Michael Lohan threatens Demi Lovato’s dad, tells him to stop talking to the press

Abusive ex con Michael Lohan has exacted revenge on two of his ex girlfriends by selling nude photos of them to websites. He’s similarly sold and released secretly recorded phone calls with those women, with his then-friend Jon Gosselin, and with his daughter Lindsay begging and crying for help. He’s done all that in addition to holding various press conferences about Lindsay. So it’s more than ripe that Lohan is calling out Demi Lovato’s dad for some very benign comments he made about how cute she was as a little girl and how he agrees that the pressure must have gotten to her. Lohan also threatened Demi’s dad with bodily harm if he talks about Lindsay at all. I have no idea why he’s doing that, and I’ve gone over Demi’s dad’s three interviews on Radar Online as well as some minor comments he made to Access Hollywood and not once does Lindsay’s name come up. What the hell?

Demi’s dad is battling cancer and just completed two months of treatment in the hospital, so it’s pretty despicable that Michael Lohan is threatening to send him there again when he never even mentioned Lindsay. Here’s more.

Despite receiving death threats, Demi Lovato’s estranged father Patrick Lovato refuses to back down from his controversial comments — blaming the temptations of Hollywood for his Disney star daughter’s stint in rehab.

“This is the United States of America, I can talk anytime I want to,” Patrick told RadarOnline when asked if Disney’s lawyers and Demi’s mother, Dianna, had demanded that he stop talking about his daughter’s problems.

Patrick’s relationship with Demi has been strained since he and Dianna divorced in 1994 and has only gotten worse. Now, Michael Lohan, who has a long track record of talking to the media about his own daughter, is offering advice from one dad to another.

“There are two reasons why I have no respect for people who talk or comment about others,” Michael tells me. “First, it’s because, in most cases, those individuals are looking from the outside in, and they are passing judgment or commenting on people they know nothing about. The second reason is because they are too cowardly to say it to the person themselves.”

And Mr. Lovato better think twice before comparing Demi and Lindsay, Lohan warns.

“I ask Demi Lavato’s [sic] father to refrain from making asinine statements about my daughter, or say it to my face himself,” Lohan says. “And if so, I will pay for the transportation and his hospital bills

[From Popeater]

If anyone can find any statement where Demi Lovato’s dad made any reference to Lindsay, please comment with a link. As it is, it just sounds like Michael Lohan is picking on another estranged dad of a famous troubled daughter who is trying to use his past relationship for some cash and press. It’s like Lohan think he’s cornered the market on that racket and is going to take down anyone who tries to step in. He even sold the photos and story of his “private” reunion with Lindsay to Radar Online – right after holding a press conference saying he wouldn’t reveal any more details to the press. Pathetic.

Michael Lohan is shown on 10/19/10 and 10/6/10. Is he back with Kate Major after abusing her and releasing nude photos of her? Her self esteem must be in the gutter.




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40 Responses to “Michael Lohan threatens Demi Lovato’s dad, tells him to stop talking to the press”

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  1. David says:

    He is one sick person.

  2. Sigh. says:

    To Demi’s dad: STFU!
    You are destroying any hopes of a “happy reunion” by running your mouth.
    To Lohan’s dad: STFU!
    I’m just tired of your ass in general.
    To Kate Major: B!tch, put on a bra and learn how to stand in heels.
    And then STFU if you have any intention…

    That is all.

  3. happygirl says:

    Hello pot…I’m kettle. Sleezeball.

  4. Samigirl says:

    UCH. I can’t stand this man. And seriously, if Kate is back with him, then she is as screwed up as he is.

  5. LOL really?…. wtf?
    Demi’s dad actually sounded concerned about his daughter not his daughters money… there’s a difference Michael.

  6. Obvious says:

    ….ok. so the divorced man who is going through cancer and admittedly has had little contact is worried about his daughter and fears hollywood’s pressures have gotten to his daughter is being threatened by the man who has sold out anyone who he has even remotely been close too, and continues to sell out. among other things.

    geee…me thinks there is something wrong here

  7. Alexa says:

    OMG – Might Mr. Lohan be the poster boy for (malignant) narcissistic personality disorder? He seems DELIGHTED to be the most HATED guy if it’ll get him the recognition and fame he believes is due him for his unique incredibleness!

    Oh – and someone asked if Kate is back with him, and if so she must be crazy. But I remember reading in women’s mags and popular self-help books that confidence is sexy to the opposite sex. Maybe that explains her draw to him; you gotta admit the guy’s got confidence. lol…

  8. Andria says:

    Lindsay never had a chance with parents like hers. 🙁

  9. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    Holy Crazy Bipolar Stupid Ass, Batman!

    I think I hear a crazy dad trying to get more publicity on the back of someone else’s pain!

    Sound the Bat Siren! Lets go destroy the Evil Messed UP Abuser Excon Money Hungry AssHat and drown him in a sewage pipe!

