NY Congressman resigns after sending shirtless pic to woman from Craigslist

When compared to other Congressional scandals, this one is almost quaint. A married Republican Congressman from New York, Chris Lee, sent some flirty messages to a woman on Craigslist in which he misrepresented his age and marital status and eventually sent her a shirtless photo. It’s like a scandal from the MySpace era! The guy didn’t even bother to use a fake name or anonymous e-mail address and the woman who received the messages googled him, figured out he was a married member of Congress and sent all the evidence to Gawker. Three hours later, Lee resigned from Congress, admitting he’d “made profound mistakes.” I’m sure the shirtless stuff was the tip of the iceberg, but it’s not like he was laundering money or screwing interns. (That we know of.)

Rep. Christopher Lee is a married Republican congressman serving the 26th District of New York. But when he trolls Craigslist’s “Women Seeking Men” forum, he’s Christopher Lee, “divorced” “lobbyist” and “fit fun classy guy.” One object of his flirtation told us her story.

On the morning of Friday, January 14, a single 34-year-old woman put an ad in the “Women for Men” section of Craigslist personals. “Will someone prove to me not all CL men look like toads?” she asked, inviting “financially & emotionally secure” men to reply.

That afternoon, a man named Christopher Lee replied. He used a Gmail account that Rep. Christopher Lee has since confirmed to be his own. (It’s the same Gmail account that was associated with Lee’s personal Facebook account, which the Congressman deleted when we started asking questions.)

By email, Lee identified himself as a 39-year-old divorced lobbyist and sent a PG picture to the woman from the ad. (In fact, Lee is married and has one son with his wife. He’s also 46.)

By modern day standards, the conversation was relatively banal: No prostitutes, escorts, or madams were involved. Just good old fashioned lying and an apparent willingness to cheat on one’s wife.

The woman says she cut off contact when she searched for Lee online and concluded he’d lied about his age, occupation, and marital status. Then she forwarded us the correspondence.

Yesterday, we reached out to Rep. Lee, whose support for “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and vote to reject federal abortion funding suggests a certain comfort with publicly scrutinizing others’ sex lives.

A spokesman for the Congressman confirmed that the email address belonged to Lee, and that he had deleted his Facebook account because our initial inquiry had him fretting about “privacy.”

[From Gawker, which has the texts]

Lee initially tried to use the “I was hacked” defense, popular among public figures busted for bad behavior, but it’s safe to assume that was a bogus excuse now that he’s resigned. What a lame way to throw away a government career. At least get laid or get a free apartment out of the deal.

Image credit: Gawker.

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99 Responses to “NY Congressman resigns after sending shirtless pic to woman from Craigslist”

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  1. Motor35 says:

    what an asshat

  2. lucy2 says:

    I’m always amazed at high profile people who somehow think their photo or video or whatever won’t go public.
    And this guy used his real name, email, etc – what an idiot! “Classy”

  3. Delta Juliet says:

    This is almost a “non-story” lol What an idiot.
    And I HATE it when people take these kinds of pictures. How insecure are you? Jeesh.

  4. Kimble says:

    He does look pretty good in the pix but dumb, homophobia and misogyny is definitely not attractive!

  5. ghostwriter says:

    What a d-bag. Did he really think (I guess with the little head) that no one would out him on this? My heart goes out to his wife and child. Hope she hires a killer divorce attorney.

  6. renai(jrt) says:

    What a jerk… Im glad the GOP cut him off………..what is he 14…. I dont know what it is about men over 40 and obscessed with the P-90-X…do they really think women care about their bodies. Its there wallets that he would have been more likely to catch a bimbo chick with………stupid

  7. Mollyb says:

    This made me LOL. This d-weed supported DADT, so I’m glad that a man who loves to stick his nose into the private sex lives of others got a taste of his own medicine.

  8. Jane says:

    I’m mostly just surprised that a Republican Congressman was having affairs with WOMEN for once instead of young men.

  9. guesty says:

    lol. always a republican.

  10. poopie says:

    thanks! now i’ll be able to skip breakfast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    what an asswipe!

