Jennifer Aniston talks about being in love and in therapy, says Friends movie is out

Jennifer Aniston is promoting Marley and Me already, even though the film is not out in the states until Christmas. She has a new very candid interview with UK celebrity glossy Hello! and I was surprised at how open she came across. She doesn’t give a lot of personal details about her life, but she has a very emotionally honest and straightforward way of speaking that some might call blunt. She says that she’s been in therapy and that there’s nothing wrong with that. She also says that she gets “strength and energy from yoga, new age and cosmic energies.” It sounds a bit esoteric, but I’ve never lived in California so I can’t judge. The interview is long and filled with a lot of tidbits of wisdom from Aniston.

Have people wrongly categorised you?
“[Laughs] You’re not really seriously asking that question, right? I usually just go about ignoring such things but when someone says – as has often been incorrectly alleged – I’d abuse a romantic attachment as a publicity stunt or to promote a new movie of mine, that’s really just way below the belt.

“To love and be loved is the most beautiful thhing that can happen to a person, and one’s own life is much more important than all the glamour and fame in the world.”

How do you protect yourself from such misrepresentations?
“With humour. Even when it’s sometimes difficult to do: you can never allow yourself to lose your sense of humour… Life goes on and it’s just too wonderful to be spent singing the blues.”

Especially as you’ve been in love for a little while now…
“Aside from that, whoever said life is going to be a cakewalk? Life can be incredibly hard. [laughs] So people, you better buy yourself a safety helmet!”

Dealing with relationship problems, have you ever asked yourself: ‘What would Rachel, your character in Friends, do now?’
“Oh dear Lord, no! Certainly not. I’m pretty doggone sure that Rachel – with her usually very chaotic love life – would definitely not be the ideal person to take advice from.”

But you’re still pals with Courteney Cox?
“Naturally. Courteney and I have been accompanying one another through life for quite some time now. I trust her completely and she is very good at giving advice. She’s a good girlfriend. She’s got a really great family.”

Isn’t that one of your heart’s greatest desires? To have your own family?
“Naturally, it’s a beautiful thing to have a family. There are many things that are worthwhile. I can only say that I look at the future with a great deal of optimism. I will continue making movies and I hope to be able to make a few dreams come true.

“But much better than spending days making plans is to go out and create concrete opportunities!”

Next year, you’ll be celebrating the beginning of a new decade.
“Just feel free to say that I’m turning 40 next year.”

You still have the radiance of a 20-something. How do you do it?
“How about – lust for life? Otherwise, I do the best I can to keep myself fit, both in body and mind. I also draw a lot of strength and energy from yoga, new age and cosmic energies. I very much believe in karma: the way you treat your fellow man is how you’ll ultimately be treated yourself.”

A few months ago there were rumours that you underwent plastic surgery
“Oh yeah, that old story. I once had the degree of my deviated septum operated on. Since then, I can breathe much better and sleep nights like a baby. The rest of my body is all mine. And absolutely natural. And it’s going to stay that way. I am absolutely satisfied with what God gave me.”

Speaking of doctors, is it true that you’ve had psychiatric assistance?
“Boy, the way that sounds – as if I’m crazy! It’s true that I spent some time regularly taking part in sessions with a psychiatrist, an absolutely fantastic woman who unfortunately died not too long ago. By the way, I find it to be very normal to lie on a couch every once in a while and let your head be straightened out. And your hear. But please don’t write: ‘Jennifer Aniston is crazy!’ Promise? Let’s go back to talking about the movie.”

Is there anything man can learn from dogs?
“It sure would be all that bad if a man, when he came home and opened the door, ran to his woman with his tail wagging and smooched her up. This wholehearted excitement is something I’ve always missed in men, to be quite honest.”

Could you offer some advice about how men and women could get along with each other better?
“You’re asking me? Well, yes, I do have some advice: men and women should communicate more honestly with one another. We really are very different. That’s why it’d be important that we listen to one another. Sounds very simple, but quite complicated in real life.”

[From Hello! Magazine, print edition, August 18, 2008]

She also put to rest the rumors of another Friends movie, saying “I believe that wouldn’t be a very good idea. Friends was a wonderful time in my life and is now – like so many other things – a chapter that’s been closed. Let’s keep looking forward.”

I’m not a big Aniston fan. I really liked her on Friends, but with all the interviews she gave after you-know-what I got a bad impression of her. She has such a matter-of-fact way of stating things that it can come across as too harsh and a little off-putting. It’s almost as if she’s rolling her eyes at times while she’s talking.

She’s done a lot of soul-searching, and I admire the fact that she is so open about going to therapy and using alternative methods to help her make sense of life. I think it reduces the stigma when celebrities admit that they’ve used therapy and/or medication to help get through tough times.

When asked about being in love, it’s telling that she said “Aside from that,” and changed the subject. Aniston and John Mayer are now holed up in a suite at the Four Seasons in LA. They’re probably talking themselves into a tizzy right now.

