Lindsay Lohan wore out her welcome at “Ugly Betty”

Lindsay Lohan at the premiere of “Filth and Wisdom in Manhattan. Photo credit: WENN.
Lindsay Lohan has been talking about how much fun she’s had working with the cast at the ABC hit show “Ugly Betty” in a guest star role over the last two seasons. But sources say the feeling isn’t mutual. The cast and crew at the show are so fed up with Lindsay, her habits, and the havoc she wreaks on set, they’ve cut the number of appearances this season from six to four. Meanwhile, Linsday’s defenders are saying that the show’s star, America Ferrera, is the real diva and was “mean” to Linsday.

IT got so ugly on the set of “Ugly Betty” between Lindsay Lohan and the popular ABC show’s star, America Ferrera, that Lohan was cut from an agreed-upon six episodes to four.

One production source said, “It was a mess. Lindsay would show up every day with an entourage of people. She smoked 24/7, and after she left, they had to repaint her dressing room it was such a mess.”

In addition, Lohan “would obsessively cut pictures of herself out of the tabloids like she was creating some sort of scrapbook and refused to go on set until America was there – it was a power play.”

One episode, titled “Granny Pants,” was about how Lohan, playing Betty’s high school nemesis, would “de-pants” Ferrera. But Ferrera exacts her revenge and pulls down Lohan’s pants instead. “Lindsay wasn’t wearing any underwear,” the source said.

But a Lohan pal fumed, “Bull [bleep]! Lindsay wears underwear all the time now. She was wearing a G-string. And it was America’s fault. They were rehearsing the scene and America wasn’t supposed to pull Lindsay’s pants down – but she did. Lindsay was so embarrassed, she started crying.”

As for the dressing room, Lohan’s pal said it was also used by the cast of the Fox sci-fi thriller “Fringe.” “So maybe they messed it up. And an entourage? Yeah, she had her sober companion with her, as well as her manager, assistant and [girlfriend] Samantha Ronson. Her publicist was there a couple of times. But so what?”

The pal blames Ferrera for any issues, saying, “America was mean to Lindsay. Producers give her too much power. Lindsay didn’t do the last two episodes because America didn’t like her and got her kicked off.”

Ferrera’s rep would only say, “America is grateful to have had her on the show and thinks everyone should tune in to see how great the episodes are.”

Lohan’s rep said, “Lindsay was scheduled for six episodes and is appearing in four but had a lovely time.

[From Page Six]

Based on everything I’ve read and seen of America Ferrera, I can’t imagine her being mean or instigating a “power play” with anyone. Conversely, there are endless interviews and stories of Lindsay talking smack about other actresses- including those she’s never even met. Pretty much every female peer she’s worked with has tales of Lindsay’s snotty behavior, from Megan Fox to the cast of “That 70’s Show.” If I had to pick which one was the “mean” girl, it wouldn’t be hard to do. It’s too bad that after all she’s been through, Lindsay still can’t seem to understand that her attitude and treatment of people will continue to negatively effect both her image and her ability to get work. “Ugly Betty” may be a TV show, but it’s a high profile one that a lot of people watch. This could have been a great opportunity for her to kick-start her career and win back some acting cred- but instead, her antics are getting more attention, as usual.

Photos of Lindsay Lohan and America Ferrera on the set of “Ugly Betty” on Sept. 10, 2008 from PRPhotos. Photos of America and Lindsay at the premiere of “Filth and Wisdom” from WENN.

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18 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan wore out her welcome at “Ugly Betty””

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  1. Kaiser says:

    Yeah, Team America. I had high hopes that Linds was back to some kind of professionalism, but I guess not.

  2. Murmur says:

    Mean self-centeredness is inbred in her. Look at who her parents are.

  3. Anoneemouse says:

    Considering a sitcom is the only offer she’s had at acting lately, she’s not learning anything. Maybe when she has to shop for shoes at Payless, she’ll finally wake up and get it. I don’t think she’s pretty or anything worth looking at lately since she’s turned into a lesbian and all of the news about her attitude really portrays her as a very ugly person. Maybe she’ll clip this comment to put in her “scrapbook.”