  11. Rita says:

    On Craiglist one can find the finest in breeding stock and store these specimens with just a click of the Favorites Button. From the demure, with their dongs sheathed in the finest Corinthian leather which has been softened by virgin Corinthians with perfect teeth, to the Hell’s Angel type with their fecal incrusted leather and Raccoon McPantsless eye shadow. Yes, on Craiglist you can find it all.

    He thought he had speed dialed Brett Farve.

  12. Diane says:

    Looks like a toad to me.

  13. Lynda says:

    Gives a whole new meaning to dope.

  14. Majosha says:

    Could he look like a bigger tool in that photo? And is holding a bottle of cologne?

  15. EdithP says:

    What a maroon!! Also, I would be upset it wasn’t the sexy vampire Christopher Lee.

  16. Quest says:

    Idiot…duhhhhhh….you cannot do your deeds and wipe away any traces of wrong doing if it is on the internet, blackberry, twitter, facebook or any other media avenues.

    This was not a mistake. He is just totally STUPID…thank god Lee resigned.

  17. teehee says:

    Does his sexual life in any way reflect his leadership capacities or decision making (at least in terms of social issues)?
    I think someone should resign when they lead the nation into catastrophy, not when they ruin their private marriage or whatever. They should be fired or have to resign if they do a shitty job.
    In that sense, 98% of politicians SHOULD resign. Cheaters or not. 😉
    It sends some strange, unrealistic and ironic message that people ought to be condemned for sexuality when at the same time we are flooded with a hypersexed culture, plus it mixes two entirely separate and unrelated topics…

  18. Melanie says:

    @Majosha, Lol. I had to look again. I think it is his phone, but it would have been funny if it was cologne.

  19. renai(jrt) says:

    Maybe Jen can get a date… these two seem to be the same self obscessed…

  20. Po says:

    It’s called self-sabatoge. He wanted to get caught.

  21. Dorothy#1 says:

    GOOD LORD! This is my congressman , although I would like to point out I did not vote for him!
    First we had Spitzer, then Eric Massa the tickler and now this douche. Yay for Western NY LOL

  22. Happymom says:

    Oh my god, Jane-too funny-I said the exact same thing! What a hypocritical tool.

  23. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    I’m sorry, but I get VERY annoyed with people having to resign from positions because they have affairs. Guess what? Some people are douches or immature or selfish or whatever and they have affairs and the CONTINUE ON with whatever job they have.

    I know this is really an idealistic view…but why can’t we just judge people based on what they’re actually doing policy wise. If he sucked as a congressman than hell yes he should resign…but sending pretty douchetastic photos? Eh, not so much.

    By the way, I feel this way for ALL politicians. I don’t care if Obama smokes, if Bush was a former alcoholic, if Clinton got a bj from Monica OR if he smoked pot (or he just inhaled or something, idk)…I dont care that JFK had pain killer and alcohol problems and cheated on his wife…FDR was a piece of work too…
    Let people be douches in their private time if that’s how they wish to spend their time!

  24. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “Does his sexual life in any way reflect his leadership capacities or decision making (at least in terms of social issues)?”

    in a way, yes. he clearly had no issues throwing away a commitment, moral and legal, to satisfy his own needs/desires. what he did does speak to his character…and, therefore, his leadership capacities and decision making.

    the bigger issue for me is the absolute hypocrisy demonstrated by this man, and so many others who want to stick their noses in OTHER people’s bedrooms, keeping other people’s sex lives within what THEY consider to be “moral” boundaries while at the same time not practicing the morality they preach.

    EDIT: yeah, Jane, no bathroom stall toe-tapping for THIS guy!

  25. texasmom says:

    @teehee – I think we can make the case that this shows he is not smart enough to keep his job!

    I also love it when people claim they were “hacked” when they were just careless with information or pictures, or even leaving a device around. For example, if you lose your phone, you haven’t been hacked. If you send a stupid photo and it gets forwarded, you haven’t been hacked.

  26. Stephie says:

    He was incredibly stupid for doing that but I also think the woman who “turned him in” isn’t so classy herself. Bad morals on both sides of the coin.

