Sandra Bullock photographed out without her wedding ring (video)

Sandra Bullock has been photographed out hiking in the first clear photo taken since her husband’s infidelity scandal. The image aired on Entertainment Tonight last night (video above) and I’m wondering whether it was set up by Sandra or if some enterprising paparazzo just happened to follow the right vehicle leaving her house and capture the photos, which were likely worth a high five figures. (I would say six figures, but photo costs have gone down along with the economy.) Given the demand for photos of Sandra, and the number of paparazzo vying to get the first shot, I’m thinking it’s the latter. (Although if I were in her position I would set up the first pictures in an attempt to undercut the paparazzi.)

Sandra looked great, and while ET reports she had “barely any makeup” on, you can tell that she had on mascara and lipstick and wasn’t bare-faced like they’re making it sound. She didn’t look “somber” either, just like she was out hiking. I wouldn’t read too much into these other than to note that she’s not wearing her ring.

In an Entertainment Tonight exclusive, we have obtained the worldwide rights to the first photo of Sandra Bullock without her wedding ring since her husband Jesse James’ affair scandal broke.

The Oscar winner was out last Friday taking a hike in Northern California. In our photo — drinking coffee and wearing a hat, with a scarf around her neck — the star looked somber despite the occasional smile, wearing barely any makeup.
Sandra’s left hand, in plain sight, was undoubtedly unadorned, with no sight of her vintage French platinum band along with intertwining diamonds. This is in contrast to happier times when she proudly wore her wedding jewelry. Even on Oscar night, despite wearing minimal jewelry, she did wear the diamonds on her wedding finger.

It’s been 33 days since Jesse’s alleged affairs made headlines, and the actress has not shown her face in public until now.
ET has the world exclusive photo of Sandra now, while everyone wonders, what will her next move be? To see the photo, tune in to ET tonight, and watch ET tomorrow for more of our Sandra photo exclusive.

[From Entertainment Tonight]

On Friday, Radar reported that Sandra is waiting to file for divorce until she’s sure that Jesse is on board with a deal that would ensure he doesn’t freak out and keeps quiet about their personal life. They quote a source who says “She will definitely be filing divorce papers, but wants to make sure everything is lined up perfectly first so it doesn’t get messy. She wants to tie up lose ends with Jesse so the divorce is as quick and painless as possible. She wants to make sure when they divorce he won’t discuss their relationship publicly.” Jesse definitely seems like a loose cannon and Sandra must be playing it cool out of concern for both Jesse’s behavior and his children, with whom has has emotional but no legal ties.

Radar also claims that Jesse had up to 15 mistresses, many of whom “have been bought up to stay quiet.” Meanwhile Sandra reportedly has a prenup that awards nothing to Jesse in the event of infidelity.

It’s nice to see Sandra looking well and like she’s hanging in there. She shouldn’t be the party who has to hide.

Update: Page Six [via D-Listed] reports that Sandra set up these photos with Getty and that ET paid $60,00 for the rights to them. Right on, Sandra!

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33 Responses to “Sandra Bullock photographed out without her wedding ring (video)”

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  1. Sumodo1 says:

    “…inter-winding diamonds?” Strange voice-over copy to describe her ring. This shit looked staged. Sandra, brandishing a vente, raises it slowly to her lips, to reveal a hand with no visible tan line where her ring used to be. Dun-dun-dun-DUNNNNNNN!

  2. bite me says:

    actually its was a getty photographer that got the money girl Sandy

  3. ogechi says:

    Oh my!

  4. meme says:

    sandra allowed getty to take the pics so the paps wouldn’t get an exclusive. good for her and i’m glad she’s coming out of hiding. it’s that douchebag jesse james who should be hiding.

  5. lucy2 says:

    Glad she had a good pre-nup. I hope when all this is done, he crawls back into a hole and stays there so we never have to hear about him again, and that Sandra goes on to happiness.
    I imagine she was done with him as soon as she found out. She’s just playing it smart, taking her time with the divorce to make sure she’s covered.

  6. lola lola says:

    Such a sad ending. She seemed so happy–even if the marriage was (apparently) a house of cards. I feel so badly for her.

  7. Leek says:

    She was very conspicuously drinking that coffee with the left hand. Good for her. Message received.

  8. Just a Poster says:

    I hope they leave her alone and don’t hunt her every move. Let the girl nurture her heartache without the glare of the Paps.

  9. bellaluna says:

    Yeah, I definitely understand her concern about Jesse, and what he & his temper may lead him to do. We never know just how willing someone who claims to love us is until they don’t get their way.

