Kat Von D got a tattoo of Jesse James’ face right before their breakup

I don’t watch L.A. Ink but I remember seeing a clip where Kat got a tattoo of a coworker’s face on her thigh. (That was in an episode from 2008) Kat has her mother’s face on her back shoulder, her sister’s face on an arm, and her ex husband’s face on a leg. She has so many tattoos now that it’s hard to see where she’d have space for more. As part of the plot for the upcoming season of L.A. Ink, Kat got another face, her then-lover Jesse James’ fifth grade school photo, underneath her armpit. The scenario was basically the same as when she had her friend Pixie’s face tattooed on her – she did it as a surprise and then caught Jesse’s reaction for the show. He seemed ok with it, called her crazy and told her he loved her. (That clip is above.) Kat and Jesse are of course kaput now, making this season opener for L.A. Ink all the more mock-worthy.

Kat Von D and Jesse James may have broken off their engagement, but she has one thing from the relationship that is going to be really hard to get rid of – a tattoo of his face!

In the sneak peek of the season premiere of LA INk obtained by RadarOnline.com, Kat surprises Jesse with a tattoo on her left side that is his face from a childhood school photo.

“I’m getting his face tattooed on me and I have no idea how he’s going to react,” Kat says in the clip.

When Jesse arrives at her tattoo shop he jokes “I feel like I’m in court,” as Kat tells him she’s nervous about giving him his “surprise.”

He seems happy with her new ink – saying “you’re crazy,” but ultimately telling Kat “yeah” he loves it, and “I love you.”

Perhaps foreshadowing the future, Kat says she was scared about Jesse’s reaction. “I thought you were going to tell me you were breaking up with me.”

[From Radar Online]

All I can do is point and laugh. In Kat’s case she has so much ink all over her body that it’s probably easy enough to ignore a few faces of her exes, though. It’s not like someone with a handful of tattoos getting stuck with a big photo of their ex on their body – she has hundreds.

Radar has a follow-up article about how a supposed eyewitness heard Kat and Jesse fighting outside her house. She was overheard accusing him of cheating on her. This is of course a very predictable outcome given Jesse’s well documented history. I hope that Kat is the one who leaked this story to Radar so that she could get her side of the story out. Again, pointing and laughing.





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57 Responses to “Kat Von D got a tattoo of Jesse James’ face right before their breakup”

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  1. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    Stupid move. However Kat can do awesome stuff to cover it up. I love reinvented tats.

  2. Jezi says:

    Getting a tattoo of anyone other than family members and children is just setting yourself up for a break up. It’s what happens…you get the tattoo and then the relationship is doomed. LOL. I find it hysterical.

  3. tapioca says:

    Given how classy these 2 are, I was almost expecting it to be of his old chap standing to attention.

    My friend spent £20 having her boyfriend’s name on her ankle, and over £1000 lasering it off when they split. That’s a week in the Bahamas!

  4. The Truth Fairy says:

    I cannot stop laughing. Thanks guys!

    Edit: I just watched the video and I have a few observations:

    1. Kat Von D is a man
    2. Jesse is so not into “her”
    3. Jesse is disgusting and he has shifty eyes
    4. Kat is a serious coke head

    We should all be thankful they never procreated with each other.

  5. Quest says:

    That’s ex # what tattoo on Kat…Jesse should have seen the writing sorry “tattoo”on the wall, ah mean “Kat”

  6. lucy2 says:

    Ha ha ha dumbass.

  7. trtgfc17 says:


  8. madpoe says:

    Is it too soon to drop to the ground, roll around with manical laughter and tears coming out my eyes? cos that’s too funny.

  9. Kimbob says:

    Wow….yeah, that’s klassy w/a “K!” I just don’t like tatoos. No offense to anyone that has them (your right), but I just believe the human body is beautiful & perfect as-is. Can’t improve upon perfection. Also, I’ve always wondered that they’ll look like, really bad when one gets older, skin becomes saggy…think I’ve said enough.

    Thanks for providing the video…kinda sad in a way. Kat seems like she really was into Jesse (UGH), but she looked like a little puppy so trying to please Jesse. He probably did run around on her…it’s not like she didn’t know what she was getting into!

  10. dread pirate cuervo says:

    HAHAHA!!! I love tattoos but I’m not a fan of portraits. But if she wanted a tat of a dude she’s no longer banging, it should’ve been Nikki Sixx. At least he has the hot.

  11. Motor35 says:

    wow. she is really pathetic! (they BOTH are) her squealing and awkward dancing around is really, really bizarre! or is she just on coke or speed?
    and her face-work is AWFUL! she used to be kinda cute….

  12. Raised Brow says:

    I kinda feel sorry for her. {shrugs}

  13. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    She should have let everyone know how they really feel and gotten the hitler ‘stache tattooed across lil Jesse’s face since they’re both anti-semitic f*cktards.