  27. Rita says:


    Not to start a fight, but I couldn’t disagree with you more. Our personal choices are absolutely a reflection of our character. I want good men and women of sound character that guides them in their decission making. Not some pedifile who has the displine and foresight to wait for a child’s 18th birthday before jumping him.

  28. renai(jrt) says:

    This is why if a man isnt getting it at home and wants to look outside the marriage for sex then he should either divorce and live a single life or get his wife to give him what he wants. It was Ok when Billy boy Clinton was throwing himself all over bimbos. The fact that Hillary stood their and lied right next to him was worse if you ask me. I would have respected her more if she would have filed once it was all out in the air that he lied under oath.

  29. renai(jrt) says:

    good for the woman that turned him in……….she could have settled for some cash but she did the RIGHT thing!! and not the greedy thing that most do today

  30. Jane says:

    I don’t think politicians should have to resign for having problems in their personal lives, UNLESS they use their power as elected officials to take hypocritical stances and deny other people rights. And considering this jerk is one of those “pro-family” Republicans and was a big supporter of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, he most certainly deserves to have his sexual dirty laudnry aired out.

  31. renai(jrt) says:


    its called morals and standards that need to be upheld. If it were your parent doing the scumbag then you would get the idea of how america feels when we elect such people and pay them money from our paychecks to withhold a standard that is higher then a selfish 14 year olds me me attitude. its called just say no and demostrate some maturity and control over yourself…

  32. aang says:

    this man is my congressman. i hate pretty much every thing he stands for but i also don’t care about his personal life. however as a republican he belongs to the party that claims to want to protect marriage and the “family” or whatever. he is getting what he deserves.

  33. Rita says:


    My condolences for your voting district. It sounds like you better have the NY ground water tested for exstasy.

  34. Melanie says:

    @jrt: Wow, just wow. Are you for realz?

  35. renai(jrt) says:

    Yes, and thats why the GOP republicans forced him to resign. Did the dems do that with Bill, no because the dems dont care about self control and lack of maturity……..the dems just think up their excused and rationalize their way back into collecting a pay check

  36. annie says:

    When I look at that picture I see Dana Carvey in the “Hans and Franz” skit from SNL- “I want to pump you up!” LOL

  37. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    I guess my point is that if my doctor was cheating on their spouse…I wouldn’t think they were incapable of giving me sound medical advice, ya know? I would probably be more worried if my financial advisor/stock broker/accountant cheated…ha.

    I’m not familiar with this man’s policies so I don’t know if he is being hypocritical to his beliefs that got him elected. If that were the case, then obviously he shouldn’t be trying to guide people how to live.

    But yeah…ideally we would want people to lead us that have the most sound moral characters.

  38. Moreaces says:

    LOL, read this yesterday, you just cant make this stuff up.. Gotta love the Republicans and their family values

  39. Tess says:

    Ugh. Glad he’s gone. We need leaders with good character, who set some kind of example, and whose word we can trust. Character trumps all.

    If people are sneaky, dishonest jerks in their private life, they’ll be the same in their public life, and that breeds cynicism, which is so destructive to a civil society.

    These creeps should not be protected from exposure. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

  40. renai(jrt) says:

    yeah, but what if your doctor that was having an affair was right in the middle of giving you an injection and he gets the message that some crazy woman or his wife in on the phone and then had to come back and perform on you. Bet that would be the last time you would use his services. I would choose the doctor that practiced self control.

    I actually know a surgeon that cheated on his now wife before they were married and was ridden with such guilt that he told his then fiance about his mistake and sorrow before they were married. They are happily married and three kids later. I would go to him for surgery because I know how hard he worked to set things straight. People can do good if they choose to be mature and not greedy

  41. Dingles says:

    What an idiot. Nice to see Republicans continue to uphold those family values.

  42. Mollyb says:

    I think the issue is not really that he had an affair but that he’s a hypocrit. If there’s one thing that Americans hate in their politicians, it’s not immoral acts, it’s hypocrisy.

