remember everything you say about our bodies, be it good or bad…

    THIS. IS. SO. TRUE. Men, take notes.

  18. Lee says:

    I love her and this interview!!! The retro, down-to-earth, grown-up sexiness she exudes is unmatched. It’s about time we had someone like her.

    A poster a month or so ago commented that she could “eat her with a spoon”. I heartily agree – I could too!! And I’m straight. Hell, looking at her makes me hot for my husband! It’s all sex.

  19. rascal says:

    deleted by author

  20. Lenore says:

    … am I honestly the only woman who loathes these What Women Want type articles? How is this any different from those craptacular “Fifteen Ways To Get A Woman To Want You” or “Ten Ways To Get Her Hot In The Sack” articles that crop up in Loaded or Maxim?

    Isn’t it just… kind of sad and reductive to say, “Hey, all three billion chicks on the planet LIKE THE SAME THINGS and you will please them if you do as I tell you”? They’re no less dumb or offensive to me just because it’s a woman writing them here.

    She does look terrific, of course.

  21. Missmilly says:

    I am so emotional today and this article just topped it off. I don’t know who this woman is, but she is brilliant. “Because the sexiest thing is to know you.”—seriously, I wish my husband would say that to me, I yearn for that.

  22. Eileen Yover says:

    That second to last photo of her is stunning!

  23. violet says:

    i agree with remembering what we like and getting laid and comments about the body but everything else is a bit obsessive. i certainly don’t swoon when i smell my partner if i haven’t seen him for a few days. usually because if i haven’t been around for a few days he goes a bit “rustic”. pass out would be more accurate than swoon.

  24. operaghost says:

    What she said. Every. Last. Word.

    P.S. We know when you are looking at another woman in our presence. Even when you try to hide it behind sunglasses. Don’t ask how. We just know. And now you can expect to be slugged in the arm.

    P.P.S. I like the word lovely. Beautiful can work, but it really depends on the inflection and emotion you put into it, and here’s the thing: it has to be sincere, and not just about getting into our pants.

  25. lilred says:

    Lol @ Violet gotta say I’m with you on the “rustic” note….I love the freshly showered/shaved smell of my hubby.

  26. andrea says:

    to all those who thought SATC, SJP and her bullshit interview about the miracle she works by making her own children’s food, i give you: Christina Hendricks. now THAT is a WOMAN. Christina Hendricks versus Carrie Bradshaw. Please.

    I hope every man in America, and elsewhere, subscribe to this magazine. If only more celebrity women spoke this TRUTH rather than the nauseating garbage we usually get (see: Katie Holmes “amazing”, Carrie Bradshaw “ill die without a man”, Leann Rimes “cheating rules”, Elin Nordegren, and on and on and on.)

  27. Lucy says:

    Men would take note only because she has giant chichis.
    Take them off her, and 90% of men wouldn’t listen to a single word she said.
    That interview is gonna please women just.
    Men won’t even understand, and btw, I am sure she has said only really banal stuff there.
    I don’t like men and scotch.
    I don’t like only intelligence and humour.
    I don’t like bellies.

    Men have their standards and women have theirs too.
    And we like beautiful fit men as much as men like what they use to like (and the asset of Miss Christina are valuable by men only if they like lots of flesh: my guy for instance finds her way too round, as I do).

    It’s about what ou know you can get that slower down standards, so very often.

    This interview is quite generic.

    Sad, but true.

  28. Seany D says:

    Love the Facebook comment and agree wholeheartedly.

  29. Erin says:

    Cosign with everything but the facebook comment…my bf is in the military and this is another avenue to talk to him

  30. Lady Lurker says:

    Why is it weird when Heidi gets enormous fake boobs, but OK when Christina Hendricks does it?

    She’s beautiful, but I don’t get it. They aren’t real.

  31. Melissa says:

    Meh. She goes a little overboard on the body and smell thing for my taste. I love my husband, but I don’t worship him, for christsakes! And blech on macho scotch – fine if he likes it, but I don’t want him drinking something just to impress me! And finally, the stand up, open a door, offer a jacket is a little too retro for me. I think I would wonder what was wrong with my husband if he stood up at a table for me. And whichever one of us is not holding our 30-lb toddler is the one that gets the door! Agree on most of the other stuff.

  32. Really? says:

    Word. 🙂

  33. Sumodo says:

    Ditto, the blechh on Scotch. Glad mine likes his Diet Dr. Pepper. But all the rest is true. Plus, Christina Hendricks saying it will make him pay attention. In fact, can we get her to do a public service announcement?

  34. Mouse says:

    Love her! And agree w/ almost everything she says. I sleep w/ my fiance’s shirts when he’s out of town = so I can smell him!

  35. buckley says:

    “You are radiant.” Also, enchanting, smoldering, intoxicating, charming, fetching”

    Yes you are, yes you are!

  36. rundee says:

    She sounds like her 50s character out of “Mad Men”:
    All the stuff she says about women might be something only my grannie could agree on. Even my mom would raise her eyebrows and say that all of this sounds really oldfashioned and conditioned.