  4. Kate says:

    She finished filming Ugly Betty a month ago.She didnt had anymore episodes,i have a feeling this is all to stir some interest in the show.As i said yesterday,Lindsay has become a basket case for everybody to hit.

  5. czarina says:

    More than just the people who watch the show, this was a chance for Lindsay to re-establish her reputation in the industry. Actresses who are known as pains-in-the-butt don’t get jobs (unless they are so amazing or so popular, that they can get away with bad attitude and rudeness…but even then, it only takes one slip for a “diva” to lose credibility…look what happened to Mike Myers after his last flop?)
    It’s too bad that Lindsay is taking so long to grow up…by the time reality hits her, she won’t have any career to try to salvage.

  6. Syko says:

    I had to laugh – over on AOL where they like to use teasers to get you to pull up the article (they get more like the National Enquirer every day), the headline is “A-List Actress Cut from TV Show.” Since when is Lindsay A-List? Or an actress, for that matter?

    I have trouble believing that Lindsay would be mortified from having her pants pulled down while wearing a g-string when she’s flashed her crotch so many times we could probably all draw a picture of it.

    I’m tired of the Lohans.

  7. ShouldaWouldaCoulda says:

    How’s the scrapbook coming along, Kate?

    Why am I not surprised with this? Hats off to America who calls it like it is.

  8. elisha says:

    Believe it or not, America is quite the diva. Remember the video where her and Blake Lively are promoting SOTTP2 and Blake gets asked about Gossip Girl? YIKES! Lookout for America!

  9. ff says:

    How likely is it given that this isn’t the first time Lindsey’s alienated a cast and crew, that it’s suddenly America Ferrera who’s being the meanie?

    Is there no depth to which this scrag-end won’t stoop? 🙄

  10. Mairead says:

    Aaaaaaamericaaaa…. Aaaaaaamericaaaaa… America.. F*ck yeah!! 😆 😆 😆

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

    I could see America putting her foot down if someone was being an arse – but as for booting Lindsay off the programme, which would mean cutting two shows, which would mean either drastically rewriting two shows or writing two more to fill in the run? I have my doubts.

    Edit – I was thinking of the whole eye-rolling thing, but perhaps there was something else in there like they;d agreed not to mention their respective shows during interviews for the travelling pants film?

  11. Kate says:

    How’s the scrapbook coming along, Kate?

    I dont understand sorry English is not my first language.So all the statements America and all the rest made that Lindsay was great and nice in the set was all bull?Well if its true Lindsay has ruined her chances.But i still believe she is too easily blamed now,and she hasnt answered back at anything lately,in so many negative stories.She should move out of the Us.

  12. whatevs says:

    “Lindsay wears underwear all the time now!” She’s like, TOTALLY a changed woman.

  13. devilgirl says:

    Lets face it, Lohan cannot act, she cannot sing and she cannot be a humble, decent person. I watch Ugly Betty , but stopped when I knew Lowlifehan would be guesting. She ruins everything she is in. I like her friend blaming the cast of Fringe for messing up the dressing room. Can she and her loser entourage accept blame for anything they do?

  14. JaundiceMachine says:

    Mairead – I was thinking the same thing. TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE. Love it!

    Lohan, Lohan, Lohan. What are we going to do with your crispy hair and crusty skin? She used to be such a beauty before her ego got the better of her. Maybe if she put down the medicinal white powder and focused on her surroundings instead of herself . . .

  15. KatyAlia says:

    Elisha caught it first: A.F. is obviously impatient with whoever she deems inferiour.

  16. jennifer says:

    The only thing that surprises me about this story is that someone would be surprised by this story… 🙄

  17. vdantev says:

    Probably had to fumigate and re-upholster all the chairs after she left to get the smell out. 😆

  18. enchantress says:

    I thought that was a picture of Madonna when I first saw the header photo. YIKES! Linds is looking beat 😯