  43. Dingles says:

    For the people claiming that politicians only be judged on their leadership and not their personal lives and morals, in the case of the Republican Party the personal and political are intertwined. The GOP has made it a point over the years to grandstand as the party of “morals” and “family values,” and they seem to believe they have the market cornered on Christianity in America, so when one of them screws up like this…yeah, I hold them accountable. You can’t try to control what two adults can marry or what goes on in a woman’s uterus then expect the public to “respect your privacy” in your own life. It doesn’t work that way. Regardless of which party someone’s affiliated with, I believe politicians should be held to their own standards.

  44. renai(jrt) says:

    Yea, and nice to see the GOP demostrate their values by forcing him resign.

  45. Cheyenne says:

    Moreaces: Gotta love the Republicans and their family values
    I was getting ready to say that! You took the words right out of my keyboard.

    You know what I love? When a Republican who is married and has a family rants publicly against gays, and then he gets busted for having a boy-toy on the side.

  46. InVain says:

    Just so we’re all clear…I’m from NY and have worked in government/politics for several years – A LOT of these people are SCUMBAGS and hypocrites. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. HOWEVER, in the majority of cases, it usually does not hinder their abillity to do their job as elected officials. If they do what’s right by their constituency (because that’s who they are elected to REPRESENT)and EARN their pay, they’re pretty much good in my book.

    I draw the line when private lives begin to negatively affect your job as an official…not sure if that was the case with Lee (I’m not defending this man…he clearly has issues, and I hope his wife divorces him). I guess I’m just saying, this goes on a lot in government, doesn’t mean it’s okay, but it just does…

  47. Rita says:

    Good grief people, the expression “A picture is worth a thousand words” could not be more apropos.

    The picture tells us this man is dishonest, immoral, disloyal, a liar, vain, egotistical, manipulative, secretive, hypocritical, and in general the puke is demented (this of course is in the context of current social mores..ten years from now he might be elected pope.)

    I don’t want this guy making decisions that affect me and my family.

  48. macey says:

    what a lame picture, those myspace mirror shots always crack me up.
    kudos to the girl who exposed him for what he is.

  49. Melanie says:

    Yea, and nice to see the GOP demostrate their values by forcing him resign.

    He was not forced to resign. He did that all on his own.

  50. renai(jrt) says:

    I do agree that 80% of those in politics are liars… seems to be par the course….just makes it hard for those that want to save America to do their jobs well.

  51. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    Honestly, I don’t understand how that scenario makes sense. I’m not trying to be mean, but I’m not sure how it would happen.
    Also, I wouldn’t know if my doctor was having an affair unless they actually told me. The only reason we know of politicians and other high profile people having affairs is because the media tells us.

    But that wasn’t the point of my original comment. My point was that people do shitty things and those people are in all sorts of professions. If the shitty things people do in their private life do NOT affect their occupational life, then whatever. If they DO affect their occupational life, then yes..that is bad.

  52. renai(jrt) says:

    He was forced and it was reported that even though he resigned on his own that he was told by the GOP that it was his only option. Do you really think that he thinks what he did was all that bad……. the GOP isnt playing around with this and doesnt want to be perceived as anything close to the denial that goes on with dems.

  53. renai(jrt) says:

    Grad, believe me you would know if your doctor was shady by their performance… eventually all that is bad comes to the surface. That is my only point. This opinon forum is mostly liberals, so I dont plan on changing any minds here, but I dont follow the herd -just to be liked. I dont think most like my opinon, but it adds some spice to the mix.

  54. Emmy says:

    I love it, made my day. What a plonker. Do people really think he could continue with his job after exposing himself. Who on earth could take him seriously after this.

    Best bit is that’s he’s a republican. I laugh from across the pond at the hypocrisy.

  55. Tess says:

    @ Dr William B. Mount

    Just curious… on what planet do you reside?

  56. nycmom10024 says:

    Totally a case of self sab. He used his name and email address. He was recently involved in legislation that has his named tied to it.

    Who needs Wiki Leaks when you have google. The woman just goggled his name to verify that he was who he said he was.

    Now that he has resigned it is a private issue between him and his wife.

    It does make me wonder why a spouse would want someone to hold political office when such a high percentage appear to cheat on their mates across all party lines. He is just the latest caught. Public life must be an aprodisiac.