Jennifer Aniston is shown outside her agent’s office on 8/5/08 and with John Mayer on 5/10/08. Credit: Fame Pictures

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80 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston talks about being in love and in therapy, says Friends movie is out”

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  1. daisy424 says:

    She probably just wants to keep her personal life private.
    Say something nice; I like her hair ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Syko says:

    I have to say something nice?

    Cute black dress.

  3. Guest says:

    I am not sure as to what interviews you talk about she gave after her split with Brad. She actually only addressed the divorce once in vanity fair. She honesty cried and admitted that she was incredibly hurt and sad. Other than that she never really mentioned her divorce. She is always honest and open with her feelings and that makes her an easy target to be disliked. If we are honest if her and Brad had had children everyone would have thought that what he did was terrible. Just because a marriage does not have children does that mean that it is not important and can be broken and that is OK and is not hurtful? Brad and Angie had an affair (whether that have been emotional or physical) and I am really tired of people trying to pretent that they didn’t. Jen was very hurt and expressed that hurt in her interviews and instead of women staying good for her for being honest they turned on her and said she should have had children then he would have stayed. Is that what we want as women to have to have children or else men will leave us. Do we as women have to do certain things to “keep” men. Jen is honest and I for one love her interviews. And yes she probably is rolling her eyes – you would be too if people continued to ask stupid questions. I think that Jen handled her divorce with grace when her x-husband already had his new girlfriend pregnant before the divorce was actually final. that wouldn’t be easy for anyone.

  4. delilah says:

    I like her, she’s had a hard time and deserves some joy, just like anyone else. Not sure if her boyfriend is the one for her, but what do I know?

  5. Jenfraud says:

    To the question regarding having a family, Aniston responds by saying she wants to make more movies. Say no more, LIAR. You never, ever wanted to have kids despite your lip services. Brad made the right decision leaving this loser.

  6. daisy424 says:

    She was dating Vince V. before her divorce was final. Seems she moved on to me.

    I read an article featuring Brad in VF around the time his film Troy came out. In that article, Brad expressed his wishes to start a family. I’m sure if he shared that tidbit with VF, he shared it with his wife also.

  7. Bodhi says:

    She really does have a fabulous body.

  8. cara says:

    I never liked the show Friends….and when I did watch it, I found her pompus and annoying. However, with the way she is aging, with grace, I find her to be an inspiration. She looks hot as hell and seems really down to earth. Sometimes being wounded makes us better humans.

  9. Linda says:

    Jenfraud – How is Jennifer a liar by saying she wants to make more movies? Brangelina already have 6 kids and are wanting more and they still seem to be signing up to make more movies and it seems all the Brangeluntics out there are applauding them – even though with 6 kids they have more than enough money to put the work aside and stay home with them.

    I do believe Jennifer handled her split as best she could – she was hurt and what woman isn’t when her marriage ends. Sienna Miller is being attacked by everyone for ruining a marriage while everyone feels sorry for Getty’s wife that her husband is so public with his affair with Sienna. It would be nice if we could remember that all of these people are human and anyone who has ever been in love with someone and they leave you for another person is devastating and it takes time to heal from that. The great thing about life is that the hurt does end and life goes on and most times you realize that what happened has made you a better person.

  10. Kaiser says:

    She played the pity party card in more than one interview, Guest.

    Jen says:
    “…[that] Iโ€™d abuse a romantic attachment as a publicity stunt or to promote a new movie of mine, thatโ€™s really just way below the belt.”

    My addition:
    “Now, hiring a coked-up whore to promote bottled water? Yeah, I’d totally do THAT.”

    The only nice thing I can say is that she doesn’t look 40 years old with all the plastic surgery.

  11. Mairead says:

    Again, I agree with much of what Guest says – I personally think that whether one or the other had an affair is their, ahem, affair. No-one knows what goes on behind closed doors. But she grieved properly for the relationship and moved on. And I really disagree with the notion she should have had a baby to trap him. If she had she would have been reviled also. It’s also unfair to call her a loser if she doesn’t want children. Better to realise that than be an uncaring parent.

    She seems to have a very straightforward way about her and a very direct sense of determination.

    BUT if she was that into New Age she’d know that karma happens when you die and are reincarnated. She’s thinking more along the lines of cosmic balancing or Wiccan return by three theory. Bad hippy-drippy type… baaaaad ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  12. daisy424 says:

    Linda; I can’t speak for the others, but Sienna is being attacked because of the innocent children involved.

  13. Mairead says:

    LOL! Kaiser – she was TOTALLY talking about you when she said that. Meanie! ๐Ÿ˜›

  14. what says:

    jennifer aniston is a different celebrity than her c-suckin exhusband and his homewreckin baby mother….Jennifer wont sell her family for publicity and Jennifer Aniston won’t have kids just to stay in the public eye….AND SHE DEFINITLEY SELL PICTURES OF HER KIDS THEN CLAIM TO GIVE THE MONEY TO CHARITY…..