    @Jezi, I’ve been with my husband for 15 years (since I was 16). We’ve been married 6 years. Our children are a permanent reminder of him (when he’s out and/or working) and his tattoo is a permanent reminder of me when he’s not with his family. Plus, if divorce is in our future, his new girlfriend would have to see my name and “my girl, my life, my wife” everytime she looked at his leg 😉

  14. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    Whose JJ gonna date next, Paris Hilton?

  15. Ahem says:

    He kisses her with his eyes open…eh

    I think no matter who he dates, he’s more into himself.

    Once a cheat…

  16. ladybert62 says:

    I hate tattoos and especially this many and especially on a woman – a walking freak show they both are.

    So he cheated on her! My, how original. She got him by his cheating on Sandra – what- she thought he would not follow that well-worn path with his zipper down? What a dummy.

  17. N.D. says:

    She’s so not cool. I mean not tough, not independent, not confident about herself. She’s acting around Jesse like an early teens girl who got turned on by a boy for the first time. And he didn’t seem amused at all.

  18. stat says:

    @ the truth fairy – agree on all four points! hee hee

  19. Sue says:

    Didn’t Kat cheat on her ex husband?

  20. Annaloo says:

    Kat Von D reminds me of the smart, creative friend who disappeared bc she fell in love and went all Snow White with some guy, and then was screwed over.

    As a friend, I’d totally get her to a whiskey bar and give her a hug.

  21. Praise St. Angie! says:

    um, I’m gonna say that he DEF didn’t like it…the fact that he was sort of “speechless” when he first saw it tells me that he was trying to figure out how to cover his “oh, shit…” initial reaction.

    but how are you gonna react when all the cameras are there? with her going “do you like it? do you love it?” she tried SO hard to coax a positive reaction from him when you can clearly see he wasn’t so happy about it.

  22. Thea says:

    Maybe she got the tattoo to remind her of the train wreck she just missed climbing onto. He is so vile and disgusting. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

  23. Sunshine Daze says:

    Getting a face is a little worse than getting a name tattooed on you. With a name you can draw a design around it to cover it up. I’m surprised these two broke up before the wedding, because I was giving the marriage at least 3-6 months before they annulled it or got divorced. After the way Jesse talked about Sandra Bullock (and said how it was HER fault that he cheated), I don’t see how any woman would want to marry him.

  24. Hautie says:

    He cheated? Say it isn’t so. I just can’t believe it!

    Geez he was a notorious cheater when you hooked up with him.

    Did you really buy that line of crap that he cheated on his wife cause he couldn’t get it home.

    He cheated because he wanted to. No matter how big of freak you are in bed. He is always going to run around. Period.

    And men who are notorious cheats are normally prolific liars. Go figure.

  25. Melinda says:

    Hahahahahahaha! Maybe she will turn his face into an ape.

  26. margaritachum says:

    i’m with dread pirate cuervo on this one. it should’ve been nikki sixx.
    i got a big cupcake with a cherry on top with the letter P on the back of my leg that is the initial of my hubs name and it says ” life is sweet” and i got two skulls on my arm with a red heart that represent us too and it says “curiouser and curiouser”.
    he has a crown on his chest with my name on. to each their own i guess but i really wanna point and laugh because everyone saw this coming.

  27. Jackson says:

    Ah well, at least it’s not permanent. Oh, wait…..

  28. Kelly says:

    @dread piratecuervo, @margaritachum – the article says she has a picture of her “ex-husband” tattooed on her leg. That’s Nikki.

  29. margaritachum says:

    @kelly i don’t think she married nikki. i think her ex husband tattoo is the one that is a tattoo artist too. he used to go visit her when she was in miami.

  30. Gagey says:

    I don’t think she cheated on her ex (Oliver Peck). He didn’t like that she turned so Hollywood.

    JJ has said he had a horrible, abusive childhood. Why would he want to look at a picture of himself in 5th grade? Especially when he’s way too cool to be seen in a rainbow shirt!! She is so clueless! 😉

  31. Kelly says:

    @margaritachum – oh, you’re right. Well, maybe she SHOULD have, LOL. They were a matched set, like a salt-and-pepper shaker.

  32. gg says:

    He always seems very disingenuous and shifty.

  33. REALIST says:

    Why do people tattoo lovers (or even spouses) on to their bodies? Think of Angelina trying to sand off “Billy Bob Forever” or Johnny Depp settling for “Wino Forever.” Sadly, many relationships go awry, but then that broken heart is exacerbated by what to do with the bloody tattoo?
    Worse still, on her face-duhhh. Maybe she can say it’s her godchild or favorite nephew, but not now, CB!

  34. original kate says:

    i’m surprised she didn’t get it on her cootch, but an armpit seems pretty fitting for him.

  35. Motor35 says:

    lolol @ Original Kate! good one!

  36. the original bellaluna says:

    *points, laughs, clutches sides*

    Please tell me this trick didn’t seriously believe a dude with his track record wouldn’t cheat on her.

  37. John Wayne Lives says:

    So she finally caught him cheating oh her. Abrupt end, totally expected. A little sooner than I thought.
    Bet Sandy B. had a lol moment over this announcement 🙂

  38. Onyx XV says:

    Well, that was a well thought-out plan! She’s a genius.