    And yes apparently it was Boehner who suggested he step down.

  57. KitchenDancer says:

    Classic case of none of our damn business.

    I don’t care who a politician sleeps with or tries to sleep with (he wasn’t even successful in this case), as long as it’s all between consenting adults and doesn’t interfere with their professional responsibilities. If he was having an affair with a lobbyist or a subordinate – sure, abuse of power/affecting the job. However, here he was RESPONDING to an ad posted by this woman who then decided to turn him in for what? Money? Interviews? Getting off on humiliating a public figure? She’s completely without class.

    This was craigslist. Not even a reputable dating site… Everyone knows to expect 75%+ toads, hookers, spammers and liars. If you find the very idea that someone might lie to you repugnant DON’T TURN TO CRAIGSLIST. She has no moral high ground when it comes to turning him in.

    That being said, he’s a bit dumb to use his real name/photo. However, can we give him the benefit of not being a *complete* liar? 😛

  58. Ron says:

    To those who argue about Clinton. The lovely Newt Gingrich left his cancer ridden wife while she was IN THE HOSPITAL for his mistress and I didn’t see his moral value party kicking out of anything. So start throwing stones in your delicate glass house. As far as this guy goes…what a moron.

  59. fabgrrl says:

    I’m sorry, but this does not pass the sniff test. Trying to set up a heterosexual date on Craigslist? with an adult woman? using a personal e-mail account? No prostitutes, no misappropriation of tax payer money, no kinky sex with secretaries, no Appalachian Trail? This is about as family friendly as a scandal can get. I think there is a REAL story somewhere. Someone has something on Lee and he is being forced to resign, but in such a way that he can return to public office in a few years. This was just a set-up. No one under public scrutiny could be this stupid and careless when stepping out on their spouse.

  60. Melanie says:

    He was forced and it was reported that even though he resigned on his own that he was told by the GOP that it was his only option.
    Uh,huh. Source please. Let me guess: Faux News.

  61. Stubbylove says:

    @annie – LOL! You hit it! I love the way he’s “pumpin’ us up”. In terms of all the rhetoric on politians/rep vs. dem/morality, etc. – This is a celebrity/gossip site – we all get your arguments from our daily work/news,etc. This is for fun – please lighten up here and stop friggin’ boring us all!

  62. doesn’t he look like a hot version of Dana Carvey from SNL?

  63. ah 1 more thing: this guy is so stupid that he couldn’t go to ashley madison? Im not sure I want an idiot like this in congress anyway

  64. Dorothy#1 says:

    @ rita – LOL I am going to get right on that. And then maybe start drinking more water! 🙂

  65. x says:

    HAHAHA…hubris @ its finest. Politicians never cease to amaze me!

  66. Bopa says:

    I don’t get how people don’t realize how transparent the net is.

  67. Roma says:

    I’m going to go a little poli-sci for a moment:

    But the point of election is to choose a representative of the people. The person chosen is often a reflection of the community he or she represents, or is at least aligned enough to protect and promote their interests.

    Why do you care who your politician is banging but not your doctor? Because the politician was voted into power based on the image and values he portrayed. For politicians, unlike doctors, there is no clear accreditation process. Instead people basically accept them at their word.

    And for the most part, people get pissed off when they’re lied to.

  68. JustBe says:

    I have to agree with GradStudent.

    If we all had the choice of an intelligent, faithful politician vs. intelligent, unfaithful politician, I would obviously choose the former.

    But, (unfortunately) too often the options are not so clear cut.

    I do believe that this man should have resigned because this attempt at infidelity was based on a series of lies. But, if he was open and honest with someone who was willing to have an affair with a married man (and he wasn’t constantly waving the flag of moral superhero and condemning others for their faults), I wouldn’t care. I would see the affair as an issue between him and his wife. This is the same for the doctor that treats me, the bank manager that handles my mortgage, the CEOs of the companies I choose to invest in.

    What I have read/seen is evidence that (men especially) compartmentalize their physical/sexual needs from their family life, professional life, etc. Hoping to never mix the batches. I’m not apologizing for this douche or any other cheater. But, if you’re married and you decide to step outside of your marriage as a politician or doctor or financial manager, I wouldn’t be holding torches or pitchforks on your lawn insisting on your resignation.