  15. Kaiser says:

    @Mairead – ๐Ÿ™‚ Damn! I really had to think hard to come up with something nice, too. The other day I complimented that dress, but now I’m not liking it so much. What’s with the boob pocket?

  16. geronimo says:

    “She seems to have a very straightforward way about her and a very direct sense of determination.”

    lol Mairead! Know what this reminds me of? Like when someone gets a new haircut and they ask you what you think of it and it’s awful but you wrack your brain to try and come up with something positive – ie. lovely and shiny, or, very interesting colour! Funny. Good effort!!

  17. Mairead says:

    LMFAO geronimo!!!! To be honest – I so rarely bother reading interviews by her that I wouldn’t have a clue about her sense of humour or anything else. But I’ve always noticed that she has this quiet determination – God, you can see it in how she maintains that body. I actually admire people with that focus and determination – so long as it doesn’t boil over into conceitedness ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. CelebitchyFAN says:

    I wish she would stop wearing those ugly shoes…they look like orthopedic wedges

  19. Linda says:

    daisy424 – so are you telling me that if Getty didn’t have any children with his wife that it would have been just fine for Sienna to flaunt her affair with a married man?

  20. czarina says:

    OK, I didn’t get the sense of her being “open” in this interview at all. To me it sounded stilted–like someone who is forcing themselves to laugh at a joke.
    I also thought she sounded like she was constantly quoting from a Hallmark Card.
    Is this just me? Did anyone else find the interview sounded strange or am I being picky?
    Allow me to add that I am not trying to put down Aniston as a person–ONLY saying that my reaction to the interview was not the same as Celebitchy’s.

  21. Kaiser says:

    No, Czarina, you’re not being picky. Pity Party’s said the same thing in interview after interview — “Blah, blah, yoga, blah, therapy, blah blah ZOMG MY HAIR, blah, I’m a strong woman.”

    Some of it may be that she doesn’t want to “let people in” – or some of it may be that she really is that boring and self-absorbed.

  22. daisy424 says:

    No Linda. I didn’t feel I needed to go into that obvious detail, but will. (My other statement is still being held in moderation.)

    Getty has not filed for divorce.

    Yes, I believe that the children are innocent and should be off limits.
    You cannot possibly compare the two. If you are, where are the pictures of Brad sucking on Angie’s breasts before Jen filed for divorce? Provide a link please.

  23. Celebitchy says:

    I think I got the “open” impression from the fact that she admitted to therapy. You guys kind of hit it on the head when you said “say something nice.” I get the very severe vibe from her, but she does admit that she’s working on herself and that’s “open” I guess. It’s not the nitty gritty details, but she doesn’t deny anything. I probably mischaracterized it.

  24. czarina says:

    Do you think we (people in general, I mean) have too high expectations for celebs? That we expect them to be interesting and smart and are unfairly dissappointed to find out they aren’t? (after all, they didn’t become famous for being brilliant and scintillating conversationalists!)
    I call it the “Matthew McConaughey syndrome”: please don’t open your mouth and spoil my good opinion of you!

  25. someone says:

    I think shes a beautiful woman..I like her in comedies..and loved her in “Rockstar” with Mark Walberg..I don’t think she has any pity party, just because she broke down in one interview 3 years ago, seems foolish to hate her for that…Brad was extremely insensitive back then…so was Angelina…If those two love each other …fine..they are together collecting children..I believe Jen has moved on..and has done it with grace..Just because someone doesn’t have kids, doesn’t make them a bad person..just like having a litter of kids doesn’t necessarily make you a good person…

  26. Celebitchy says:

    Czarina that’s a really good point about having too high expectations for celebrities, and you’re probably right. She does give Hallmark card answers, very good observation. I love seeing Matthew McConaughey interviewed though. He’s one of the most interesting personalities, IMO. His interview about his son’s birth was super visceral and I remember another interview where he told this story that was pretty fascinating about a trip to Africa he took, where he claims to have seen places he dreamed about before:

  27. Bodhi says:

    I love Matthew McConaughey’s interviews too. He just seems like a sincere genuine guy

  28. paris herpes says:

    I don’t mind her so much. She looks pretty good for someone turning 40, and she’s a fairly positive person with no illusions about herself. She’s been hurt and been through a lot of crap in her life. I also wonder why magazines continue to do interviews where they expect her to dish and then she gives them pretty normal, almost boring, answers? I’d say just let her be.

  29. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Guest IS Jennifer Aniston. Fo sho.

  30. czarina says:

    OK, maybe I have missed his (McConaughey’s) interesting interviews and only heard sound bites that make him sound like a dope.
    I’ll keep on the look out for his interviews and see if there is more to him than I’ve given him credit for.
    Though, as I said, I try not to be too annoyed with celebs for not being too bright–as long as they are decent people, I am more than willing to give them a break.