    **And off Batman and Robin go to catch the evildoer****

  10. Po says:

    If those Lohan’s don’t stop this they are going to make me feel sorry for Lindsay.

  11. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    OMG Terrible fathers make me super mad. They should both STFU and Micheal Lohan is a douche but so is Demi’s dad since clearly he hasn’t been in the picture and a child needs her parents. He however wasn’t there.

  12. ohplease says:

    what a sick bastard.

    I’ll like to pay for HIS transportation and hospital bills!

  13. Stronzilla says:

    Lohan’s just trying to create controversy by making a preemptive strike against someone who he sees as encroaching his territory. He sounds like an old hooker saying this is his corner, go work another street while simultaneously trying to link his name and situation to Lovato’s to keep in the limelight. Feel sorry for Lovato’s dad, he seems like the real deal.

  14. anoneemouse says:

    Pot calling kettle black.

  15. MSat says:

    I thought this asshat was done talking to the media??? Man, that didn’t even last a week.

  16. Should be working says:

    What’s jacked up is the most disturbing thing to *me* in this post is that shirt. Plaid, button-down, pimps and hoes. SMH.

  17. spinner says:

    This f*cker’s got a lot of nerve!!


  18. bellaluna says:

    @ Johnny Depp’s Girl –

    Unfortunately, raw sewage was Michael Lohan’s amniotic fluid, so I doubt it would kill him. Can we try Holy Water instead? 😉

  19. Whitey Fisk says:

    Thank you, Should be working.

    I was hoping I wasn’t the only one who thinks CB should dedicate an entire piece to the plaid “Beverly Hills Pimps & Hos” shirt…

  20. Feebee says:

    This creep is truely a disgusting individual. Ironic that this ass uses the word asinine with respect to Mr Lovato.

  21. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    oh Bellaluna.. what a fantastic idea. 🙂

  22. kas says:

    MSat: No-No. He was done talking to the media about his daughter and HER problems. So, here’s a new reason (excuse) for his daily press conference.

  23. GatsbyGal says:

    What, has he run out of women to abuse? So now he has to pick on a poor man with cancer? So low, Michael Lohan, sooooo low. I kinda just would like him to wrap his car around a light pole and leave it at that.

  24. Whatever says:

    Michael Lohan is the douchiest famewhore around. He gets his ugly face in front of the camera more than half the celebrities in Hollywood. Although, I agree with those who said Demi’s dad should STFU. He hasn’t been in her life and is therefore speculating like the rest of us. He shouldn’t be spouting off like a Michael Lohan wannabe, especially when he has been asked to stop talking about her.

  25. craigc says:

    I’ll personally kick Michaels Lohan’s ass

  26. Lady D says:

    Mikey musta forgot his meds. It’s women he likes to threaten and abuse, not men.

  27. Madisyn says:

    Is this dude for fricken real?

  28. wunderkindt says:

    PaPa Lohan needs to have HIS ass kicked!

  29. Moore says:

    He must have something hanging over Kate’s head to make her stay with him.

    As far as this situation, he’s pathetic. I can’t say much more than that.

  30. Yadira says:

    OHPLEASE- I would love that idea except for paying for his hospital bills. We wouldn’t want anyone to try and extend his life now would we?

  31. pamela says:

    yes, Michael is one “saved” Christian! LOL

    Obviously, jail and his past have taught him nothing. I will lmao when he ends up back in jail. 🙂

    Just when I think Dina is bad enough, Michael proves me wrong.

    Geeze, poor kids!!

  32. Jeri says:

    ML getting press any way he can, of course at someone elses’ expense.

  33. Jayna says:

    The only time I ever feel sorry for Lindsay is when I think of having a father like him. Poor girl.

  34. Alexa says:

    I bet he’ll be one of Barbara Walters’s Five Most Intriguing People of 2010.

  35. Harmony says:

    He has some EXTREME mental illness(es)…I feel horribly for Lindsay now…I thought my dad was bad…

    If I grew up with this man as a father I would have turned into a Lindsay type train wreck too…

  36. Someone Else says:


    Can we start a fundraiser to buy these guys two one-way tickets to someplace that doesn’t have airports?

  37. Lia says:

    Michael Lohan is an ass. Why does he keep getting press? Ignore the twit and his ridiculous attempts to act like he cares about his daughter. Please.

  38. DD says:

    Over and over… I am reminded that Lindsay never had a chance.
    With two despicable parents like that who can blame her really.

  39. wwopd says:

    Will you (and all other media outlets) PLEASE stop posting stories about this asshat? I know he’s a trainwreck and, admittedly, I clicked on the link, but posting stories about him is exactly what he wants. Don’t give him the power or the audience to spread his douchiness and hypocrisy. Please, I beg you, institute a Michael Lohan ban. Please. And in the future, I promise not to click on Michael Lohan links. Let’s defeat this monster together.

  40. ohplease says:

    @yadira – you’re right! i’ll pay for his transportation to hell..

    or is that free? devil will welcome him with open arms!