    My feelings are a little more complex for people that hold influential positions (clergy, teachers, etc.).

  69. Anti-icon says:

    #59 fabgrrl: “No one under public scrutiny could be this stupid and careless when stepping out on their spouse.”

    This is funny. Where have you been for the last, I don’t know, 25 years? American politicians have blown up their careers in this very manner since the dawn of time. Stupid, yes. Common. Also, yes.

    I’m glad this loser was drummed out of office. New Yorkers can find better people to represent their interests in government.

  70. DGO says:

    Stupidity and immorality seem to go hand in hand.

  71. YAY says:

    “I dont follow the herd -just to be liked”

    @JRT – don’t kid yourself, you follow ‘a’ herd.

  72. bluhare says:

    Someone said they vote for a politician based on the image and values portrayed.

    See, that’s part of the problem. Portraying an image? Sounds like acting to me. I’d rather know the person. And, yes, I do think someone who is unfaithful to their spouse is indeed capable of doing what’s right for their constituency. It would be interesting to look at all the Presidents of the US and figure out how many of them were faithful to their wives. Bet it’s a lower number than you think.

  73. leuce7 says:

    I do think this reflects on personal integrity, which many politicians campaign on as a reason for voters to give them their votes, so yeah, it’s important. That being said, he’s not my congressman so I didn’t and couldn’t vote for him, and couldn’t care less what he’s doing (other than having sympathy for his family).

    However, as a resident of NY state where this congressman, who has just proven his dumbness to me and the rest of the internet-reading world, I’m glad he’s no longer in power. I may not except my politicians to be saints, but I really don’t want them to be stupid.

  74. lucy2 says:

    I don’t think a politician HAS to resign when caught like this, unless it in some way affected their job.
    But when you campaign on a platform of “family values” and or “sanctity of marriage” you’re going to have a real hard time be RE-elected because you’re clearly a hypocrite. So I get why many of them jump ship, plus there’s probably a lot of pressure from party leadership to weed out the embarrassing, scandalous ones.

  75. Jayna says:

    His poor wife, to know your family values husband is a middle-aged perv. Geez, couldn’t he just bang the intern instead of exhibitionism on-line with paid-for skanks.

  76. MissyA says:

    I guess I have a problem with people attempting to legislate morality on the masses when they can’t keep it in their own pants.

    What right do you have to legislate who I can and cannot love, when you’re spreading your lovin’ all over town?

    “Sanctity of Marriage”, indeed.

  77. TaylorB says:

    What I just can not wrap my brain about are how in hell, in this day and age of technology, people are so stupid to send out naked or in this case half naked photos of themselves. Have they been living in a cave? Right or wrong, if you don’t want your dirty clothes(or lack there of) aired in public don’t put them on the net.

    That being said, I do find in awful when people ‘out’ others pictures etc out of anger or spite, ex. pissed off exes that publish private photos to ‘get back’ at someone. Not that this is the case here, he was just a horny liar and a fool.

  78. renai(jrt) says:

    Taylor, he is over 40, midlife…. thinks he looks really good since he works out and is afraid of death. (like from Moonstruck-my all time favorite movie) … and is thinking with his male part…it adds up to stupidity with a bit of arrogance thrown in there and a whole lot of selfishness…

    why is he flexing……. thats just plain arrogance

  79. wunderkindt says:

    Obviously he wanted to get caught!

  80. RHONYC says:



    so what, craigslist is like the bootleg match.com now…seriously?

    ahhh man, that’s funny. 😆

    what a creep.