  31. rue says:

    Here is the difference with being open. Jennifer Aniston is very open about the fact that she has had problems, insecurities and has needed help. But she is not open about her relationships or other small areas of her life. She states life is hard and it hurts sometimes. But she will never say “I am so in love” John is this, John is that”etc. In the general population people will like stars better who give personal tidbits about their personal life. For example Angelina talks bout her tub time with Brad, her children, what they eat etc. Jennifer would never do that and it makes her seem sometimes rude and closed. However Angie seems open and friendly because she tells you every little detail. People like that.

  32. Snowblood says:

    @ Czarina – “I didnโ€™t get the sense of her being โ€œopenโ€ in this interview at all. To me it sounded stiltedโ€“like someone who is forcing themselves to laugh at a joke.” – Exactly! This is the same impression I got, too, reading this interview. I totally agree, Czarina.

    I don’t get the sense at ALL that Anniston has a sense of humour, not at all, rather quite the opposite. She comes across as being very dry, humourless, self-important and a little snobby, just really into herself. But I also think it’s unfair of any of us to give the woman grief or condemnation because of her not wanting to have kids. Not every woman was born to be a mother, and it’s wrong for us to judge her upon that tidbit of her character, ’cause motherhood’s not for everyone, that’s for sure.

    I really loathe that header photo of her – so unflattering. It’s from the same chunk of photos from a week or two ago, remember? Where she looks like a thin-lipped harpy, I don’t like it. She CAN look quite attractive, in the right pictures and if she happens to crack even a semi-genuine smile. But this thin-lipped grim haughty-looking thing she does in a lot of the candid papz shots really makes her – not-pretty, at all.

    I get the vibe from her that she’s the type of celeb who would snub/look down on/pretend is invisible anyone “little” she came across, like on a film set or in the streets – like, remember all the things I described about what an amazing spirit Bernie Mac was? She strikes me as being the TOTAL opposite of him, in all those ways I mentioned. Not a nice person, really stuck on herself. That’s the Anniston vibe I get.

  33. Snowblood says:

    Oh, and Matthew McCounaghey? HE gives me the coolest, most relaxed, kind-hearted, happy and chill guy vibe, like he honestly doesn’t have a snobby bone in his body and he’d totally give any of us a smile or a bit of conversation if we ever met him and said “hi” to him! He’s got a great vibe. His interviews are fascinating because they’re so happy and honest, showcasing his sensitive, creative view of life.

    Yeah, he smokes a lot of bud, but ironically, so does Anniston, yet it doesn’t make her down-to-earth or chill, she’s still dry as the Mojave desert at high noon midsummer’s day. Go figure. Weed can’t solve everyone’s lack of coolness, I guess. ๐Ÿ˜†

  34. rue says:

    Snowblood if she not a nice person and so stuck on herself why do you think she has so many friends? And it is obvious she does. She is always at someone party or going out with friends. Also in the new Good House Keeping article Jake G. talks about her really interesting and very nice. However I do believe that she would be rude to bloggers and reporters because she really thinks that they are stupid. And I can imagine how it feels to have someone ask you how it feels to kiss someone or what you like for breakfast, etc. Many stars do some across this was Jessica A, Scarlett, etc. but in real life I think they are nice people just sick of being put on a pedstal and being asked stupid questions. Jen will never be open about her personal life ever again I think.

  35. JEAN says:

    There is no doubt that celebitchy is on Team Jolie, even from the writings on other Brangelina threads. I think though you are being hard on Jen. For a moment put your self in her shoes, publicly humiliated like that and a circus made out of your life. Yes she had a pity party but I would too if my husband run off with his co star and had her pregnant before the ink touched the divorce papers. I have grown to admire her over the last three years. I think she realises now that Brad Pitt was not the man she though he was. She must be thanking her stars that they have no kids to link them forever. I lost all respect for him and I will never watch a movie with him or that woman. Karma is going to hit them like a torn of bricks even if it is 20 years from now.

    Alicia Dcikson husband left her for Javine, not long ago, the latter gave an interview claiming she does not regret anything, look what happened last week, her cheating baby daddy threatened her with a knife and is battering her. I know it is sad but that is Karma. Those two treated Alicia badly. Same for Sienna, Karma is going to hit her badly.

  36. KERRI says:

    I TOTALLY agree with you KAISER! I can’t stand this phony self-centered hag. “Life can be incredibly hard”?? Is she for real? With her money, she can buy anything, including a new body and a man. Try working in an office 8-hours a day, a 3-hour commute daily, come home to cook, clean, take care of kids. Lordy, anyone can look like her if you spend thousands a month on your body, having a chef cook your meals for you, and think of nothing but “Gee, where should I go for my next getaway”. GET REAL CHINNIFER.

  37. Mr. T says:

    Jen is a deep Cali-forn-ia celebertee if I gosh darn weel ever saw un!

