Singer Vanessa Carlton comes out as bisexual

NEW YORK - JULY 29:  Musician Vanessa Carlton attends the 'Taking Woodstock' premiere at Landmark's Sunshine Cinema on July 29, 2009 in New York City.  (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)
Singer Vanessa Carlton is the latest celebrity to announce that she’s bisexual. True Blood’s Anna Paquin made an announcement in a public service message for the “Give a Damn” campaign that she was bisexual, and Cameron Diaz hinted that she was bisexual in a recent interview, saying that “If I’m going to be with a woman sexually, it doesn’t mean I’m a lesbian.” Carlton, 29, made the announcement during a concert at the Nashville Pride Festival that she was “a proud bisexual woman.” Good for her!

Taking a page out of the Anna Paquin book, Vanessa Carlton has gone public with her bisexuality, has learned.

Headlining the Nashville Pride concert Saturday, Carlton announced from the stage, “I’ve never said this before, but I am a proud bisexual woman.”

Paquin, the True Blood star who is engaged to her costar Stephen Moyer, made a similar public declaration as part of a gay rights PSA April 1.

Carlton, who is best-known for her hits A Thousand Miles and Ordinary Day, was once linked romantically to John Mayer.

[From Radar Online]

I’m not too familiar with Carlton, but of course I’ve heard A Thousand Miles and Ordinary Day. I have a lot of respect for her for speaking out. A lot people believe the stereotypes about bisexual people being oversexed, but some people just are attracted to both sexes and can fall in love with either gender. It doesn’t make them less discriminatory. The stereotypes do make it harder for bisexual young people to feel comfortable with themselves. The more celebrities talk about their bisexuality, the more it loses whatever stigma it may have.

Update: I know a lot of you will say she’s doing it for publicity. She was at a gay pride festival when she made the announcement, so let’s give her a break.

NEW YORK - JULY 29:  Musician Vanessa Carlton attends the 'Taking Woodstock' premiere at Landmark's Sunshine Cinema on July 29, 2009 in New York City.  (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)

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34 Responses to “Singer Vanessa Carlton comes out as bisexual”

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  1. Green Is Good says:

    *Yawn* Next.

  2. kelbear says:

    This is the first thing I heard about her in years…

  3. embertine says:

    I think Cammy is saying that she’s NOT a lesbian – she’s saying that she couldn’t fall in love with a woman, isn’t she?

  4. denise says:

    This is just getting really out of hand. Pick a side and stick with it. One bisexual comes out of the woodwork and everyone else follows. oh puh-lease.

  5. flourpot says:

    “Pick a side and stick with it.”

    Now there’s an open mind.


  6. Persistent Cat says:

    And the world collectively asks, “so?”

  7. denise says:

    @ FLourpot

    F@#K off, how’s that for an open mind?

  8. flourpot says:

    Yikes! Hit a nerve, did I?

  9. ashleighlauren says:

    Why should we have to pick a side? Why is it so threatening to you that I don’t care who I fall in love with? Some people prefer brunettes, other people like blondes, and some people don’t care. It’s the same basic idea. I’m attracted to taller than me, sarcastic, and smart. I don’t really care if that package comes with a penis. So yay for Vanessa Carlton being open about who she is.

    Being bisexual can be very stigmatizing because people don’t come out. As a teenager, I felt very much alone. It’s great to see more people being open about who they are.

  10. denise says:

    I don’t care if a person is gay. It is their business and their choice. What I do care about is this current trend of celebrities coming out as bi. It seems fake right about now. Like a thing of fashion, it’s not original.

  11. embertine says:

    I can’t pick a side, denise, because I wasn’t born that way. Sorry you’re angry because I don’t fit into your binary view of human sexuality.

    How do you think I should choose; flip a coin, maybe? That will totally stop me being attracted to both sexes.

  12. denise says:

    @ emberwho

    Who said I was angry? You sound angrier than me. Listen, to each his own, do you. I don’t need to know, nor do I care what goes on in your bedroom. Enjoy!

  13. original kate says:

    vanessa has a nice voice, and she’s a really good piano player, too. as for being bi, meh. i doubt she’s trying to get publicity, seeing as how she’s pretty lowkey. if someone like megan fox or lady caca says it then obviously it’s for attention! those bitches don’t wipe their asses without blabbing about it.

  14. denise says:

    This must be the most attention Vanessa has seen in a while.:)

  15. kaligula says:

    yay!!!! :))))

  16. lucy2 says:

    Huh, I had forgotten all about her.