  37. JD says:

    She should not be giving any advice to men, it sounds like a desperate attempt to hype herself. Beside her giant boobs she’s average looking.

    Esquire should stop interviewing Bimbos.

  38. suz says:

    Her face looks like shit in that picture where she’s on all fours.

    I liked reading this, but coming from her it seemed preachy. I think I would like her more if she displayed a more irreverent, intelligent sense of humor in her interviews and such. She seems like she has the personality of any run of the mill disdainful Brooklyn hipster hag.

  39. Scout says:

    I love this article and, for the most part, everything she wrote. I think she is a such a refreshing change to what we are used to in Hollywood women, actually. However, I see one or two (so far) women who is in total disagreement, while most others are loving this advice. Besides the obvious, different stroke for different folks, I think our age bracket may come into play. I think my standards in mid life are way different (not better – not worse) than those much older and much younger than me. Ms. Hendricks is quite a number of years younger but she seems to be older in her view points.

    As for the smell, thing, and the belly thing…well, I can tell you I find that to be absolutely true. It is not that I do not notice a man with a HOT body…and can appreciate it… the truth is there isn’t a man on earth that I would ever want as much as the one I have – flaws and all – and he is the same way where I am it works out nicely! 🙂

    But I can assure you that I do NOT worship him, find him faultless, and have no problem disagreeing with him when I think he is wrong. He just happens to float my boat in a way that no man ever has before and that is such an awesome thing to experience!

    By the way, I already showed him the article and when he gets his next issue of Esquire, I asked him to read it in full. He already knows alot about how to please me (and visa versa) but you can always learn more!

  40. Kelly says:

    A little gushy but true enough. Smell is very important, I have turned down hotness because it didnt smell right.
    Scotch is hot, true. Being yourself is hot, guys. Dont try too hard, dont be bitchy, dont be a baby. Be a man, is about all I would add.

  41. hoodiegirl says:

    Great article.

  42. B says:

    Sooooooo tired of this woman…

  43. Mistral says:

    I actually don’t get what she is trying to say about the hookers. The comment makes no sense. It’s like she has an idea, but doesn’t manage to express it properly:

    “The only things that will get a married man laid that won’t get a single man laid are adultery and whores.”

    What is that supposed to mean? Single men can pay for sex and bang taken women, too. How is that not getting laid?

  44. Ruffian9 says:

    All I can say is; That second picture, where she’s biting her thumb….holy crap…. the gorgeous ivory skin, black bustier, red hair…so so hot.

    I say this as a happily attached straight woman. Shes just delicious.

    and the smell thing….oh yeah…

  45. snapdragon says:

    “No tank tops. In public at least. A tank top is underwear. You’re walking around in your underwear. Too much.”

    thank you, christina, thank you.

  46. Ray says:

    I don’t see anything special here.

  47. Jeff says:

    She has short, stubby legs, they should have given her a longer dress to cover them up.

  48. Crash2GO2 says:

    I liked what she had to say – about 95% of it.

  49. annaloo says:

    I’m not supposed to say this, but I will NEVER love my husband’s potbelly. I hate that thing.

  50. Blaster says:

    I hate when celebrities blast FaceBook…before it became the juggernaut it is today, it was only available for the top schools in the east and south. It was a way for all the students to have fun and get connected with their class.

    It was fun for us. We didn’t abuse it.

  51. J says:

    I like her body and her looks. The talks, not so much.

    She sounds high-maintenance.

  52. andrea says:

    can we retire the word “epic” already?

  53. birdgherl says:

    And I might be making a statement about being a strong woman if I wasn’t flaunting my tits and ass…10 giant steps back for feminism is what this is.

  54. John Doe says:

    Wow, I hope her husband thanks the heavens every single day.

    She’s a real woman.

  55. AbbeyRoad says:

    …if she got implants, she went to a really good surgeon. I might be naive, but I always thought hers were real.

    I agreed with almost all of this. I don’t know if I “swoon” because of Dude Smell, but it can definitely be enjoyable.

    The only thing that made me say “No, no, NO” is her thoughts on the word “panties.” Hate it. Nobody needs to say it. Ever.

    Other than that, though, she’s my superhero.

  56. mollination says:

    OH.MY.GOD. I.LOVE.HER!!!!! I was going to comment about how sexy I find her now, but Lea put it better than I would have with:

    “The retro, down-to-earth, grown-up sexiness she exudes is unmatched.”

    So true. It’s not this man-hating, pendulum-has-swung-too-far-feminism, but it’s not the tee-hee-I’m-a-sex-kitten game. It’s just honest to god, old-school, you are a man, I am a woman sexiness.

    I could not agree more with everything. I know this one guy who isn’t on facebook and when I hear him describe why not I think, “God, you are just a real man. I love you.”

  57. sauvage says:

    Her eyes are radiant, to use a word she likes.