  38. Snowblood says:

    Rue, many stuck-up snobs have friends, especially if said stuck-up snob is a wealthy, WEALTHY rich-ass Hollywood celebrity living in Hollywoodland amongst others of her ilk. L.A. is mostly comprised of self-important, shallow bitches and snobs, they are the majority, not a small minority. She’s just one of many, nothing unusual about her lofty self-perception and her type. They’ve got PLENty of company, the self-important crowd.

  39. hello says:

    She always seemed cold to me too, but I don’t really dislike her for it because I know I’ve been described as “frosty” before.

    I didn’t realize she was 40. Surgery or not, she looks good. I think I might buy some smart water, just incase it helps. ๐Ÿ˜€

    I don’t really mean to cause controversy, and I’m not Aniston incognito, but maybe she keeps talking about the Pitt divorce because that’s what she’s known for (it’s certainly not her versatility in acting). She’s the chick who was cheated on and dumped by Brad Pitt for Angelina Jolie.

  40. Spoonman55 says:

    Wake up Jen, your earning power has taken a nose dive since your Friends days.

    Why not jump on The Sex in the City money train and run around with all your aging buddies again for the best payday you’ve had in years???

    BTW, who really cares that your an almost 40yr old woman with no life since you lost the hottest catch on earth.

    Why did Brad Pitt leave you again? Oh that’s right you didn’t want to interrupt your career for children? Face it baby-you never had a career outside of Friends. The paparazzi has loved you since you were married to Brad P-so his ultimate revenge is their constant hounding you to woman up and have the baby you should have had with Brad…

    BTW-Jen, Angie had no problems juggling a career while pumping out a few babies.

    If you didn’t keep reminding us all about Brad leaving you, for the hottest woman on earth-you actually would have no life. Wake up and realize no cares what you do unless your reminding us about your past pain. Get a LIFE!!!

  41. Snowblood says:

    @ Hello, I know, right? That really would kinda suck, not being known for your own accomplishments but for being the “dumped by Brad Pitt for Angelina Jolie” lady.

    I cannot feel an ounce of sorry for her, though – as KERRI said, quoting Anniston, “Life can be so incredibly hard??” Bitch, please!! So incredibly hard, this life, when you’re one of Hollywood’s top earners and you have your full health, and nice body, no children to take your precious time away from yourself (sarcasm), and can spend each and every day of the rest of your “incredibly hard life” to do anything, go anywhere you feel ike, or just do yoga and smoke bud all day. That’s such a hard, hard life. Incredibly hard.

  42. czarina says:

    It must be a real tight-rope walk, being interviewed. You want to come across as personable and accessable, but still not be pressured into revealing every personal thing in your life. I think it needs to be something that a celeb trains for (that’s why they have publicists)–look what happened to Tom Cruise when he decided to just “be himself”–big mistake!
    Perhaps Jennifer Aniston just hasn’t mastered that tight-rope yet.

  43. hello says:

    @ snowblood

    I wish I was fit, and could smoke and do yoga all day.

    Also I wasn’t implying I feel sorry for her. That’s the price of fame…every one is up in your biz…and your apple bong. :mrgreen: (I know that wasn’t her)

  44. chamalla says:

    Czarina – we are just brutal to celebs; I know if I were famous, y’all would be talking about something dumb I did, wore or said every single day. I know it’s part of what celebs sign up for, but I know I couldn’t take the constant scrutiny.

    I’m a heavy drinker in the Angie threads, and I admit I think she’s a pretty interesting woman, but I don’t think that means I have to hate Aniston automatically. Both women are actresses, so I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume both of them are more self-absorbed than any of us could be on our worst days, totally disconnected from the real world and likely not people I’d be besties with if I knew them. I can, however, respect both women’s work and the fortitude they must have to endure being continually scrutinized by the likes of us. ๐Ÿ˜€

  45. pamela says:


    For what it’s wortgh, i will put in my 2 cents.

    I was never a fan of Aniston, and thought her highly over-rated. To me Courtney and Lisa were the better comedic actors on that show. Also, i never found her beautiful. Hell, i pass lots of women in NYC EVERYDAY, who look as good or better than jen. However, when her marriage to Brad failed, i initially felt a twinge of sympathy for her, because it was so high profile. That sympathy lasted for as long as when she started her Pity Party. And please, no one say this woman did not milk this for all she could. In every interview she did, there was some reference to it. And dont get me started on her snarky comments re Brad. She was/is the most passive-aggressive celebrity i could remember. Her’s was not the first high-profile divorce, and i am sure it would not be the last. Her main agenda, was to destroy Brad for going on with his life, and Angie and her children in the process. Never mind she was going on with her life with Vince. That woman is a joke.