    I believe she and Anna are being genuine. Cameron’s comments, for some reason though, strike me as kind of fake. Not sure why.

  17. Liana says:

    Celebrity bisexuality – it’s the new black.

  18. irishserra says:

    @Liana: Ha!!! So true!!

  19. Kim says:

    I have no career what will get me attention? Oh i know Ill say im bisexual- oh brother – get a life!

  20. Kim says:

    You are either gay or not. There is no such thing as bisexual. Even if you like boys and girls then you are gay. I think its a disgrace to gays to have another “category” to describe being gay. You either are or arent- get over it.

  21. ligeia says:

    next: “candid” pictures of her making out with some female.

  22. Patrice says:

    Uhhhh, when I first saw this header, my immediate reaction was “who the hell cares?” I mean, Vanessa Carleton hasn’t had a hit in over 8 years! Is anyone actually moved in any way by this “news”? Let’s stick to relevent celebs. PLEASE.

  23. Zoe says:

    Maybe Denise needs to pick a side. First, she says bisexuals need to. Then she says she doesn’t care what people do in the bedroom. Obviously not. I think attitudes like this are really sad. I like her second answer far better, why should she or anyone else care what someone does in the bedroom? Or which team they are playing for? No one is asking you to join in the festivities so live and let live. People need to keep their nose out of people’s sex lives. By the way, bisexuals can’t just be gay or straight, much in the way gay or straight people can’t reverse orientations. They are who they are. How is that so hard to understand?

    I am glad more celebrities are being honest about who they are. If that makes the public uncomfortable, too bad. Gays, straights, and bisexuals are and have always been in existence and it’s time people start dealing with that.

  24. Beth says:

    Am I the last heterosexual woman in the world who hasn’t had a samesex experience? It’ not just celebrities. I can’t believe some of the videos on youtube, reality tv, etc.

  25. Anti-icon says:

    Am I the only one who is finding these random public sexual declarations rather tiring. Who cares. Really. (Or is this because I am a boring hereto?)

  26. ashleighlauren says:

    @Kim: It’s okay, we don’t need you to believe in us to exist. Which is a good thing for me given how many people have said that I don’t.

    @Anti-Icon: Perhaps the reason you don’t recognize the importance of people coming out is because you are heterosexual. Although I have straight friends and family who understand why people need to do it.

    The only visibly queer people to a lot of people, especially kids and teens, are the very out of the ordinary pride parade stereotypes (whom I love, but are not necessarily a great representation of the queer community). By coming out the closet, queer people create an atmosphere where people who think they don’t know any gay people realize that we are your siblings, your doctors, your singers, and your neighbors. It is important because it is harder for someone to stigmatize me when they know and love someone who is queer. That is why I am out. That is why I am a strong proponent of people coming out of the closet. The only way for it to become impossible to pass the kind of hate filled legislation that is targeted at queer people and their families is for us to become more visible.

  27. Tia says:

    Everyone wants to be bi or gay now. I am so happy for them. I can imagine a woman knows exactly how to treat a woman. I have many lesbian friends who are in awesome relationships and they say the emotional connection with another woman is intense and amazing. I can see it.

  28. Tia says:

    ashleighlauren HIGH FIVE… veryyyy well said!!!

  29. ashleighlauren says:

    @Tia: It should be at this point. I’m pretty sure I’ve posted some variation on it for every single queer themed post on Celebitchy for six months.
    Maybe I should just start linking?

  30. denise says:

    @ Zoe

    Why would I have to pick a side? I’m straight, I have no sexual interest in the female species. I’m not confused. Why would you find that sad? I don’t get it.

    IF they did’nt want people to have an opinion on the matter, than maybe they should’nt be putting it out there. Now what I find sad is that you don’t understand that everyone has their own opinion, even if it doesn’t agree with yours.

  31. Alexis says:

    I think people are kinda missing the point of this. They are just trying to come out and show the world *non famous people* to be themselves and accept others in the gay community…flexing their influence. It’s refreshing.

  32. Emily says:

    Good for her.

    @Kim, I’m curious. If you like both boys and girls, why does that make you gay? Why not straight? If a girl prefers guys, but is still attracted to girls, she’s gay? How the hell does that work?

  33. Sally says:

    All I have to say is.. lol @ denise for being so deluded 😀

  34. gen says:

    @Kim, are you gay? No? Then shut the f up!!!!!!!!!!