  81. TaylorB says:

    JRT (sorry the rest of your name is over the post # so I cant read it)

    Personally I LOVE the flexing part, it is just so cheezy looking, I darn near busted my gut laughing. Isn’t he just full of himself? Well, I guess if you are going to make a fool of yourself sending half naked photos online you may as well go all out and bring on some real embarassment. 😉

  82. renai(jrt) says:

    Taylor, he couldnt look more dufus if he tried. no wonder she turned him in
    but I bet he thinks he looks hot

  83. Fire says:

    I’m most upset because he lied about his age. ;o)

  84. fizXgirl314 says:

    oh come on… is this illegal? What is with this society? I’m actually frightened at how the public seems to have this chokehold on peoples’ morality… it’s scary…

  85. kg says:

    he is sleeeeeazy. yuck

  86. spotchecker says:

    for those of you who’d like to read @ the woman who originally posted the craigslist ad that brought all of this on:

    [now if we could just get some cold blooded lesbian w/ ice running through her veins to seduce bachmann, this country could get rid of a lot of other problems all at one time]

  87. TaylorB says:


    It is not illegal for an adult to do this, nor should it be, but if you don’t want the general public to see this stuff because you are married, or a hypocrital politician/reverand/pundit etc. running about shaming everyone else for their ‘lack of morals’ it is probably wise to not post this kind of stuff on the web. If on the other hand you don’t care who sees it, by all means post to your hearts content.

  88. MSat says:

    Here’s the thing. If you roll with the political party that is supposedly founded on moral superiority and “family values,” you better pray you don’t get caught with your pants down.

    If you run for office on a platform of protecting the sanctity of marriage and trying to save the morals of the plebians who vote you in, you may want to find another way to spend your down time.

    Just a thought.

  89. fizXgirl314 says:

    jeez, the man just did some internet flirting… we can’t penalize him for something he hasn’t yet done (ie: commit adultery)… that’s like saying you can’t even THINK about killing someone… I mean seriously, what is this country coming to?

  90. original kate says:

    harassing a woman? hmmm…that’s not how the GOP usually rolls.

  91. craigc says:


  92. truthzbetta says:

    Strange line at the end by the journalist, tipping off that they are all in the same party. You’d never have gotten that snark and obvious anti-GOP slant from a real journalist like Brokaw only a few years ago, esp when we’ve got real stories going on. It’s a blip of a story regardless, but what’s supposed to be the non-editorial journalism is actually one-sided, one party line nonsense now. No credibility.

    However, this clown is getting what he deserves. He does need to be off the public dole just for being that dumb. It’s close to funny, ‘cept for his poor kids and wife.

  93. Patricia says:

    I just !!!LOVE!!! that stupid picture of him – what a f***ing moron.

    People who throw stones should not live in glass houses…

    he is all up in everyone else’s morality – voting against abortion and against gays in the military and look what this jackass is doing in his private life…

    No I do not what this trash in public office –

    if he cannot overcome the temptation to do this shameless BS how can he handle the temptations that a public office presents?

  94. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    The republican party was NOT founded on being the dictators of morality. The party was originally founded on being fiscally conservative and having the government LESS involved….and that people have unalienable rights.

    HOWEVER, that is not necessarily what many current republican politicians practice and/or preach. That is very unfortunate….so very, very unfortunate.

  95. CeeCee says:

    HAHAHHAHAHAAHAAAA OH OH HAHAHAAAAA! Pure gold uplifting me on a Friday at work. Ahhh so many db’s in this world

  96. jzhz says:

    this explains the “40 year-old” guys I see online. They’re all in their late 40’s to 50’s. It’s not that men are aging badly, it’s that they’re lying about their age!

    What a moron.

  97. Susan Cole Highland Texas says:

    Good grief. He did something stupid, but not horrible. He should not have resigned. He didn’t do anything wrong.

  98. Trashaddict says:

    And this little exercise in rampant stupidity serves to underline why Republicans should not be Presidents.

  99. telesma says:

    I think there is more to the story. There are a number of other Republicans who should have been forced out if it were solely due to sexual behavior. David Vitter has been caught how many times with hookers? And he’s still pretty high up in the pecking order. No one is forcing him out.

    As for Democrats not forcing cheating husbands out…well, that might be because Democrats don’t go around pretending to “defend” “traditional values”, “marriage”, and “family” and wag their fingers at sexual behavior that doesn’t fit their neat little framework like these creeps do, so it’s not this big explosion of hypocrisy and shattered expectations when one of them gets caught with their pants down.