    As for her having children, i find it offensive when people insinuate that the only reason Brad left was because she did not have children. Granted, i am sure that she knew when they got married that Brad wanted a family… hell eveyone in Hollywood knew that. And she was forever saying that they were soon starting a family. I heard her myself on Oprah when the last season of Friends was coming up. She said at the time, that she was ready to have babies. And then she signed on to do about four films. True, she did not have to have babies if she did not want to…her body, her choice – but be honest. She knew Brad was a decent guy, everybody who has met him, and done business with him says so, so she thought she could string him along, and he would not leave.

    And as for her interviews, doesn’t she get tired with the same stupid philosophying (is this a word)?

    Anyhoo, just my 2 cents. Sorry for the long rant. LOL. I think she si hoping people have short memories.

  46. Kris says:

    I noticed that in most of Snowbloods posts, she types “I know, right?” Just an observation. 8) ๐Ÿ˜€

  47. Bodhi says:

    Chamalla~ You hit the nail square on the head! Liking one doesn’t exclude liking the other! All told, I bet they’re both pretty big bitches 8)

  48. Whitey Fisk says:

    “…dry as the Mojave desert at high noon midsummerโ€™s day.”

    Love the imagery, Snowblood!

    I get a thrill out of eavesdropping on my elderly neighbors talk about yarn, for God’s sake – but can you imagine being a fly on the wall of Jen and John’s hotel room? I’d last about 30 seconds before trying to figure out a way to swat myself to death.

  49. daisy424 says:

    Whitey Fisk:
    You crack me up ๐Ÿ˜›

    chamalla; Nice observation.

  50. teri says:

    I hate this woman she’s such a dingbat.

  51. KERRI says:

    LOL!!! Whitey Fisk ๐Ÿ˜€

  52. mattieb says:

    I don’t see why Jen gets all the sympathy that she does. I mean many people have been through a divorce and are left with practically nothing, kids to raise with little or no child support, working fulltime, struggling with childcare. Many women have had their lives opened up like a can of soup to the public and I feel for them, like Elizabeth Edwards sick with incurable cancer and with a husband who has betrayed her to the max. CCox and Jen both said Brad was honest, that he was not unfaithful while he and Jen were still together. Brad has not said one negative thing about Jen or the marriage like many do. Both Jen and Brad said they tried their best to make it, decided together that they were through, and Jen has said the marriage was over in the summer of 2004. Now if this is true and why would I doubt Jen’s own words, why are some of you so angry at anybody? Are you angry because Jen and Brad did not tell you when they actually separated, that they worked out everything before they announced they were through? Are you angry at a 40 year old Brad because he moved on with his life with Angelina who is someone he appears to totally love as she shares his dreams? If people decide to divorce why it is anyone else’s business? These negative attitudes toward Brad and Angelina make no sense to me, none at all. I have no negativity toward Jen, I just can’t muster sympathy someone for no reason whatsoever. Yes divorce is hard because it is a failure and no one likes to fail, but divorce is far superior to a life of misery and lost dreams. Some of you seem to believe that one stays married no matter what and that is crazy. Facts support a belief that Brad wanted a family with children with his whole heart (6 kids in 3.5 years) and said so for many years, and Jen did not share that dream even though she said she did (I think she said that she did because her fans wanted that and because she knew Brad wanted that). No shared dreams equal disaster and failure in a relationship. That’s just common sense.

  53. Bloom says:

    John Mayer?
    I was sadly forced to attend one of those dismal and sad displays two weeks ago.. and it was the funniest display I have ever seen.. Girls getting drunk on John Mayer’s douchness and Miller lite. I swear, that man is so in love with himself.. He kept talking about being “misunderstood” and that he was an “outcast…” Yeah, I bet John Mayer when you are having fun with every Hollywood Scarlet. And then he kept taking his audience into a “little excursion where it is just you and me, running in the fields for hours and hours!” and then, “Taking a trip, because i love hanging out with you.” And then i thought, “Hmm, Jennifer probably bought a ticket and already thought he was proposing to her.” “OKAY JOHN! I WILL TAKE THAT TRIP WITH YOU!!!” LMFAO! But i am sad, that i knew the words to most of his songs.. DAMN YOU JOHN! That being said, I feel sorry for Jen. I mean, she seems uptight but noone should be forced to love John Mayer… ๐Ÿ™‚

  54. elisha says:

    This alleged “openess” doesn’t suprise me. Neither does the yoga/new age stuff. Remember when she talked about breaking up with Brad and said she coped by doing hours of yoga while bawling her eyes out?

  55. pamela says:

    I had a really long post earlier tonight, and it seems to have been deleted. Sorry celebitchy if it was too long. Better to let bygones be bygones.

    All i will say regarding Aniston and her passive-aggressiveness, is that she should thank God that Brad was/is not like Charlie Sheen, ’cause the s**t would have hit the fan.

  56. magicbeans says:

    I don’t think any amont of money can protect you from, or get you over, heartbreak. Sure, money can provide stability, but humilation is tender that can’t be matched. I love Jen and cannot imagine what it must have been like to get publically dumped for another chick, and the media circus that followed. I know how much it hurts me when people in my life say shit about me – can you imagine what it must be like to hear perfect strangers (like us) hurling insults like snobby, ugly bitch? Have a heart people. As a 38 yr old women, I really respect her efforts to try a be a good person. What the hell do I know, right?

