Dakota Fanning gives us another reason to like her

Dakota Fanning doesn’t see the need to grow up fast. She enjoys the process of growing up, but is happy to take her time doing it. Dakota is 14-years old and while she seems infinitely more mature than the examples of fourteen we’ve seen coming out of Hollywood for years, she’s also exactly what every mother wants her fourteen year old to emulate.

The 14-year-old actress – who can be seen starring alongside Jennifer Hudson and Alicia Keys in new movie ‘The Secret Life of Bees’ – admits she is excited about growing up, but doesn’t want to rush into anything.

She said: “There’s always the experimenting with make-up and the fun part of it, but there’s no need to grow up any faster than I will, you know? I think the dating side of things happens all at the right time. And I look forward to that part of my life.”

[From Female First]

It’s amazing how refreshing it is to hear that in this world of Mileys, Lohans and Jamie Lynns. She’s a far superior actress with a far superior upbringing it would seem. And this is why Fanning will be winning Oscars while the rest of them will either fade into obscurity or be playing the Kim Cattrall character in the Cinemax version of Sex and the City: The Next Generation.

She added to the USA Today newspaper: “I won’t be able to play the same roles as I did when I was six or nine. I’ll be 15 in February, and as I get older, the roles will inevitably change. I look forward to that.

“I know what I was meant to do and what I want to do and what I love to do. I feel at home.”

[From Female First]

Miley Cyrus says the same thing, but she’s talking about the celebrity, not the art. Ali Lohan says the same thing, but she’s talking about the attention, not the responsibility. Since she was very young, Dakota Fanning has known what she’s doing and loved it. All of it, the work even more so than the adulation and compensation. Recent reports that she was a primadonna on set were refuted by the director, and she participates in school activities like a normal kid, no private tutors and no boyfriends over 18 moving in, which makes her just about flawless. She better be careful or that tide is going to turn. You know what happens when someone is too likeable.

Dakota Fanning is shown at a double Hollywood Star award ceremony for husband and wife producer/directors Richard Donner and Lauren Shuler Donner on 10/16/08. Credit: WENN

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24 Responses to “Dakota Fanning gives us another reason to like her”

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  1. Lauri says:

    Intelligent and insightful. She so reminds of Jodie Foster at that age. I think she may be just as talented, as well.

  2. Alecto says:

    Absolutely beautiful in a completely natural way. She doesn’t need the pound of makeup to look beautifully fake. She’s like the girl we all went to school with that all the guys were in love with and all the girls wanted to be friends with.

  3. Bodhi says:

    LOVE her! She is a true class act & I hope she stays that way

  4. Murmur says:

    She is a million miles apart from Ali Lohan and Miley the Slut.

  5. brianne says:

    oh my gosh, I am sooo in love with her shoes!! she’s great too, but all I’m looking at in these pics are her fabulous feet!

  6. daisy424 says:

    She sounds like her folks are raising her right. Cute kid, good actress.

  7. kate says:

    cute girl with a good head on her shoudlers. seems like she is being brought up very well, unlike so many others in her age group. good for her.

  8. gia says:

    she looks adorable here & age appropriate…how refreshing!

  9. Megan says:

    She’s dressed very appropriately for her age, something we never see any more!

  10. Enonymous says:

    What a beautiful young lady, she really looks like she does not need any make-up at all (other then the fact that she is only 14 anyway).

  11. Rosanna says:

    She sounds likeable and stuff. But she also sounds OLD. I wouldn’t want to see her this serious now just to behave like a teen in her 30s.

  12. Feebee says:

    A breath of fresh air. Long may she stay grounded and normal.

  13. jess says:

    she is the same age as ali lohan! wow!

  14. Codzilla says:

    jess: Hard to imagine, isn’t it?

  15. vdantev says:

    So refreshing to see a level-headed professional young actress these days.

  16. julia says:

    She is just fabulous…. no leggings, no cigarettes, no crotch shots, no stupid headbands, no dreadful peace signs with her hands, no smirking, no coffee cup, no leaked shots she took with her own camera, and a good bit more self-introspection than most 24 year olds I’ve known (myself included)…. Just lovely

  17. Eileen says:

    Someone I can show pictures to my daughter without worrying! Adorable -and you can tell in 5 years she’s going to be a knockout. Here’s hoping she can keep the bar set high and miss the stage all the other invitably fall into!

  18. aspen says:

    She doesn’t sound like a diva to me! She sounds like a very NORMAL and intelligent kid. Her parents have obviously tended to her well.

  19. lanette says:

    pretty dress

  20. Buttercup says:

    She’s very pretty and I love how she is dressed age appropriately. I hope she never goes the way of the Spears, Lohans etc of the world. What a shame that would be.

  21. TM says:

    She somehow reminds me of Kate Winslet…now,why is that??? Nways I absolutely love Kate and I do like Dakota too 🙂

  22. Alexa says:

    She reminds me of Brooke Shields. Not physically, but Brooke has always had a good head on her shoulders and has always been a pretty wholesome girl – in spite of taking on some contraversial acting roles at a young age that dealt with mature situations. Brooke remained a well-grounded normal girl who just happened to be exceptionally bright for her age.

  23. brista says:

    I like that her experimenting is with make up, not with booze or drugs or crotchless panties.

  24. WTF?!?! says:

    As if I needed another reason to like her.
    A Jodie Foster-esque, well-adjusted, bright and amazingly talented kid pops up once every generation or so (Ron Howard is another example).
    Fanning’s this gen’s.
    I hope all good things come to her.

    Loving the frock, too.