  58. Henriette says:

    I hate HATE the word “panties.” And my man drinks dr. Pepper which I think is great, because it’s very Him and if he ordered Scotch, I’d think he was trying to impress the hot chick behind the bar.

    I feel that Christina has been labelled a retro beauty since she has curves that haven’t been considered fashionable or sexy (come on, admit it; when was the last time you saw a centrefold or even porn star shaped like that?) for decades and now she feels like everything that comes from her mouth must have a neo-retro ring to it. I enjoy the diversity she represents – red hair, ample hips – but the boobs aren’t real so to them I say, “Meh!”

  59. S says:

    Panties? I think her agent wrote this crap. She looks way over photoshopped here.

  60. Scout says:

    I am not positive, of course, but I do not think she has implants – I think they are her own 36 DD’s. She claims they are, which does not necessarily meant it is true – we all know some celebs do not admit to surgeries. The reason I think they are natural is because the space between them is too small – and in her tops, her breasts are pushed together. Implants create a larger space between a woman’s breast and that space means they stay separated creating that kind of cleavage you see all the time – it is the one tell tale sign – even more than the “roundness” which is also created by implants but can be on the natural breast.

  61. Lisa says:

    I just read that her show got cancelled, I found her article very annoying. It’s her lame attempt at being sexy.

  62. Alexis says:

    I had no idea, until just now, that this woman is my new hero, and possibly a mind reader

  63. Patrice says:

    Amen Christina! I am a HUGE “Mad Men” fan (mostly because of her), and just when I thought I couldn’t admire her anymore…Ladies, listen up: there is nothing wrong with being feminine and enjoyiing everything that comes along with that!

    For far too long many women have been trying way too hard to prove that they are the “same as men” and where has it gotten them? To each their own but, men for the most part no longer open doors, stand up and or take their hats off when we enter a room, and put us on that kind of pedestal, that say, our grandfathers did for our grandmothers.

    But then, I am incredibly traditional and long for the best of those days…actually, maybe THAT’S why I’m such a fan of that show. Lol.

  64. Patrice says:

    Lee: Spot on my friend! I couldn’t agree more : )

  65. Luci says:

    I didn’t know she was so great!!
    love the article and love her!
    an love-love -love the fact that women -for the first time in AGES- prefer a real size woman to a skinny minnie 🙂

  66. AC says:

    the only thing i disagree with is facebook… some men need to network. Other than that BRAVO!

  67. Melissa says:

    I can not believe that her husband is the dude from Super Troopers!!!

  68. Aspen says:

    I have natural DD’s, and they look just like hers. I have always hated them because people look at a woman with boobs this big and think, “Fat” or “Implants.”

    I love having a woman with a body like mine in magazines. It feels nice.

  69. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    @Leonore: You’re not alone. I don’t even know why I let myself get sucked into reading one of these when otherwise I studiously avoid them–because I like Mad Men, I guess–but I’m annoyed as piss and mostly at myself.

    @B: I just realized that I think I am too.

    @suz: That last line made me cackle like the wizened old crone that I am, regardless of the subject at whom it was directed. I guess that’s the 21st century version of the Katharine Hepburn type?

    @rundee: Yes. Though I agree with a few of the things she says, it feels like she’s reaching.

    @JD: Mmm-hmm, though I do think she is very beautiful.

  70. Ashley says:

    These two are my favorties:

    “Can you believe he stood up when I approached the table?”

    Why do men not do this? It’s my biggest pet peeve. And the not opening the doors, offering a woman his coat and puddles.

    Panties is a wonderful word. When did you stop saying “panties”? It’s sexy. It’s girlie. It’s naughty. Say it more.

    It is a sexy word. But I don’t know if I would like any man to call me “fetcing”. It’s a bit too old school. I’ll feel like I’m in a 1930’s Brit movie.

    And I love the Scotch comment. Maybe I’m old school (I’m only 23) but Scotch is a man’s drink. It’s like a mature (not old man) sexiness when he orders a Scotch. It says he’s a mans man.

    I offically love this woman now.

  71. CB Rawks says:

    They absolutely are real, and it’s completely obvious. I’m always surprised when people can’t tell the difference between real and fake. Especially women! Heidi Montag’s look every bit as hard and plastic and painful and fake as they are, while Christina’s are visibly soft and sit normally and move normally. Are you people perceptively challenged?

  72. Anita says:

    Well Said! Say More!

  73. Laura T says:

    Rawks: I’m not perceptively challenged, however, I believe you are. I’m 36 G (almost H) and there’s no way my boobs could ever get that close to my clavicle (there’s too much heavy breast tissue to deal with). So, unless she uses up an entire roll of duct tape every time she gets her pic taken, or she has the shortest torso to body ratio in history, they’re completely fake!

  74. Anna says:

    of course they are fake. They sit way too high up to be real, but it is a good fake boob job. She has some meat on her. All too often, very thin woman get these huge boobs and there is not enough skin to accomodate for all inserts thus having more of that fake look.

    Anyway, so they are fake…who cares. Everyone seems to love her..isn’t that the point? LOL.