  57. Amy says:

    WTF? I have no opinion of Jennifer Aniston whatsoever, but what is with people HATING her for no freaking reason? She’s never done anything wrong in the public eye that I can see.

  58. Christina X says:

    Gosh, don’t you know, Amy!

    Because Brangelina supporters think that Jennifer Aniston is Satan.

    I don’t know, but there’s a lot of animosity for someone who allegedly “didn’t have anything to do with” Brangelina and “that it had been over before they got together”…

    Just saying.

  59. sj says:

    well maybe she would get sympathy from me had she not lied to brad, brad was/is a good man, brad wanted a family, why should brad have to suffer, it is her right not to want a family, but be honest about it, that’s how she trapped brad with the lies, of course he got Angie pregnant asap, he wasted all that non productive time with boring,lying chinnifer, she should not be angry at brad, after all she has a career because of him.

  60. Osanai says:

    Brad and Jennifer are boring mannequins. That is, they are classic Los Angeles types, the kind of people who get married because they both love to play volleyball on Saturday. They are perfect for each other except that neither of them has a shred of soul, wit, or brains between them, making it easy to break them up for…

    ANGELINA, who is the most intelligent and charismatic of the trio, but also the female Keith Richards, a heroin junkie who should be dead a hundred times over, but somehow keeps living and even reproducing, like some indestructible black widow spider. She takes vanity to a level undreamed of by anyone else except maybe Joan Crawford or Satan ( same difference ).

    Whatever Brad “suffered” with Aniston, he is already suffering ten-million-fold with the lunatic Angelina. Either way happiness doesn’t exist for any of these people, who don’t have a clue.

  61. Anon says:

    Sorry to disappoint you but most of her answers are practiced and rehearsed. She gets them already prepared from publicists, agents and the like. As for the other bland stuff like “wear a helmut” (roll eyes), she can take full credit for reading too many bumper stickers. Once again here we have another interview where she blantantly lies (absolutely natural?) and says absolutely nothing of merit. BORING.

  62. growup! says:

    why does Angelina Jolie attract such sick deluded fans? Get over it. Angelina is with Brad, wherever they end, god knows, surely not in a good place for what they did. I am just glad that they are in France and out of our faces for a while. Six kids should give them enough to think about. I am glad they will walk around with them less.

    Because her fans are so annoying, I have Brangelina more and more each day.

  63. Reality Check says:

    Huh brangelina fans are sick and deluded? why don’t you read what those psycho jen fans from FF and D-listed are writing that my friends are the real WACKOS they should’nt be out in the street. Some of them are really mentally sick.

  64. teri says:

    I find her actions to be desperate for attention. She was seeing Vince before she was also divorced, dry humping-grinding him on some balcony for all papz and passerbys to see. So Brad was seen on a beach with Angie, no contact, no kissng or nipple sucking, nothing. The marriage was over and all the counceling in the world wouldn’t have saved it. They both wanted to move on, I don’t understand why she made such a big deal of something she wanted as well. I’m sure if Brad of downsized in his new woman it wouldn’t have hurt.

  65. pamela says:

    And that teri is the crux of the matter. If Brad had moved on with say, Reese Witherspoon or Drew Barrymore, you would not have had this raging hatred going on still. But it is Angie, one of the most beautiful, sexy and fascinating women in the world right now, so the haters are ready to blow their brains out. But before they do, they are making life miserable for the other sane people out there who saw the writing on the wall long before they separated, and do not for a minute believe there was any infidelity.

    But most of all, they know that Aniston lost a good and decent man, never mind her attempts to paint him otherwise.

  66. daisy424 says:

    Reality Check: You’re right. VMDA78 on DL is VA78 here. She was posting here yesterday.
    I started to get a headache reading the comments. Crude.

  67. Kaiser says:

    I am so in love with Snowblood, Kerri & Pamela right now! “Get real Chinnifer” should be on bumper stickers and t-shirts.

  68. kate says:

    some of these posts are insane. why the hell should jen have had a baby with brad if she didn’t want one? how does that make her a bad person as opposed to someone who makes a play for a married man & “collects” children like toys and sells photos of them to the highest bidder…yeah, that seems ok. jesus, i am so tired of people thinking that if you don’t want children there is something wrong with you, you must be selfish, etc. i think it is much worse to have a child if you don’t really want it, or to “save” a marriage (cause people with kids never get divorced), make your parents happy, etc. i don’t have kids because i don’t particularly like them. alot of my friends have kids, and 3 of my sisters do too, and good for them. i love their kids and enjoy being with them, but i am happy as hell to come home to my child free house. i am very happy with my life as is, and so are many other childless by choice people. so how exactly does that make me a selfish person?