    *sniff, sniff* Is that a restraining order I smell?

  10. Green Is Good says:

    JJ should be the one in hiding. Lying, selfish prick.

  11. d says:

    My favourite part of that story is the prenup with James getting nothing. Ha.

  12. snapdragon says:

    good for her. she deserves better than that freak who bangs nazis.

  13. CC says:

    I’m sure that this is a stupid question, but what’s the difference with the Getty images?

  14. snapdragon says:

    question to other posters: are everyone’s comments being delayed or is it just mine?

  15. cheekemunkey says:

    Pre-nup shme-nup. Jesse took out ‘insurance’ when he filmed their sexy times and asked for hush money.

    She’s a great actress – don’t forget she was a willing participant in the marriage and sex and yet still managed to become ‘America’s Sweetheart’.

    It also helps that she can afford to hire amazing PR and law firms. Money can buy everything, can’t it??

  16. Tia C says:

    She was “America’s Sweetheart” LONG before the likes of Jesse James entered her life. That may very well change now – I think it should. She may have been wronged, matrimonially speaking, but she did marry an alleged white supremacist. That’s not very sweet. Glad she’s getting rid of him.

  17. kelbear says:

    Very smart woman she is!

  18. Wow says:

    Eh, Elin isn’t sporting her ring either and she’s still with her loser so I wouldn’t read too much into that.

    What I do find interesting in this “friend” quote is the statement that Sandra is going through great lengths (so to speak) at tying things up to insure that JJ won’t be able to discuss their relationship/marriage. It makes me wonder about what she could be hiding or what she’s afraid of the world finding out.

  19. jennab says:

    whatever the case, its good to see her out and just being normal.

  20. Jeri says:

    No one was calling him a white supremacist in the press and/or publicly before the marriage. That has just been done recently, so who can say “she knew about it.”

    No One really knows what goes on in private in a marriage and I think we all have private moments/experiences we would not want made public.

    I think people should quit putting words in her mouth and/or commenting on secrets she does not want to get out.

  21. cara says:

    bout time she came out of hiding!

  22. irl says:

    go ahead girl get down!

    No matter how innocent her personal life may or may not be – who would want every sordid detail discussed in gossip and whispered behind her back?
    I’d protect every inch of my privacy too.

  23. gg says:

    Wow – Elin isn’t “with” Tiger – catch up.

    Sandra should be wary as hell of bitter boy’s temper, which would be reason enough to be afraid of what he might do to further damage her career and image. Who knows what this guy would do in retaliation, true or false? – have you seen him in Motorcycle Mania 3? He’s crazy and seems violent, filled with hate, won’t speak to his family, doesn’t seem to care about anybody but himself. And all this was BEFORE Sandra!

  24. Michelle says:

    It’s your time, Sandra. We got your back, girl. Welcome back!

  25. Kim says:

    gg, Elin went to Mississippi to participate in Tigers treatment. She should have left after finding out about him unprotected sex with 15+ women.

  26. nnn says:

    Elin is not with Tiger and Elin’s relationship with Tiger is totally different since they share children unlike Sandra and JJ.

    This is probably the biggest point of discussion to solve in the divorce procedure as well as where those children will be raise.

    Elin, unlike Sandra is forever bound to Tiger through their children. She can never cut Tiger from her life for questions concerning the children and will have to remain civil for the rest of her life with the father of her children.

  27. Ursaline says:

    But isn’t part of the treatment getting to confront the person and telling them how much the stuff they did to you hurt and what the consequences are for them?

    If I was Elin or Sandra, I’d be there simply for the controlled confrontation where he can’t fight back and has to sit and take it while I call him a shit to his face.

  28. Raven says:

    IIRC, there are special private divorce courts in California. The judges are not district court judges. I think they may be some sort of magistrate. I think if all the details are hammered out so no dispute remains, couples can request to go to one of these and get a divorce without a lot of publicity. I seem to recall Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston going through one of these.

  29. gg says:

    Newsflash, Elin’s already flown to Sweden with the kids to get away from Tiger, so she’s “not with him”.

  30. daluraemoviegoer says:

    Sandra, dear Sandra, why did you ever marry that douche? Wish you all the best.

  31. Bee says:

    Jesse is like a tumor. Sandra needs to just cut him out.

  32. Anj says:

    Sandra throw ur ex hubby out of your house in dumpster.

  33. Kim says:

    Well according to popeater Sam is still enrolled in preschool and Elin is looking at properties in FL so this trip to Sweeden is simply a vacation not a permanent move