  39. endoplasmic_ridiculum says:

    I’m genuinely trying to figure out what he has that attracts all these women… there must be something despite his greasy pony-tail and shifty, beady eyes… Does he come accross as virile?

    Any ideas?

  40. Thea says:

    Supposedly he has a large “appendage”. I am sorry but I dont care if it is covered in Godiva chocolate and 12 inches long. You eventually have to get out of bed, and I cant stand looking at him. Let alone …..well you know. And he cant even carry on a conversation longer than five words. And the voice. He probably screams like a girl when he comes and does the Nazi salute. Gag. Now I am sick to my stomach.

  41. nanster says:

    @Thea – hilarious! LOL

    @Kimbob – agreed!

  42. Lisa Turtle says:

    Um, this is the first clip I’ve seen of Kat Von D. I was struck by how awkward and goofy her voice and personality are. She makes these horrible ungainly guffaw sounds. Call me crazy, but she almost pulls off that tatted up look. She really styles herself in a way that goes with her tattoos, and even though she has so many, they seem to be well done, sort of going with the curvature of her body. (I would never get tats like that, but she goes for the look and achieves it – in my opinion)

    However, her voice, her mannerisms, her guffawing “Baaaaabe?! I don’t know! How is it going?!” GUFFAW. “I starttted frrrreakin out” — so unattractive. Every statement ends with the voice rising as if it were a question. Really ruins her “tough” look too. She gives off the presence of an awful teenage guffawing mess. Which explains her choice of boyfriend/fiance/ex.

  43. Kelly says:

    @Lisa Turtle – I used to watch LA Ink occasionally (back in the Corey days – what DRAMA, LOL), mostly for her voice. She sounds like a Valley Girl drag queen.

  44. sapphire says:

    “Point and Laugh” for days! I wonder if she needed a crystal ball to figure out how this would end?

  45. kira says:

    Yep, who knew the relationship with a NAZI-banging, serial cheater would end so soon? Shocking. Well, the relationship may be over– but the tattoo–now that’s forever! 🙂

    FYI, Kat was on Good Day LA this morning with a clip of her show, which featured Jesse James. The morning news person asked her about the break-up (How DARE she?), and Kat pulled a Paris Hilton, and stormed off. Now, she’s tweeting about “disrespect” and whatnot. Looks like someone is creating some drama for her show? Who knows what’s real with all these famewhores, anymore? 😉

  46. tim says:

    The good thing about sex addiction, like most addictions, is that eventually it will kill a person. Maybe Jesse will look at some hot chick and drive into a wall. This would be positive for this world. One less creep taking up oxygen and contributing to global warming. I’m going to enjoy seeing how Jesse reaches the final states of sex addiction.

  47. KO says:

    Ugh, she used to be chill and cool. Wtf happened? 🙁

  48. Sami says:

    Can’t stand her stupid voice. Did she think she was more special than Sandra Bullock? JJ will never be loyal to anyone but himself and his wants. Kat is an idiot, borderline retarded.

  49. dahlia1947 says:

    When episodes finally air for these reality shows they (episodes) are already 6 mos old. All of them the Housewives series, Kat’s show.

    She didn’t JUST get it a week ago. They don’t put shows on that quick.

  50. June says:

    I didnt expect him to have a ‘funny’ voice… it’s like David Beckham’s voice almost

  51. Elizabeth says:

    Now everybody needs to take a good step back – you’ll hurt yourselves if you keep laughing like that! And then you’ll fall over and it will snowball into something terrible!

  52. Tuatara says:

    I think he didn’t like the pic she chose. He is not the kind of guy that enjoys a surprise.

    And @Lisa Turtle — cosign. She’s very teenagery and trying WAY to hard to please.

  53. Camille says:

    I mentioned this (about the tattoo of JJ) on their break up thread yesterday and yes it is hilarious. 😀

  54. Eryn says:

    I watched the first season of her show. She struck me as one of those naively sweet girls who runs with relationships full speed ahead, and just never learns from it.

    And I remember her talking about other tattoos she has like the Jesse face tat, and I vaguely recall that she was okay with having tattoos of people who are no longer in her life. To each their own.

    I know she’s unpopular, but I can’t help but like her. I’m really glad they broke up before they got married.

  55. Cirque28 says:

    Poor Kat VD. She probably needs to lay off the white stuff, lay off the fellas, and spend many years in therapy.

  56. Charlotte says:

    hahahahahahahahahaha! He just stands there like an incoherent barnyard animal and she’s giggling and nervous like a 6 year old trying to keep calm before getting on a roller coaster for the first time. These two are ridiculous as hell.

  57. Vickyb says:

    I’ve never seen LA Ink and haven’t ever seen an interview with either of them (obviously I know how they are though!). But I just watched that video and she is intensely irritating, and pissed me off in two seconds flat. And he is just a mouth-breathing idiot – he doesn’t seem like one who’s much with the intelligence. At least when they were together the rest of the world was safer!! Now they’re on the prowl again – ugh.