  69. RAN says:

    Kaiser, I truly begin to feel sorry for you. What a miserable life you must lead… weird.

  70. Kaiser says:

    I don’t need your Pity Party, RAN, but whatever gets you through the night.

  71. xynia says:

    Amazing, the class of people who are admittedly “Brangelinas”. I wonder why Angelina and Bradley attract such loonies? Oh! well sure, just read any press about these two who live in narcissistic fantasy and you will see. Their psychotic fans have come to believe they actually have a two way personal relationship with this pair. In one interview not too long ago, Brad commented about their over zealous fans, “they need help”. Lol….how true. It’s so much easier to tear apart a decent woman who has done nothing to Angelina and Brad but to give Brad his freedom to be with Angelina and her Rainbow Tribe….karma is a bitch

  72. dumdee says:

    so what we need are pictures of brad sucking angie’s breasts to call her a homewrecker? seriously! i completely agree with guest. some of these brangelina fans get so defensive like we are attacking their family or something.

  73. Silvia G. says:

    Jen is the most funniest actress out there she looks good too I wish her all the best…

  74. :) says:

    i think she is cool
    and i think everyone needs to calm down

  75. Rom says:

    ๐Ÿ˜ก Jen only appeals to the stuttering self centered ‘omigawd’ legions of little bitchy airheads that she tutored throughout ‘friends’ for ten years on how to be a teen age disaster at 38 yrs old and are now grasping over sized coffee mugs and rolling their eyes while copying her hair style and mannerisms and blaming men for not being able to stand their CRAP. Brad knew it…we all knew it…deep down you know it too. Hail the new woman of the 2000’s….the new queen of directionless unwedded deluded therapy driven full grown adult crack pots who still keep diaries and hug teddy bears when something goes wrong. Grow the hell up you eternal teen age flop!

  76. Dippy says:

    Ten years…3650 days…876,000 hours…5,256,000 minutes…315,360,000 seconds….count down to the new Gollum.

    “You don’t have any ‘friends’ no one likes YOU!” (pun)

    “Go away!”

    Yes, you can picture that scene can’t you? She already has the feet and hands for it. Ick.

  77. Stooge says:

    Well I dunno…the way she always acted like she just pooped her pants when she was surprised by something or someone kind of got under my skin. I don’t think TV can produce good movie stars anymore. It used to be they struggled to break away from sterotyping but now it seems they only survive this long by being sterotypes of their famous characters in some weird surreal trade off. Think about it…all these pseudo failed romances are Rachel Greens ambrosia. Scary.

  78. a different guest says:

    whetheir angelina had an affair physically or emotionally, does it really matter , if the guy really to live nothing can stop him …..and HE DID.don’t call him a cheater coz u don’t know wht really happen are u THERE?.theres a lot of hollywood people got divorced, caught their partener CHEATING, did they go to a MAGAZINE much more a VANITY fair to CRY and talk about it?….WHY, WHT FOR… she promoting a MOVIE?…a CHARITY for DIVORCE women?…anyway she did the interview THT?….is she asking for SYMPATHY?…well, she got it!…..but she also gain lots of skeptics w/c questions her motive. in fact i read tht she and brad released a JOINT STATEMENT tht their split is AMICABLE…then why do a vanity fair INTERVIEW?????…i don’t get it, GUEST pls. answer this?…also , if u were aniston , will u do these two?…after both of u both agreed to relase an amicable joint statement?..well, she cried and the rest cried w/ her in an outpouring as she is the very pitiful….but theres lot of observers who ddn’t join the crying party, they were disgusted. whetheir cheating or not, THE GUY WANTS TO LEAVE!!!…if he ddn’t cheat, he still wanted to leave if ur guy don’t love u anymore and wants out , u call him a douche?…how about a woman , who leaves her boring relationship coz she find something more MEANINGFUL or INTERESTING PERSON. wait…my question shld be , if ur a woman leaving in a shallow, boring life where ur partner is just contented by it, WILL U STAY ,if u find somebody INTERESTING?…or STAY & BE MISERABLE all ur life till death?….hello anyone.i AM ALSO STUPID CALLING ANGELINA HOMEWRECKER, when theres a lot out there who obviously did WRECK someones home their wife was pregnant when they left them , but the sympathy is more on jennifer THT’ patheticnderstand if ur her loyal fans sticking to her but come on GET REAL don’t be PATHETIC.if somebody don’t love u anymore, will u force him to stay and let him soak in misery?…just becoz of ur selfisness to hv him ?….talking bout selfishness.

  79. Laila says:

    Jeniffer did not have kids with Pitt but atleast she said she tursted him with all her life. Angelina said she did not trust any one, not even Brad. Then again, she sees the way he treated his ex and knows exactly what kind of loser he is. But of course she wants fame and will do anything to get it.

    I doubt Angelina will ever shake off the homewrecker image for the rest of her life.

  80. C. says: